labinstrument · 3 months
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Digital Melting Point Apparatus 
Built-in illumination and viewing magnifying lens give clear viewing of samples.
Lab Instruments Manufacturer Designed with safety and ease of operation in mind making it ideal for use in education. 
Two samples can be tested simultaneously. 
For 220/240V.  
Range rates: 20°C/min to plateau and 2°C/min to melt. 
Temperature range: Ambient to 300°C. 
Three digit LED display. 
Dimensions (L x W x H): 160 x 220 x 170mm.
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labinstrument · 3 months
Physics lab equipment
Measuring Instruments: Physics lab equipment, Vernier calliper, and micrometre screw gauge to the sophisticated laser interferometer, these tools provide precise measurements of length, diameter, and thickness, crucial for understanding physical phenomena.
Unveiling the Invisible:
Balances and scales: These instruments help us quantify mass, a fundamental property of matter. From simple beam balances to analytical balances, they allow us to weigh objects with varying degrees of accuracy.
Forces at play:
Spring Scales and Dynamometers: These tools measure force, the push or pull exerted on an object. They enable us to study the effects of forces on motion and equilibrium.
Lighting Up the Learning:
Optics Equipment: Lenses, prisms, and mirrors form the backbone of this category. They allow us to explore the fascinating world of light, its properties, and its interactions with matter.
Electrifying Experiments:
Circuit Components: Resistors, capacitors, and inductors are the building blocks of electrical circuits. These components, along with power supplies and multimeters, help us understand the flow of electric current and voltage.
1. Balance Scales
Physics lab equipment Precision and accuracy are paramount in physics experiments, and balance scales are indispensable tools for measuring mass. Whether it's a simple beam balance or a more sophisticated electronic balance, these devices ensure that mass measurements are conducted with the utmost precision, laying the foundation for many quantitative investigations in physics.
2. Microscopes
Physics lab equipment Microscopes are not only vital in biological sciences but also find significant applications in physics laboratories. From examining the microscopic structure of materials to investigating the properties of nanomaterials, microscopes empower physicists to delve into the intricate world of small-scale phenomena.
3. Spectrometers
Physics lab equipment Spectrometers are instrumental in analysing the electromagnetic spectrum emitted or absorbed by substances. Whether it's determining the composition of distant stars or identifying the characteristic spectral lines of elements in a sample, spectrometers provide invaluable insights into the nature of matter and radiation.
4. Oscilloscopes
Physics lab equipment Oscilloscopes are indispensable tools for visualising and analysing electrical signals. With their ability to display voltage waveforms in real-time, oscilloscopes enable physicists to study phenomena such as alternating current, electromagnetic waves, and electronic circuits with remarkable detail and precision.
5. Optical Bench
Physics lab equipment The optical bench is a versatile platform for conducting experiments related to optics. Equipped with various components such as lenses, mirrors, and diffraction gratings, the optical bench allows physicists to explore phenomena like reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction, providing valuable insights into the behaviour of light.
6. Centrifuges
Physics lab equipment Centrifuges are essential for separating components of a mixture based on their density or mass. In physics laboratories, centrifuges find applications in experiments involving particle physics, fluid dynamics, and materials science, facilitating the study of phenomena ranging from sedimentation to centrifugal force.
7. Gaussian Gun
The Gaussian gun, a simple yet intriguing apparatus, demonstrates the principles of momentum conservation and elastic collisions. Consisting of a series of magnets and steel balls, the Gaussian gun illustrates how energy and momentum are transferred between objects, offering a captivating glimpse into the laws of physics in action.
8. Wave Tanks
Wave tanks provide a tangible way to visualise wave phenomena, such as interference, diffraction, and refraction. By generating controlled waves in a water-filled tank, physicists can observe and analyse wave behaviour in real-time, gaining deeper insights into the nature of waves and their interactions with various mediums.
