lazyinsomniac · 2 years
When Mr Darcy went from "consent to be my wife," to "allow me the honour of becoming your husband," my expectation for love skyrocketed
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
i can't vibe with anyone who thinks icarus was an ignorant idiot for flying too close to the sun. "oh i'd never do that i would have remembered my father's warning and been fine". do you seriously think that after years of imprisonment, feeling the sun on your face and the open air beneath your wings, you would be able to focus on anything but the joy of being alive and free? do you actually think that if you were given the opportunity to go where nobody has never been before, you wouldn't want to push it to the limit? to dare to be the first to try what no one else has ever even thought possible? do you honestly think you're too good for your own human nature? look me in the eyes and tell me if i strapped a pair of wings to your back that could take you wherever you wanted to go whenever you pleased that you'd be careful and sensible about it. you are not better than icarus just because you have the benefit of his example.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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the incomparable incendiosketches (twitter / instagram) made this incredible art for the ukranian translation (by artsash) of season pass (to this ass) and it is everything to me.
sharing here with permission because it is a moral imperative that everyone sees draco's biceps and hermione's ass. you're welcome, world.
i can't get over how much silly joy this fic has brought me (and, inexplicably, so many other people) and now this art has taken it to a whole new level.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
“If you really want to go out with me, sacrifice magic for a week,” says Hermione, exasperated, knowing he won’t do it. One of his friends dared him to harass her into a date, and the moment she says yes, they’ll laugh at her. She’s not stupid.
After taking a moment to deliberate, Malfoy hands over his wand. “A week.”
Unconvinced, she says, “No wandless magic. No house-elves. No potions.”
“Very well.”
Hermione looks up when Malfoy enters the office. “You’re an hour late.”
“Do you know how long it takes to walk here from Chelsea?” he grumbles, irate, robes in disarray. “While trying to avoid metal death traps on wheels.” He shakes his hair like a wet dog. “In the rain.”
She grins when his back is turned.
He’s not late, but he looks awful. His hair is shaggy without his expensive styling potions, he looks exhausted, no doubt having woken up extra early to arrive on time, and there are bandages around his hands.
“What happened?” she asks, amused.
He rubs his palm sorely. “I tried frying an egg, but it fried me.”
More endeared than she cares to admit, Hermione almost crosses the room to heal him. But it would do him well to learn Muggles don’t heal instantly—a humble Malfoy is a better Malfoy.
“You dropped this.” Hermione picks up a plastic card that tumbles out of Malfoy’s cloak. “Is this a room key?”
A second glance at him reveals a well-rested face and a smile?
“You know,” he says, “hotels have something called room service? It’s like Muggle house-elves! And it only took ten minutes to walk to work.”
Hermione’s jaw drops when Malfoy enters the office.
Dressed in a chic, tailored suit—Muggle. Hair cut and styled in the latest fashion—Muggle. And he’s whistling. Whistling!
“Uh… morning?” She can’t take her eyes off him.
“Good morning, Granger.” He unbuttons his jacket and sits behind his desk, taking out a—
“Is that a Montblanc fountain pen?”
“Oh you’ve heard of it? Tanisha, the concierge, set me up with a personal shopper. And a chauffeur, Philippe, good man. And did you know there are barbers that come straight to your suite? What do you think?” He brushes a hand through his wispy blond hair.
“You look…” Her heart thumps loudly in her ears. “Handsome.”
“I do, don’t I?” He looks exuberant. He’s glowing. “Know what I learned from all this?”
“It’s awfully nice to be rich in Muggle London.”
“Here’s your wand back,” says Hermione, hovering over his desk at the end of the workday. She still can’t get over how well Muggle fashion suits him. She’s barely gotten any work done this week. “I thought it might be a humbling experience for you, but I realize now that ‘humble’ will never exist in your vocabulary.”
His smile fades. “So you won’t go out with me?”
“You were really serious about that?”
He shrugs, defeated, lifting his gaze from his wand to appraise her slowly. An achy open longing in his eyes. “I fancy you.”
“You might not be humble,” she concedes, blushing, “but you are resourceful. And resilient.” She looks him over again, her stomach fluttering. “Dinner tonight?”
