lauuft · 23 days
I had this dream where we were like watching my life in the second grade as a cartoon and on the TV and i had a rlly abusive teacher or something and like i was failing but then the narrator was like but then he turned to dedicated yard work (some other things) and devoted prayer like his father. he would make sure to mow the lawn but never step on any flowers. and my mom was like oh yeah i remember that you were failing then turned things around. and i had a childhood friend over and my parents and i were talking about it and my mom was like well you’ve always been your fathers daughter and then escalated a yelling match or something and my friend was visibly uncomfortable and then my dad asked me to make him pretzels and was trying to explain cooking them and i was like I’ll just air fry them but when i went to see what was up it was like fish sticks? there were fish sticks and pickling spices in the freezer and i was like how do you want these done there’s bay leaves I’d have to sprinkle it on and he was like no I already did some on the stove so it was a pot of fish sticks in pickling spices but with turmeric i think so he started trying to put them in the air fryer but was spilling so i just did it for him and stuck them in the air fryer and then my cousin was also over and my mom was talking to my childhood friend and my cousin like explaining my childhood or something and then my dad went over and i was just in the kitchen doing this and wearing one of my catholic school uniforms. then I woke up and felt like shit and my dad irl was like i want you to clean but ill do something and would not stop like trying to talk to me while i was like 😵‍💫
this dream was coming from a dream where i was asking about my abuela’s apartment if they still had it and if my partner and I could live there?
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lauuft · 6 months
had a dream I was in some environment like a bedroom that was my bedroom but not and it’s hard to explain but I was smoking little cigarettes with miniatures at the end of them like the part you breath into, if you smoke the cigarette down, you get a free little miniature of different things so I was smoking some and I took a couple puffs from different ones and they were all menthol capri cigs and I was like “hm, cigarettes don’t hit like they used to. I don’t like these” so I asked my cousin if he wanted the pack and it cut to him smoking them and saying the Virginia slims thing and then he had a shelf off the little miniatures from the cigs. They were all sorts of things and objects, very tiny, but all white plastic
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lauuft · 6 months
had a dream there was some form of party at my house. I was sitting in a chair talking to people. It was specific more high up chair that like had the ability to be pulled into a bed of sorts but flimsy and small. My abusers were at the party. [abuser one] came up to me and like went in for a hug so I hugged him back. He was talking to me about life and how he missed me and stuff. How he missed our friendship and I was so important to him. He seemed really genuine and not doing well. And I talked to him and let him know like I can forgive the past if he’s worked things through and stuff and that I think he was really influenced by [abuser two] and that his friend group were like psychopaths back then. I tried to explain to him how he’s affected me negatively so he would realize the depths of things. He asked at some point in the beginning to ease into convo with me what my dentists chair was like and I was like oh well that’s my dentists chair *point to chair I had been sitting in* and he was like oof that’s rough and I was like I know this chair ain’t shit. At some point we had discussed rekindling the friendship and moving in together. I wasn’t able to say all the things about how his actions sort of traumatized me and deeply affected me to my core and still have remaining effects on my self esteem. I was going over trying to say these things but was like high off the ground and looking at my roof. I eventually like pulled him off to the side so we could get away from [abuser two]. And he was like above us near the grill so I like pulled some sort of helmet hat that seemed medical like to the side of my face so I could whisper. And I was like “he just said you never liked me and were just using me and I broke down”. And he was like [abuser two] said that? He’s been talking so positively all night about you. He’s been just smiling seeing you and being like look! [me] just laughs and giggles! and saying how he misses you. And then [abuser two] came down to where we were with a big smile and just tried to hug me and lovingly embrace me. But I pushed him away and just left and went inside. Inside I saw there was Mac and cheese or something my mom didn’t make but said was rlly good. I somehow was trying to make it to heat up, in distress, and put water in it. Then I put it in the microwave and maybe added something? And then it was in a big bowl and I was mixing it and was like yeah I just put spices and soup in it. Then my [aunt] came by me and said [cousin] was in my room trying to get my abuelas funeral bill down because she wanted to collect the funeral bills and put them together, and I heard her in my room trying to get it. But it’s near some precious things so I was just so stressed out from the interaction with my abusers, and then from someone being in my room shuffling around my things. I shortly woke up.
