lavellaniisms · 5 years
Our muses to be caught in one of these situational tropes! (These work well for ships, but could be used for all kinds of characters.
❄ Our muses huddle together to stay warm. ☽ Our muses having no choice but to share a bed. ✚ My muse carries yours due to an injury. ☂ Our muses get caught in the rain together. ☃ My muse gives yours their jacket in the cold. ♡ Our muses almost kiss, but are interrupted. ☹ My muse is jealous over someone else showing interest in yours. ✦ My muse bandages yours due to an injury. ✗ My muse confesses their love to yours as they die in their arms. ✓ Our muses share a hug after being separated for a long time. △ My muse shows up outside your muse’s door after being presumed dead. ❖ My muse accidentally falls asleep against yours. ⁕ Our muses hold hands for the first time. ⎔ Our muses say goodbye to each other for the last time. ⚑ Our muses are mistaken to be a couple by someone else. ♧ Our muses see each other in formal wear for the first time. ⚠ My muse sacrifices themselves for yours. ⎈ My character pins yours to the ground while fighting/sparring.
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
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[ I unleashed my Morrowind gremlin upon Thedas ]
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
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  ❛ I just find it amusing, your answer, ❜  Vel smirked & crossed his arms.  ❛ are you suggesting it’s pleasant to be away from the Dalish ? But you’re all so insistent to be so proud… It’d break their old, ugly hearts, surely.  ❜
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“I--no? No, that’s not what I meant.” Therith frowns up at Vel, arms crossing over her chest. Creators, who put a stick up his ass?
“Our hearts are not ugly, first of all. Secondly, what exactly do you have against the Dalish? You sound like Solas on a bad day.”
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
hi there! do you have an animated fc ? oc ? cartoon character that has like 5 frames max? awesome ! good for you! i have a neat little thing if you’re into it!
i’m jester && while im not an expert, i love drawing characters! it’s kinda my thing. i wanna improve, so i thought i’d do it doing something i like! drawing expressions && icons! 
examples from my rp blog ( not to scale! ): 
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my icons look like this! they can range from various poses and expressions! the more description you provide the better! i will even do silly expressions, as based on my icon… anyways, feel free to send in requests! have a great day :>! 
p.s. please read my info page before requesting. also be nice i’m of gentle constitution ;;;(
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
send a symbol for my muse to react to yours… (or add +reverse for my muse to touch yours)
VIOLENT 🔪 – stabbing them 👊 – punching them ✋ – slapping them in the face 👞 – kicking them 🎀 – pulling their hair
FLUFFY/FRIENDLY 🍭 – stroking their hair 🖐 – high fiving them 🤝 – holding their hand 👄– kissing them on their [place of choice] 👐 – hugging them 💅 – painting their [finger/toe] nails  🤧 – comforting them when crying 🤒 – caring for them when sick/injured 💃 – dancing with them 👗 – adjusting their clothes 👒 – brushing their hair
NSFW 👋 – spanking them on the booty 💋 – giving them an open mouth kiss 👅 – giving them a love bite on [place of choice] ✌️ – fingering them/jerking them off 💦 – eating them out 💫 – pulling their hair 🔥 – grinding against them 💧 – bathing them
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
@lavellaniisms​ ♥’d for a starter.
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  ❛ Lavellan, hm ? ❜ Vel took a moment to look at the other elf, his posture slouched, but still.    ❛ A halla-rider, then. How does it feel to be away from the dirt-ridden roads your lot love to travel through ? ❜
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“Pretty good, actually.” Halla-rider, was it? There goes his chance of getting on her good side.
“It’s been a good experience for me. Do you have a problem with that?”
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
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[ jokes on gamestop if they think I’m gonna do actual work on company time ]
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
[ me, waking up at 3 in the afternoon: what if I gave therith a dmc verse ]
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
     “Well, I’ll be damned,” Molly muses quietly, watching her with newfound curiosity. If she doesn’t even know where she is, heavens can only know where she’s from. He’s never heard such simple, yet clearly specific things like that- a rift, a fade, and desire demons? He’s pretty sure those are commonly called succubi. He doesn’t blame her for the relation, and yet, it puzzles him further that she doesn’t know he’s a tiefling.
     Peculiar indeed.
     “Not that I’m aware of,” he replies, reaching out to offer her a hand of help. “You think you might have hit your head, forgotten a few things? Are you from another plane, love?”
Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Were the rifts even powerful enough to send things to different worlds? Apparently so in her case. Her companions were probably losing their shit right now. Unless they had also been tossed into whatever world she was in? Who knows at this point.
Taking his hand, Therith lets Molly pull her to her feet, legs wobbling a little as she stands. At least whereever she was looked like home, which she found comforting. Sky still blue, ground still green, no weird shit. Only weird shit was the tiefling standing next to her.
“I don’t.. remember hitting my head? Nothing hurts, at least. Hell, the most I remember is opening that rift and getting sucked in.” Not that he knows what a rift is, but.
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
their discord handle : therifairy #1999 b/c she’s a basic loser
their profile picture : a crudely shot gif close up of corypheus’ ass (do NOT ask how she got it)
what their online status would usually be on : online / idle / do not disturb / invisible
light theme or dark theme : dark theme
would they moderate a server : no but she joins more servers than she can handle
what is usually on their game tab : this bitch plays skyrim and y’all know it
their custom status : no status b/c she hasn’t figured out how to do that yet
tagged by: @lunarwoven
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!! go nuts
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
Get y’all vibes checked
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Absolutely stolen from @lunarwoven​ and also far more accurate than I expected?? wack
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
Mollymauk watches her unmoving frame with a hint of curiosity, crouching down to hover beside her when she sits up. He crosses his arms over his thighs, taking note of how she looks him over- she doesn’t look like folk he’s seen around before, though elvish is probably the safest bet to make in that moment.
“Haven’t a damn clue what you’re talking about,” Molly chirps brightly, tilting his head and causing all of his various horn jewelry to rattle. “What’s a fade, what’s a rift? You’re in Wildemount, darling! Trostenwald to be exact. You got a clue what that means or did you hit your head too hard?”
Wildemount? Trostenwald? Creators, where exactly did that rift send her? Somewhat better than being stuck in the Fade, she supposes. But if not in the Fade then where exactly was she? Neither of the places he gave her sounded familiar at all.
Blue eyes locking with red, Therith squints up at the tiefling, gaze shifting over to the multitude of jewelry hanging from his horns as they rattle. Definitely overdressed for a desire demon.
“No clue at all! Does this mean you’re not a desire demon?”
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
[ legally nothing’s stopping me from giving therith a dark crystal verse ]
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
What drew you to my OC?
There are tons out there, so tell me what you liked about mine.
submitted by anonymous
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
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"vibe check!"
gives them a quick kiss.
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
❝ long way from home, aren’t you? ❞ / if thats alright :)
god of war (2018) starters
“Is it that obvious?” She groans, opting to continue laying on the ground rather than sit up. While wherever the rift had thrown her didn’t feel like the Fade, the figure hovering over her looked too much like a desire demon for her to be sure. She takes in their purple skin and horns as she props herself up on her elbows.
‘Little overdressed a desire demon, aren’t they?’ She thinks to herself before looking around, trying to pinpoint something familiar to tell her where she was.
“So, uh.. Is this some weird pocket of the Fade or did that rift just throw me somewhere random?”
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