leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
Even without an explosion tearing her senses apart, Leah often found it difficult to function on a normal daily basis. Rubble was still falling around her and the collar of her letterman jacket was stained maroon from the head injury she had received in the initial blast. While she had been out with Sera, the young teenager still called out for her brother as she tried to make heads or tails out of the chaos she had become trapped in. She had left her phone in Sera's bag out of habit (she didn't like carrying things around with her outside of the tower) so had no access to those she would normally seek out in a crisis. "What --- What's going on?" she cried as she slowly managed to get to her feet. She then, from memory of what she had been taught at the academy, attempted to put out a nearby fire with her hydrokinetic powers -- somewhat failing to do so. "DAMMIT!"
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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Leah normally didn't venture out of Stark Tower, what with the outside world being a daunting and scary place for her, but on this particular day she had made an exception for her best friend. The plan was to catch the subway then go find somewhere to eat, but before they could even board, the place was wracked with a bang loud enough to pop eardrums. Leah was automatically sent into despair as the cries and screams of those around her attacked her ear drums. Her head hurt but she couldn't place when the pain started, though she could feel the warm sensation of blood trickle down the side of her face and neck; she must have been hit in the mayhem. "SERA!" the teenager called through the insanity, her best friend momentarily out of view. "SERA, WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Sera should have seen it coming. She knew there would always be people like her amidst the crowd of New York especially in a subway station, so why the hell did she not spot the one who caused the explosion? She had just gotten on the escalator to head down when it happened and while it didn’t kill her, it did knock her back. She sworn she could have felt the heat from the blast before her back hit the wall, collapsing onto the ground. “What just….” She trailed off as she saw the subway station in ablaze. 
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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"Thanks," Leah offered her best friend a grin. It always made her feel better when Sera accepted and understood the reasonings behind the things she did, or didn't do. "I remember the first time I met him. I can't remember what age I was, but I think I almost broke Abe's hand because I gripped it so hard. He just looked so... overwhelming, like you said. I freaked out and ran," she chuckled. "It's funny now but not back then, sheesh." Leah observed the other's expression as she tried to remember, an eyebrow rose at the small stretch of silence. "Anyone you uh... anyone that you like? I mean, are you going to continue flirting with anyone?"
“I know.” She smiled, turning around so she could face Leah. “And it’s okay that you couldn’t.” Sera wasn’t going to guilt trip her if she couldn’t go, and if Leah had asked for it, the blood manipulator would gladly skip one to spend the night with her. “Deadpool’s overwhelming, and unpredictable… but he’s a nice guy in general.. I think?” As she tried to remember who she flirted with, the grimace on her face grew graver by the second, “I don’t even remember… I think I just flirted with whoever I ran into… Some girls.. Some guys…” Her eyes widened as she recalled talking to Abel at one point - did she flirt with him? “Uh.. yeah.. It’s vague…”
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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"Not exactly, no. He was just... throwing things. Mainly my things, but it doesn't matter. At least it's over now, things will be calmer tomorrow... I hope." It wasn't that Leah didn't like the fact that her brother drank, it was the fact that he was slightly less capable of controlling himself or his actions when intoxicated, and that had always put her on edge. "I am into being sociable? I mean, talking to you counts... right? It's just on a larger scale that makes it more complicated. Four --- that's a lot. How do you manage?" Leah thought it was tough enough with just one sibling. "It's not really a want, it's..." Leah toyed with the words in her head, as if trying to find some way of describing it fully without having to actually put a name to her explanation. Having her brother around helped her to avoid the topic in general as he would explain for her, but since he wasn't around; it was down to her. "It's just the way it's always been for me. I'm uh... I have something wrong with me." She brought her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, resting her cheek atop of them. Though she had grown to accept this fact, she still felt at odds when talking about it to others. She was afraid of looking stupid.
“What do you mean? Was he throwing up everywhere? That happens to me sometimes.” He shrugged at her question. “That. Not being into parties and being social. I have four brothers and two sisters. Being alone or not wanting to talk to people was never an option in my family. I guess I don’t understand the idea of not wanting to be around other people.”  he tilted his head to the side and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “That’s good. But, huh, why can’t you? Deal with them, I mean?” 
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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Leah's nose wrinkled at the sudden increase of volume. Once he was down on the couch, she turned her body and stared at him, a look of disdain and worry etched upon her features. "How much did you have to drink?" she asked, his comment about her joining the party going ignored. "Don't---" the exclaimed order was left unfinished as she watched her DVDs scatter the floor. She really really hated it when Abel was like this. "My night was actually enjoyable... was," she emphasised. "You should sleep."
