lavnikgp · 1 year
Talk with Jignesh
25th March 2023
I had talked to Jignesh on Saturday…I should have written this blog entry then but I'll do it now. Jignesh heads the New Media Design in Gandhinagar campus and purpose of my call with him was to understand what New Media is.
I wanted to see how much I could expand my project and how far can I take it. The project brief given to me by the comapny was interesting but it was also very financially driven. Which is also fine, but I would like my porject to be something a lot more. I would want it to be able to redefine the automobile industry.
The talk with Jignesh that way was really helpful as it helped me redefine what I coould do for the project. He sugguested me to have two different outcomes, one for the company which is grounded in reality, but other one is crazy radical solution that can solve every if the right investment presents itself. I loved it!!
Now, to do this, I need to come up with a way to do a lot more research. He told me about this framework which could potentially guide my research: PESCTLEEM
P - Politics E - Economy S - Society C - Culture T - Technology L - Legal E - Environment E - Ethics M - Morality L - Legal
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This seems like a good starting point, I'll try following this and see how it goes, but I am confident it will help me a lot.
He also mentioned 5S framework for what design is: https://www.jigne.sh/5s
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lavnikgp · 1 year
New Constrains for the Charging Station
As we are gonna start this project, we would have to start small and slowly while we test everything. So the charging stations that I have to design will be implemented in 3 stages:
GEN 1 : A very Basic Design
We will start by placing only two batteries in every station. It will be a very basic rack that charges and keeps the battery cool. This will only be operated by the shop owners and not the customers. This will also be placed only inside the shops and make sure that they have wheels.
Less Space -> Less Rent
GEN 2: Implementing Swapping
GEN 3 (around 2025): FINAL
This where the whole functionality of the device needs to be at the stage where it can be compared to Gogoro.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Learning more about EXIDE
Exide is a battery manufacturing company that operates through a network of dealerships and authorized service centers. The company produces a wide range of batteries for various applications such as automotive, industrial, and home use.
Exide sells its batteries to authorized dealerships who then sell them to end customers. The dealerships also handle warranty claims and after-sales service for the batteries they sell.
The company has a strong focus on research and development to improve battery technology and has set up several facilities for this purpose. Exide also has a strong design language that helps its customers to identify the shops easily and get a consistent quality in service.
Exide operates in a highly competitive market, and the company is primarily focused on getting sales. As a result, they do not have strict rules and regulations for dealerships to follow. Instead, they rely on dealerships who can sell their batteries and provide good after-sales service.
Overall, Exide is a company that is focused on producing high-quality batteries and providing good after-sales service to its customers through its network of authorized dealerships.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Going to Exide Care Stores
15th March 2023
Saurabh had asked me to go and visit EXIDE care stores to get an idea of where the charging stations will be placed. He wanted me to get an understanding of the people in those shops? See what level of education they have? What were their dreams? What do they like to do? etc.
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The store I visited was in Thaltej, and the area this shop was situated in was pretty posh. From outside, the shop didn't attract too much attention but was still easy to spot if you were looking for it.
When I went inside, the guy there was having lunch so he told me to wait a while before he talks to me. I was trying to observe the space as much as I can at that point.
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The moment I entered, the stark red design of the store hit me. It had a pretty strong design language. Everything was simple and very very functional. I would also use the word naked, like a lot of designs in India, they had not made a lot of effort into hiding the open screws and stuff. Though I would say, as far as the typical garage goes, this still looked pretty modern.
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The floors were a little dirty. And the front part of the shop(open to customers) was about 3 x 2.5m. the shop extended further.
There was about 3x2.5m of additional space given to the office; that's the area where Vishal(Shop Owner) did all the paperwork. This where he takes care of all the documents regarding the warranty claims and servicing.
Then there was another area behind the shop where the guy kept Batteries that he had to give to the company for repair or exchange. That was about 1x2.5m. The entire shop was about 7x2.5m.
But that's not it, the shop also had a basement where other batteries were placed. There were new batteries placed there, and the scrap batteries that they got from the customers.
In the basement, the guy had a charger that was being used to charge Lead-Acid batteries.
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This was the basic premise of everything I saw. In the next blog post, I'll talk a little bit more about what the guy said and explained to me.
