landscapingyourmind · 2 years
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this is a c!Scar rp blog!! i am not, in any way, trying to impersonate the actual cc, or claim that i am him in any way; this whole thing is just for fun!! blog ran by @tobysteastore.
♢ If you need me to tag a tw, or anything of that sort, just tell me and i will.
❈ Tags: ⋆ Crystals.and.schemes [ any in character posts that aren't interactions. ] ⋆ Swaggon.incorporated [ asks. ] ⋆ Marked.by.the.void [ lore events. ] ⋆ Shlurpo [ OOC things. ]
❈ Specific Tags: ⋆ Wistful affection [ interactions w/ Grian(s). ] ⋆ Friendliest neighbour 'round [ interactions w/ pearleascentmoon. ]
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