legacydealt-a · 5 years
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after her month away from her childhood home, rachel was slowly working her way back into the groove of things. now that she’d decided to move back on a more permanent basis, she had the added pressure of finding somewhere to stay. as accomadating as her father had been, and as happy as he was to have her stay with him, the time had come for her to find her own place, and it wasn’t like she could bring someone home to her dad’s house. with the money from her condo in california in her pocket, it should have been easy. well, that’s what she thought until she was digging through the newspaper at the diner, trying to find anything she could even remotely consider. “house hunters makes this shit look so easy…”
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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after all of the excitement of the memorial, the cullen's were finally home and settling in. it'd been a long day, and renesmee had finally calmed down enough to finally fall asleep, so she'd taken the time to clean herself up, and when she came back down the hall, she saw her husband looking in at their daughter, and it warmed her heart. it was funny to think that a year ago she'd thought she'd never have this, and how okay she'd been with that. as long as she had him, nothing else mattered. now, looking back, she couldn't imagine life without her daughter, even with all the chaos that came with her. at her husband's requests, she didn't say a word, simply squeezing his hand and following him out to the living room, watching him curiously as he started the music. as the familiar song flooded the room, she simply gave edward a look as she took his hands, leaning into him as they danced. their lives had been so chaotic, they hadn't had a chance to remember that they were newlyweds, with every moment dedicated to their daughter and protecting their family, it'd fallen into the background. in this moment, they forget it all, only for a moment, and that's all they needed. "i love you, mr. cullen." she replied gently as they moved to the music, her eyes closing so she could try and capture the moment. she never wanted to forget this, the excitement, the happiness and joy, the way it felt to be in her husbands arms and they danced, and the way it felt to be so completely and utterly satisfied. forever was made up of now, and she'd be damned if she let time, or anything else, take this from her. "how did i get so lucky?" 
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  @legacydealt starter for bella ! 
  for once, things had gone in favor of the cullens. the sisters were back, one of the threats that loomed over their daughter was dead. they had their family back and they were safe, for now. edward stood in the doorway, watching his daughter sleep from her crib small smile on his lips. there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for renesmee. hearing his wives footsteps, he looked away smiling softly at her. isabella swan was the best thing that had ever happened to him, she showed him that just because you were created into a monster it didn’t mean you had to become one. she showed him what true love really was and what it meant to be loved recklessly, he gave her everything. he loved her deeply and unconditionally, without limits. he closed the space between them, taking her hand gently in his before saying, “come with me.” he led her to the living room of their small cottage, letting go of her hand just for a moment to start playing a record softly. I’ll be seeing you by billie holiday starts to play, the music filling the small space as edward goes back to his wife pulling her close. leaning his forehead against hers, he sways with her gently around the room arm tight around her waist as his other hand was intertwined with hers. with everything that has happened, they hadn’t time to really be a married couple or have time alone. the battle wasn’t over her knew that but he wanted to take this moment of peace to spend with the women he loved. “I love you, mrs.cullen”, he said softly eyes closed as they danced, “you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.” 
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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Rebekah disappeared into her dressing room, speaking out from behind the curtain.  “I’m reuniting with members of my family, some I haven’t seen for centuries.. so I wanna make sure the outfit is perfect.  You don’t get many chances when it comes to impressing brothers.” She added smoothing out the skirt, and double checking herself in the mirror before stepping out, “What do you think? suitable for a family reunion.”  
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Sirius sat patiently as she went into the dressing room to change, reaching into his pocket to shut off his phone. He wanted to give the blonde vampire his full attention for the evening, or at least, for as long as she'd have him. When she finally emerged from the dressing room, he certainly wasn't disappointed. He listened carefully as she explained her plight, and he nodded along. "I think it looks perfect, but maybe that's just because of the beautiful woman wearing it."  he mused. "Either way, I think it's entirely suitable for such an momentous occasion."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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“But why, love isn’t easy, if it was I think there would be a lot less divorce and seperation… so just breathe and explain.” As she went on Afton felt his heart break into several pieces.  “Jane…” He knew his family was still there, he hoped none of them caught his morning routine when they were dead and gone and he and Corin were left standing.  “We all went through hell Jane, we  suffered and some of us didn’t think we’d make it but we did.  We are here, and honestly some would say that is worst cause you have to face your worst case scenarios and I know that sucks but life isn’t the easy part.”