Malfoy’s face lights up. “Phillipe and I will be at your doorstep at eight.”
(556 words, prompt from twitter: sacrifice)
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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✵✵ The Music of Harry Potter ✵✵
John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper & Alexandre Desplat
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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Hermione inhaled until she had no room for air, then released it all in a single breath that left her lightheaded. “Sorry, my emotions are all over the place.” “Even in the best of times, emotions are tricky and hard to name. They masquerade as one another, they come and go, and they mutate like wisps in the wind.” “I don’t understand.” “Ask anger what its name is, and it may tell you that it’s fear. Ask fear to identify itself, and it may tell you its name is hate or sadness. It might even tell you that it’s love.” Hermione closed her eyes at the word trying to ease the growing pressure in her chest. “It’s all relative. Sometimes emotions blur the lines between reality and belief.” “It’s not that I don’t feel anything, it's—it’s been slowly consuming me since I put a name to it. I’ve been in love before, that was easy, but this time I’m floundering.” “I’ve never heard love described as easy. What if it were wearing a different mask before?” Kingsley chuckled ruefully. “Perhaps this is why you’re struggling.” “Why do you say that?” “Of all the emotions, love is not easy. It is natural, though you have to learn and differentiate its shape depending on each person. It’s a fight. A conscious choice that requires constant effort.” Kingsley paused as the weight of his words settled around them. “Love may not always be kind, but it is forgiving. Let it serve as your guide.” excerpt from Chapter 34: Eurydice
Measure of a Man by @inadaze22​
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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Measure of a Man by @inadaze22
"Are you the sun?" he asked hours later when they were alone. His hand travelled a familiar course up and down her back while she battled between grounding herself and flying away. "Or are you the moon? "Neither. I'm Earth." Too tired to do anything more, Hermione closed her eyes and relaxed with the rhythm of his heart in her ear and the slow rise and fall of his chest under the palm of her aching hand. "Who are you?" "The moon." Untouchable to the lonely sun, but locked in an orbital dance with Earth. Held at arm's length by gravity.
from Chapter 31: The Passenger Seat
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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Meeting at night.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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fanarts of Measure of A Man by @inadaze22
finally caugth up with the fic :DD ahh i imagined so many behind the scene when reading
i loveeee that everyone is one big family, the girls, scorpie+albus+lily+james+teddy+halia, drarry friendship, the black sister reunited. and the corrupt ministry plot?? wow im so into them.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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listened to Bohemian Rhapsody today… i’m so very sorry
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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THAT scene from chapter 29 of Measure of a Man by @inadaze22 because it made me cry and I couldn’t not draw it. 🥲🥲
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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„Have you seen my… nevermind.“
In which they’d like to hold on to each other’s clothes.
Digital drawing - do not repost or use without permission.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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Giveaway: We’re giving away 15 vintage classics by Virginia Woolf, Truman Capote, T.S. Eliot, Willa Cather, J.D. Salinger, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and others! Won’t they look lovely on your shelf? =) Enter to win these classics by: 1) following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblogging this post. We will choose a random winner on 26 February, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. Good luck! Follow our IG account to be eligible for our IG giveaways. For full rules to all of our giveaways, click here.
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lazyinsomniac · 2 years
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fanarts of Measure of A Man by @inadaze22
finally caugth up with the fic :DD ahh i imagined so many behind the scene when reading
i loveeee that everyone is one big family, the girls, scorpie+albus+lily+james+teddy+halia, drarry friendship, the black sister reunited. and the corrupt ministry plot?? wow im so into them.
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lazyinsomniac · 3 years
A family picture Measure of a Man by @inadaze22
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Then she saw the camera.
"He wants a picture."
Hermione's smile was true when she posed with the little boy dressed as his favourite plant, but things became more difficult when Scorpius scampered off, returning with his father and a signed request that left them both awkwardly staring at each other.
A picture together.
All three of them.
Like a family.
Hermione tried to rub away the strange feeling that only swelled with each passing moment.
Chapter 34
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lazyinsomniac · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! 👻 the Malfoys dressed as The Addams Family this year ☺️
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lazyinsomniac · 3 years
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