languagerider · 1 year
Lockwood and Co is so dark, but after the pandemic, it just feels so real. People would absolutely send whoever to the front lines to fight the Problem. The rich would throw parties. People would be dying and that would be just how things were.
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languagerider · 1 year
if we want to stop the patriarchal concept of surnames being passed down the male line, we have a few options options that i’d be 100% fine with:
children get whichever surname is cooler, to eliminate uncool surnames over the generations
children get whichever surname is rarer, to achieve a utopian future in a few centuries where all surnames are more or less equally common
children’s surnames are randomly generated: say, heads for parent #1’s surname, tails for parent #2’s surname
parents pick the first names first, and then a court decides which surname fits it better. so if a couple named mr. madison and mr. liu want to name their daughter alison, she’ll get the surname liu, because alison madison sounds ridiculous
everyone stops having children right now
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languagerider · 1 year
Imho the idea of ‘cruelty free’ products or food shouldn’t mean that nothing died to create it, but rather that anything and anyone involved in the creation process hasn’t been exploited or harmed.
Leather is good actually. Veganism isn’t the end all be all to morality and consumption. The issue isn’t that a chicken died for those nuggets, but that while the chicken was alive, it’s life fucking sucked. Vegan chocolate means little if the cocoa that made it was gathered by child slave labor.
Factory farms, abuses of the people who pick the fruit and vegetables we eat, the focus profit and productivity over all else - that’s the fucking issue here. It’s capitalism folks.
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languagerider · 2 years
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Eddie Munson trivia (insp)
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languagerider · 2 years
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languagerider · 2 years
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languagerider · 2 years
if dave filoni hurts cody even a little bit in the bad batch I will shed my mortal form and hunt him for sport
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languagerider · 2 years
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An observational doodle
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languagerider · 2 years
The tension is so good. Because the entire time you’re waiting. You’re waiting for Obi-Wan to be Obi-Wan. You’re waiting for him to get his coworker fair pay, you’re waiting for him to help his fellow Jedi, you’re waiting for him to run out and save Owen, you’re waiting for him to go and save Leia.
And he can’t and you just keep waiting, and you know why. You know his reasons, but you also know it’s wrong, it’s not who Obi-Wan Kenobi is.
And even during the rescue you’re waiting for him to go up to the front of the line of the club and just mind trick his way in, for him to use the Force and his lightsaber during his fights, but he doesn’t.
But you get these little eases of tension with his little small kindnesses during the episodes, and a big snap of that tension when he reaches out and Force lifts Leia. 
But not long after he’s hiding behind crates and holding his lightsaber like he doesn’t even know how to use it. 
The moment he draws his saber I’m going to lose it. 
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languagerider · 2 years
Obi-Wan giving his Eeopie a treat everyday.
Obi-Wan buying back his stolen part and joking about having it cleaned but not getting mad and paying for it anyway.
Obi-Wan saving up his money to buy little Luke a toy starship.
Obi-Wan giving the clone trooper vet money
Obi-Wan buying Leia fun gloves even though they're on the run.
Obi-Wan realizing Leia is attached to the droid and instantly changing his tune.
The Jedi saving the Bartender.
Owen staying silent.
The girl giving Obi-Wan free spice.
Haja not only sending Obi-Wan to a ship to escape but also facing down an Inquisitor.
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languagerider · 2 years
We’re watching the Return of the King right now, and got to the part where Denethor is introduced.  My husband asks me for the context of why Denethor is Like That, since I just finished reading the book.  So I explained how Denethor has been using a Palantir for years to get information, and how Sauron has been manipulating him by only letting him see events that give him a worst possible impression of reality.
So my husband replies “Oh!  So Denethor is basically just like your grandpa after he starts getting all his news from Fox.”   And honestly, yeah pretty much.
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languagerider · 2 years
Being a Star Wars fan is really just living in constant fear of an unexpected re-telling of Order 66 being dropped on you at any moment
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languagerider · 2 years
I hope you all know how absolutely balls-to-the-wall fucking obsessed I am with Obi-Wan’s Tatooine daily routine. he wakes up every day like oh boy I sure am depressed but I’ve got to go to my MEAT CUTTING JOB in the MIDDLE OF THE DESERT and then he CUTS MEAT for TEN HOURS after which he very obviously STEALS a bit of it to feed to his PET ABOMINATION and heads back to his DEPRESSION CAVE where he talks to a MEAN RAT that keeps stealing his stuff so he can buy a beat up toy for the KID HE WATCHES WITH BINOCULARS from his ROCK OF SADNESS and after he delivers the toy he goes home to have nightmares and talk to a GHOST HE CAN’T SEE. perfection
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languagerider · 2 years
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languagerider · 2 years
An IPA chart is like the linguistics textbook equivalent of a fantasy novel having a map at the start. You know you're in for a fun time
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languagerider · 2 years
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I see no difference
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languagerider · 2 years
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[Narrator voice]: Daniel would, in fact, go on to threaten and endanger numerous teenagers
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