9. Particle Accelerators
Particle accelerators are colossal machines that propel charged particles to extremely high speeds, allowing physicists to study subatomic particles and unravel the mysteries of the universe's fundamental constituents. With their unparalleled ability to generate high-energy collisions, particle accelerators have revolutionised our understanding of particle Physics lab equipment and cosmology.
10. Cloud Chambers
Cloud chambers offer a captivating glimpse into the invisible world of subatomic particles. By creating a supersaturated vapour environment, cloud chambers make charged particles visible as they ionise the surrounding gas, leaving behind trails of condensation that reveal their paths. These mesmerising trails provide tangible evidence of particles such as electrons, protons, and muons, opening a window into the microscopic realm of particle physics.
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labinstrument · 3 months
Lab glassware
Lab glassware is a vital component of every laboratory. Good glassware is simple to use and aids in accurate outcomes. A few factors, including the glass's strength, quality, and certifications, should be taken into consideration while buying lab glassware.
Using the proper glassware for an experiment is the key to getting the correct findings. Therefore, it is crucial to select high-quality glassware equipment for a variety of scientific applications.
Durability and Quality
Investing in high-quality lab glassware equipment is crucial. Whether lab glassware or another substance is appropriate for the task at hand depends on a number of factors, including cost, material characteristics, and instrument design. Glass, however, is preferred in labs for a variety of valid reasons.
Borosilicate glassware's great durability, chemical inertness, and thermal resistance make it ideal for experimentation.
The following elements should be taken into account while selecting lab glassware:
The kinds of experiments that you'll be doing
The glassware's dimensions and form
The composition of the glasses The longevity of the lab glassware
The price of the glasses
The important lab glassware you need to take to the laboratory for success.
Beakers: They come in several sizes and are an essential item of lab glassware. They are multipurpose tools that are used for being heated, stirring, and storing liquids.
Micropipettes are frequently used in atomic, biological, and biochemical labs for accurate liquid transfers in microliters.
Graduated Cylinders: An essential tool for solution preparation, these tall, thin cylinders provide precise volume estimations.
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labinstrument · 3 months
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Laboratory glassware is essential for accurate measurements, trustworthy results, and the general success of scientific undertakings. It is the cornerstone of scientific study and experimentation. Astute experts looking to source top-notch lab glassware go to reliable producers who have a reputation for accuracy and superiority. Discover the world of lab glassware with our illustrious firm, Lab Instruments Manufacturers, a top producer committed to producing top-notch glassware for scientific communities across the globe. Our expertise: Lab Instruments Manufacturers is at the forefront of laboratory glassware manufacturing, with a strong legacy and a dedication to innovation. Our state-of-the-art facilities are run by talented artisans with years of experience in their craft and furnished with cutting edge technology. Our expertise lies in creating an extensive selection of laboratory glassware. Customised Glassware Solutions: We provide custom glassware solutions made to your specifications because we understand that every laboratory has different needs. Work together with our staff to create glassware that is tailored to your needs. Assurance of Quality: At companies that make lab equipment, quality is unavoidable. Every piece of glassware that leaves our manufacturing facility reflects our dedication to excellence. At every stage of the production process, from the selection of raw materials to the final inspection, we follow strict quality control procedures. Environmental Responsibility: Manufacturers of lab instruments are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility in addition to quality. We use environmentally friendly production techniques to make sure our goods live up to the highest performance and environmental standards. Lab instrument manufacturers are the go-to source for laboratory glassware if your lab demands unwavering precision, dependability, and a dedication to perfection. See the impact that fine workmanship can make in your scientific endeavours by perusing our wide selection of products. Join forces with us to ensure that every piece of laboratory glassware seamlessly combines quality, innovation, and tradition.
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labinstrument · 4 months
lab glassware
The Importance of Quality Glassware:
Before delving into the specifics, it's crucial to understand the significance of quality lab glassware. In scientific experiments, accuracy and precision are paramount. Inferior glassware can introduce errors, compromise results, and even pose safety hazards. Therefore, investing in high-quality, durable glassware is essential for any laboratory setting.