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"Don't ask why, I'm sure Corin has already told you." she replied, her tone a bit sadder at the thought. She'd watched the two of them grow close over the past six months, stuck together in the tragedy they had both endured. She'd been grateful that they had each other, that neither of them had to go through it alone, but now that she needed someone to vent to, someone to confide in, she felt like she couldn't with Afton. " Death isn't easy either, Afton. Things are different now, and I'd hoped they'd be for the better.... but just because things changed, doesn't mean everything has, and if Corin can't accept that... then we're done."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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                     SHE  COULD  FEEL  HERSELF  BLINKING  AT  his  admittance  of  the  straw’s  unplastic-like  origin  .      ❝  oh  ,  ❞      is  pretty  much  the  only  thing  that  leaves  her  lips  .      ❝  then  i  guess  i  should  probably  apologize  for  my  assault  before  you  call  the  nearest  insane  asylum  .  ❞      a  hand  leans  against  the  table , steadying  herself  as  her  eyes  drift  to  the  cut  up  straw  in  the  drink  .  guilt  was  slowly  eating  at  her  and  she  could  feel  herself  begin  to  sweat  out  of  embarrassment  .      ❝  i’m  sorry  for  ruining  your  milkshake  .  could  i  buy  you  another  one  ?  ❞      matilda  glanced  around  for  the  nearest  waitress  as  the  boy  sat  in  silence  .  probably  too  awestruck  at  her  bizarre  actions  .  her  head  whips  back  to  him   .      ❝  i  know  that  .  i  know  it’s  not  intentional  .  it’s  just  …  the  less  plastic , the  better  , right  ?  can  i  join  you  ?  ❞
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atticus almost laughed at her response to the reveal that the straw she had so prematurely executed wasn't destined to be a sea turtle assassin, but he did offer her a small smile. normally he found embarrassment annoying, irritating, but on her it was amusing, almost endearing. "i think we can keep this our little secret, unless you want me to call the men in white coats?" he teased, trying to ease the noticable guilt weighing on her. it was all fun and games until someone felt like shit, and he didn't want that for her. she may have been overzealous, but she wasn't a monster. "you don't have to, don't stress about it." the milkshake had more or less been an excuse to sit their without loitering, and as long as the cup sat with the decapitated straw stewing in it, it was still accomplishing that. then she asks to join him, and he's more than a little surprised, but he's far from disappointed by it. " sure, why not. i think i've done my fair share of brooding in silence today anyway."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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the amount of emotion she felt had to be showing on her face. she loved jane, she adored her and yet she was still angry with her. the subject of their argument was still very much on her mind. the last words jane said to her still echoing in corin’s mind. “sorry, i guess i wont waste any more of your time after all of the time you’ve already wasted on me."
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the vampire should have known that comment would come back to bite her, and hearing them thrown back at her, they stung. "bitterness doesn't suit you, corin." she offered her mate, rolling her eyes as if her heart wasn't aching for her. 
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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“Why, when I saw you reuniting before I left with Chelsea… everything looked so well, I just want to help.” Afton stated with a concerned expression.  “You didn’t spend the last six months with her, I saw her mourn you, and trust me that pain isn’t something you easily get over.”
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"Everything was perfect... better than I could have ever imagined and then it all fell apart." Jane replied, faking a deep breath as she tried to keep her tears at bay. She wasn't going to cry anymore, she'd shed too many tears since she came back, and then Afton is trying to reason with her, and she snaps. " No, Afton, I didn't spend the last six months with her like you did. No, I just spent every moment for the last six months watching every mood she made, seeing every tear she shed, all of her sadness, her anger, her loss. I watched her go through the hardest thing I could ever imagine, Afton, and I was unable to do a thing about it. Do you think it was easy? Did you think we just were at peace over there?" her tone is growing more upset with every word, but her anger isn't at him, no, never at him. "Everyone says death is easy... but watching the worst parts of peoples lives unfold... unable to offer any comfort for them... it's torturous."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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Rebekah’s smile was almost instinctual at the others compliment, her eyes glancing the other over with a devious glance.  “Ohh, flattery will get you everywhere.” She chuckled motioning with her finger to have the other come closer, “I need a second opinion and I think you are better then the drab help in this place.” she added with a tone voice that suggested it wasn’t an offer he should turn down or at least attempt to turn down.
