lara-lane-kent ¡ 2 years
Lois raised her eyebrows, shooing the twins behind her with one hand. “Who are you, exactly?” she said, folding her arms across her chest. This day had clearly and suddenly changed into something unusual, and she personally was not a big fan of surprises. “And how do you know about time streams?”
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Lara sighed and put her face in her hands. She didn’t know why she was so nervous. She looked back at her mother and smiled a bit, “Sorry, sometimes I tend to beat around the bush when I’m nervous. I’m your daughter. From the future. I followed Jon and Jordan here ‘cause they were taking so long and I-- Well, I wanted to see my dad again.” 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 2 years
      Jon beamed proudly at his younger sister as she recounted how she had come to the past. It wasn’t until she said that she almost died doing it that his smile faltered. “Are you okay?” Worry replaced the joy and he pulled away from the embrace to check for anything concerning. After determining that everything seemed fine, the worry turn to relief and he was smiling again. “How’s mom?” There was a pang of sadness inside of him. “And Metropolis?” 
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“Yeah... I should have practiced more. I got impatient.” She sighed. Lara had waited 3 years; she could have waited a little bit longer. But she risked her life instead. She risked causing her mother even more grief. Lara frowned at the mention of their mother. “She’s... keeping busy. She misses you both. She didn’t want me to come... She doesn’t really know that I left. I told her I was going abroad. For school.” Lara bit her lip. “Metropolis is fine. Hopefully. I was hoping that if I helped... we could all go home together.” 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
       Jon was distracted, in his own head instead of being focused on his surroundings like normal. He was worried about Yara and Dory for two very different reasons. He was pretty sure that Yara would hate him for the rest of his life and that Dory wasn’t going to stop worrying about disappearing until Mera’s pregnancy was announced. It wasn’t until Jon heard his voice that he was broken from his thoughts, coming back into reality. He stopped, turning towards the owner of the voice only to be greeted by the face of his sister. “Lara?” His voice was soft, the disbelief plain as he smiled at her. He couldn’t believe she was there. “Lara!” Jon took no time to fly to her, grabbing her in a tight embrace. “I can’t believe you’re here.” He whispered. “How are you here?”
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Lara couldn’t not hug her big brother back. Not after missing him for three years. She was still mad, but the anger could wait. “Jon,” She said, her voice muffled as she pressed her face into his chest. She pulled back a bit to look up at him. “I ran so fast, big brother. You should have seen it. I swear, I almost died doing it.” She said, finally acknowledging just how much the trip had taken out of her. “I got sick of waiting. And maybe this mission needs all three of us.”
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Hearing her yell out his name, Jordan flinched at the sudden sound. Stopping dead in his tracks as his mind put together what was happening. The familiarity of her tone left him breathless. Lara? No, it couldn’t have been. She wasn’t supposed to follow them back in time. It was a dangerous mission. One that had trapped them there when the time machine broke down. He wasn’t sure he’d ever see her again as she was. The younger sister that grew up with them but here she was. 
He turned to face her, taking in how she looked She seemed older than when he last saw her and the cruel realization of how long they’d been gone began to sink in. “Lara?” He asked. “Oh my God, hi!” He stammered out, “What are you doing here?” 
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Lara could see it on his face. The realization; the regret. Of course Jordan would be the one to think about the three years of his little sister’s life that he had missed. She crossed her arms and put on her best angry face. “I only came to see if you were still alive, that’s all.” She said with a bit of a huff. She wasn’t really mad at either of her brothers. She knew that there had to be a reason that they hadn’t come back. But it still hurt. 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
“Come on, guys, we gotta head h – no, honey, don’t eat a bug, why would you do – “ Lois couldn’t help but laugh at her son’s disappointed expression, tugging gently on his hand. “It’s not going to taste good like in The Lion King, I promise. We’ll go home and I’ll make you guys some grilled cheeses, how does that sound? Better than bugs, right?” Before either toddler could answer (not that it mattered, Lois wasn’t going to let her child eat a bug), a young woman approached them. “Hi,” she said, offering the younger woman a little smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Lara. I’m–” But she stopped as the other gave her full name, and her eyebrows lifted. “Kent,” she repeated. “You’re related to Clark?” It was the strongest assumption to make. If someone recognized her, they probably knew her from her work at the Planet, and plenty of people knew that Clark Kent had also worked there. 
