ladyalice5 · 9 hours
You introduce your husband as your "boyfriend" to annoy them.
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Anon! This prompt has me screaming! I really enjoyed writing for this one because it's such a fun idea. Sure, our 141 boys might be a little mad that they aren't being called by their proper title, but you know they'll just love punishing you for it.
I went a little different with this one. Instead of introductions, I made it so that reader is constantly referring to them as "boyfriend" in public settings. Depending on the situation, introductions wouldn't make sense if it was with friends, family, or coworkers because they would likely already know that they're "husband" and not "boyfriend." So i changed it up a bit in that way!
Some of these fall into spicy territory without being descriptive.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): canon-typical swearing, suggestive themes, non-descriptive mentions of sex, fade to black, brief dirty talk
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if series masterlist
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon shakes his head and you roll your eyes.
“We can ask someone for help,” you suggest, scanning the massive wall of televisions.
Simon grunts and crosses his arms. “No.”
Sometimes Simon’s stubbornness is cute—even sexy—but right now you’re just annoyed with him. It makes you want to stir up trouble, to cause a little chaos just for the fun of it. Pouting, you turn, eyes narrowing to find an associate of the electronics store. When you spot one near the HDMI cables, you take off, not caring if Simon follows.
“Excuse me.”
The man’s head perks up. “How can I help you?”
You gesture behind you, your hand smacking into Simon’s chest. “My boyfriend—”
“Boyfriend?” growls Simon, but you ignore him.
“—can’t decide on a television.”
Simon is not your boyfriend. He’s your husband. But he’s being stubborn, not making a decision, and you want out of this store.
Shifting, you place one hand on Simon’s large bicep, grinning like you haven’t done anything at all. Simon’s hand immediately grabs your ass, squeezing hard. A warning. One that you ignore.
“I can help with that,” replies the associate. You glance at the man’s nametag. Jim.
“Thank you so much, Jim.” You lean against Simon, giving Jim your best smile. “Getting this guy to commit to anything is so hard sometimes, ya know?”
Jim makes a noncommittal noise as he walks toward the wall of televisions. You start to follow but Simon’s hold on your ass tightens, keeping you pressed against him. Simon leans down, his lips brushing against your ear.
“What are you doing?” he whispers.
You elbow Simon in the side but it’s not hard. He lets go, keeping close to you as the two of you follow Jim over to the televisions. Standing back, you watch with glee as Simon is forced to talk to Jim. You stay out of it, but notice Simon’s gaze switching to you every so often.
You already know what he’s thinking. He’ll likely want to punish you, and sometimes those punishments are so sweet.
Once Simon selects something and the two of you are at the car, there is no safety net. Simon shuts the trunk and then you’re pressed against the car, your body trapped between it and Simon’s massive form.
“Boyfriend?” he accuses.
You shrug. “What do you mean?”
The growl in Simon’s throat comes out a groan. “Get in the car.” He lightly slaps your ass as you open the passenger door.
As you start to slide in, Simon’s hand returns, this time slipping under your skirt to find your thin, lace underwear. He tugs sharply, ripping the fabric.
He stuffs the underwear into his pocket. “You don’t need these.” You feel your face growing hot.
Simon shuts your car door and walks around the driver’s side, hopping in. He reaches out, placing one large hand on your bare thigh. It roams upward, squeezing, sending a shiver of lust up your body to make your head spin. “When we get home, I’m fucking that boyfriend nonsense right out of you.”
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
“I’m so sorry, but this isn’t what my boyfriend ordered.”
Kyle frowns and glances up from his phone’s screen. That’s your voice he hears, but the term of address isn’t right.
Boyfriend. Not husband, as it fucking should be.
Kyle glances in your direction but you’re not looking at him. You’re smiling sweetly at the barista behind the counter.
“It should be hot. Not iced. I might have messed up. I’m so sorry. I can pay for another.” You raise your hands in a placating gesture but the barista doesn’t appear fazed at all.
“No biggie. Keep that one. Won’t take me more than a minute or two.”
“Thank you so much.” You glance at Kyle, and your smirk tells him all he needs to know.
You’re being a tease. You’re doing this on purpose. The drink order is wrong, and you’re using this as an excuse to poke at him.
Kyle locks his phone and casually slides it into his pocket. Do you think you’re going to annoy him by doing this? Maybe. The little smirk on your face tells him that’s entirely what you have in mind.
But the joke is on you. Doesn’t matter if you refer to him as “boyfriend,” because all it’ll earn you is a punishment.