While lab glassware is essential for conducting experiments, it also presents potential hazards if mishandled. Proper handling, storage, and maintenance are crucial to prevent accidents and ensure the longevity of glassware. Regular inspection for chips, cracks, or other damage is necessary to identify compromised equipment and prevent accidents.
Picture a bustling laboratory: Bunsen burners flicker, test tubes clink, and a scientist meticulously pours a solution into a beaker. While the experiments themselves capture the spotlight, the silent partners in this scientific dance are often overlooked - the lab glassware.
These seemingly simple glass containers are much more than just vessels. They are the workhorses of research, playing a crucial role in countless scientific discoveries and advancements. From basic mixing and measuring to complex chemical reactions and analysis, lab glassware forms the backbone of countless experiments across diverse fields like chemistry, biology, and medicine.
While traditionally made of glass, lab glassware isn't restricted to this material anymore. Modern options include:
Borosilicate glass: This heat-resistant and chemically inert type is the gold standard, known for its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures and harsh chemicals.
Quartz glass: Even more heat-resistant than borosilicate, it's ideal for applications involving extreme temperatures.
Plasticware: Lighter and more affordable, it's often used for single-use applications or when dealing with non-corrosive substances.
The relevance of High-Quality Lab Glassware: It's important to grasp the relevance of high-quality lab glassware before getting into the details. Exactness and precision are crucial in scientific studies. Poor quality glassware can cause mistakes, taint outcomes, and even be dangerous. For this reason, purchasing sturdy, high-quality glassware is crucial for any laboratory environment.
Although lab glassware is necessary for carrying out studies, improper handling might result in risks. For glassware to last a long time and to prevent accidents, proper handling, storage, and maintenance are essential. To detect damaged equipment and avoid mishaps, it is imperative to conduct routine inspections for chips, cracks, or other damage.
Imagine a busy lab, with test tubes clinking, Bunsen burners flickering, and a scientist methodically pouring a solution into a beaker. Although the actual experiments record
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labinstrument · 4 months
Top Quality Chemistry Lab Equipment Suppliers in Ambala
In the dynamic world of scientific research, having access to high-quality and reliable chemistry lab equipment is paramount for success. Ambala, with its rich scientific community, offers a plethora of options for procuring laboratory equipment. However, finding the right chemistry lab equipment supplier can be a daunting task. This ultimate guide aims to simplify the process, providing key considerations to ensure you make an informed decision when selecting a supplier for your chemistry lab in Ambala.
Reputation and Reliability: Begin your search by investigating the reputation and reliability of potential suppliers. Look for companies with a solid track record of delivering quality equipment on time. Customer reviews, testimonials, and references can provide valuable insights into the supplier's reliability and performance. A reputable supplier is more likely to provide equipment that meets industry standards and satisfies customer expectations.
Adherence to Quality Standards: Check if the chemistry lab equipment supplier adheres to international quality standards. Certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 ensure that the supplier follows stringent quality management practices. Compliance with these standards is crucial as it guarantees that the equipment is manufactured with precision, accuracy, and reliability, meeting the high demands of scientific research.
Diverse Product Range: Evaluate the supplier's product range to ensure it covers a broad spectrum of laboratory needs. From basic glassware to sophisticated analytical instruments, a comprehensive product range allows you to source all your requirements from a single supplier. This not only streamlines the procurement process but also ensures compatibility between different pieces of equipment.
Customization Options: Flexibility in customization is essential, especially when your research demands specialized equipment. Choose a supplier capable of accommodating custom designs, configurations, and specifications. This ensures that the chemistry lab equipment is tailored to your unique experiments, providing the precision and functionality required for your specific applications.
