ladycavendish · 3 years
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Susan Sontag, from As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks 1964-1980
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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Romeo & Juliet (2013) dir. Carlo Carlei
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ladycavendish · 3 years
‘‘Do you see that young woman over there? Dressed in green and gold?“ If there was one thing Margery disliked was to gossip, or at least she said so, however, if the person to be talked about meant a threat to her family’s reputation, well, then she just couldn’t help it as much as she tried. “Someone’s told me we should be keeping an eye out for her and her intentions. Especifically surrounding the Duke.’’ She told her younger sister while referring to their older brother.  
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alex  could  not  help  but  lean  in  and  look  to  where  the  other  had  been  pointing  .  it  was  not  a  skill  for  alex  to  be  discreet  but  after  years  as  a  lady’s  maid  for  a  fallen  princess  it  was  not  something  of  second  nature  .  she  looked  thought  their  eyelashes  and  then  back  to  their  sister  .  “  oh  ? ��”  they  asked  ,  confused  .  “  who  did  you  that  from  ?  ”
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ladycavendish · 3 years
blanche laughed softly at alex’s words. she couldn’t agree more with her sibling-in-law. though blanche was just a girl when the king divorced queen joan, she remembered vividly the situation with lady mary courtenay. and she heard the whispers back home, too. it was a talent of hers — listening without being noticed. the quiet voices of the yorkists, telling her father about a possible execution of the queen, arrived at blanche’s ear like a howling wind. her family was not present at the moment, but nightmares of the execution pursued her for most of her youth. “ i had the same feeling, alex. and it was not easy to not cross paths with him when i was a lady-in-waiting to lady margaret. ” the fear of being picked of a future bride for the king only faded away when she married alex’s brother. “ well, he is quite young to be a king in my eyes. i fear he will need guidance for a little while longer, and the kingdom be at the hands of the duke of bedford again. ”
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alex  had  only  been  alive  for  .  .  .  three  of  the  divorces  or  beheadings,  and  that  was  enough  for  alex  .  enough  violence  for  a  lifetime  and  a  half  .  they  enjoyed  to  help  and  heal  people  ,  maybe  ,  a  reasoning  for  them  to  become  a  lady  in  waiting  for  the  pri-  lady  tudor  .  court  was  a  headache  with  all  of  these  princesses  running  around  who  were  no  longer  princesses  but  rather  .  .  .  no  one  other  than  another  person  with  royal  blood  in  their  veins  .  she  sighed  ,  loosing  their  want  for  the  fresh  fruits  in  front  of  them  ,  suddenly  .
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“  should  we  change  the  subject  ,  sister  ?  ”  alex  asked  ,  knowing  they  were  getting  into  dangerous  grounds  .  alex  didn’t  wish  to  test  if  the  new  king  allowed  such  talk  out  in  the  open  .  they  knew  if  the  old  king  was  alive  they’d  have  guards  on  them  in  an  instant  .  but  as  the  words  left  their  lips  ,  they  didn’t  wish  to  speak  of  anything  else  ,  or  rather  nothing  else  came  to  mind  .  
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ladycavendish · 3 years
His family had kept the news of his return rather quiet and the revelation of his current condition even quieter still. When he had been finally returned to his family grand home, in a very dire state of nearing Death’s door, his frantic and distressed parents had devoted their entire time and energy to restoring him to health again. They had not want to deal with nosy non-family members bothering them and thus had taken him to one of their secluded family estates out in the countryside to try to wake him up from his comatose state. At one point, even the family physician wasn’t sure if Michael was going to make it. 
But survive Michael did. Whether it was because of his loving family’s fervent care and prayers for him or his personal willpower to return back to a certain lady which he had gave his word to, or combination of both, the second son of the Seymour family finally awoken from his deep slumber a few weeks ago. The renowned, beloved and highly respected military commander was then immediately rewarded with an Earldom for the glorious victories and achievements he had brought for England for the past many years, especially the last 5,  as well as his own extraordinary accomplishments. After the joyous celebration over his recovery and his good fortune of having not only carved a legacy but also a title on his own merits, his family were then stunned to find that the head injury he had sustained in his last heavy battle was more serious than had been initially diagnosed.
He was missing pieces of his recent memories. What was even more despairing to his mother was that he had completely forgotten about his love for Alex and that posed quite a dire challenge to his current betrothal. Michael had insisted that he didn’t want to see her just yet. He wanted to fully heal his physical form and try to take back control of muddled mind. He did not feel like himself and he did not want to worry his friends and his betrothed who had yet to know of his strange and troubling new condition. 
However with almost every noble family invited to the court for the crowning of their new king, it was impossible to put off meeting his intended any longer. Bracing himself for the delivery of bad news, he then strode towards their arranged meeting spot. She wasn’t there. Was he late or too early? His dark brows furrowed and he gingerly called out, “Lady Cavendish? Lady Alexandra Cavendish? Are you around?” His eyes roved about the area, trying to spot her. And then as his tall figure sighted a strawberry-blonde head moving among the maze nearby, he hurried towards it.