As the barista slides the new drink across the counter to you, you thank them profusely. “Thank you so much. My boyfriend will really appreciate it.”
The barista only nods and turns back to the espresso machine.
As you approach with the coffee, Kyle gentle removes the drink from your grasp.
“Boyfriend?” he asks, amused.
You shake your head like you have no idea what he’s on about. “What?”
Kyle laughs and snags the other drink from your hand. With shock on your face, he strides up to the counter. “Can you set these aside for us? Be right back.”
They only nod and continue working. Kyle snags your wrist and drags you to the little hallway that curves out around. There are a few private corners in there, and the hallway itself opens up into the nearby bookstore.
Kyle checks the handle on the unisex bathroom. Finding it unlocked, he draws you inside.
“Kyle,” you hiss, but he’s not having any of it.
Kyle engages the lock and presses you up against the door.
“You owe me an apology,” he says.
“For what?” Kyle tuts, his hand sliding to the back of your neck. “Get on your knees,” he murmurs, undoing his belt buckle with the other hand. “Apologize with that gorgeous mouth of yours.”
John Price
John leans back in his chair, agitation irritating his spine.
House hunting isn’t something he’s particularly excited about. He is happy that it’s with you, his wife, but the tediousness of it all is exhausting to him. John would rather have you select a few places to tour and then be done with it all. Money isn’t the issue. He just wants you to find a place you like and the two of you can go from there.
He’d live in a tent if that’s what you want.
“My boyfriend isn’t all that picky.”
Boyfriend? John is tugged from his inner musings by your voice and that term of address. Boyfriend. Why the fuck would you call him that? John isn’t your boyfriend. He’s your goddamn husband.
You reach out, planting a hand on his thigh. You squeeze softly as you always do when you’re trying to reassure him, but John frowns down at it, and then looks up at you. You’re not looking at him. You’re staring at the realtor, completely ignoring him.
John licks his lips, considering whether to correct you or not, or leaving it up to a simple mistake, but you do it again.
This time, John didn’t mishear you.
Your hand squeezes his thigh again and Price rests his hand over yours. His fingers enclose your palm and he holds firm. You glance at him and John shoots you his best warning look. You don’t even react. Don’t event blink.
No. He’s going to correct you. He is absolutely fucking correcting you.
The realtor pivots the computer monitor. “I think any boyfriend would agree that these are excellent selections.”
That’s fucking it.
Price shoots up from his seat, keeping a tight grip on your hand. “I need to speak with my—” John pauses, swallowing down his annoyance. “Girlfriend. Privately.”
The realtor shrugs, smiling, but John is already turning around, dragging you out the door. Outside, the stuffy, summer air does nothing to soothe his annoyance.
“Boyfriend? Fucking boyfriend?” John crosses his arms over his chest, looming over you.
You shrug. “What’s the problem?”
“Behave yourself,” he says, lowering his voice.
“Or what?” you ask in mock innocence.
So, this is what you want. John understands the moment the words leave your mouth. You’re fucking teasing him. Fine. He’ll make you learn.
“We are gonna go back in, thank the kind woman for her time, and then we’re leaving.”
“No. I want to stay.”
John leans in but he notices the way you glance away from him and back, clearly flustered. “Good girls don’t play games.”
“Funny,” you reply, head tilting slightly. “That as my boyfriend you have any authority over me.”
John pivots, blocking the view of the front door from you. “I will bend you over that bench so fast, wife.”
“You won’t,” you stammer.
John arches an eyebrow and you visibly swallow. “Want to test me?”
You pout, and then playfully shove him in the chest. “You’re terrible.”
As you turn for the door, John grabs your waist pulling you close. “You started it.”
John "Soap" MacTavish
“My boyfriend and I are redesigning our bathroom.”
Johnny’s attention splits. The associate showing him floor tiles is a distant thing. He might be talking about the newest ones on the market, but Johnny is no longer interested.
Did he just hear you right? Did you just call him boyfriend?
“That’s wonderful,” comes a reply, and Johnny notes an older woman talking to you near the laminate flooring that mimics wood. “Where is he?”
“Over there,” you wave at him, a smug smile on your face.
Boyfriend? Johnny is your fucking husband.
“Sir?” prompts the hardware store associate. “What do you think of these?”
Johnny grunts. “Fine. We’ll come back.” He waves the man off and starts for you even as you continuously refer to him as your boyfriend.
You’re doing it on purpose. You’re doing it to annoy him.
And it’s fucking working.
