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Well, I have a small announcement...
This blog "moved" here. It has been pointed to me it would be easier if the Central blog isn't a sideblog, and once I realized it wouldn't be too hard to do so, well you have a new Central blog!
Quick points for the move: the url will change later for both this blog and the new one (so people can see this post); the Verses blogs stay where they are because they are supposed to be sideblogs (and so the new blog just need to link to them); I will rebog all icons/headcanons/arts posts on the new blog as well as follow people.
It's a bit soon after the first move, but oh well. I don't think I'll move again after this so all is good.
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It's never enough. I've always known we had that many threads though~
Don't forget the one we dropped/let end where it was
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      [I can’t believe we have 17 threads. Is it enough? Nah.]
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greyscaledranch I'm having some evil thoughts right now.
Skye is already so sad to see TR!Sato situation. Skye knows about alternates (obviously).
Juuuust imagine the torture for poor Skye if he met some of my other Sato. Accident!Sato and Ex!Sato especially. Darker!Sato for another reason, imagine the moment he realizes he finally met a Sato that is dark(er).
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Reblogging because I added ComfortShippin to the list, and to remind I do have a list of official ship name with my Sato and other Muses~~
Ships name
It just happens that some ships name have been decided, so here is the small list. I’m writing them out of memories, but it can happen that I glitch and forget even though I’ll be like “YEAH” when reminded. So, if I forgot, I’m so sorry and please remind me ;w;
And by all mean if you want you own ship name if we have a romance/ship going on, let’s find one >8D
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Random headcanon after replying to the anon-
So, Satoshi had a crush on Skye at the beggining. In the main storyline (aka the non AU one x)), they grew close friends and Satoshi mostly lost the crush (he kinda forced himself to, since in this storyline Skye has Ash). He sees Skye as more of a brother.
In the Comfortshipping AU though, Satoshi did force himself to not have a crush, but this time because his situation is too dangerous/unstable. Unlike the main verse though, while he does hide it well, he hasn't lost it at all. They did grow close friends too, just like in main verse, but considering in this Skye and Ash aren't together, Satoshi doesn't have a reason to actually not hope for something. And that is most probably why he hasn't lost his crush.
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Satoshi, Pikachu and Lizardon finally managed to think of nicknames for each other, which helps keep Pikachu's identity hidden (and Lizardon too, though with wings in his back it's hard to hide...)
Pikachu is usually called 'Nezumi' (means rat, and yes this is a big No6 reference for those who knows it), and Lizardon 'Liza'. Satoshi when nicknamed by them is Sato for Pikachu and Toshi for Lizardon.
They usually use their nicknames when they're someone else present. Satoshi is alright with letting his name known, since his nicknames are more for his two Pokemon. But Pikachu always intodurce himself as Nezumi, and if they mention Lizardon, they'll say 'Liza'.
Satoshi does have a third nickname, Zero, but only the organization that experimented on him, Shigeru, Pikachu and Lizardon know it. If anyone calls him Zero, he'll know they are with the organization. However, in Golden Eyes Mode, he can call himself Zero. And some rare times, he'll purposefully make rumors of a 'Zero' passing in a town when he tries to shake the organization away from his trail.
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32 Doujin Satoshi Icons (100x100)
Credits: Used this Doujin.
Seriously they make some great icons for Darker!Satoshi or even Golden Mode Ex!Satoshi
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greyscaledranch I then recalled I too wanted to go sleep.
I don't feel sleepy at all.
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I should be sorry but my only mood right now is "YES FINALLY"
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      [I was literally about to head off because I’m hella tired and I sorta wanna watch Lilo & Stitch since I haven’t seen it in so long and I got the DVD today, bUT SOMEBODY HAD TO COME OFF THEIR HIATUS AND GET ME ALL EXCITED-!!]
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Hiatus finished!
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My gosh, has it been long since I wished I could write these words!
But yes, finally, I have finished doing my drafts. Which means, Hiatus go bye bye and Chris and Sato are active again!
However I'm queuing the replies, so not only I'm not taking all the dash, but it allows me to... return slowly. I can guess some replies might be replied to quite quickly, but I should be able to handle it. By all mean though, take the time you need (be it some minutes or some days).
