lapsusophobia · 47 minutes
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lapsusophobia · 1 hour
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I liked that Erik enough to color him. As much as I like my more realistic art I think I do prefer my more cartoonish style just from an enjoyment level. It's more fun to color and draw. Here's our boy after 48 hours of composing, looking even more ghastly than usual.
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lapsusophobia · 1 hour
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I love Ben Lewis' Phantom a normal amount <3 - a gif series [4/4]
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lapsusophobia · 1 hour
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Much to think
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lapsusophobia · 1 hour
Printing out my (literal book-sized) copy of Teeth part 6 this morning for its final round of editing.... [cue Cat's panicked screeching]
get ready my lovelies 😁❤️
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(this would be a very good time to catch up to part 5 if you haven't! And don't forget to tell me your thoughts if you do, they feed this madwoman's fanfic writing soul)
- Cat
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lapsusophobia · 22 hours
I don't know who needs to hear this, but I've seen a couple of posts lately about hits to kudos ratio and that's how you sort out the crap fic or whatever, and I don't know where this came from, but it's an incredibly flawed premise for how to find 'good fic.' Multi chapter fics in particular will have a hugely disproportionate hits to kudos ratio. You will get multiple hits from one reader reading or rereading through all your chapters. My fic with the highest number of hits is a long-ass multi-chapter that I know multiple readers have read multiple times. One reader alone might have generated dozens of hits and can only leave kudos once. Someone who found it at the beginning and read each chapter as it was released will have contributed 44 hits alone, and that's if they've only opened the fic once for each chapter as it was updated. @aemelia alone probably contributed 14,000 of its 114,095 hits. Lmao
This fic has 1,965 kudos to 114,095 hits. That's a percentage of about 1.7%. Pretty dismal, right? Except one hit does not equal one reader. 1.7% of 114,095 people did not leave me kudos; I have no way of knowing how many individual readers I have. For all I know, 2,000 people have read this, and 1,965 of them left kudos. Please do not feel bad about your hits to kudos ratio as a writer. And as a reader, you can select fic to read based on whatever metric you like, but looking at the number of hits to kudos tells you nothing about the quality of that fic. For all you know, the hits are so high because it's beloved by its readers and they reread it all the time.
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lapsusophobia · 24 hours
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lapsusophobia · 1 day
Fantastic news!!!
Today AMC have announced that 'The Talamasca' series has been officially greenlit. This means that it's fully funded and entering the pre-production stage, with a six episode season to be released in 2025.
This is amazing news, because it strongly indicates that AMC were waiting to see how well IWTV was doing, in their final decision whether to fund the proposed spin-off series in the Immortal Universe. And now they have!!
Here's the details:
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Hopefully, this news will be a relief to those worried about a season 3 renewal.
Mark Johnson (executive producer) was quoted in the announcement today. He was glowing with praise for IWTV!!
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Clearly, AMC are not backing away from the Immortal Universe at all, in fact they're expanding it!!
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lapsusophobia · 2 days
I’m becoming bored with the anti-feminization of fantasy novels. I’m all for heroines who take up a sword, or who chafe against the expectations of their society. But can’t we have more heroines who like dresses and housework and embroidery and family life? We don’t just need heroines who do stereotypically masculine things. Because that perpetuates the sexism–women are only welcome if they’re just like the boys. We also need to show that stereotypically feminine tasks and roles can be heroic.
To that end, here are some suggestions:
The princess who arranges her own marriage, because someone’s got to make the alliance to save this kingdom and it may as well be her. (Extra points: her parents want her to be a knight, but she runs away from home because she would rather get married).
A heroine who really, really loves babies and want to get married and start a family.
Women who love doing embroidery,and comparing patterns and making up new designs. And maybe they embroider a map or two for the adventure, because paper can tear and get wet, and that’s not a problem for fabric.
A woman who has to wear trousers for a portion of the adventure–and hates them. They might be slightly more convenient for running, but they’re uncomfortable, and her legs are too warm, and can’t she please get into skirts again?
Mothers as fantasy protagonists. Caring for their children while also dealing with the demands of the fantasy plot. Queens who negotiate treaties and care for the demands of the castle and then go back to spend time with their children. 
Women who don’t get married and aren’t pressured to get married, but have a happy, successful single life–working as a spinster or running a farm or having any other sort of successful business.
Fantasy societies that are built around the fact that women get pregnant and have children. Bringing your children to the meeting of the fellowship is totally okay! You can run the castle while your children play at your feet! Women aren’t trapped in the house caring for the babies because babies are welcome!
There are loads of interesting things that can happen if stories go beyond the tropes and include the reality of female life. (And if anyone knows of fantasy novels that include some of these things, please point me toward them).
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lapsusophobia · 2 days
found a cool ref and made this small e/c sketch because that’s all I can do for now(uni finals are tough</3)
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lapsusophobia · 2 days
Intimacy is not just about sex. It's having heart-to-hearts, staying up all night talking, sharing childhood memories, thoughts, fears, dreams & hopes for the future. It's uncontrollable laughter, direct eye contact and feeling each other without touching - it's exchanging energy
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lapsusophobia · 2 days
I drink from your gash I spread your naked legs I open them like a book where I read what kills me.
Georges Bataille, "I Place my Cock" from The Collected Poems of Georges Bataille (trans. Mark Spitzer)
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lapsusophobia · 2 days
OMG thank you for the tag!! I will go with Christine because she’s the only one I know & I’m most familiar with, also because you are super sweet and friendly just like her <3
I don’t really have who to tag so everyone is free to do it <3
Tagged by @rainintheevening for this game:
choose 4 of your favourite characters from 4 pieces of media as poll options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe, then tag 4 people.
(For you, Rain, I chose Rex!!! Idk why just vibes. Peter was my second choice tho!!)
Now here's mine!!!
No pressure tags: @its-a-hare-pom-pom @pretending-hesbeside-me @nerdywriter36 @darling-gemini @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom @enigma-absolute @youjustfeelthemforever @achillmango @choasuqeen @dont-do-rice-babes @ladyphlogiston @the-kirbe-anon @the-old-fashioned-girl @ anyone who wants to!!
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lapsusophobia · 3 days
"team loustat" this "team loumand" that WHAT ABOUT TEAM FREE CLAUDIA FROM THOSE DERANGED GAY MEN??
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lapsusophobia · 3 days
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If I made Phantom of the Opera He'd be Gay and Play the Electric Guitar with no further elaboration.
Just finished 2 commissions and drew a ton of PotoFanart in like 3 hours so its beyond messy. The spirit is there though!
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lapsusophobia · 3 days
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Had tons of fun making this Fallout GIF with a mid-century Hanna-Barbera-ish vibe. Look at these lil'goobers, makin' their way down town, walkin'fast...
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lapsusophobia · 3 days
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Vanilla bean milk cake with honey sesame, strawberry jam, poached strawberry filling and salted vanilla chantilly cream by dreamyfigs on instagram
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