l-eternity-l · 11 months
dear 10 fans who like loving you, i haven’t posted in a while because of school and work, HOWEVER now that school is over….IM BACK!! gonna try and stay on a consistent schedule for you guys because i have a lot of ideas and plans for this story!!
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l-eternity-l · 1 year
y’all i’m literally gonna cry. i finished part 3 of loving you yesterday but tumblr NEVER SAVED IT SO I HAVE TO REWRITE THE WHOLE THING
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l-eternity-l · 1 year
- Loving you
summary. - with her brothers being busy performing, Elvis is in charge of taking Mercedes home.
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pairing. - Elvis x Black OC
warnings. - none really, just throwing up
word count. - 2k
author's note. - I've been meaning to post this chapter for like 4 days but I've been so tired that I literally just kept putting it off lol. thank you for actually reading the first chapter! I've wanted to write for a while and seeing that people actually like what I put out means a lot.
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The Country Club Parking Lot
  Raymond's deep voice carries through the air as he screams at his little sister. Even though Mercedes could have told you what her oldest brother would say, it didn't make it hurt any less.
  "I'm sorry! okay?" Mercedes argues.
  "Yeah sorry just ain't gonna cut it this time Mercedes!" she lay flat on her stomach in the back of their convertible, trying her best to keep her dizziness at bay.
  Luther starts to say something to Mercedes, but she completely blocks him-- having already heard enough of their bickering.
  Mercedes's head was pounding, and their yelling was only making it worse. She starts to wonder why people even drink alcohol, It's like poison. If it were up to her she'd make it illegal and ban it from every state in the U.S.
  "Mercedes, are you even listenin' to me?" the girl rolls over, using the side of the door to hoist her upper body from the leather seats.
  Anyone could see that Mercedes wasn't herself.
The usually put-together girl had her long curls all over the place, blocking most of her vision. Her face was flushed and everything she said had a delayed reaction.
  "No" she whispers before returning to her original position.
  "Do you not understand what could have happened to you? you could have gotten hurt."
  "Oh, so what? I get a little bit tipsy and you guys just think I'm gonna get stabbed in the street" she rolls onto her back "News flash Luther, I know how to take care of myself"
  "But you don't!" Luther yells, louder than his previous brothers "You don't understand what could have happened! What if he forced himself on you? huh? Then what would you have done, because I know for a fact you can't fight him!" Ronnie places his hand on Luther's shoulder
"Calm down, she's just-" he throws Ronnie's hand off with aggression
"Don't tell me to calm down and don't fuckin' touch me!" with that, Luther walks away from the car--taking a break from the situation at hand, but Ronnie knew it wouldn't be his last outburst of the night.
"The main thing is that she's okay," Ronnie says, adjusting his glasses as glances over at the intoxicated girl. "When we take her home and put some water in her she'll come around".
"Whoa whoa whoa, What do you mean take her home? We gotta be back on stage in seven minutes, it takes thirteen to even get back to town" Jerome reminds his brothers. "Just put the hood up and lock her in the car, she'll be fine" Raymond slaps the back of his brother's head.
"We ain't lockin' her in the car, she's not a dog" The youngest brother puts his hands up in defense.
"Well I don't see no one else comin' up with any ideas"
"Just give me a second to think" Ronnie mumbles with his head in his hands.
  Of all the times their sister has gotten them into a sticky situation, this one takes the cake.
  From Mercedes's first step, she's been causing trouble for the boys--making a mess that her brothers would have to find a way out of. In her defense, she never does it on purpose.
"Wait guys," Raymond says, nodding over to Elvis-- who had been standing back with his hands in his pockets, watching the situation unfold.
  Now, he wouldn't have been Raymond's first choice, knowing the man's history of being a player and taking any chance he could get with a pretty woman--but seeing as there was no one else around that he knew on a first-name basis, He had to settle.
  Ronnie sends his older brother a knowing smile as he makes his way to Elvis.
"Hey, remember that time your car needed a jump at the gas station" Ronnie brings up
"Uhhh, yeah I do. Down there off of Frank Hill"
"Yeah, yeah" he places his hand on Elvis's shoulder "and you said that you owed me one"
  Now, Elvis wasn't the brightest when it came to guessing games, but it only took all of three seconds for him to realize what the brothers were hinting at.
"Oh, no," Elvis says realization all over his face "no, no. I ain't playin' babysitter!"
"We just need you to take her home for us" Jerome pleads "You know better than the rest of us how people act when a band is late"
"C'mon, man. Do us a solid, just this once" Raymond adds.
  It's times like this that Elvis wonders why he's so determined to be a gentleman. He could have just kept walking like he didn't see the poor girl sprawled against the restroom--but his pride just wouldn't let him.
  He planned to find some cute girl after the party and head to her place after. Maybe have a drink or two, then end the night with a bit of fun. Now he's stuck having to make sure this girl doesn't choke on her own vomit.
"Okay" Elvis sighs reluctantly "I'll take her home for you" Ronnies face holds a wide grin, his appreciation obvious.
"Thanks, man." He pats his shoulder as he pulls his keys out of his pocket. "Here take this. We live on 325 Parkhurst road, it'll be the sixth one on the left."
"Yeah, yeah. Parkhurst 325 on the left" Elvis complained as the rowdy boys say their thanks and rush back to the country club.
  He peers into the Convertable to examine the sleeping girl. She had rolled onto her side and her hair had somehow become even more unruly than before.
  Her long eyelashes lay softly against her flushed cheek as she slept. Her lipstick was slightly smudged but not enough for it to be too noticeable.
  Though she looked like a complete mess, Elvis would be lying if he said he didn't find the girl attractive.