Because the weight of the battery is a lot(10kg- 20kg) they have an elevator in the shop for lifting batteries from the basement to the ground floor.
Name - Vishal No. of people working in the shop - 3
There is one owner(Vishal) and 2 more guys(Technician - they are not educated as such, whatever they have learned is through experience of 4 years)
Responsiblites - Fitting, Selling, Purchasing, Everything
They purchase the batteries from EXIDE and sell them to the customers. When they do that, there is a Warranty/Gaurantee periord where if there is any problem with the battery, they handle it.
BATTERY BRANDS DO NOT HAVE A SERVICE STATION, its all handled by the sellers themselves.
Is it dnagerous to handle the batteries? Its not dangerous to handle the batteries. You just have to take care of certain things.
If you have a 4-WHeeler battery(which is usually wet, 2 wheeler batteries are dry), you need to handle them carefully as there is a chance of the battery leaking. The acid, if it falls on your skin, you should wash it immidietaley and take care of it otherwise it will become really itchy and there might even be burn marks. If there are cotton clothes, they will immideately burn.
You have to keep the batteries upright all the time, otherwise the acid will leak out of the vents.
After telling him about the project, his response: So far, he doesnt think EXIDE sells Li-Ion batteries yet. They have only setup factories yet and in the process of developing batteries. This will take a lot of time according to him and hasnt recived any timeline for the same.
Do Lead-Acid batteries have to be kept at a certain temperature? No, there is no such thing.
LEGACY His father, who is 56 now, started the shop in 1988 as a Mechanic. Till 2004, he handled the garage. He had done Diploma in Automobile from Baroda. And then he started the business of battery.
He himself, has done B. in Mechanical from LDRP Gandhinagar. After college, he worked as a maintance engineer in Chahudhar(?). But then he felt that the scope in batteries was increasing cause now, everything in cars is handled by batteries. Moodlighing, charging, display, radio…everything depends on batteries.
This there only shop.
What kind of deal do they have with EXIDE? The company doesnt have rules and regulations as such that you should have a shop of your own. There is so much competition that company is only bothererd about getting sales. If you can sell the batteries, you are most welcome to join.
EXIDE has a dealership concept and not a franchise concept. In a franchise, everyone is given a particular area and you have to deal there itself.
SHOP TIMINGS : 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM and on Sundays(not fixed) but 2-3 hrs in the morning.
HOW MAN COSTUMERS DO YOU HAVE IN A DAY? Daily, about 2 wheeler: 10-15 customers ( some new customers, some for check up, some for warranty claim ) 4 Wheeler: 5-6 customers
It is not hectic for them as such, but sometimes the customers are in a hurry so put pressure on them to do their job faster. For them, fitting a battery takes about 10-15 minutes. But, in cars like Audi, BMW, Mercedez….installing a battery takes a long time, about 30 mins - 45 mins because they have additioanl fititing to take care of. And in the area like Thaltej, these cars show up more often.
What is the margin that they have on each battery? 4 Wheelers - 20-25% 2 wheerlers - 30-35%
Profit is good but it is also important that they give good after sales service. The amount of the battery is also pretty high, its 4000 bucks for the minimum 35A battery and 20,000 bucks for 100A batteries that fits into Mercedez and BMW. They even give high gaurantee and waranty for 5 years.
COMPETITORS - Aamron, SF sonic(but this is EXIDES subbrand)
Exide like that has multiple brands that are in the market to compete with different market segments.
A guy came and sat in front of my there, thats when I got to see how the customers are handled in their shops. A person comes in and sits in the cool shop while the technicians take care of the problem. From the customers point of view, this experience is pretty good compared to the experience of standing in the hot sun and waiting by standing. There is no grease and dirty and the mechanics are not sweaty and dressed like Mawalis.
THE DESIGN OF THE SHOP There are certain guildlines that a EXIDE care shop has to follow. The colour of the walls, colour of chairs, how to present the batteries etc. These are all concerns that Sales representatives from the company points out to them.
It was very clear that EXIDE has a strong design language which helps its customers to identify the shops easily and get a consistent quality in service.
EXIDE design langauge details ?
The sales representative comes to their shop about 1-2 times in a week. They come to see if the sales are going ok and if there are any problems. They have setup a good feedback system that way so that if something is affecting the customers, EXIDE can take action immediately.
