larry5353 · 11 months
I believe that we have been spoken to in code. Empirical evidence suggests that the phrase, “Change has come to America” means that the government wants to take the lions share of our money and give us the change. The theory of “Climate Change” is the method by which they will and are doing it.
If science is the method by which we observe evidence and develop an hypotheses, prove me wrong. In this case I believe the science.
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larry5353 · 2 years
Coffee Anyone?
If I had a career as a writer, I think of continuous pots of coffee fueling me through the arduous hours of creativity and editing, similar to when I would cram all night for an exam in college. Isn’t it a window into today’s society that offices went from the ubiquitous Bunn coffee maker that makes a fresh pot of coffee in less than five minutes, to one serving plastic cups that make one weak tasteless cup of coffee at a time. I miss the office communal pot of coffee. Sometimes when I would come into the office in the afternoon from stops I would make, there would be pot of coffee that was two hours or more old. Thick, having reduced from the heat to a fine molasses like consistency. I’d drink it black. What a great charge it would give me. It took away all my weariness and I was productive the rest of the day. Not so with the single serving flavored or unflavored swill that’s called coffee.
Another thing about the communal pot is that when in the coffee room with colleagues you could make a fresh pot and trade war stories from the field. With single serving cups you wait in line and leave after you get your one cup. All the corporations tout that that they are doing their part to combat “climate change”, yet at the same time pollute the environment by disposing ten plastic cups with coffee grinds rather than simply a paper filter and grinds. The ultimate insult is, due to NYS and other State laws, grocery stores no longer give the customer plastic bags to conveniently carry their groceries to the car, groceries that almost all are packed in plastic containers. Costumers now have the pleasure of virtue signaling how environmentally concerned they are while they carry their plastic packaged food to their cars with lead laced bags made in China. But I digress. A whole pot of hypocrisy all around!
I’ll have my coffee made by my Bunn coffee maker at home and the rest can drink the corporate coffee swill in single serving cups. I may be dating myself, but I can’t help seeing the duplicity of these disingenuous “community conscious” corporations and corrupt politicians.
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larry5353 · 2 years
Coffee Anyone?
If I had a career as a writer, I think of continuous pots of coffee fueling me through the arduous hours of creativity and editing, similar to when I would cram all night for an exam in college. Isn’t it a window into today’s society that offices went from the ubiquitous Bunn coffee maker that makes a fresh pot of coffee in less than five minutes, to one serving plastic cups that make one weak tasteless cup of coffee at a time. I miss the office communal pot of coffee. Sometimes when I would come into the office in the afternoon from stops I would make, there would be pot of coffee that was two hours or more old. Thick, having reduced from the heat to a fine molasses like consistency. I’d drink it black. What a great charge it would give me. It took away all my weariness and I was productive the rest of the day. Not so with the single serving flavored or unflavored swill that’s called coffee.
Another thing about the communal pot is that when in the coffee room with colleagues you could make a fresh pot and trade war stories from the field. With single serving cups you wait in line and leave after you get your one cup. All the corporations tout that that they are doing their part to combat “climate change”, yet at the same time pollute the environment by disposing ten plastic cups with coffee grinds rather than simply a paper filter and grinds. The ultimate insult is, due to NYS and other State laws, grocery stores no longer give the customer plastic bags to conveniently carry their groceries to the car, groceries that almost all are packed in plastic containers. Costumers now have the pleasure of virtue signaling how environmentally concerned they are while they carry their plastic packaged food to their cars with lead laced bags made in China. But I digress. A whole pot of hypocrisy all around!
I’ll have my coffee made by my Bunn coffee maker at home and the rest can drink the corporate coffee swill in single serving cups. I may be dating myself, but I can’t help seeing the duplicity of these disingenuous “community conscious” corporations and corrupt politicians.
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larry5353 · 2 years
Juneteenth/Fathers Day
Has anyone considered that Juneteenth has made Father’s Day part of a three day weekend?
I praise the Lord that the sin of slavery ended on June 19th? Absolutely! As a Christian man I am grateful that one of the great, righteous things the church produced was the abolitionist movement. As a Christian man and father, I am also ecstatic that I now have three days to celebrate both holidays at the very start of summer. So, How appropriate it is to thank God Almighty for slavery’s end and for good and faithful fathers. Amen Hallelujah!
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larry5353 · 3 years
Who wrote the following except and what poem is it from?
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
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