la-laia · 3 years
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la-laia · 3 years
I hope Harry and Meghan name their daughter Diana so I can watch the monarchy collapse in real time.
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la-laia · 3 years
I’ve seen the Ursula K LeGuin quote about capitalism going around, but to really appreciate it you have to know the context.
The year is 2014. She has been given a lifetime achievement award from the National Book Awards. Neil Gaiman puts it on her neck in front of a crowd of booksellers who bankrolled the event, and it’s time to make a standard “thank you for this award, insert story here, something about diversity, blah blah blah” speech. She starts off doing just that, thanking her friends and fellow authors. All is well.
Then this old lady from Oregon looks her audience of executives dead in the eye, and says “Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship.”
She rails against the reduction of her art to a commodity produced only for profit. She denounces publishers who overcharge libraries for their products and censor writers in favor of something “more profitable”. She specifically denounces Amazon and its business practices, knowing full well that her audience is filled with Amazon employees. And to cap it off, she warns them: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art. Very often in our art, the art of words.”
Ursula K LeGuin got up in front of an audience of some of the most powerful people in publishing, was expected to give a trite and politically safe argument about literature, and instead told them directly “Your empire will fall. And I will help it along.”
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la-laia · 3 years
god guys wearing jewelry is just hot like... I know it’s bare minimum but... an ear piercing??? Some rings???? A nose piercing????? Thank you for your service
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la-laia · 3 years
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la-laia · 3 years
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they hated this poor herb so fucking bad
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la-laia · 3 years
bitches say they're fine and then scream the "I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all" in bohemian rhapsody louder than everyone else
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la-laia · 3 years
just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.
for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.
autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.
💛 - your local actually autistic pal
p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.
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la-laia · 3 years
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I’m so sorry it’s disorganised but this is the best I can do before they take away our WiFi
Edit: Alright so slight connection and update. The military’s gonna be in power for one year now? And I don’t know that’s just disgusting honestly. Also by the way the pictures I have posted in this post are from Twitter written by someone not me. By disorganised I meant I didn’t have the time to arrange the pictures in order because my WiFi got taken away. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the account who wrote this as I was in a hurry to post this so yes 😔
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la-laia · 3 years
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la-laia · 3 years
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Free Black History Library
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la-laia · 3 years
Hedge funds shorted more than 100% of all shares of gamestop, to do this that means they had to sell more shares than actually existed.
The hedge funds never actually owned these shares to begin with because they were short selling so they never actually paid for them.
Redditors saw this and decided to buy up all these shorted shares to gamestop a company that wasnt failing that the hedge funds would then be forced to buy back as they never actually owned the shares.
The beauty of this is if you knew what to look for you could’ve seen this coming too. It isn’t mystical, it isn’t magic. They made these billionaires pay back more than what they basically stole by being greedy, this is a good thing.
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la-laia · 3 years
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On this day, 28 January 1917, Carmelita Torres, a 17-year-old Mexican maid who worked in the United States, refused to take the mandatory gasoline bath given to day labourers at the border, and convinced 30 other trolley passengers to join her. Her protest spread in what became known as the bath riots. Torres was one of many workers who crossed the border between Juarez and El Paso each day. In the name of public health, Mexican workers were frequently subjected to degrading and humiliating treatment. They had to strip naked, brave, undergo a toxic gasoline bath, and have their clothes steamed. The stated aim of the programme was to kill lice, which can spread typhus. However, it was not applied to everyone crossing the border: just working class Mexicans. In addition to gasoline being poisonous, it was also a deadly fire risk. A group of prisoners in El Paso being treated with gasoline were burned to death in an accidental fire. Furthermore, US health workers were secretly photographing naked Mexican women. On January 28, anger at the practice finally exploded, and within a few hours Torres had amassed a crowd of several thousand mostly women protesters. They blocked all traffic and trolleys into El Paso. They pelted immigration officers with rocks and bottles when they try to disperse them, and when US and then Mexican troops arrived they received the same treatment. The riots were eventually suppressed by the soldiers, and Torres herself was arrested. This appeared to have the effect of discouraging future protests. The enforced bathing and fumigation of Mexican workers with toxic chemicals like gasoline, and later DDT and Zyklon B, continued until the 1950s. The use of Zyklon B at the border appealed to scientists in Nazi Germany, who in the late 1930s began using the agent at borders and in concentration camps for delousing. Although notoriously they later used it to exterminate millions of people in the Holocaust. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1640236589494818/?type=3
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la-laia · 3 years
How many people can say they have played rugby with a Beluga whale? 🐳 🏉
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la-laia · 3 years
Druck’s new gen be like
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la-laia · 3 years
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la-laia · 3 years
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She beat me to it. 
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