The sales representative also takes care of the warranty claims and everything.
Their concerns regarding the charging stations.
How much electricity it will consume? And because its EXIDE care, they cant sell any other companies products. They cant keep in the garage also.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Potential Studios that I might wanna join
I have recently discovered that I have newfound interest in AI and its applications. I am also developing interest in behavioural science and human psychology.
Looking at the intersection of these, there are a couple of studios like Final Mile and Fractals who does work in this area. I have also found myself wanting to travel more and exploring a little bit of design. Just Thought I would put this here.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Baatein with Suresh Sethi
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From my perspective, Suresh Sethi is an industrial designer who gave a presentation at a "baatein session." During the presentation, I found Sethi to be cool and was impressed by his interest in artificial intelligence (AI). I was also interested in Sethi's European mindset and how it could be applied to design in India. Sethi discussed two schools of thought in design: designing for functionality and designing to tell a story. I found Sethi's ideas to be interesting and important.
Something that he mentioned really resonated with me and that is designing forms that are not scary. As a designer, I always try to make design look cyberpunkish and futuristic, but that not the right approach. It is ok let your basis come in but it is also important that the product you design doesn't care the user. When I was Mid-jounrey to generate results for the charging stations, I thought they were really cool but tha would for sure have intimidated the users which is wrong.
What impressed me the most about Sethi was that even though he loved designing crazy forms, he remained grounded in his approach and didn't let his personal preferences cloud his judgement. I found his ideas to be both interesting and important, and I left the presentation feeling inspired and motivated to incorporate his insights into my own work as a designer.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Conversation with Sarthak
KEEPING THE BATTERIES INSIDE vs OUTSIDE He said that it is certainly better to keep the battery outside as it serves as an advertisement and also gives assurance to the customer. But the problem is that you are making it easy to steal the batteries, which will definitely happen. Even Gogoro has not been able to crack this. Sun Mobility stations are placed in the petrol pumps, so that is a good implementation, but what we are trying to focus on is the convenience of never having to think about charging or batteries ever.
CURRENT SYSTEM (What he told me we had going on) It's that the customers will have a reserve battery and an option to have EVEN OS batteries in their two-wheelers. If they do not need extra range, they go on without EVEN OS with the reserve battery. But if they need a range, then EVEN OS comes into play where they will deliver the battery and take it away the next day.
This put me off immediately as to why he wants to take the battery away. To which he explained that he will need to have more batteries with him which makes it unfeasible.
MODIFIED SYSTEM After my questions ended, we sort of got into this huge discussion on how to make the system better. Adarsh wasn't present today; otherwise, I think his inputs would have been nice. But despite that, we had the discussion and made some serious changes.
We were asking a bunch of questions like: Should we give both batteries or one? Should we charge monthly or weekly or on a use basis? Should we take the battery back or not? What is the purpose of the Reserve battery? What is the purpose of the EVEN OS battery? How can we make people realize that EVEN OS is amazing?
These questions led us to this outcome:
Now, think of a normal petrol bike. Currently, you have to go to the petrol pump whenever you have low petrol. And you have a reserve petrol which is for emergency situations, so that you can go and find a petrol pump. What I proposed was very similar, that you give both batteries to the customer, Reserve battery, and the EVEN OS battery. The reserve battery, as the name suggests, is like a reserve. A customer will always have the assurance of that. Now, there is the EVEN OS battery, which can only be charged by us, not them. And what they can do is go for a subscription model where we come at night and replace their batteries. It is certainly more expensive than charging yourself, but not everyone has a dedicated charging spot yet. And now you don't even have to remember how to charge. The vehicle runs on the EVEN OS battery, and whenever the battery gets over, we come and replace it. A person will never have to think about the battery again...that's it.
This is obviously going to change, but it was nice to have this discussion.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Conversation with Saurabh
Lets start with vehicles, the bikes and cars have both reached a saturation point where the features they offer are mostly similar. So, the costing of the vehicles largely depends on what all features you can offer there.
Now, charging stations and swapping stations; out of the two, swapping stations is certianly the more convinient solution. There is no standardized charging available yet for EV 2 Wheelers(for Cars there is) and it takes a lot of time. No matter how you sell it, it's not going to workout right now.
