leggoerespiro · 5 days
My deep dark secret is that I’m team Wille and Simon don’t and won’t ever use pet names for each other ever. It can work in fic, at times, but it never does anything for me. I get why people like it but to me it just doesn’t feel right.
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leggoerespiro · 8 days
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leggoerespiro · 14 days
So real, also the fact that Simon is like extremely confident in his actions with high wilhelm tells a lot
*runs up to you and starts talking very fast*
Do you ever think about how Simon must have been not only very worried when he realized Wilhelm was high off his mind because it’s Wilhelm, but because he’s got the “kid of an addict” trauma? And so seeing anyone he cares about using any sort of substance immediately makes him freak out a bit because of the fear that it’ll happen again and again and one day they’ll end up like his dad and hurt him and leave him, and no longer be themselves? Because every time this happens they’re one step closer and it terrifies him? But he doesn’t say anything because he knows that these people and Wilhelm aren’t like his dad, and he’s worried if he talks about it that they’ll think he’s saying that and get mad at him, but he’s not saying that at all, he’s just scared?And there’s this nagging thought in the back of his head that they will turn out like his dad and he’ll lose it all, all over again?????
*gasps for air*
Do you ever think about that?? Because I do!!!!!
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leggoerespiro · 14 days
Whenever Wille eats one of those pudding cups, he throws the aluminum sealing paper lid in the trash and Simon is scandalized because you need to lick the pudding off of it before throwing it away and Wille can't relate and Simon goes, "Oh you are rich. Now I can see that."
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leggoerespiro · 15 days
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This is the face of someone who knows exactly what he’s doing.
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leggoerespiro · 15 days
i feel like the yr fandom actively chooses to ignore/forget the fact that the forest ridge boys are not saints in the slightest. like they didn’t make fun of wille or treat him any differently after the video because ignoring it was easier than acknowledging his queerness. not because they’re allies.
wilhelm has very powerful social standing and being friends with him/on his good side means that they will be in good social standing too and their future kids will be suitable partners for his kids (aka social climbing into the monarchy). wilhelm being queer and in love with a guy kind of fucks all that over for them. but luckily for them, he denied it so they were able to just pretend it never happened and keep treating him like a bro’s bro to protect themselves.
in all our headcanons, the forest ridge boys are actually good/decent ppl who genuinely respect wilhelm being queer. but canonically we gotta acknowledge the fact that wilhelm’s queerness being actively ignored by the forest ridge boys was not out of allyship, but was more so out of silent homophobia and self-preservation.
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leggoerespiro · 16 days
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he's made of stardust and candy floss when he smiles flowers bloom and fairies are born 🍭🧚🏽‍♀️🌺
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leggoerespiro · 16 days
That feeling when you start crying at your own writing while you write it
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leggoerespiro · 16 days
That feeling when you start crying at your own writing while you write it
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leggoerespiro · 16 days
Simon was actually baffled when Linda grounded him. Like baby what did you think was gonna happen? You sold drugs.
I love how his mind works 💀
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
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he's made of stardust and candy floss when he smiles flowers bloom and fairies are born 🍭🧚🏽‍♀️🌺
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
I think it’s worth mentioning that after the break-up in season three, we see what Wille has learned from the break-up in season two.
He approaches Simon in the library but keeps his distance, trying to hold the balance between telling him the truth (he feels empty) but clearly also struggling to find words that don’t inflict further pain on Simon. He’s trying to be honest but not manipulative.
At the party he doesn’t even approach Simon, even though he sees him. Simon has to go to him first, until Wille, clearly in pain, says yes to forgetting everything for the night. If Simon hasn’t gone up to him, I don’t think Wille would’ve approached him all night.
And then at the graduation, Wille only goes to Simon to say thank you for the song and let him go, repeating what he intended to do at the Valentines ball. He would’ve let Simon go, then and there, if he hadn’t realized that Simon doesn’t actually want to be let go off and that he doesn’t need to be the Crown Prince and can just… be Wille.
No one dare say Wille hasn’t grown or learned.
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
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Wilmon endgame.
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leggoerespiro · 17 days
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leggoerespiro · 18 days
one of the things i love about young royals is that the s1 tagline being “love or duty” leads you to believe this is going to be like all of the other cliche royal/commoner modern romances where the journey ends with wilhelm realizing he can have both
but then the show is actually an interrogation of how the protagonist cannot maintain his role within the monarchy and have a healthy relationship because no one can be a fully realized individual within a hierarchical colonial institution AND coming into queerness is a stepping stone to the self realization that ultimately frees him AND it is actually the antagonist who gets trapped within the monarchy (while also losing love) proving that upholding the power of the ruling class is a narrative punishment instead of a reward… perfect show
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