This amazes me.
One day, one rhyme- Day 1944
I’m creating a pile of words
To catch me when I fall.
They’re growing and they’re spreading out
A quite impressive haul.
Nice soft ones with rounded edges
That are easy to say,
That flow quite gently off the tongue
And sound a pleasant way,
A nice springy hill to halt me
From flailing through the air,
Though I know the fall is coming,
I find that I don’t care.
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Be still my heart
I know that You are God.
Of Dirt and Grace
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My beliefs
My beliefs as an individual:
- [ ] I am not worthy of any form of love
- [ ] I am worthy of loneliness, shame, and humiliation
- [ ] I am worthy of pain
- [ ] I accept defeats and failures because whatever I do, I am and will always be a failure
- [ ] I believe that it is a someone's loss to love me because (just read the very first belief)
- [ ] I am a sinner and will always be a sinner
- [ ] I will never be forgiven
- [ ] I am a piece of nothing
- [ ] I am a fool
- [ ] I am a trash
- [ ] I am selfish
- [ ] I am not in the option list
- [ ] I am weak
- [ ] I don't give my best because I am not the best and I will never be the best and i don't have that "best" to show off to the world
- [ ] I am REALLY a Waste
- [ ] I am a shame
- [ ] I am ugly holistically, honestly. I know myself better that you.
- [ ] I am a liar telling people i have something to show off
- [ ] I hate drama because this is the real me
- [ ] I doubt my faith
- [ ] I want to die in my own hands
- [ ] I want to do it now
- [ ] I am LemonYellowJojo, my presence is such an ACCIDENT in this world.
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Let’s explore Bacolod’s bookstores this summer to look for these treasures! 
10 Books Recommended by President Barack Obama
Last year President Barack Obama shared with WIRED magazine a list of 10 books he highly recommends. These are the books. (Click the links for descriptions.)  - The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln - Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-63 by Taylor Branch - The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert A. Caro - The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin - Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American by Richard S. Tedlow - Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari - Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - In Dubious Battle by John Steinbeck - Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert Have your read any of these? What are you thoughts on this list? 
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"All" By Bei Dao
Poem translated from Chinese by Donald Finkel & Xueliang Chen
All is fated,
all is cloudy,
 all an endless beginning,
all a search for what vanishes,
 all joys grave,
all griefs tearless,
 every speech a repetition,
every meeting a first encounter,
 all love buried in the heart,
all history prisoned in a dream,
 all hope hedged with doubt,
all faith drowned in lamentation.
 Every explosion heralds an instant of stillness,
every death reverberates forever.
What does this poem mean?
Simply,  The repetition of "all" supports the idea that what we experience in our lives is unavoidable, and is simply a normal everyday event; In addition,   despite the tragic and depressing events experienced in our reality, their is still some sort of positive result or outcome.
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Hoping that i will be one of the winners 😊
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away ten vintage paperback classics by Albert Camus, Franz Kafka, Kate Chopin, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ray Bradbury, and others. Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will randomly choose a winner on March 5, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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So awesome to be here on tumblr. I follow those who love posting literary pieces :) 
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