For Swapping stations, there are companies like Gogoro and SunMobility who have their amazing solutions. And we might not be able to compete with them also in a way that we would like to. But here is the thing, they are not fully operational right now. They are going to be in a year or so when this thing starts picking up. And if we are not at a stage that we wanna be at that point, we FAIL.
Right now, people still don't have a bike that can give them good range. So ICE bikes will be a thing for a while. And so a lot of companies will try to push into the EV market rn trying to establish themsleves. For sure, Hero and other big companies are already developing their EV bikes. What would differentiate us then would be EVEN OS. And we need to establish EVEN OS properly by then. Becasue we catering to MSME, we are starting at the outskirts of the city, testing our product and also developing a reputation. As we move forward, we are gonna start closing into the city.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
My Doubts
So, as i am researching more and more about it( the EV battery swapping systems). A lot of players have already developed really good systems, systems that we might not be able to compete with.
Let's start with Gogoro
They are not in India yet, but their entire system is a little too convenient, like too much. There are no wires or special attachments. Their batteries look really nice and Ergonomic. And even their charging stations are awesome. Not to mention, they have a hell of a lot more money than us.
Sun Mobility
There system is very much similar to Gogoro accept that fact that their system just doesn't look that nice. Otherwise, they are placed in Petrol pumps which makes it easier to find them. And they have a lot of money.
We have a lot of disadvantages to begin with. Though we will have a good network of charging stations, if they are placed inside the shops, they will be very hard to find.
Our process is nowhere as convenient as there's(so far, but let's say I make it just as convenient), out batteries look really shit. We do not have the same infrastructure that sun mobility or Gogoro has. And we are just starting out with no money.
The one thing that makes our thing different from others is the fact that we deliver the batteries, which is cool, but is it enough? I definitely wouldn't mind go to a charging station/swapping station like I go to petrol pump. If someone tells me that they are going to deliver petrol to me? Would I take it? What would make that more convenient?
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Trying out mid-journey to come up with some interesting forms
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Lots of idea, some of them are not exactly practical but looking at these, does make me excited. I have a doubt though, people who are using these tools cant really come up with a lot of ideas that are practical. Are people even ready for these complex designs? How intimidating are these designs.
In recent years, the concept of parametric design has gained increasing popularity in the field of architecture and product design. Parametric design is a type of digital design that utilizes algorithms and computer programming to generate and manipulate complex geometries and shapes. This technique allows designers to create intricate and dynamic forms that can be customized based on specific parameters and constraints.
With the advancement of machine learning and artificial intelligence, parametric design has evolved to include the use of mid-journey AI. Mid-journey AI is a type of AI that is integrated into the design process, allowing designers to receive real-time feedback and make adjustments to their designs as they are being created.
While the idea of creating complex and dynamic designs using parametric design and mid-journey AI can be exciting, it is natural to wonder whether people are ready for these complex designs. The reality is that not all ideas generated using these tools will be practical or feasible. However, that does not diminish the potential of these tools to revolutionize the design industry.
One of the key benefits of using parametric design and mid-journey AI is the ability to create customized designs that meet specific requirements and constraints. This can be particularly useful in the fields of architecture and product design, where unique and complex geometries are often required. These tools also provide designers with a more efficient and streamlined workflow, allowing them to create designs more quickly and with greater accuracy.
While parametric design and mid-journey AI offer many advantages, they can also be intimidating for some designers. The complexity of these designs can make it difficult for designers to visualize and understand the final product, which can lead to apprehension and uncertainty.
To address these concerns, it is important for designers to invest time in learning and understanding these tools. By developing a deep understanding of the underlying principles and algorithms that drive parametric design and mid-journey AI, designers can become more confident and proficient in using these tools to create innovative and practical designs.
In conclusion, while it is natural to have doubts and concerns about the complexity of parametric design and mid-journey AI, these tools offer significant advantages in terms of customization, efficiency, and innovation. By investing in learning and understanding these tools, designers can take advantage of their full potential to create exciting and groundbreaking designs.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Some more basic research
27th February 2023
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This would classify as information regarding charging ports, chargers, different ways charging is done...which one is better and which is worse?