Johnny saddles up beside you, snaking his arm around your waist, pulling you taut against him.
“This is the boyfriend,” you begin, smiling.
“Husband,” corrects Johnny, flashing the same devious grin. He holds up his left hand, showing off the simple gold band. “Happily married to this one.”
The older woman’s eyes round.
“She likes to joke,” continues Johnny. “Come on, love. Better get home.”
Johnny easily guides you away. He leans down, whispering. “You little terror.”
“Bite me,” you reply.
“Oh. I will. Everywhere. When we get home.”
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @enarien
@miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff
@berarenado @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d
@heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez
@gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie
@tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior @dakotakazansky
@talooolaaloolla @hantheconqueror @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
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ladyalice5 · 10 hours
Call of Duty: Audio Pornfare edition:
Price, Gaz, Soap, and Ghost are erotic voice actors/audio porn stars.
People turn to Price's audio when they want some of that Daddy Dom energy.
When they want the playfulness, teasing, and sensuality, they turn to Gaz.
When they want that carnality, praise, and the bad boy rogue with a side of Golden Retriever love, they turn to Soap.
When they want that darkness, the kind that brings out their primal desires, decadence, and degradation in husky undertones, they turn to Ghost.
And together, they're 141 Studios.
Gaz and Soap are the most visible. They're the faces of the group. Price makes an appearance every so often to leave their fans wanting. Ghost is an enigma, never showing his face and leading his fans to contemplate and wonder what he looks like.
They'll team up sometimes. Gaz and Price, Price and Ghost, Soap and Gaz, Soap and Ghost, it all depends.
But when they all collaborate together on one audio, Jesus fuckin' Christ...
They'll tease their audience with outtakes, too. It's usually Johnny's fault, making Gaz laugh with his ad-libs, or making Ghost go, "Goddamnit, Johnny," in that deep voice of his and trying not to laugh.
But when they go live, though? The thirst is real. Shit's dark on Ghost's live so you won't see anything but best believe you'll hear that voice.
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ladyalice5 · 1 day
when u see your crush and u tryna act super casual
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ladyalice5 · 1 day
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ladyalice5 · 1 day
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no thoughts just price standing behind you in the mirror lacing up your corset for you
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ladyalice5 · 3 days
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ladyalice5 · 3 days
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Chloé Pre-Fall 2024
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ladyalice5 · 3 days
spell out miss you against my skin
frankie morales x f!reader
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gif credit to @perotovar - thank you bby đź©·
summary: frankie is back now, and he wants to make you feel good.
wordcount: 1.1k warnings: 18+ smut. oral (receiving) <- lots, because he has a good mouth and a need to please and i was horny. frankie also has a lot of inches. we established in this, but how so? you'll have to see muhahahah.
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Six months he'd been gone.
Six months of phone calls, webcam dates, and longing, and now he was finally on his way back to you. To his home. Your home. The one you both chose, the one he's been away from for so long. Sleeping in a bed different from the one you bought together, brushing his teeth in a bathroom he hadn't retiled, using towels he hadn't chosen.
It had been important, you knew that. When the work offer came, those brown eyes looked at you, held your hand, cupped your cheek: Say the word, querida, and I won't take it.
You hadn't said the word, both for the opportunity he'd been given and because of the new kitchen he promised you.
None of it mattered now. Not when you'd felt his hands slide across your thighs, parting your knees.
When you'd seen his eyes turn glassy, blown with lust, swallowed by it as he licked his lips at the sight of the evidence of how much you'd missed him.
He'd dug his fingers into your calves, flattened his mouth to the inside of your left knee, whispered again how much he'd missed you. Pressed it to your skin, traced it up your inner thighs, wiry beard scratched it against softness before he whispered it again. And again, and again—
You almost whined when he placed a kiss at the top of your thigh, breath blown out across your slick core. Brief memories of the night before came to you. How you'd teased; how you'd intentionally stripped for the call, taunting knowing he wanted to wait, and not have you talk him through it one final time. I've only had my fingers, Frankie. You'll have to take your time. His groan had made your hips buck just at the thought of it. That and the deep gravel of his voice through the speaker, I’ll get you ready for me, querida.
And you'd believed him. Now you were seeing the proof of it.
Your toes curling, digging into your mattress as he taps your ankles to remain flat on the bed. There’s sweat sticking to the back of your thighs, knees, shoulder blades—skin clinging to the bedsheets as his lips remain latched to your clit, with three of his fingers working themselves inside of you.