Material Quality: Chemistry lab equipment comes in various materials, each with its own set of advantages. Whether it's stainless steel, borosilicate glass, or chemically resistant plastics, ensure that the supplier uses high-quality materials. This consideration is vital for durability, corrosion resistance, and compatibility with a wide range of chemicals.
Pricing and Value: While cost is a significant factor, it should be balanced with the overall value offered by the supplier. Consider your budget and look for a supplier that provides a fair balance between affordability and quality. Some suppliers may offer cost-effective solutions without compromising performance, while others may provide premium equipment with advanced features.
Technical Support and Training: Evaluate the level of technical support and training provided by the supplier. A reliable supplier should offer assistance with equipment installation, calibration, and maintenance. Training programs for laboratory staff can also be invaluable, ensuring that the equipment is used correctly and efficiently.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Spring Unit
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Spring Unit
The steel shaft carries a clock spring with a free wheel device, winding ratchet and aa 56mm diameter aluminium 'V' pulley. 
Lab Instruments Manufacturer conversion of potential energy in a wound-up spring to electrical energy. 
This could also be used to wind a weight on a cord showing the change from potential energy to kinetic, and back, in the raised weight.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Lab glassware
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Lab glassware is a vital component of every laboratory. Good glassware is simple to use and aids in accurate outcomes. A few factors, including the glass's strength, quality, and certifications, should be taken into consideration while buying lab glassware.
 Using the proper glassware for an experiment is the key to getting the correct findings. Therefore, it is crucial to select high-quality glassware equipment for a variety of scientific applications.
Durability and Quality
Investing in high-quality lab glassware equipment is crucial. Whether lab glassware or another substance is appropriate for the task at hand depends on a number of factors, including cost, material characteristics, and instrument design. Glass, however, is preferred in labs for a variety of valid reasons.
Borosilicate glassware's great durability, chemical inertness, and thermal resistance make it ideal for experimentation.
The following elements should be taken into account while selecting lab glassware:
The kinds of experiments that you'll be doing
The glassware's dimensions and form
The composition of the glasses The longevity of the lab glassware
The price of the glasses
The important lab glassware you need to take to the laboratory for success.
Beakers: They come in several sizes and are an essential item of lab glassware. They are multipurpose tools that are used for being heated, stirring, and storing liquids.
Micropipettes are frequently used in atomic, biological, and biochemical labs for accurate liquid transfers in microliters.
Graduated Cylinders: An essential tool for solution preparation, these tall, thin cylinders provide precise volume estimations.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Lab Glassware 
Lab glassware is a vital component of every laboratory. Good glassware is simple to use and aids in accurate outcomes. A few factors, including the glass's strength, quality, and certifications, should be taken into consideration while buying lab glassware.
 Using the proper glassware for an experiment is the key to getting the correct findings. Therefore, it is crucial to select high-quality glassware equipment for a variety of scientific applications.
Durability and Quality
Investing in high-quality lab glassware equipment is crucial. Whether lab glassware or another substance is appropriate for the task at hand depends on a number of factors, including cost, material characteristics, and instrument design. Glass, however, is preferred in labs for a variety of valid reasons.
Borosilicate glassware's great durability, chemical inertness, and thermal resistance make it ideal for experimentation.
The following elements should be taken into account while selecting lab glassware:
The kinds of experiments that you'll be doing
The glassware's dimensions and form
The composition of the glasses The longevity of the lab glassware
The price of the glasses
The important lab glassware you need to take to the laboratory for success.
Beakers: They come in several sizes and are an essential item of lab glassware. They are multipurpose tools that are used for being heated, stirring, and storing liquids.
Micropipettes are frequently used in atomic, biological, and biochemical labs for accurate liquid transfers in microliters.
Graduated Cylinders: An essential tool for solution preparation, these tall, thin cylinders provide precise volume estimations.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Lab Glassware 
Lab glassware is a vital component of every laboratory. Good glassware is simple to use and aids in accurate outcomes. A few factors, including the glass's strength, quality, and certifications, should be taken into consideration while buying lab glassware.