Just to make sure people see it, know also that I reverted to using Japenese names in my rps. See here!
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It's never too late, honestly. Don't worry, you're one of the people I always put into the they'll-be-happy group. You and some others are the reason I'm not totally down. I would eventually be alright if my fear becomes real, but if I can avoid the pain I'll be happier. But it makes me happy to see all the threads I know are waiting to be posted and replied to. I love our interactions~ Me too to be honest the first thing I always do is check your blog
I'm hoping you'll be right, and I guess I'll just have to see... I'm alright now, it's only sometimes that I feel more this feeling -_- Thank you though!
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It's a good thing for him, though hehehehe
That's what I thought, though it was better to check. I'm now wondering if Satoshi actually knows about the 'e' (though I would think since they met Satoshi knew how to spell Skye's name one way or another).
Satoshi is the master of cuteness~ Ciel it will be then! Satoshi will be happy to have learned some Kalosian/French from his mother~~
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        [Satoshi getting too excited about getting a new Pokémon pFFT.
      Oh! Skye and Sky are pronounced the exact same. The ‘e’ is completely silent! That’s actually an issue with Skye since when he says what is name is, people tend to assume it’s spelt Sky and that annoys the hell out of him.
      Noooo, that’s so cute, Satoshi u stop that right now. I’d say Ciel would be the better option since, as I said, Skye and Sky are pronounced the same, so if Satoshi ever called out for one of them, the both of them are gonna look up.]
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Just a little reminder that I recently made this~~!
It won't be a rp blog like Satoshi is, more of a place where I make little IC things about Muses I want to play as but doesn't necessarily have enough inspiration to make a full blog. I'll also probably be quite active on it, and have it my way of staying in shape in terms on writing and Muses while I finish doing drafts on Satoshi.
The Muses there are: Yuuri and Wolfram (Kyo Kara Maoh!), Yukiteru and Akise (Mirai Nikki), Shion and Nezumi (No6), Shiro and Kuroh (K Project). Basically, they're all sets after their respective anime, and sharing a house. They kinda break the fourth wall~
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I'm always worried someone will be offended one day though. But I'm glad if it's not the case. I'm actually almost always online too. I'm lurking around on tumblr, but I can't do much thing you know? I don't want to take the risk to post the done drafts and being overwhelmed again, and I wait evening to post memess. I do plan on coming back, because it's really saddening me to not be able to rp like I used to, it's just taking me so long and I can't escape going through moments of uncertainty. I'm really happy to know you're here though, you can be sure we'll talk more now. Thank you a lot for today.
  Its okay that you forget things. I do it too all the time. But I’m glad to be of help. I’m almost always online so if you do come back I’ll be here okay?
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berylvisionary said: *hugs* i missed you and I miss seeing you on my dash. I know you havent talked to me but yea…
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It's my regret then to have not talked before, because it means a lot to me right now. It's good to know who wants to see me around again.
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Am I missed..? How many people are really waiting for me to be active again?
I'm not that far from finishing my drafts, but maybe I know why I can't seem to manage to find a great writing mood. It happened once to me, and I'm afraid to see it happen again.
I'm so afraid to be active again only to realize I've been forgotten.
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Just a random thought, because I keep seeing the post about Pokemon's weights and Sato picking them up like it's nothing-
What if in the anime world, Pokemon don't weight or are as tall as the game world? Unless I don't remember it, we're never shown in the anime the datas on Pokemon, so we don't really know if the game datas work.
That would certainly explain a lots of things, like how Satoshi can carry what should be heavy, how Lizardons/Charizards are taller than what game datas say, or even giants Pokemons.
A bit like levels, except some episodes, we're never explicity said there's strict level, leveling up and limit. They do try to keep Pokemon using only 4 moves at most in a single battle, though I'm sure there's at least one battle when they break that rule, and that Pokemon seem to know more than 4 moves, even if they don't always use them all in a single battle.
AKA, anime is all crazy, but maybe not in a bad sense.
Because it would also explain why it's so much harder in the anime to be a successful Trainer. No level caps, having to strategize with more than 4 moves, and it's only in the anime that they actually make use of the field and all. I'd like to see anyone try to keep in a Pokemon game some of the strategy from the anime.
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