You know you’re going to come again. Make another mess. Just like he wants—
Come in my mouth, hermosa. Wanna taste you. 'missed you, querida.
Slick and spit making a mess of the sheets, your chest heaving, panting, and you're aware of how you're dripping, gushing for him. Conscious, in some ways, of the sounds you're making, the vulgar and sinful ones your body is producing. And it turns you on more.
An old version of yourself would have been ashamed.
But not this version. The one loved, doted and admired by him; the one who has never felt more attractive than you do right now. Just from the way he groans, the way he moans right into your pussy, his hips grinding against the pillow on the end of the bed.
The sight makes you light-headed. That and the eager way he laps up everything you're giving him. The obscene sounds blend with your moan as his fingers curl inside of you, making you clench, grind against him.
You feel nothing but bliss.
Back arching, pussy grinding against his touch, his tongue, his entire face as your fingers grasp at his curls, soaked in sweat from determination, perseverance and effort.
—just wanna make you feel good, querida—
Mouth hanging open, you find no sound escapes. Lost, never wanting to be found as his tongue flicks and then flattens, as it presses harder against your swollen nerves and makes you buck your hips.
Almost ready to find your body burning in that electric way he somehow always makes you feel. Over the phone, miles away and now, here, at his mercy, tongue laving and swirling. Moaning and hissing—
Then he sucks and your entire body tenses.
You can hear him, distant, like you've been plunged underwater—
That’s it, squeeze my fingers, querida.
He croons it into your pussy. Likely smirking, beard and lips stained with your arousal and desperation.
You don't care. Not as you fall apart. As pleasure floods through you all over again and another moan-cry-whine hybrid of his name rips from your throat as you gush. Your body twitches, tenses, thighs fucking shaking before you admit defeat and collapse back to the bed as he soothes.
As his face eases from between your clenched thighs and stares up at you like you're a goddess, when it's him you suspect is a god.
You're only able to blink the spots from your eyes when his mouth meets yours. Your body more liquid than solid; lips barely reciprocating his movements, when he asks you:
Can I fuck you? Can I make you feel good?
You want to argue that it’s all he has been doing. Your body wrecked, thoroughly worshipped from it.
But you nod. Biting his lower lip as he chuckles, watching as he leans back on his knees, hand wrapping around his hard cock.
"You're gorgeous, Frankie."
He snorts, chin lifting, eyes closing as he strokes himself. Your gaze drops to his hand, catching sight of the metal band on his left hand that glides up and down his cock. His tip leaks as your eyes take in each impressive inch that makes up your husband as you lick your lips.
As you part your legs a little further for him.
As you run your fingers over your breasts, pushing them together, making him moan before he slides a hand over your thigh to get you to stop.
"Gonna fuck me?"
Nodding, "Gonna fuck you, querida. That what you want?"
Yes. Yes. And yes, and yes you cry as he lines himself at your slit. As he teases the tip from hole to clit.
"Need you, esposo."
His groan reverbs around the room. "Yeah?"
Nodding, you bite down on your lip, raising your hands above your head, crossing them at the wrist. Just for him. All for him. "Ruin me, esposo."
Frankie groans, deep in the back of his throat, before he slides each inch in one deep thrust, mouth latching to yours as he swallows the moan you both emit in unison.
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dedicated to @thetriumphantpanda who never minds when I message her and go “wanna hear my brain rot”
those who expressed interest: @thesluttylittleknee @wordywarriorwrites @luxurychristmaspudding @hellfire-state-of-mind
@gingerspjce @socklessria @eh-nothanks @naranjoenflor @sheepdogchick3
@fictional-men-have-my-heart @theshipissinking8
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ladyalice5 · 3 days
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Red Wine and Cranberry Poached Pears
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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he thinks he's gonna eat him
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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They've danced a couple of times together at a ball. Colin has done the same with Penelope Featherington. It does not signify—
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
Perhaps I’m a menace for this but imagine chubby baker bucky who is an even bigger menace and I think this should be deleted.
“What’s wrong cupcake” he cooed, feeding you another bite of his profiteroles, “I thought these were your favourite, you’re making a mess sugar”
You choked a sob, moaning when he slowly dragged his cock back out, just to slam it into you again, his thick body littered with red lines from where you clawed at him. All the clothes in the floor were dusted with cocoa and icing sugar, while he kept going right on his work space with your legs wrapped around his waist, his large frame holding you up right.