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lauuft · 6 months
11/28-11/29 dream
I had a dream towards the tail end of my sleep and it was like…. I was driving down my aunts block and someone had been driving up it in a Camaro towards me so I ended up reversing so this person could come up the block. It ended being my cousin and he got out of the car naked with tribal style tattoos but didn’t have like junk. And he was like let’s go fucking drink. And I was like oh do you wanna go somewhere like [family pub] or like Malibu and listed some other bar. And Malibu was some like bar similar to [family pub] that I think I’ve been to in another dream. And he was like fuck it let’s go to Malibu. And I was like I’m going to get a Malibu bay breeze at malibuuuuu~*. Then I ended up being in aunts house and it was like a semblance of their old house before the hurricane. I think maybe I took a nap then was talking to [partner] but it wasn’t [partner] like even remotely. It was some like 70s themed white man that resembled [childhood classmate]. And he was asking me why I was sleeping and not like giving him head or something. And I was like jeez I had to sleep. And he was like you’re not here to futz around, you’re here so I can fuck you when I need to. And I was like Jesus Christ. Also I was like very Latino looking and skinny and not myself, I like… had on a wife beater and pink bra and like my hair was dark and puffed up. When I met my cousin i think I was more my irl self. He wasn’t in the house during this, my other cousin was in the house and I thought she was sleeping in her room. Cutting off this convo with dream partner, my aunt and uncle came into the house. I hugged my aunt and she was like oh [deadname]! I’ll always miss this (my hugs). They asked what was up. I told them I was waiting for my cousin to get up, then peaked in her room and saw that she had been awake and on her phone, and probably overheard the convo with hypothetical partner. I felt really embarrassed. Then other cousin came into the house and was like hey I thought we were going to Malibu. I remember waking up because I didn’t want to think of my partner in this way. It felt really gross.
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lauuft · 1 year
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lauuft · 2 years
I was at my house which was invested with cave crickets and other bugs that were really gross and some had wings and I was trying to use the bathroom but it was full of bugs and I came out and was pleading with my mom to call an exterminator but she said it was fine and we don’t have the money for that and was getting angry with me, completely ignoring the infestation and wanting me to drop it. I was freaking out and really upset, she even had a large bug in her hair but she was mad and yelling at me to drop it even though I was starting to get hysterical about the bugs. The bugs were so bad I started getting grossed out and nauseous. I tried to go into the bathroom again to puke and ended up puking in the doorway and getting puke on our white carpet, because we had white carpet instead of our wood floors in the living room. My mom was furious with me for throwing up in the doorway and I just went into the bathroom and threw up more, surrounded by bugs that were like starting to sort of swarm around me and coming at me, while my mom was yelling at me about puking, as I was puking and really sick because i was so grossed out by the bugs
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lauuft · 2 years
around this morning I had a dream that childhood friend and I were sort of adults? Maybe teens? And we were online and would do video calls with childhood crush but it was like 2000s era type and we couldn’t do vidchats anymore through whatever means so we went on a fishy website that gave you viruses and would video chat but would sometimes connect you with strangers and it was like Facebook or MySpace but bad. Childhood friend ended up going missing and I was sort of working for police trying to find her and I remembered this site I wasn’t apart of but went on and kept trying to find her. Couldn’t find her account anywhere and accounts linked me to people of the same name. Same name in Poland, and I got a sort of look into their lives through the screen and asked same name if they knew where she was, they didn’t but it was same name on a beach with friends and it was like I teleported through the screen to talk to this person on the beach. Kept looking and found semi nude photos of childhood friend on some creepy old man’s profile from their interactions. Eventually somehow found out I could log into childhood friends account but couldn’t find anything worthy of noting where she was. Then went to settings and there was a tab saying something like “close contacts/personalized contacts” that I assumed would talk me to a page to allow the site to access contacts like today. Clicked the link and was brought to a page of some like serial killer or something who took photos of their victims and it was like pictures of younger dead victims with only serial killers arm in the pictures holding up like…. Garden sheers of sorts? And the serial killer like mutilated victims noses? And it was like a concealed arm in like hazmat type fits with the garden sheers in the foreground of the photos, and the victims in the background. Looked for a second and didn’t see childhood friend, panicked, and woke up frightened at around 7am
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Sheers looked like this
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