Larry Jordan II Lancaster
Cell phone towers are high and tall structures used to enhance cell phone coverage and capacity. They transmit and receive radio signals to and from mobile devices, facilitating communication such as calls, text messages, and internet access. The towers are typically found in urban areas, near highways, or remote areas where cell phone coverage is limited. Wireless carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile own the towers and lease space to other providers. However, working on these towers can be dangerous, and workers need to understand the potential risks associated with working at heights, with electrical equipment, and in outdoor environments. Proper training, protective equipment, and safety procedures are essential to ensure worker safety.
The risks and the solution  
1. Safety & Accidents: Workers who climb towers are at risk of falls, which can result in serious injury or even death. Falls can occur due to slips, trips, or loss of balance, or due to equipment failure or insufficient safety measures.
 The solution: Larry Jordan II Lancaster offers to reduce the maximum height that a worker would be required to work at during construction/maintenance/repair of the tower to 1.8 ft.
2. Electrocution: Mobile towers are often used to transmit high-voltage electrical signals, so workers need to be careful to avoid coming into contact with live wires or equipment, or even aircraft. They should also be aware of the potential for electrical arcing or other hazards associated with high-voltage electrical systems. 
 The solution: Standard Ascension Tower has reduced the max amount of the voltage to 2.0V.  
3. Structural collapse: Towers can be damaged by high winds, lightning strikes, or other environmental factors, which can cause them to collapse. Workers should be aware of the signs of structural damage and should take appropriate precautions to prevent collapse.
 The solution: Standard Ascension Tower offers a 12.7/1.5 ratio of the maximum stress that key components of design can withstand to the maximum stress experienced.
4. Weather-related hazards: Workers who operate in outdoor environments may be exposed to extreme weather conditions such as high winds, lightning, or extreme heat or cold. They need to take appropriate precautions to avoid exposure to these hazards.
The solution: Standard Ascension Tower by Larry Jordan II Lancaster proposes a weather-resistant paint to protect the structure externally. It can help combat the effects of temperature, by acting as an insulator, and help prevent corrosion. The coating slurry is comprised of oxidizing agents at a minimum concentration of 10 grams/liter such that the passive film is compact and continuous
To minimize these hazards, a project like Standard Ascension Tower should be brought into implementation with proper training, protective equipment, and safety procedures for their workers. Workers should also be aware of their surroundings and take appropriate precautions to stay safe while on the job.
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Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY
Standard Ascension Towers (SAT)  by Larry Jordan II Buffalo is a telecommunications manufacturing firm focused on providing precision controls to networks.  The company was formed as a joint venture with the participation of new investors and the current owners, PRZ Technologies and Wally P, its President. The company is organized as a closely-held corporation with a majority of the shares held by the principal executives. The first manufacturing facility is located in Western New York, which was chosen due to incentives and tax-free operation opportunities for tech startups.
Height: Worker safety is the main motivation for this project and a big part of keeping the workers safe is eliminating the climbing of the cell phone towers.
2. Construction: The towers are typically constructed from steel or reinforced concrete, and are designed to withstand high winds and other extreme weather conditions.
3. Antennas: The towers are equipped with antennas and other equipment necessary for transmitting and receiving various types of communication signals. Antennas came  to ground in order to provide safety to the workers.
4. Lighting: Ascension towers are often equipped with warning lights and other safety features to ensure they are visible to aircraft and other nearby objects.
5. Access: Towers are equipped with ladders, stairs, and other means of access to allow maintenance personnel to reach the antennas and other equipment located on the tower.
6.Security: Ascension towers are typically secured with fencing, gates, and other security features to prevent unauthorized access.
7. Foundation: The towers are anchored to a concrete foundation that provides stability and support for the tower.
8. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is required to keep the tower and its equipment in good working order and ensure reliable transmission of signals.
Overall, ascension towers are essential infrastructure for modern communication networks and play a critical role in enabling the transmission of information across large distances.
Increased range: Ascension towers can transmit communication signals over long distances, enabling communication between remote locations that would otherwise be difficult or impossible.
2. Improved reliability: Ascension towers are built to withstand extreme weather conditions and other environmental factors, ensuring reliable transmission of signals even in harsh conditions.
3. Enhanced safety: The warning lights and other safety features on Ascension towers help to prevent collisions with aircraft and other nearby objects, ensuring the safety of both people and property.
4. Accessible maintenance: The ladders, stairs, and other means of access make it easier for maintenance personnel to reach the antennas and other equipment on the tower, reducing downtime and improving the efficiency of maintenance.
5. Efficient use of space: By transmitting signals over long distances, Ascension towers can reduce the need for multiple smaller transmission sites, freeing up valuable space for other uses.
