l0st-h0p3 · 12 days
Maybe I haven’t found true love because I’m not supposed to be here for much longer
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l0st-h0p3 · 3 months
There isn’t no rhyme or reason
I’m just stuck in winters season
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l0st-h0p3 · 4 months
The trauma haunts me day by day
I have nothing to make it go away
I’m left paralyzed and confused
Not knowing what to do
I still check my backseat every time I get in the car
Lock all of my doors
But he’s hiding in your closet
Or he’s hiding in your bed
He’s outside the windows
Getting ready to shoot you in the head
He’s everywhere I go
Emotions begin to overflow
Trying to forget you hasn’t been easy
But I know I gotta let go
Everything we were was just a story passing in like a windy day
Dancing until we got lost in a daze
What kills me is I knew so much of your person inside and out
But I couldn’t comprehend your motions and I began to fill up with doubt
Cigarettes and Percocets just to drown it out
I cared too much
You cared to a fault
You reacted with too many emotions it put my brain on halt
From one extreme to the next
I was a victim suck in a witches hex
I know I did you dirty
I know I hurt you
But you drove me to a point of insanity
That really became the half of me
I tried to keep up with your dances
I tried to keep up with your requests
But every lie and all the threats
I fell into your wavering ocean never getting to see the other side
Lost in the storms of those baby blue eyes
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l0st-h0p3 · 4 months
It’s a complete sentence
I am not your yes man
I am not your wing woman
I am not your buddy after you had a few
Frankly, I am not even your daughter
I’m the furtherest thing from anything yours
Let’s just be honest
You hate me
I hate you
We don’t need to sugar coat it
Or be dramatic and dance around the issue at hand here
You chose to have me
You chose this
You have a fucked up childhood
So you then went and projected that on to me
You hated your dad
I never met your father
But maybe I have when I look into those possessed eyes
You’re toxic
You’re abusive
You’re manipulative
You’re harsh
You’re crass
You’re mean
You’re negative
You’re a loser
You’re immature
You’re a child
And from now on, no matter the circumstances, I am gonna put my foot down and say no
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
We could’ve made it to a year
But I didn’t even shed a tear
You told me you didn’t even believe in love so why the hell am I still here?
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
You always hated the police
Yet you’d send em to my house
Just to see if I was alive
So you wouldn’t doubt
That it was you
Who started all of this
It was you
Who manifested this
I’m falling for it
As I’m sitting in your car
Knowing I can’t escape
For my head and heart will break
I know I can’t escape
This sorta fate
When you play with the devil
I thought I was something special
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
My legs are shakey & my tears are dry
I’m driving in the sleet tonight
You always sound so mean
That look in your eyes
I wanna die
I asked you where you were last night
You choked back the truth and lied
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
It was my first intimate kiss with Chris
Taking my flower
Letting my sexual side devour
The only pure and true moment I had
Never knowing the air turned bad
Then there was Nick
To think about him makes me sick
You might be gone now
But the trauma you caused is remains loud
I was never normal after you
Everything you put me through
Then there was Jamal
Nothing really too exciting just an after school crawl
But then I met the worst of them all
You made my heart throb
With you I felt so much and so little at the same time
You made me go out of my mind
Then there was Ambrose
A weird creepy bootycall
For 2 nights and that was all
Then there was Tyler
Just a one timer
Then there was Sean
A crazy fuck
A hell of a time
But between his sheets you were also fucking Lennox
The best sex I ever had though regardless
Andrew was weird
Started my period
Bleed all over his bed
But hey he still gave me head
Mitchell was closure
Louis was nothing
Justin was a new door
Chad I blacked out I was on too many drugs
I don’t even remember much
Justin was humiliation and surrender
Roey was a one night stand I can’t really remember
Anthony was damaged and sad
He told me too many things and said I love you which made me mad
Devin didn’t really know what he was doing
Toxicity was looming
So many body’s
So many tongues
Yet love was only temporary with every single one
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
I’ll get high and cut myself
I’ll stay up past 12:00
Because with the blade producing the pain
You feel the same
Connected as one
Shakey and clammy hands gripping the blades
Making you feel insane
The rush of endorphins
Creating a beautifully dark metamorphoses
The first sight of red
The flashes you get in your head
Seasonal depression comes every year
But that is not why I no longer shed a tear
I feel the euphoria
The numbness
Feeling my body plummet into the earths smallest crevices
Buried by darkness and dirt
No longer alert
Just breathing in the toxic fumes
Letting your head disconnect in your tiny room
As you press the blade down
Youre no longer hit with the sound
Your brain becomes radio static
You no longer feel like you will panic
Everything around you becomes pixelated and blurry
But you no longer have the worry
You become Elton John’s rocket man
Escaping this land
As you levitate
You begin to dissociate
Not knowing how much time has passed
Thinking each cut will be your last
Yet every year youre left at the devils front door step
Wondering what will be your final last breath
And every time
You cut a little bit harder
A little bit more
And a little bit deeper
For your heart and soul is bleeding beneath its flesh and bones
Carrying these battles scars alone
Endlessly searching for a home
In chaotic forms and lifeless faces
Surrounding yourself with fakeness
Betting all of your love until you lose to Las Vegas
Walking around feeling broken dirty and tainted
Used up and dry
Get fucked up and cry
Wishing I’ll lose the battle to the blade and just die
Asking myself why do I even try?