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This map suggests most of the classification. There are two ways charging is done...using AC and using DC. AC is mostly used in homes because its much cheaper than DC and at home, most people charge their vehicles over night so there is no rush. In public though, people want the charging to happen fast and so Public charging ports usually use DC(also referred to as fast charging). This is not all black and white...some rich folks can get dc at home and some charging stations can have both AC and DC in them.
There is also a trickle charge where you charge your vehicle directly from the socket, this is ok if you are in a bit of a crisis and dont other means of transportation but you shouldn't do it all the time.
WHY: (no idea, it just said that it will harm the vehicle)
Wireless charging and Portable Charging are also a thing. But they are not so popular. Wireless charging requires a very strong electro magnetic force which is not really feasible right now - Aum Naik. (I have to read up about it, but doesn't really seem very relevant to my topic). Portable charging is a thing in cars but not in 2 wheelers, you can always carry extra batteries in a bike than carry a charger. As of now.
But it could be an exciting area to explore.
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One concept that could be useful to know, is this. Why is DC so much faster than AC.
In general, AC charging is not faster than DC charging. It depends on the charging capacity of the charger and the battery's ability to accept charge.
However, in some cases, DC charging can be faster than AC charging. This is because DC charging bypasses the onboard charging system of an electric vehicle (EV) and directly charges the battery pack. The onboard charging system of an EV is typically limited to a lower charging capacity than what the battery pack can handle.
DC fast chargers can provide charging rates of up to 350 kW, whereas AC charging rates typically max out at around 22 kW. Therefore, for high-capacity batteries, DC charging can be significantly faster than AC charging.
Furthermore, DC fast chargers are becoming more widespread and can be found at many public charging stations, while high-power AC chargers are less common.
However, it is important to note that not all EVs are capable of accepting fast DC charging. Some EVs are only designed for AC charging and cannot accept DC charging at all. Additionally, fast charging can degrade the battery's health over time, so it is important to use it sparingly and only when necessary.
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This is a chart with all of those details.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
I did a lot of basic research I think
25th February
I started the day by forming two systems maps based on my knowledge so far
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This was the entire overview of EV Industry
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Then I created a systems map about the battery.
Which lead to me reading up about batteries( NCA, NMC, LPH, Lead Acid Battery, NiMH). I was reading about there pros and cons. I was comparing their use cases based upon which vehicles they are used in and where.
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For eg. NCA was used in Tesla's and were the most expensive because they have a high energy density and a high power density
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LPH was used in car's in China for having high thermal getaway but also giving high power density.
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NMC offers similar range to LPH and better Energy density but it heats up more so is more suitable for colder places and vehicles that want high range.
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Lead acid batteries are the typical batteries used in normal cars. They are cheapest of all and are sort of worthless in an EV.
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NiMH are used in hybrid cars.
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I also got introduced to terms like Power Density, Energy Density, Thermal Getaway, Charge Cycle etc.
Then I started reading about different types of chargers and government policies but left it in between. TBC on Monday...
But because I am doing systems-based research for this, I am trying to figure out basic terminology and things in the EV industry. After consulting with my guide, I'll do more focused research on the project.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Conversation with ChatGPT
22nd February 2023
I wanted to take a moment to share my recent experience with ChatGPT, a remarkable tool that has become the talk of the town in the tech-world. As I'm balancing my busy schedule and trying to manage my website, I couldn't help but feel intrigued by the possibilities of ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities.
So, I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Not only did it provide me with comprehensive and consolidated information, but it also answered all of my questions with impressive accuracy. When I asked about the kind of data we could collect from charging stations, ChatGPT provided me with a comprehensive list of possibilities that left me in awe.
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But as I continued to use ChatGPT, I couldn't help but notice a potential drawback. While the tool gave me quick access to information, I found it challenging to retain all the information I was receiving. This realization reminded me of the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, which suggests that humans only retain a portion of the information they learn. If I truly want to master a subject, I would have to review the information multiple times, approximately 50-60 times more according to the theory.
Despite this, I'm still impressed by ChatGPT's capabilities and have found it to be a valuable tool in my personal and professional life. As someone who is always seeking to learn and improve, I am excited to see what new possibilities technology will bring to the table in the future.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Conversation with the CTO - kartik
21st February
This happened a few days before and I am writing about them now here...so clearly I would miss out on a few things but this also gives me the opportunity to look at this conversation in a different light...so it works out fine I guess.