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Lara felt bad for impeding on her mother’s time with her brothers. She almost lost her nerve, but it was so nice to see her like this. Full and happy. “I... uh... Yeah. And... you?” She said with a nervous smile. She looked down at her little big brothers and shook her head. “It’s weird. Seeing them like this. Have they met their younger selves? Or would that mess up the time stream...?” Lara had a habit of rambling when she was nervous. 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Although the other young woman insisted that she was fine, Shuri had a feeling that she needed to check on her anyway. So although she didn’t get close enough to actually hold her up, as she thought she’d have to do, Shuri didn’t exactly back off either. “Are you sure you are alright?” she said, tilting her head as she studied the other girl, her brow drawn together in concern. “Perhaps we should sit down, yes? Do you need some water? Or perhaps something to eat?”
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Lara simply nodded and slid down the tree, her hand still on the trunk. “When does the world stop spinning?” She asked, as if she hadn’t been the one to spin it. “I don’t think I can eat. Not till my stomach stops churning.” She said. She dug in her bag for the water bottle that she had packed and took a sip. “Thank you for your concern.” Lara said, finally looking up at the girl with a smile.
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Makkari offered the other a soft smile as she stood waiting for her, she didn’t want anything bad to happen while she wasn’t at her best. She typed once again in her phone I can get behind that statement, I’m rather new to Gotham but even I can tell not everyone is super kind. She looked at the other before typing once again Nice to meet you, Lara, I’m Makkari
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“I’ve definitely heard some pretty insane stories about this place, that’s for sure.” Lara laughed, though it was a bit of a harsh sound. She had never really liked cities--Metropolis was big and noisy and Gotham was like it lived at the bottom of a dark pit, swirling with monsters. She preferred swooping in to save the day and then swooping back out to the Kent farm. Her safe place. “It’s really nice to meet you, Makkari. Am I saying that right? Sometimes phones can have strange pronunciation.” 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
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Christa Wolf ― Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
When Dick text Conner to let him know that someone was asking for him at the front door, he headed down in the elevator immediately, a little rush of excitement washing over him. They’d said that they were family, so he thought that maybe it was the twins, wanting to hang out with their big bro. When he reached the door and opened it, he was surprised to see a young woman that he’d never seen before in his life. “Uhh, hey,” he said, brow furrowing as he looked behind her to see if anyone else was there – someone that he’d hopefully recognise. “Are you the person who asked for me?” The longer he stared at her, the more familiar she seemed. Those doe eyes, the nose… Who was she? “I’m Conner Kent, and… I’m sorry if I sound like a douche right now but, I don’t think I know you.”
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Lara bit her lip slightly, forgetting that she was in the past. It was hard to remember when Conner looked the exact same as when she left. “Sorry, that’s my bad. I forgot where--when-- I am.” She said with a nervous laugh. She wasn’t even sure why she was nervous. He was family. “My name is Lara Kent.” She said with every ounce of Clark-ness she could muster. “My brothers really didn’t mention me? Jerks.” She laughed.
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Makkari says the woman in distress almost immediately makes her worry, she wasn’t the type to just walk by leaving one to their own devices unless she was told otherwise but the girl didn’t look well and that didn’t sit well with her. She approached pulling out her phone to type a quick message before the female robotic voice filled the air between them are you sure? I’ll wait here for that second just to make sure you are okay She offered a small smile keeping her space but still there if the other required her assistance.
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Lara was surprised for a moment when the woman used her phone to talk. “Thank you,” She said and smiled back. “I appreciate good people more than you know.” Lara looked at the phone again and back at the woman. Curiosity burned in her chest, but she was polite enough not to ask. Growing up on a Kansas farm did that. “My name is Lara, by the way.” She said.