 Using the proper glassware for an experiment is the key to getting the correct findings. Therefore, it is crucial to select high-quality glassware equipment for a variety of scientific applications.
Durability and Quality
Investing in high-quality lab glassware equipment is crucial. Whether lab glassware or another substance is appropriate for the task at hand depends on a number of factors, including cost, material characteristics, and instrument design. Glass, however, is preferred in labs for a variety of valid reasons.
Borosilicate glassware's great durability, chemical inertness, and thermal resistance make it ideal for experimentation.
The following elements should be taken into account while selecting lab glassware:
The kinds of experiments that you'll be doing
The glassware's dimensions and form
The composition of the glasses The longevity of the lab glassware
The price of the glasses
The important lab glassware you need to take to the laboratory for success.
Beakers: They come in several sizes and are an essential item of lab glassware. They are multipurpose tools that are used for being heated, stirring, and storing liquids.
Micropipettes are frequently used in atomic, biological, and biochemical labs for accurate liquid transfers in microliters.
Graduated Cylinders: An essential tool for solution preparation, these tall, thin cylinders provide precise volume estimations.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Educational Lab Equipment Manufacturer
Lab Instrument Manufacturers is a leading school science lab instruments manufacturers, Secondary School Lab Apparatus suppliers and exporters in India. We manufacture superior quality school Educational lab equipment to ensure client satisfaction. We are the most trusted school science instruments suppliers and exporters to biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, geography labs for learning, conducting tests and experiments in various schools, colleges, universities across the globe. Our experts can guide you on how to setup  The ability to utilise high-quality laboratory equipment is crucial in the ever-changing realm of scientific research and education. Educators, researchers, and students are empowered by our creative solutions, which we take delight in offering as a leading manufacturer of educational laboratory equipment. Selecting our state-of-the-art items for your laboratory requirements will allow you to experience the difference. Our Vision: As manufacturers of laboratory instruments, we see a future in which cutting-edge tools foster research and learning. Being the leading supplier of science-based teaching resources that stimulate curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and improve learning in general is our objective. Product Excellence: We have a wide selection of educational laboratory equipment to suit the various requirements of research institutes and educational institutions. Our products, which range from sophisticated research equipment to basic laboratory necessities, are painstakingly made with accuracy and compliance to global quality standards. Discover answers for environmental science, physics, chemistry, biology, and other subjects by browsing our catalogue. Innovation at the Core: Its critical to be at the forefront of innovation in the quickly changing field of science. We make research and development investments at lab instruments manufacturers to provide you with the newest developments in laboratory technology. To ensure that our goods are in line with contemporary educational techniques, our team of professionals works in conjunction with educators and scientists to comprehend changing pedagogical needs. Custom Solutions: We provide adaptable solutions that are suited to certain curricular objectives because we understand the distinct needs of various educational institutions. Whether you require a complete laboratory setup or specialised equipment for a specific experiment, our staff is committed to collaborating with you to design the best solution for your learning environment. Quality Assurance: We are aware of how important accuracy and dependability are to scientific research. The stringent testing procedures that every product goes through prior to being delivered to your institution demonstrate our dedication to quality assurance. Environmental Responsibilities: We place a high priority on sustainability in our business practices as conscientious manufacturers. We use environmentally friendly materials in the design of our goods and make every effort to leave as little of an environmental impact as possible on the production process. Join us in establishing a more environmentally friendly future for research and education. Customer Service: We take great pleasure in offering outstanding customer service in addition to delivering top-notch items. Our experienced staff is prepared to help you choose products, install them, and take care of them going forward. Our top goal is making sure youre satisfied. Consider lab instrument makers as your go-to source for educational laboratory equipment for teaching and see a smooth fusion of creativity, excellence, and client contentment. Invest in tools that stimulate scientific inquiry and advance curiosity to improve your educational experience. Get in touch with us right now to learn more about our extensive selection of lab solutions.
