larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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Did you know? Tumblr DOES have a post length limit. Strangely, though, it's based on how many blocks of text you have. Supposedly this implies that you can have any length post so long as it's one block of text? Very strange, will have to investigate further.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
If your goals basically amount to "after The Revolution everything will be great because people will all have the Good Ethics and work together in my Perfect System and the Evil People with Bad Morals and Bad Behaviour who are making this world bad will be gone (killed/imprisoned/exiled/all converted to agree with us when they see our Perfect System)" then that's just fascism. I hate to say it but you've put a gay socialist hat on fascism.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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the boobs are here !!!!
✸ bonus sticker included with each mouse pad order :3
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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Friends don't let friends read Atlas Shrugged
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
so, did I ever tell you guys about the time my roommate accidentally simulated gender dysphoria in VR?
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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this is genuinely making me lose it
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
a lot of the coverage of the Palestinian genocide is focusing on the US student protests and the narrative is constantly in danger of shifting away from what the protests are actually about and a lot of the language is now speaking in terms of police brutality, silencing of free speech, etc. It's not a radical thing to say that this isn't exactly helpful to the Palestinian cause if the actual reasons for the protests aren't constantly front and center. A lot of people have already made this point. I do not think the genie can necessarily be put back in the bottle with how the protests and the police reaction to them are entering the public consciousness of the USian people. A lot of people are or will become aware of these protests through the lense of these simply being instances of police brutality, and police brutality is a critical issue that many USamericans are very passionate about thus making it difficult to reframe the context of these images of police slamming white professors into pavement towards awareness of Israels decades long illegal occupation and systematic and indiscriminate displacement and murder of Palestinians. What I feel needs to be done is try to reframe these images flooding the internet not *away* from issues of police brutality and homesoil fascism, but in the wider context of imperialist governments taking the lessons they learn oppressing "foreign peoples" and turning them inwards. That police brutality is not disconnected from imperialist mass murder. That the one thing connecting the assaulted USian protester and the trans israeli denied gender affirming care for refusing to serve in the fascist Israeli military and the Palestinian child buried alive for the crime of being Palestinian... the one thing connecting them is that, sooner or later, they are all victims of power. Our rights are granted to us inequitably, unevenly, and are just as quickly stripped away when we do not serve the interests of fascist power. We are either a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian, not the innocent or the guilty but the human being Palestinian, is murdered because she can not be useful to the state while she is still breathing. She can never have the "privilege" of being a tool. I'll say it again: We outside of Palestine who can go to protests, who have families, who are able bodied, who can work, who can keep their head down or speak without immediate retaliation have the "honor" of choosing to be a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian has no choice.
There will always be an armed cop ready to arrest you and kill your brother as long as there is a bomb ready to drop on the heads of Palestinian children. Fascism trickles up and inward.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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swagless transman representation is so important in todays culture
original reference picture :
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(the fujita specific brainrot is getting bad again sorry, he’s literally so me)
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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[ID: Photos of three small clay horses with a glossy finish painted to look like horses from the Lascaux Cave paintings. They all have a stocky build and simplified features. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Re-taking some photos with a black background. I've given them a glossy coat of waterproofing agent to better protect them (it's helped stabilise a few wobbly cracked legs). In person it has made the colours look richer, but I'm personally not that fond of the glossy look.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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apparently one whale years ago was observed doing this for hours and now more and more whales in the area are seen copying it so we think it’s a whole new behavior and it seems to be a response to shrinking food sources.
Instead of expending any energy actively hunting, the whale just holds its mouth open wherever fish are being hunted by birds. To escape the birds, the fish try to hide in the whale’s mouth because it’s a darker area that looks like shelter. …They’re turning into giant, sea-mammal pitcher plants.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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Watterson pulled no punches
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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Columbia University protest suppression, 4.30.24
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
there arent enough gifs of white men tantrums
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
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How do we break it to boomers with actual brain damage and nostalgic brainrot, and the 'tradwife' thirsting Andrew Tate fans that bodyfat, average attire, an overall lack of professional haircare or makeup, and non-conventionally attractive women existed and represented the vast majority of women across all of history?
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And that, yes, in fact, their belief that "all women were hot skinny super models" in x timeframe is because they keep posting images of fashion models, actresses, idealized pinup art, and creepshots of actual teenage girls instead of middle aged, elderly and ordinary women from whatever era. Man, history sure was an insane person's exact perfect paradise consisting solely of people specifically they were attracted to--when filtered through a cherry picked lens of solely famous glamor girls instead of just women workers, family photos and life events taking place anywhere outside of Hollywood.
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It really does irk me that one day people will assume all of the 21st century consisted of women who looked like whichever three actresses are most remembered one day and a few odd instagram filtered images--because already, a massive wealth of evidence already exists to the contrary for all of prior history and people are still somehow convinced everyone on Earth was a size zero with perfect hair and makeup for all of human history. That's just not how anything works. It's not how women work. It's not how humans work.
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Another fun fact, the majority of surviving articles of clothing from eons ago were extremely petite, extremely glamorous, and unfathomably tiny. You know why? Because they ..weren't worn. This is a well known example of survivors bias in the fashion industry. Expensive gowns and teeny martini dresses were usually only worn once or twice, if not solely worn by manikins in high end stores. Most people kept a consistent and small wardrobe for their entire lives. New clothes were rare, often custom fit or taylored by family at home, or hand-me downs from sibling to sibling. These clothes that were worn to death and destroyed from decades of use were thrown away. They didn't survive to the modern era because they were overly worn, large, and unglamorous.
Think of it this way, you might save your prom dress or your wedding dress but you're not saving the teeshirt with spaghetti stains on it for future generations to see. Why would you? Those are the clothes that don't survive.
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larry-the-demon · 2 hours
Not even touching on the systemic discrimination of fat people with this one: I think a lot of thin people have yet to reflect on just how much stuff fat people get hate for. These are some things that get seen as - and frequently very explicitly described/presented as - disgusting or funny when fat people do it:
- walking
- running
- standing up
- sitting down
- any sport
- dancing
- expressing hunger
- eating
- breathing
- sweating
- showing skin
- adjusting clothing
- appearing in pictures or videos
- feeling romantic or sexual attraction
- acting on romantic or sexual attraction
- being the target of romantic or sexual attraction
And anecdotally I'd say it's worst among teenagers. Just. Please consider the work it takes to even feel like a person, when this much of your humanity is reduced to a punchline during your formative years. Almost every normal part of existing comes with a side of contempt. You don't get to count. You're continuously reminded of how uacceptable you are. I'm not saying every fat person experiences this, or to the exact same degree. Of course not. But many do, and none should. If you're someone who's made it through that, or you're living through it right now - you are so fucking strong.
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