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
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I never knew. I never knew what I was missing. How much I wanted this. A family. And someone like me. Someone I could eventually truly hold without hurting. This is all I ever wanted.
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
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natalia dyer - avatars
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Clark was still in his Clark Kent persona. Glasses on his face, his clothes a bit rumpled, his tie not done properly, the look of a mild mannered reporter on him. So when he caught sight of the girl running at the speed of light he had the quick decision to make, become Superman or remain Clark Kent. She looked out of breath and winded but not in any amount of danger. Okay, he approached her in a jog at normal human speed. “Are you okay miss?” He asked with concern. She appeared so young, was she new to her powers perhaps? Or was she from elsewhere?
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Lara looked up so quickly that she nearly fainted at the head rush that came along with it. And there he was. She had been grieving him for three years and now there he was. She was starting to see why her brothers had come to the past, even if they were trading time with their grieving mother for their late father. “I-I... I’m good. Just not as practiced with the super speed as I am with... everything else.” Lara said, looking down at the ground. She had said it before she thought about the fact that she was supposed to hide her powers. He had already been surprised with her brothers, so she wanted to take some time before she told him. It took everything in her not to hug him tightly. 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Lara loved Conner. He was a stable, non-changing fixture in her life. Literally, non-changing. When she was younger, Lara had always envied Conner’s seeming immortality. She still sort of envied it, but she couldn’t imagine not being able to grow old with someone. Thankfully, there were always meta-humans and gods and mutants around, so she knew that there was a chance for Conner to find someone like him. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts from her mind. Her brain always managed to ramble on, just like her words. Lara had gotten Conner’s address--a superhero complex called Titans Tower--from old Gotham maps and now she stood at the door of the building, her finger hovering over the buzzer. She pressed the button and waited for someone to answer. When she heard an unfamiliar voice, she bit her lip. “Hi, uh... Is Conner Kent home? I’m his...” What even was she to Conner? A sister, a niece? “Family. I’m family.”
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Lara had always felt like the odd one out when it came to her brothers. Being a sibling to twins would always feel like that, she supposed. Maybe that’s why she felt so close to their mother. That, and the fact that when the boys had left, she had stayed. She had helped their mother pick up the pieces and glue them back together until they resembled something like a life again. She loved her brothers; flying lessons with Jon and long, emotional talks with Jordan. But she would never understand their bond.
So, when Lara saw Jordan for the first time in three years, she wasn’t sure how to feel. On one level, she missed him immensely. But on another level, she was furious that he left her. Left their mother. “Jordan?” She called out, trying to get his attention. He had been walking in front of her on the sidewalk and she would always know her brother’s movements, his mannerisms. 
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
The first time that Lara saw her mother in the park, holding hands with two toddlers, her jaw dropped. Lois had always been beautiful, but to see her like this... glowing, laughing... it was something else. Lara almost didn’t want to interrupt her afternoon. But, she did. “Excuse me, ma’am...” Lara said after walking up to her mother. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to pretend to be a stranger or not. She supposed this was the moment. “My name is... Well. My name is Lara.” The girl said. She was looking down at her brothers, which was a weird moment for her, because she was used to looking up at them. She took a deep breath in. “Lara... Kent.” She finished, daring to look into her mother’s eyes.
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lara-lane-kent ¡ 3 years
Lara had been in Gotham for five hours now and she still hadn’t found a single member of her family. She was sure that they were here, in Gotham. Unless the timeline had been altered since the last time she had checked. She was on the verge of doubting herself and running back home when she spotted a familiar blue and red speck up in the sky. Her heart skipped a beat. “Dad?” She breathed. Lara took off from the ground in an instant, not caring who had seen her do so. There were tons of heroes--and villains--in Gotham who could fly. It’s not like she had changed into her Supergirl costume on the street. 
When the blue and red speck turned into a blob, which turned into a person, Lara halted in mid-air. Her stomach did a flip as she realized that it was not, in fact, her late father. It was her brother. Tears streamed down her face in an instant as the well of feelings overflowed. “Jon,” She started, her throat tight with emotion. “Surprise.” 
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