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It was impossible to not notice the smile that took over her face at his comment, and it gave him a sense of pride to see it. "Oh?" was all he asked as she beckoned him forward. Her tone said it all, and he certainly didn't want to leave the shop so prematurely, so he found himself a seat, offering her a smile once he settled in. "It'd be my honor."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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  he walked into his brother’s room, moving past atticus to sit at the desk in the room. the pair were close before they got dusted but these past six months that bond only had grown between the two. they had experienced death toghther, watch their brother mourns toghther it was an experience that only the two of them shared. not only that but his little brother had got to meet his late wife, something carson would always be grateful for. he turned the chair, looking over his little brother. it was obvious he was getting as much sleep as carson was, the adjustment to being back in the living taking a toll on both of them. “you know,” he starts, “every time I close my eyes I think I’m back there, it’s only for a second but fuck man I swear I am back on the other side.” the hybrid wasn’t one to talk about his feelings but with his little brother, he felt mroe comfortable. “I just wanted to check on you, I mean this isn’t easy for me so I just wanted to see if..see if you are feeling the same way.”
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atticus watched as his brother sauntered in and found a place to stand. part of him was curious as to what his brother wanted, the other half already knew. he listened silently as his brother explainedhimself, nodding along until he was finished. ,"you'd think coming back from the dead would just be easy. you go back to what you always did, hell, we were only dead for what, six months? we've been alive for over two hundred. living should be easier. living should be so much easier, but instead it's like living in a horror movie." he admitted as he looked over at his brother. it did feel a little bit more liberating knowing he wasn't alone in it, though he wouldn't have wished it on anyone, least of all carson. "i'll adjust." eventually, at least. speaking of adjusting, he cojldn't help but ask "have you spoken to zach?"
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
"and what's wrong with a handsome villian? it worked for the marvel movies." bella asked, raising an eyebrow. with everything going on, she'd hardly had the time to think let alone sit down and watch a non animated disney movie in theaters. she had to be honest though, it felt nice to talk about something either than the danger that surrounded the town at every turn, or of the risks her daughter faced growing up in a world out to get her. "did you like it though? i've been a bit skeptical of their remakes so far."
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“i will give guy ritchie props, aladdin was good. but he made the villan good looking. and i mean really good looking.” that was an understatement. of course jafar had to be younger looking in the live action. “at least they gave him a back story though so that’s a plus.” she could go on and on about the movie. what she liked and what she didn’t..well actually she liked the movie as a whole.
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
Sirius had a penchant for moving faster than he could think, and that was the very thing that led to him stopping one store short of his intended destination. The fact that he had gone into the wrong shop was almost immediatly evident when he saw the wares the shop was carrying, and he was preparing to turn around and leave when the blonde spoke up and grabbed his attention. Turning toward her, he struggled to come up with a response for just a moment. "Oh, um, my apologies, ma'am." Sirius bashfully replied, though, he couldn't help but admire the way she looked in that dress. "You look ravishing by the way."
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Rebekah had compelled herself only time in a boutique,  modeling a dress she wore in their vanity mirrors as she gave herself a light spin.    The bell dinging over the door cause a loud and audible groan to escape from her lips.  “Mallory, I thought I told you to not let anyone in.” She growled spinning around, shooting a murderous glare at the clerk who seemed to be in a daze of reality.  “As you can see the store is closed, now shoooo.” She motioned with her hands.  “I’m busy.”