The thing that I realized when I talked to him was that he wanted to me to reverse-engineer the product and try to understand how the thing operates. I don't particularly think it's a bad approach... it just might not be the best way to go about designing something.
As a designer, it's important for me to explore all the avenues myself and be able to answer every fucking question about my product.
I am attaching the audio file here for reference, just in case cause he mentioned some other important things as well.
Anyways, so that happened.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
The new beginning :)
20th February 2023
It has been some time since I last wrote an entry. Mostly it was cause I wasn't getting much work done from the Graduation Project pov, and I was also becoming a little lazy.
I have done work for the website so far..made a lot of screens and illustrations, animation...I still have to keep doing it. The job never ends.
But the reason I am writing this blog is that, about a week ago, Sarthak Baxi told me what I could be doing for my GP in the company.
He gave me two projects to work on:
Battery Rack
Battery Container for Delivery people(Still not very clear on this project)
And so I have been doing a little bit of research here and there. Initially, the topics I was reading about were to get some context about the racks that are already there in the market. Some of the topics are as below:
What is a battery-racking system?
How will a person use it?
Who makes these racks in the industry right now?
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Then I started moving away from this slowly and also started reading up about batteries, again, just for the sake of context.
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The research led me to a lot of terms that are used in the automotive industry, like power train, IEC( Internal Combustion engine), and BMS ( Battery management system. I am not gonna about them here....But yeah. I learned about them.
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This has all been for both projects even though I have written for Rack. The thing is, I am still very confused about which project to choose. I am fairly confident that doing both projects might not end well for me.
But how do I choose one project?
I thought I'll ask Naim and Sahil whenever I can see them. Till then, the website it is. I am quite surprised by how comfortable I am with this job. Its a straightforward job for me like that, and I don't have to focus a lot. I wonder if I should get even better at this becoming awesome.
Because I wanted to make this thing into a diary. I am very determined to ensure that I write about everything that is going on in my life.
First things first, I need a new laptop cause my laptop is getting very old and I need money for it. Because my parents gave me the idea of buying a mac, I am very determined to make that money and buy it. I need 2 lakh rupees to buy this mac cause I already have 50k, and the rest my dad will pitch in. But what excites me the most is that I have something to work towards.
Which is one of the major things that weren't present when I was working for Krihe. Having a strong goal and resolve pushes you into action and makes the whole process much more fun. I am hungry, I am excited...LET'S DO IT!!
Second, Mansi just started her GP, and it's been getting more difficult to talk to her. It will obviously be some time before she adjusts to her new life, and I am completely ok with that...just thought I'd write that here.
Third thing, I have my roommate leaving soon, which means I'll have a private room soon. YAYY! Even if its for a while.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
Fifth Day - Completing the Illustrations
6th February 2023
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I completed all my GIF animations. From tomorrow, it's back to doing Illustrations. There is one more animation like this, but that's not here cause I couldn't upload it without optimizing it.
I talked to Kushboo today about GP, and she mentioned what she would like me to do. She wants me to help her with the scooter design that she is working on. I am very much fine with doing that, but I would like to have a proper area to myself where I have the responsibility to complete it, and it's a major portion of the project.
I would like the project I take up to involve a considerable amount of research so that it can open up other areas for me.
Maybe I could come with a concept of a bike? For me that is a good GP. Coming up with a new use case and finding new problems in Automobile Sector proves that I think differently.
Khushboo asked me to look at design trends in the Automobile industry and see where the design industry would be 5 years down the line.
I could do this, and it makes a lot of sense too. Its important for the vehicle to be relevant through the ages and there are a lot of limitations while doing the form.
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lavnikgp · 1 year
No, I did not relax. I mean, I sort of did cause I didn't do any work either.
I went to NID hoping to do some work regarding my GP, but not much happened. People kept coming to me asking me about my past projects and stuff.
I was trying to watch this video the entire time. But it didn't end very well. I don't even know how useful this is going to be, but I would wanna learn more about this field from a systems point of view. It would be hard to do that if I were just doing it on the weekends. And in a startup, I need to deliver results fast, so the research needs to be more focused I think.
i should more on the different companies right now and what their USP is. Then, once I learn more about the project, I should see how much scope there is for changing things.
Right now, its too early to say anything. But maybe I should ask my friends on the things they think I should research about.
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