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labinstrument · 5 months
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Force Table Manufacturer
The durable polymer tabletop carries an angle scale with 0.5° divisions, marked every 10° in both rotation directions. 
Lab Instruments Manufacturer with a large, 40cm diameter tabletop, 3cm thick support column and heavy cast base with leveling screws, this force table is suitable for use in any basic physics lab. 
The slotted masses have a keyhole pattern which secures them during adjustments.
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labinstrument · 5 months
Revolutionising Scientific Discovery: Unveiling the Cutting-Edge Innovations in Lab Instruments Manufacturing
 A flourishing society is built on education, and the resources employed in the classroom have a significant impact on how students learn. Owing to creative manufacturers like Lab Instruments Manufacturers, India has seen a boom in the invention and manufacturing of cutting-edge educational supplies and equipment in recent years. We'll examine the newest developments in educational resources and tools in this blog, as we examine what one of India's top producers has to offer.
Manufacturers of Lab Instruments: A Leader in Educational Resources: In the area of educational supplies, Lab Instruments Manufacturers has become a leader by offering cutting-edge instruments to educational institutions and schools to improve the quality of instruction. Their dedication to functionality, quality, and innovation has made them stand out as a trustworthy partner.
Smart Lab Furniture: To create dynamic and engaging learning environments, Physics Laboratory Equipment has launched smart lab furniture in the age of technology. These cutting-edge furniture options include integrated technology, facilitating experimentation and cooperation with ease. These tools, which range from modular lab tables to interactive whiteboards, are converting conventional classrooms into cutting-edge learning environments.
Advanced Laboratory Instruments: Lab Instruments Manufacturers  provides a comprehensive selection of advanced laboratory instruments for educational institutions that prioritize hands-on experience. Modern microscopes, analytical balances, and other tools for enabling practical scientific investigation are among them. These tools' accuracy and dependability provide students the confidence to conduct experiments, which promotes a deeper comprehension of scientific concepts.
Digital Teaching Aids: Lab Instruments Manufacturers understands how critical it is to integrate digital teaching aids into the curriculum. Multimedia materials, instructional software, and interactive displays are among their assortment of digital tools. These tools not only enhance student engagement but also accommodate a variety of learning preferences, guaranteeing that all students can easily understand challenging material.
Creative Classroom Supplies: School Lab Equipments Suppliers is a leader in the production of necessary classroom supplies in addition to high-tech equipment. Their items, which range from storage options to ergonomic workstations and seats, are made with comfort and functionality in mind. These developments enhance the general wellbeing of teachers and students by fostering a learning environment.
Customizable Solutions: Lab Instruments Manufacturers is aware that every educational establishment has different needs. They provide specialised solutions made to fit the unique requirements of educational institutions. This dedication to adaptability guarantees that educational establishments can design classrooms that complement their pedagogical approaches and goals.
Lab Instruments Manufacturers is an outstanding symbol of creativity in India when it comes to teaching materials and school supplies. Their commitment to provide state-of-the-art solutions gives educators the tools they need to establish engaging and productive learning environments. The instruments that influence education will change along with technology, and producers such as Lab Instruments are leading the way in this fascinating shift.
Visit the  Lab Instruments Manufacturers to learn more and browse their wide selection of items. Utilise the most recent advancements in educational technology and supplies to enhance your learning experience.