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
Fuck recovery I got more love when I was dying
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
And this is why I should no longer try
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
Why is it normal to you that you have to do everything for him?
Why is normal for him to disturb you to do something he’s perfectly capable of doing?
Why must a substance control his actions and words?
Why are you his greatest asset yet greater enemy?
Why must you follow his actions?
Why must you endure his long rants and speeches?
Why must television be “bonding” and conversation?
How can a man not be told bad things for the fear of him hearing it might unleash a side we don’t want to deal with?
Why must you carry his burdens?
Why must you carry his weight?
Why must you carry on like everything’s okay?
Why can’t he walk 3 feet, step high or bend low?
Why is everything and anything always under his control?
Why must the earth stop if he’s lost something?
Why must you wake up everyday not knowing what type of being you’ll face?
Why must his screams sound like a record stuck on repeat?
Why must he only want me when he’s had a few?
Why must he only find joy when he’s sucking the life out of you?
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
Am I that fucked up in the head that now peoples kindness terrifies me. Like I always feel like there is a hidden agenda
Man oh man
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
I’ve been closing doors in peoples faces
Scared to open a new one
Is it time?
Is it divine?
Will I actually be fine?
I’m so scared of being tangled up in a web of a man
Trying to understand
Trying to comprehend
Until I’m at my wits end
I’ve seen it all
The twisted words
The catastrophic lies
The trauma bonds
The souls being tied
At this point I’ll just be myself
You see I’ve gotta trust my gut
But that’s so hard when someone’s not who you thought
I wanna do over
To start a new
I want real love
Something unharmed like a fresh cut lawn covered in mornings dew
For some it’s not a journey
It’s a quick convo at a bar
Or wishing upon a star
But for me it has been none of this thus far
It’s like a pattern a dance
A maze I’m stuck in trying to find Quentin Tarantino’s true romance
And every time a take a chance
My fears overtake me
And my hearts lost in a trance
I want to just let go
But I will continue to put on my show
Because she won’t know
He won’t know
They won’t know
Why my heart is half full
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
His hands
Gently scraping my body
His eyes
Locked on me
The first kiss
One can only wish
I want you all over
And I don’t care that you’re older
These feelings pour over
I know it’s real because I’m stone cold sober
Won’t you come take me over
I’ll be your lil Lolita
Really tryna meet ya
Outside these walls
If I gave you my number would you call
Or is this wishful thinking after all?
I wanna taste of the wild side
I wanna feel you deep inside
Never had such a craving
It’s making me insane
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
I just know things
But do I know this?
Every couple of days
Thinking you’re just gonna call it quits
It’s a perfect fit
A dark comedy really
One that hits you heavy
But one that begins to go steady
Until one day the main characters ready
To let it all go
To let the truth be told
Knowing that one day this would all unfold
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l0st-h0p3 · 5 months
I’ll sit in my room
Vape and get real high
Picture your hand running up my bare thigh
As I exhale I am introduced to the thought that I am in fact my own woman
What has sprung this new devotion this fix
I’m so transfixed
Actions and words coming out of my pretty little mouth
Searching and wanting this old intelligence I was forever hid from my whole life
I sense a manly hand
Something I want
To be able to be with a true man
I’m forever trying to fill this hole
This space
This void
I’ve been trying to avoid
But my brain is getting toyed
I go searching for that hand
The one to take me to a better land
The one to save me from all this happenstance
I want the comfort
The warmth
I think I’m fine then every couple of months I get this urge
I want the physical touch
I’m being hit with the overwhelming punch
Maybe the problem is I think too much
But deep down I feel rotten, used and damaged
I try to get by and manage
Left alone and dumbfounded
Not really knowing what to do
Stranded and stagnant
Falling down at my knees from my own defragment
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