“It’s-s-so good”
“Just so good? You want my cream instead doll, is that it? Daddy didn’t fill his princess enough? All you had to do was ask pretty girl”
“Got so much for ya baby, see” he gently cupped the back of your head to look at where you were both connected, a complete creamy white debauched mess covering his cock and your thighs. “Cock is so swollen baby, there’s so much cum for you, might be able to stuff all of you, you want that”
Your broken cries and moans made him more feral, desperate to cover you in his cum, his load always big enough to soak you.
“I know your hungry baby girl, my princess is always so hungry for cream and milk” his eyes flicked down to the sensitive bundle of nerves that throbbed between your legs, his favourite thing to have his mouth on, “Awww baby girl, it’s so swollen” Bucky cooed, bringing his calloused thumb to swipe over your clit making jolt.
“What is it Bub” he feigned innocence, rubbing faster, not giving you a chance to gather yourself, your orgasm ripping through without warning.
He started to fuck you harder, his own climax warming his body, his cock swelling, balls heavy and full.
“You want your milk now baby?” he licked up your neck, humming at the sugar that had fallen onto your collar bone, pulling his cock out while you dumbly nodded and whimpered.
“Go a head princess, nurse off my cock, make daddy feel better” he pulled you off the counter and down into your knees, shoving his length into your needy mouth. Your eyes rolled back at his taste, bobbing your head and swirling your tongue, desperate to taste every drop he was ready to give you.
“So greedy, that’s all you needed, huh? My baby wanted her bottle so bad? Drink up, c’mon, my good girl feeding off daddy so well”
You moaned around his cock, the vibrations making his balls twitch.
“S’that it? You wanted your bottle baby, you got all needy and pouty because you were hungry for something else? My dumb little princess, nursing so good”
“I’ll feed ya’ so well baby, there’s so much for you, don’t worry” he took your hand, cupping them over his heavy sac, groaning at the gentle squeeze you gave.
His massive framed loomed over you, almost godlike, long dark hair with messy tendrils around his face, unforgiving strength holding your head down while your nails dug into his burly thighs. His head was thrown back, deep moans growling louder, body tensing.
“You’re gonna make me cum baby, M’gonna fill that little mouth right up-OH FUCKKK” he stilled, his cock throbbing, his warmth spilling right down your throat.
You lapped up the streams that continued to pour, a few landing on your tummy and breasts, a pretty picture for him to think of later when he had his hand between his legs.
You took one of the vanilla macarons near by, swiping it along your body, collecting his silky streams before popping it in my mouth, making Bucky growl, his semi hard cock twitching again.
“Tastes good daddy” your eyes rolled back, plucking another and doing the same till you were all cleaned up. “Wan more”
You pouted while Bucky smirked, shoving his cock back in your mouth, gently thrusting.
“Whatever my baby wants, this time m’fill that tight little hole”
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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Giorgio Armani Privé: Fall/Winter (2012)
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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i just imagine simon to be so casual while balls deep… like toooo casual yaaa feeel??
like your legs sittin all hiked up n pretty on his shoulders, the insides of your calves being rubbed absolutely raw with the drag of his scruffy cheeks n chin against em.
“how was your day, mama?” he shrugs slightly, your thighs jigglin’ with all the movement as he presses himself to the absolute hilt within you, balls pressed against the crease of your ass.
“w-wha-… simon,” you’d gasp, fingers desperately reaching out for his. in which he complies real quick, tangling his fingers between yours and pressing em down to the mattress forcing your thighs to burn in a deep stretch with the way your knees brush against your perked nipples.
“how was your day, baby? cmon.” he smiles down at you, the bush of thighs slapping against the back of yours. “ya’ went out with the ladies, huh? how much ya’ spend today?”
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
i just imagine simon to be so casual while balls deep… like toooo casual yaaa feeel??
like your legs sittin all hiked up n pretty on his shoulders, the insides of your calves being rubbed absolutely raw with the drag of his scruffy cheeks n chin against em.
“how was your day, mama?” he shrugs slightly, your thighs jigglin’ with all the movement as he presses himself to the absolute hilt within you, balls pressed against the crease of your ass.
“w-wha-… simon,” you’d gasp, fingers desperately reaching out for his. in which he complies real quick, tangling his fingers between yours and pressing em down to the mattress forcing your thighs to burn in a deep stretch with the way your knees brush against your perked nipples.
“how was your day, baby? cmon.” he smiles down at you, the bush of thighs slapping against the back of yours. “ya’ went out with the ladies, huh? how much ya’ spend today?”
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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ladyalice5 · 4 days
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