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labinstrument · 5 months
School lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in India
School lab equipment is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of tools and apparatus used in science education. This equipment can be used to conduct experiments, observe phenomena, and collect data. Some common pieces of school lab equipment include microscopes, test tubes, beakers, flasks, Bunsen burners, balances, and spectrometers. Microscopes are used to magnify small objects, such as cells, tissues, and minerals. Test tubes are used to hold liquids and conduct chemical reactions. Beakers are used to mix liquids and solids. Flasks are used to hold larger volumes of liquids and conduct experiments that require heating. Bunsen burners are used to heat liquids and solids. Balances are used to measure mass. Spectrometers are used to analyze the properties of light. School lab equipment is an essential part of science education. It allows students to learn about the natural world through hands-on experimentation. This equipment can also be used to teach students about scientific concepts, such as measurement, observation, and hypothesis testing. Here is a list of common school and college laboratory equipment : 1. Microscopes 2. Bunsen Burners 3.Test Tubes 4. Beakers 5. Graduated Cylinders 6. Pipettes 7. Petri Dishes 8. Centrifuges 9. Safety Goggles 10. Lab Coats 11. Thermometers 12. pH Meters 13. Hot Plates 14. Electronic Balances 15. Glass Stir Rods 16. Lab Aprons 17.Safety Shower and Eye Wash Station 18. Dissection Kits 19. Microscope Slides and Coverslips 20. Incubators 21. Spectrophotometers 22. Microcentrifuges 23. Autoclaves 24. Magnetic Stirrers 25.Lab Thermocouples 26. Gas Jars 27. Heating Mantles 28. Hydrometers 29.Lab Jacks 30. Lab Tongs
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labinstrument · 5 months
School lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in India
School lab equipment is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of tools and apparatus used in science education. This equipment can be used to conduct experiments, observe phenomena, and collect data. Some common pieces of school lab equipment include microscopes, test tubes, beakers, flasks, Bunsen burners, balances, and spectrometers. Microscopes are used to magnify small objects, such as cells, tissues, and minerals. Test tubes are used to hold liquids and conduct chemical reactions. Beakers are used to mix liquids and solids. Flasks are used to hold larger volumes of liquids and conduct experiments that require heating. Bunsen burners are used to heat liquids and solids. Balances are used to measure mass. Spectrometers are used to analyze the properties of light. School lab equipment is an essential part of science education. It allows students to learn about the natural world through hands-on experimentation. This equipment can also be used to teach students about scientific concepts, such as measurement, observation, and hypothesis testing. Here is a list of common school and college laboratory equipment : 1. Microscopes 2. Bunsen Burners 3.Test Tubes 4. Beakers 5. Graduated Cylinders 6. Pipettes 7. Petri Dishes 8. Centrifuges 9. Safety Goggles 10. Lab Coats 11. Thermometers 12. pH Meters 13. Hot Plates 14. Electronic Balances 15. Glass Stir Rods 16. Lab Aprons 17.Safety Shower and Eye Wash Station 18. Dissection Kits 19. Microscope Slides and Coverslips 20. Incubators 21. Spectrophotometers 22. Microcentrifuges 23. Autoclaves 24. Magnetic Stirrers 25.Lab Thermocouples 26. Gas Jars 27. Heating Mantles 28. Hydrometers 29.Lab Jacks 30. Lab Tongs
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labinstrument · 5 months
Electric Autoclave Manufacturer
The lid is fitted with pressure gauge and double safety valve. Fitted with 2 kW heater. Pressure 15 psi. Lab Instruments Manufacturer Made of seamless aluminium body and lid.
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labinstrument · 6 months
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Electromagnetic Power Supply Manufacturer
Short-circuit current is 10A. 
Tolerates short circuit. 
Low Voltage, high current power supply for uses with Westminster Electromagnetic kits, Fleming's apparatus, etc. 1-0-1V nominal a.c.
Allows students access to 1V a.c or 2V d.c. 
Transformer is protected by thermal fuses and slow-blow fuse. 
Output is furnished by rectification of 2V a.c (unsmoothed). 
Lab Instruments Manufacturer 40A Schottky barrier diode for robust and efficient rectification.
Input voltage : 230V ±10% 50Hz
Outputs: 1-0-1V a.c, 2V d.c nominal
Height including handle is 187mm.
Dimensions: 208 x 155 x 115mm (W x H x D).
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