lazybee01 · 21 days
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lazybee01 · 21 days
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is a pervasive and often misunderstood mental health condition that significantly impacts an individual's ability to navigate social interactions. While occasional nervousness or discomfort in social situations is a common human experience, those with social phobia find themselves grappling with intense fear, self-consciousness, and a persistent dread of judgment. 
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lazybee01 · 21 days
Do you know that our heart is as small as our fist, and it pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day? Yes, it's true, and not only this, the heart beats about 115,000 times each day. But do you ever realise what will happen when it stops, even for a second? “Congestive Heart  Failure” is a condition where the normal functioning of the heart gets disturbed, because of which the blood supply becomes zero.
You will be shocked to know that about  6.2 million adults deal with CHF only in America and have a 50% mortality rate within five years of diagnosis. The major reasons for this are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many more. In this blog, we will discover the causes, symptoms, stages, diagnosis, and treatment for congestive heart failure.
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lazybee01 · 22 days
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lazybee01 · 22 days
Are you stuck between negative thoughts or feelings? Well, this happens because of various situations that trigger the potential thoughts and lead to depression, anxiety, phobia and personality disorders. But, worry not it can simply be fixed by taking the help of cognitive behavioral therapy. It is one of the best therapies that can help deal with insomnia, depression, mental issues, behavioural changes and much more.
Here, in this blog, we will explore the 5 steps of cognitive behavioural therapy to do at home. Plus, we will also see how cognitive therapy improves different health conditions.
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lazybee01 · 22 days
Soaked anjeer for weight loss emerges as a delightful dried fruit, adding a burst of flavour to your diet while proving to be a healthy choice. Originating from the Ficus carica tree, figs bring a natural sweetness along with essential nutrients. The soaking process softens anjeer, making it easier to chew and enhancing nutrient absorption giving immense benefits to dry figs soaked in water overnight.
Nutritionally, anjeer soaked in water serves as an excellent source of dietary fibre which supports digestion and regulates blood sugar levels. It is low in calories and high in fibre, you can use it as a swap for occasional natural sweetness, making it a satisfying and healthier snack option. This is why incorporating soaked anjeer into your diet is versatile, and you can enjoy it as a snack, add it to breakfast, blend it into smoothies, or toss it into salads.
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lazybee01 · 23 days
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lazybee01 · 23 days
Incorporating high-fibre foods for type 1 diabetes is key to controlling and preventing blood sugar levels. By understanding the role of a high-fibre diet in diabetes management, you can make informed dietary choices to support your health and well-being.
So, this blog will explore the significance of a high-fibre diet for diabetic patients, examining its benefits, recommended intake, and the types of high-fibre foods for sugar patients to help achieve optimal fibre consumption.
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lazybee01 · 23 days
Losing weight quickly can sometimes cause your skin to stretch or tear, which can leave stretch marks. However, most stretch marks are caused by gaining weight, especially on your stomach. When you lose weight, the stretch marks might become more visible. 
Many things can make you more likely to get stretch marks, like hormones and genetics. This can happen if your skin is stretched too fast for your body to keep up, leaving a scar that looks like a stretch mark. At first, stretch marks can be red or purplish-blue and raised, but over time, they become thinner and paler and might even be indented.
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lazybee01 · 25 days
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lazybee01 · 25 days
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lazybee01 · 25 days
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lazybee01 · 26 days
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lazybee01 · 26 days
Premature birth is when a baby is born before its complete gestation period or before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Although the normal pregnancy period is 40 weeks, due to some factors it either gets delayed or occurs early. Both of the conditions possess alertness as they can cause serious health issues to the baby and mother. 
If we talk about the facts then approximately 1 out of every 10 births is premature. Not only this, it is a leading cause of death in children under the age of 5. Therefore it is important to understand the major cause behind the premature birth and the possible precautions or treatment options to counter it.
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lazybee01 · 26 days
Green peas are a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly contribute to successful weight loss. You can make green peas an ideal addition to a well-balanced diet focused on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Their high fibre content, protein richness, and low-calorie nature also experience the satiating benefits that support sustainable weight loss. 
By incorporating green peas into various meals and snacks, you can enhance the nutritional quality of their diet. So, embrace the green marvel and embark on a journey towards a healthier, slimmer you with the help of these versatile legumes. 
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lazybee01 · 27 days
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lazybee01 · 27 days
Hello readers! Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Maybe you've tried different diets and exercises, but you're not seeing any results.  Well, we have something good for you and it is “Ginger”. It is a commonly used spice in many cuisines and has been gaining attention for its potential health benefits, including its ability to aid in fat loss. This potent root has been shown to have thermogenic properties, which means it can increase metabolism and help the body burn fat more efficiently. 
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