6. Reduced costs: By enabling communication over long distances and reducing the need for multiple smaller transmission sites, Ascension towers can help to reduce the costs associated with building and maintaining communication networks.
Overall, the standard features of Ascension Towers provide a range of benefits that are essential for modern communication networks, including increased range, reliability, safety, accessibility, space efficiency, and cost savings.
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Larry Jordan II Lancaster
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What Standard Ascension Tower will deliver?
Ascension Tower is a unique and revolutionary tower made from a new, patent-protected, design. The towers are much safer and which makes penetration into the existing markets less difficult. The inventor, Larry Jordan II Lancaster believes in their versatility, automation, wireless capabilities, security, safety, and accurate control capabilities. The patented process and product give our Standard Ascension Tower towers the following advantages over the existing towers:
Much less cost to maintain and build.
Traditional cell towers require regular maintenance to ensure that they operate efficiently and effectively, which can be time-consuming and costly.
More durable
This occurs when too many users are trying to access the network at the same time, leading to slower speeds, dropped connections, and other performance issues. Mobile networks can be affected by interference from other devices, such as microwaves, causing signal degradation and connectivity issues.
Have the ability to collocate more carriers.
There is a limited amount of spectrum available for mobile networks, which can make it difficult for carriers to expand their networks and provide better service.
The tower is fully automated.
Being fully automated will eliminate the need to climb the towers. Traditional cell towers can be dangerous for technicians who need to climb to the top to perform maintenance or repairs.
Able to remotely change azimuths.
Carriers are losing millions off of Azimuth devotion
Able to remotely bring down tower top components in the event of disastrous or damaging weather. 
Traditional cell towers rely on electricity to operate, and power outages can result in service disruptions, particularly in areas prone to natural disasters.
Guaranteed for years.
Traditional cell towers require regular maintenance to ensure that they operate efficiently and effectively, which can be time-consuming and costly.
Tower components will be inaccessible to thieves
Short-range wireless tower top capabilities to ensure faster speeds, elimination of the need for fiber, power, and coaxial.
Features of Standard Ascension Tower
Improved Efficiency: Automated cell towers can operate with minimal human intervention, reducing the need for manual monitoring and maintenance. This can help improve the efficiency of the network infrastructure, as well as reduce the cost and time associated with managing the network.
Enhanced Network Reliability: Automated cell towers are designed to respond quickly to changes in network demand and environmental conditions, ensuring that the network is always available and responsive.
Reduced Downtime: Automated cell towers can detect and diagnose issues quickly, allowing them to be resolved before they cause downtime or service disruptions.
Better Network Coverage: Automated cell towers can be deployed in remote or hard-to-reach areas, providing coverage to areas that might not be accessible with traditional cell towers.
Improved Energy Efficiency: Some automated cell towers are designed with energy-efficient features, such as solar power, which can help reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs.
Faster deployment: Ascension Towers can be deployed more quickly than traditional towers, making them ideal for emergencies or areas where coverage is urgently needed.
Scalability: Automated cell towers can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate changes in network demand or coverage requirements, making them a flexible and adaptable solution for mobile network providers.
Overall, automated cell towers offer several advantages over traditional cell towers, including improved efficiency, network reliability, and energy efficiency, among others.
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Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY
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 An Ascension Tower is a type of telecommunication tower that is designed to be modular and scalable, allowing it to be quickly and easily expanded or upgraded as needed.  The inventor, Larry Jordan II Buffalo, has assigned to Standard Ascension Tower all patent rights to manufacture and marketthe Ascension Towers worldwide, in perpetuity.
There are several benefits of Ascension Towers, including:
1.    Flexibility: Ascension Towers are designed to be modular, meaning that they can be easily expanded or upgraded as needed to accommodate changes in demand or new technologies.
2.    Scalability: Because Ascension Towers are modular, they can be scaled up or down depending on the specific needs of a particular location or application.
3.    Lower cost: Ascension Towers are typically less expensive than traditional tower designs, as they require less construction and maintenance.
4.    Faster deployment: Because Ascension Towers are modular and require less construction, they can be deployed more quickly than traditional towers, which can be a significant advantage in emergencies or in areas where coverage is urgently needed.
5.    Reduced environmental impact: Ascension Towers typically require smaller footprints than traditional towers, which can help to reduce their impact on the environment.
6.    Improved coverage: Ascension Towers are designed to be highly adaptable and can be customized to provide optimal coverage for specific locations or applications.
7.    Sustainability: Ascension Towers require smaller footprints than traditional towers, reducing their impact on the environment.