Abel stumbled his way into the living room, drunk off his ass, something he promised himself he wouldn’t do this time. He tried to keep “Baby sis!” He greeted, walking to her, a little unsteady, and flopping down on the couch by her side. At some point in the night he had lost his button up shirt, and was instead just wearing a blazer, unbuttoned and clearly showing his abs. He didn’t even know where it had come from. “Yep, and you should’ve come tonight, it was great.” He picked up the DVD cases of the movies that Leah had been watching and looked at a few, before tossing them away from him with a look of disgust. “How was your night? Boring, as usual?”
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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Leah jumped at the sudden voice in her ear, though soon relaxed... mostly. "Wallet? Uh..." she looked around before noticing the object on the floor behind her seat. She leant over and picked it up before showing it to him. "Is this it?"
Duncan scanned the room for a quick moment before leaning close to the other person. “Hey, have you seen my wallet? I just had it with me a moment ago and now I can’t find it. I probably dropped it somewhere, but doesn’t hurt to ask.”
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
I don’t think replies from me will be happening any time soon. I had to delete and reinstall xkit because reblogs weren’t working, now they’re completely fucked and I have no idea how to fix it. If anyone knows how to fix this then any little helps. I have firefox, btw. Chrome doesn’t work on this laptop so xkit is like a damn hormonal teenager on this browser.
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
If anyone wants to plot with Leah, Hazel, Ryan or Warren then imma be around for most of the night now that I'm home for the day.
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Folder: You have 1,000 ADC gif icons! Me: I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH GIF ICONS!
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
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   “ oh, i’m sorry.  i didn’t realize you would     be in here; i was looking for someone else. ”
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"am i not meant to be here? uh... who are you looking for?"
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
He let out a small chuckle in response to her. “Well, it’s never gotten that bad. I never had a blackout, usually I just wake up in the morning feeling really embarrassed by the things I said and done. But I remember having a good time, and after a while, I laugh at the things I’ve done while I was drunk.” Nodding, the male turned to look at the TV when he noticed the girl was staring at it. “I don’t get that.” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “But it’s cool. I actually find that a lot of people here feel the same. It’s like they don’t like other people or something.”
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"I saw my brother drunk once, it kind of uh... it wasn't very nice to watch." The temptation to try alcohol had always bubbled in the back of her mind, as expected from a seventeen year old, though the part of actually trying it is a lot more difficult than one would expect, especially when change is a big no-no for the teenager. "Don't get what?" Leah finally turned her attention back on the male while her fingers tugged her sleeves down past her knuckles out of habit. "That's not uh... that's not it. I like people. I really like people, I just... can't really deal with them. I have good days, though. Like uh... like now, talking to you." That was easy... ish.
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
“Well, let me tell you.” He opened his eyes, turning to look at the girl with a soft smile on his lips. “I have more fun when I’m drunk. I don’t care what other people think, and I’m always having a good time. That’s mostly why. I can have a good time while sober, but I have a better time when I’m drunk.” He shrugged, hoping that he was still making sense, even while drunk. “Why weren’t you at the party?”
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Leah tried not to stare, but really, she had always been fascinated by the way other people described their actions and feelings. It gave her a little more insight to life than what her own experiences - or lack thereof - have given her. "Does it really count as fun if you don't remember it in the morning?" she finally asked, the curiosity rife within her tone. "Don't you want to remember the people and the things that make you smile or laugh?" God, I've been watching too many movies, she thought to herself. Now she felt stupid. "I uh... don't do too well with parties... or large amounts of people... or noise... or anything, really." Her eyes drifted back to the television screen as it once again looped the main menu of the DVD she had been watching before she fell asleep. She didn't want to see the look on his face when he realised how lame she really was.
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leahkayes-blog ¡ 8 years
“Shhhh…” The shorter friend groaned as she grabbed one of the cushions that fell near her and held it close to her chest. She really wasn’t going to get up because she swore the room was spinning everytime she tried to move. When she felt her friend behind her, Sera snuggled closer back, “It was fun.” She answered with her eyes closed, “Wish you were there though… I got dared by Deadpool. Mmmm..” She let out a small groan at the reminder, “He wanted me to flirt shamelessly… Oh my god, this is going to be so embarrassing after this…”
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"Sorry," Leah grinned as she pretended to zip her lips shut. The girl brought her hand up and rested her cheek upon it as she watched her friend talk. "I wanted to go, I just... I tried..." Leah frowned. She couldn't help it, it had always been that way for her, but that didn't stop the sadness and the guilt welling up in the pit of her stomach because of it. "Deadpool kind of scares me." Though that wasn't saying much, most people scared her. "--- Who did you flirt with?"
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