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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whenever she'd first entered the place, she hadn't heard the vampires offer, and then when she heard the second comment, well, she wasn't going to turn down an offer like that. "don't mind if i do." she replied, sliding into the seat next to the woman. casually reaching over to steal a few fries from her basket and popping them into her mouth, she raised an eyebrow and asked "angela, right?" and before waiting for a response she put out her hand. "rachel black."
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               ‘‘ the seat is completely open ! you look as though you’re looking for somewhere to sit , i’m happy to have the company. ’’ the petite-framed woman continued to stay curled up in the corner of her booth , hands holding tightly onto a new book she had purchased not long before she found herself in the diner. a basket of fries rested next to her soda , two things that she didn’t actually need but something to keep the lingering stares away from her. ‘‘ or you could continue to stand , either or. ’’ she said quietly , eyebrow flicking up on her forehead.
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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“Okay keep that in mind!” He stated really quickly as he took Janes hand, “As I ask a favor as the local best friend of Corin… I have to ask, what is going on between you two?”  
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"Afton..." she started, looking at the vampire as he took her hand. She should have known what was coming next, should have seen it coming a mile away, but she was still caught off guard when he asked about Corin. Pulling her hand back, she evaded the question the only way she could "... Nothing, now." 
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
among the list of people jane had to reconnect with, kol mikaelsom's name had found itself near the top of the list. she didn't care for many people, in fact, she despised most in this town, but the original was one of the exceptions. he held a special place in herheart, and she didn't see that changing anytime soon. "oh kol, ever the charmer." she replied. "i hope you weren't missing me too much."
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there were so many friends that kol had lost for six months and kol was determined to visit them all. it just so happened that a few of them could be found under the same roof. the first person he saw as he walked into the building was jane. “jane, looking at radiant as ever. one would hardly believe you’ve been dead for six months.” @legacydealt
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
ever since their fight, jane had done everything she could to avoid her mate. she timed her comings and goings the best she could, kept her head low, and tried to keep her heartache from making her do something stupid. but this time she'd made a mistake, and she would herself staring at her mate, and felt her chest get a little tighter. god, she was beautiful. she was always so beautiful. then her mate said hello, and as much as she would have loved to run to her, and never let her go, all she could offer was a stiff "corin."
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it wasn’t like she could avoid jane forever and she knew it. not only were they mates and the other half to each other’s soul; they also happened to live under the same roof. when she first saw her mate after their fight corin froze. standing into the middle of the hallway not moving she probably looked so stupid but her head and heart were having a war about if she should run to jane or run away. neither was winning and so she stood. “hey.” she managed after what felt like hours of silence. @legacydealt
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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“Jane, it would be extremely hard for you to ever let me down.. please know that.” Afton replied, he was on cloud nine.  He had his coven restorted, and Chelsea’s etheral presence in his life.  He couldn’t imagine a more perfect situation.  “But if I ever let you down, please don’t be afraid to tell me.”
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"I like to imagine that I won't. You're one of the best of us, Afton... you deserve better." she replied, shaking her head. She didn't want to think about it, not for longer than she had to. "You'll never let me down, Afton, not even if you tried."
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legacydealt-a · 5 years
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for centuries the vampire had bitten her tongue, never airing a single comment against the glue that forced the volturi to remain together. she was civil for the sake of being civil, but this time, when chelsea made the first comment, jane held nothing back. "and here i'd think you'd be desperate for any company seeing as the only person who truly likes you as a person, and not because of your ability or the fact that they are forced to is your husband - or, should i say was?"  raising an eyebrow in the vampire's direction, her anger only grew as she dug the knife in deeper with her near words. "believe me, nothing would make alec, heidi, and i happier than to get as far away from you as possible."
@legacydealt ·゚✧ CHELSEA && JANE
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CHELSEA HAD MANAGED TO FIND A way to ruin her reborn-to-vampire-life high. she was hungry, and frankly, put off. it was about the last time she needed to run into either twin. ❝ don’t you have somewhere to be? ❞ she snarled, unsure at first which one it was. she turned and saw jane. she glared. ❝ isn’t alec somewhere vying for your attention? ❞ she snapped. ❝ you know, you spend so much of it on someone else, he might just up and leave the coven. ❞
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