8.    Reliability: Ascension Towers are designed to provide reliable, high-quality coverage for mobile data and voice services, helping to ensure that users can stay connected even in remote or challenging locations.
Analysis of current mobile towers
Workers no longer have to climb
Worker safety is the main motivation for this project, and a big part of keeping the workers safe is eliminating the climbing of the cell phone towers. The fewer climbers/workers needed to service the tower, the sooner the redesign will pay for itself. Limiting the number of climbers will also mean fewer opportunities for injury.
 Mobile network threats to labor
1.    Fall hazards: Workers who climb or work at heights on mobile towers may be at risk of falling, which can result in serious injury or death.
2.    Electrical hazards: Mobile towers carry high-voltage electrical current, and workers may be at risk of electrocution if they come into contact with live wires or equipment.
3.    Structural hazards: Mobile towers can experience structural failures, such as collapsing or leaning, which can cause injury or death to workers who are working nearby.
Factor of Safety
The factor of Safety is an engineering specification that can be used to describe any number of mechanical systems. It is the theoretical maximum load or stress that a system can take divided by the load that will be placed on the structure.
Number of carrier slots
Cell phone towers are operated by more than one company, as an overarching entity owns the tower and rents space on the tower to providers. As a result, the number of carrier slots is directly proportional to the profitability of the tower and is a specification that should be maximized. 
Translational motor power output
 A motor of some variety will be vitally important in this design scenario since it will be used to raise and lower the antennas making climbers obsolete. The only specification about the motor that is of concern at this point is the power output since that is the spec most directly linked to lifting.
Weight of individual antenna
The weight of the antennas is important as it dictates the strength motor that will be needed to lift the antennas into place. The antenna weight should be minimized under the required design and functionality constraints. Structural cross-section The cross-section of the tower will be vital in determining the pressure and stresses on the tower.
Thermal properties
Many of the locations of cell phone towers experience severe weather conditions which must be taken into account. Temperature can affect the size, and ductility of nearly all metals, and precipitation could cause corrosion.
Oxidizing agent concentration of the coating
A weather-resistant paint is necessary for a structure that is outside. It can help combat the effects of temperature, by acting as an insulator and help prevent corrosion. The coating slurry is comprised of oxidizing agents at a minimum concentration of 10 grams/liter such that the passive film is compact and continuous.
Ascension tower objectives
Base material yield strength
The weight of the cell phone tower may increase considerably with the redesign. As it stands now, the base is strong enough to act as a sturdy foundation, but analysis must be performed to determine the new necessary strength.
Height of tower
The towers need to be a certain height so that they can provide maximum coverage for their providers.
Easy to work on
If all the work can be done at ground level, the maintenance time will be reduced drastically. This would also make it possible for cell phone companies to have their technicians work on the antennas rather than hiring specialized workers.
Other carriers stay in service when work is being done
Lowering one carrier at a time is a necessity. The only carrier that can be affected by the work going on in the tower is the provider receiving maintenance.
Antennas come to ground
 A system where the workers are brought up to the antennas using a raised platform is feasible but is not as good as lowering the antennas. Any time workers are at a great height there is the potential for serious injury and death. If the antennas come to the ground, the workers are no longer placed in danger.
Multiple carriers
 Cell phone towers must be able to hold the necessary equipment for more than one cell phone carrier.
Adjustable antennas
The position of the antennas affects the coverage provided by that carrier so the antennas must be able to be adjusted.
As the towers may need to be worked on at any time of day or night, the motors in use cannot be loud.
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Larry Jordan II Lancaster
1. The Different Types of Mobile Networks
There are a few different types of mobile networks. The two most common are 2G, 3G, and 4G. 2G is an older network that is mostly used in developing countries. 3G is a newer network that is faster and can handle more data. 4G is the latest network and the fastest of all.
 2. How Mobile Networks Work
Cellular networks are a type of mobile network that uses low-power radio signals to provide voice and data services to mobile devices. A cellular network is divided into cells, each served by a base station. When a mobile device moves from one cell to another, the base station switches it to the new cell.
Cellular networks work by breaking up the conversation into small pieces and sending them out over the network one at a time. This technique is called frequency division multiplexing (FDM). The different types of conversations are sent over different frequencies, so they don’t interfere with each other.
3. The Benefits of Mobile Networks for Businesses
Mobile networks are becoming increasingly important for businesses. They provide several benefits, including the following:
1. Increased flexibility and mobility. With mobile networks, employees can work from anywhere. This increases flexibility and productivity.
2. Increased communication. Mobile networks allow for fast and easy communication between employees. This helps to improve efficiency and communication within the team.