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alex had been deep within their mind. so deep the nasty habit of bringing her fingers up to bite at her nails came to light. how far had they travelled from their’s and the bro- no an earl for his service to the king, he was now an earl and had a title of his own. that was something alex had not foreseen to be an earl’s wife, a countess. she had only seen them living untitled and happy, away from all of this. away from court. 
the sound of his voice finally brought alex out of her mind, their hand dropping. she picked up her skirts. he sounded so . . . frantic as if something else was wrong. she stopped running seeing him hurrying towards her. she reached out, looking up and down at him. “michael,” she breathed, her hands resting on his upper arms. “are you quite alright?” in this moment they were more thankful than happy that they had not brought their brother or sister in law, and it seemed the gardens were empty (just for them?). finally not seeing any blood or cuts, she looked up to his face. she wanted to reach out, to cuff his cheeks but something. . . stopped her. there was something. . . missing from his eyes.
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“michael?” it was a whisper this time, her arms dropping from his arms.
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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PENNY DREADFUL, 1x01 - “Night Work”
requested by @lovepassion88
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ladycavendish · 3 years
“ i hope the earth is happy, dear alex. ” blanche answered her sibling-in-law, a small smile adorning her face. she remembered well the times of king william — and suffered seeing dear friends being discarded by him. with eleanor, she did not see anything, only knowing by letters. however, the situation with margaret left blanche quite afraid that her own husband would grow tired of her and end their marriage even now. “ i must agree with you. the death of queen mary left everyone sheer shock. i hope the new king will not follow on his father’s footsteps. ”
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alex  nodded,  reaching  out  for  a  fruit.  they  had  been  loving  grapes  lately,  and  anything  else  that  has  been  brought  to  the  court.  since  being  a  lady  of  eleanor’s  alex  had  been  enjoying  more  and  more  of  what  court  life  had  to  offer,  but  mostly  the  food.  they  had  been  lucky  enough  to  still  go  out  and  help  the  poor  and  sickly  but  be  close  to  the  royals  and  know  the  gossip  of  the  court.  they  nodded  as  blanche  spoke.  “i  was  afraid  to  even  cross  paths  with  the  late  king,  fearing  even  getting  in  his  way  would  send  me  to  the  stocks.  the  new  king  is  .  .  .  odd  and  hard  to  read,  i  wonder  if  he  even  knows  how  to  dress  himself.”
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ladycavendish · 3 years
they  were  rather  nervous  to  see  michael  again,  it  had  been  over  five  years  since  he  had  left  the  shores  of  england.  few  letters  here  and  there  but  being  able  to  see  and  feel  them  was  different  than  a  letter.  
she  moved  through  the  maze  in  the  garden,  far  too  nervous  to  sit  at  the  table  that  had  been  set  for  them.
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ladycavendish · 3 years
alex  put  their  hand  up  to  shield  the  rays  of  the  sun,  they  looked  over  their  shoulder  asking  a  servant  to  get  something  else  to  shade  them  as  well  as  their  sister  in  law.  she  sighed  and  turned  back  to  the  other.  “i  don’t  think  i’ve  seen  or  felt  london  so  hot  before,  sister.  maybe  the  earth  is  upset  about  the  new  king,  or  perhaps  happy?”  she  reached  out,  taking  a  sip  of  her  tea.  “i,  for  one,  am  rather  happy  that  women’s  heads  will  stop  falling.”
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ladycavendish · 3 years
˛    *    ♡        𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒃𝒆 𝒅𝒚𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔.
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      by clicking on the source link, you will find 700 ( 75x75 ) gif icons of phoebe dynevor in 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐍. all gif icons were made by me from scratch for rp purposes, so please do not redistribute or claim as your own. if you found them helpful, please like / reblog and consider buying me a coffee ( link on the page ). 
𝐭𝐰: kissing, partial nudity, drinking, eating.
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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Morgana Pendragon, Merlin (S03E05)
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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[ phoebe dynevor, twenty five, non binary ] alexandra “alex” cavendish & lady has come to court. they are known for being down to earth, firm + witty but their chambers are reminiscent of the scent of roses as one walks away + draft white horses pulling a glass carriage.
inspiration: dani, the haunting of bly manor
full name: alexandra “alex” cavendish
official title: lady cavendish
age: twenty five
gender: non binary 
pronouns: she+they
birthday: we’ll see
orientation: demi sexual + panromantic 
allegiance: the cavendish familu
alignment: chaotic neutral
a beauty who came into the world quietly, even after patting their back she refused to cry but had the biggest eyes that wandered through the room, and a smile that came to her lips
they say you either have street smarts or book and somehow alex got both
she grew up a smiley and giggly lady, always wishing to play and run about, she had more dolls than any young person needed but playing house was her favorite thing
as they grew her intelligence amazed everyone. she was done with her tudors by the age of 16
they went to working within poor houses to help the sick, learning more about herself. how she was a lot stronger than people made her out to be, and herself
her interest are art, philosophy and languages
she’s taught herself seven languages and hopes to learn more
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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Anna Karenina (2017)
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ladycavendish · 3 years
tag drop
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ladycavendish · 3 years
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countless gifs from bridgerton - 1/∞
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