3. Reduced costs. Mobile networks can help businesses save money on communications costs. By using a mobile network, businesses can reduce their reliance on expensive traditional communication methods.
4. Improved customer service. Mobile networks allow businesses to provide better customer service. With mobile networks, businesses can easily connect with customers and provide instant support.
5. Greater reach. Mobile networks allow businesses to reach a wider audience. With a mobile website or app, businesses can access customers all over the world.
4. Mobile Tower Challenges: A Safe and Efficient Approach
There are several challenges associated with installing and maintaining mobile towers. Addressing these challenges safely and efficiently is critical to the success of any mobile tower installation.
1. What are some of the common challenges associated with mobile towers?
There are several common challenges associated with mobile towers, including:
· -The need for a clear line of sight between the tower and the mobile device
· -The need for a flat surface on which to install the tower
· -The need for adequate power and telecommunications infrastructure at the tower site
· -The need for ongoing maintenance and repairs
5. How can these challenges be addressed safely and efficiently?
The Ascension Tower, founded by Larry Jordan II Lancaster, is an amazing solution that addresses the following issues:
· These are less costly to buy and maintain.
· Ascension towers are fully automated, durable, and have the efficiency to handle more carriers.
· In current mobile towers, the workers have to climb towers ranging anywhere from a few hundred to over two thousand feet in height. Ascension towers are safer as there is no need to climb them. Ascension towers have the feature of being brought down remotely in natural calamities, so the network is not affected.
 6. How can you ensure that your mobile tower installation meets all safety requirements?
When installing a mobile tower, it is important to ensure that all safety requirements are met. This includes ensuring that the tower is properly grounded and that all wiring is up to code. You should also check with your local authorities to make sure that there are no restrictions on installing a tower in your area.
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Larry Jordan Buffalo NY
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You must have noticed many mobile towers around your house, but have you ever wondered how they work and does going near them make the phone network correct?
What is the function of the mobile towers installed near your house? How do they help you call someone?
What does a mobile tower do?
When you talk to someone on the phone, the phone sends your voice by converting it into a signal and it reaches the other person's phone through the signal and then those signals are converted into voice. But the question is how these signals go from one place to another. A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land areas known as cells. Each cell is served at a fixed location transceiver known as a cell site or base station. When these cells are linked together, they provide radio coverage over wide geographic areas. These enable a large number of transceivers such as mobile phones, pagers, etc. to communicate with each other via fixed transceivers and telephones anywhere in the network via base stations. 
 Larry Jordan Buffalo NY (CEO of Standard Ascension Towers Corp), believes and is focused on manufacturing and marketing effective solution for network rollouts. The patented manufacturing process and the product have no existing competition. Standard Ascension Towers also aims to offer a seamless network for the telecommunication industry at a price that is competitive in comparison to other premium-quality OEMs in the market. The company will overhaul maintenance work without compromising overall signal capabilities.  
Working on current cellular network
A cellular network is used by mobile phone operators to achieve both coverage and capacity for their customers. Large geographic areas are divided into smaller cells to avoid line-of-sight signal loss and to support a large number of active phones in that area. All of the cell sites are connected to telephone exchanges (or switches), which in turn connect to the public telephone network.
In cities, each cell site may have a range of up to about 1 m2 mi (0.80 km), while in rural areas, the range may be as much as 5 mi (8.0 km). It is possible that in clear open areas, a user can receive a signal from a cell site up to 25 miles (40 km) away.
Cellular transmission is also known as cellular radio. In this, a network is built using a large number of low-power base stations for transmission. Each station maintains a limited coverage area. An area is divided into several smaller areas. Each of these small areas, known as cells, is served by its own low-power radio base station. Each area maintains its own low-power radio base station for transmission in cellular radio. These radio stations are allocated frequency channels in such a way that the channels (frequencies) used in one cell can be reused in another cell at some distance. The main principle of cellular radio is to use multiple low-power transmitters within a coverage area instead of using one powerful transmitter. 
Since nearly all mobile phones use cellular technology, including GSM, CDMA, and AMPS (analog), the term "cell phone" is in some areas, notably, the US, used interchangeably with "mobile phone". However, satellite phones are mobile phones that do not communicate directly with cellular towers on the ground, but may do so indirectly via a satellite. 
 The aim and efforts of Larry Jordan Buffalo NY also includes protecting the workforce as the towers are unsafe to work on.
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Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY
Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. Most of our work is dependent on mobile phones. Without a mobile tower, no mobile phone can make or receive calls or send data. At present, telecom companies are providing better signal facilities to their customers by installing more and more towers. So their customers can enjoy better voice calls and data.
You must have seen mobile towers near your house, but have you ever wondered how they work and whether going to them makes the phone network better? 
What is the purpose of the mobile towers installed near your house? How do they help in calling someone? 
A mobile tower is a technology based on a wireless network that provides better voice and data access to the user. It is also called a cell phone network and cellular network. When we speak on our mobile phone, our voice is detected by our microphone. And with the help of IC installed in mobile, our voice is converted into a digital signal.
Working of tower The antenna present inside the mobile transmits the signal in electromagnetic waves and reaches the nearest tower, which is connected to the base station. After receiving the signal, the base station sees in the main control that whatever call is being made by the user, it is being made on the SIM card of which company, and then, through the mobile tower signal of that company, the call is connected to the last dialled person. All this process is done very fast. The caller does not even realise that the voice call made by him has gone through such a complicated process. The procedure takes place by the reverse process of electromagnetic waves, so that when our voice reaches our friend, it works just the opposite. Electromagnetic waves do not travel long distances, so the towers are not placed over a long distance.
Base Station  The base station acts as a receiver that connects telephone networks. To reduce the base station overheads, multiple towers are connected to the single base station. A base station is connected to the tower through a fiber-optic cable, through which we get the contact thrust, which is taken from the sea or the soil.
Example  It works like a post office. You first come to the post office with a letter, and this letter reaches the nearest station of the next person. The postman then gives the letter to his house from there. Similarly, your conversation reaches the mobile network through the first waves, and the mobile network prepares it to go into the fiber, and through the fiber, it is delivered to the nearest tower of the next person. The waves are then sent through to the phone. The work of converting and receiving the waves of the tower is done by its antenna, which is installed in each tower.
Mobile Technology Various mobile network companies have their own setups and they also charge different prices according to the services of the companies.  The technologies used are 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. The features of the latest 5G facilitate data speeds of 1 to 10 Gbps. This network will have 1000 times the bandwidth per unit area and will save up to 90% of the energy.This new generation network will provide better connectivity in every geographical region. The mobile's IP address is connected to a connected network according to the geographical position. People living at higher altitudes can get network facilities very easily through 5G.
Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY, Standard Ascension Tower is a manufacturer of structural l steel fully automated cell towers, with one location on the East coast and Midwest. Standard Ascension Tower is a start-up manufacturing firm offering versatility, automation, wireless capabilities, security, safety, and accurate control capabilities.
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Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY | 5 stems inc | 5 stems llc
This is rapid infrastructure deployment Smart Tower and will keep tower tech clandestine from its competition giving one an edge on stability and innovation. (Please sign NDA attached)
Smart Tower Solutions
The tower will be a dodecagon so that 360-degree coverage can be split into 40-degree slices for increased, pinpointed coverage. It is also designed this way so that masts that hold antennas/microwaves etc. And as well be a standalone unit so that when maintenance or upgrades are warranted it can be easily retracted for maintenance or upgrade. It will also have advertising banners that can be electronic or inert. The material will be sleek, with clean lines modern and cloaked for multi-use. This design has a trifecta benefit: 1. It allows technicians to have easy access to the mast without having to take a risk of a climb. In turn allowing major carriers to limit injuries or even fatalities for installation, upgrades, and maintenance and save time and money. 2. One will be able to access a unit without interfering with other carriers; also, remotely adjust the antenna angle. 3. Also, companies will have an option to incorporate our RF tower top design which is currently still developing an innovative (PAN) optical/infrared system that will allow antennas and radios to allow seamless communication without the use of wires and components cabling on the towers.
Another strong revenue feature of the Smart is our drone ports. Drones for companies like Amazon, DHL, municipalities, Law enforcement, etc., defense, now have the ability can update coordinates at our towers. This gives companies long-range capabilities without having to make a footprint.
The Ascension to the Top
Towers range from 100k to 800k. This includes and is not limited to OEM Long term agreements of maintenance and ancillary services this contract will render. Moreover, we have secured a Level 2 Vendor status with the United Nations for services and supply. Thus, translating to thousands of immediate tech jobs. Our exclusive partnership with Kleos will give our clients Smart towers with 5G-Ergo. It's faster, safer, non-carcinogenic, uses less power, and has a smaller footprint. -See attached deck-
Our smart tech can quickly bring 5g to a country with our quick deployment and rapid shipping and setup. We can have a whole country deployed with the safe 5g Ergo in months!!!!!! Giving the United States the best network in the world!!
Falcon Nano has developed tech that increased performance and battery life for the Internet of Things (IoT) and drone systems, and - 8X increase in spectral efficiency without increasing signal to noise ratio requirement and has 8x faster wireless data transmission. -See attached deck-
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