  The singer placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. Mercedes stirs but doesn't wake up.
"Come on mama, gotta get up" he's more aggressive this time, shaking Mercedes.
  She lets out a grunt and shrugs his hand off of her shoulder before sitting up.
  "Mornin' sunshine" Elvis teases "You enjoy your little nap?" Mercedes rolls her eyes.
"Where did my brothers go?" she asked trying her best not to fall back over into the car.
"Well honey, they've got a show to put on so I'm takin' you back home" Elvis explains. Mercedes looks him up and down as if she would find the truth somewhere on his body.
"Hmmm" the girl lays back down "m' just glad they finally shut up. Always trying to tell me what to do" she pulls at the loose thread on her dress
"Now don't talk about your brothers like that. They really care 'bout you" Elvis tries his best to stick up for the older Estelles.
Elvis had always wanted siblings, especially when his mom would talk about Jessie—Elvis's late twin brother. He felt as though having siblings would put less pressure on him to take care of everything after his father went to jail.
At a young age, the singer took the responsibility as two sons and a father.
Elvis had to be three men all at once.
He would often stay up at night and think about his late twin. Wondered if they would have the taste in music or like the same foods. It seemed like the more he thought, the worse it hurt.
"You don't understand" She pulls hard at the string, ripping it from her dress "All they ever do is bitch 'bout everythin'. It's like World War III with them boys. We can't even watch the ball game without someone's masculinity getting wounded." Elvis smiles, amused by Mercedes's complaints
"Is that so?" he questions with a smile on his face. The girl nods dramatically
"Oh yeah. Yesterday, Raymond finished the entire case of Pepsi so Luther smashed the crate over his back. It took Ronnie and Jerome half an hour to get 'em to stop" Elvis furrows his brow
"And where was your momma during all of this?" he questions leaning closer to the intoxicated female. Mercedes shrugs
"Don't know" she moves back into a seated position, discarding the string "saw her for the first time in six days this morning, something about her boyfriend Paul"
Mercedes opens the door and stumbles out of the car, Elvis helps her in the process. Though he questions why her mom would be gone for so long just to hang out with her boyfriend, he doesn't question any further and focuses on getting her back to his car.
"Atta girl, let it all out" Elvis's soothing voice is drowned out by Mercedes as she vomits onto the plush grass.
The two were parked on the side of the road--Mercedes on her hands and knees with Elvis holding her hair and rubbing small circles on her back.
At first, the ride back home was peaceful. Neither of them talked, just listened to the radio in comfortable silence. It wasn't until they got to the curvier roads that Mercedes's stomach started to turn.
She heaves once again as the putrid taste of vomit coats the inside of her mouth.
Amid her intense puking session, she had completely convinced herself she was going to die any moment now. That her final moments were gonna be spent lying on the ground next to her own vomit.
As if her headache wasn't bad enough, the screeching of cars speeding by surly wasn't helping. Not to mention the rain that had completely drenched the poor girl.
"I don't know why you were even drinkin' in the first place. They don't teach the legal age in those fancy little schools anymore? " There are an infinite number of things you could say to piss off a sick angry drunk--hell sometimes even being in their presents is enough to get you cussed out and beat up. So imagine what making passive-aggressive comments would do.
"Why don't you legally shut the hell up?" She barks back, voice coarse from emptying her insides mere seconds ago
Elvis just chuckles at the girls childish come back.
"Is that what you want me to do?" he says through a smile. Mercedes scoffs as she closes her eyes, trying her best to stop the nausea
"yes Elvis, that actually is what I want you to do," she expires "and while your at it could you also legally back the hell up, or would your lawyer need to present for that?"
The smile on Elvis's face drops when he realizes Mercedes wasn't joking
"Now that ain't no way to talk to the man who's doing you a favor," Elvis says pointful, aggravation growing in his voice. "Don't go getin' your panties all in a twist 'cause you decided to get drunk at five in the damn afternoon"
Mercedes spits, making one last fugal attempt to get the sick taste out of her mouth before she pushes his arm off her shoulder
"Fuck off Presley" she mutters under her breath, beginning to make her way back to the car.
She doesn't get very far before Elvis grips her wrist.
"Who the hell you think it is you're talkin' to!" he calls out. Sharply, Mercedes turns around, throwing her hands up in the air
"Who the hell do you think I'm talking to Elvis! I don't see nobody else standin' out here!"
Mercedes's filter was barely there to begin with, saying whatever popped into her mind without much of a second thought--With some liquid courage in her system, it wasn't much this girl wouldn't say. Even if it meant pissing off her only way back home.
Elvis stood with his hand on his hips, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from escalating the situation. He was borderline shaking with anger, now wet hair sticking to his forehead.
"You better watch the way you talk to me girl" he warns.
Mercedes just scoffs as she looks the pissed-off man up and down as if to challenge him.
"Or what? You gonna raise your voice? Yell at me? Tell my momma?"
"You know someone really outta teach you some manners"
"Your one to talk!" she yells out "I know all about you, Elvis Presley, you spend the whole night with a girl just to leave 'em the second you see sunshine" Elvis lets out an angry breath, running a hand through his drenched hair "Does your mother know what your doin' every night? or is she too busy layin' around too?" Before Mercedes can blink he grips the strap of her dress, balling it up in his fist as he forcefully pulls the girl towards him. Mercedes tries her best to keep a straight face--struggling to maintain her cool composure.
"You foul-mouthed bitch, you ain't gonna speak about my momma that way!" Elvis screamed so loud his face strains "I will slap you till your ears ring, you hear me!"
Mercedes has been yelled at countless times. In class, at home, hell even at drive-ins--But none of them have ever made her feel the way she does now. Her eyes started to get that familiar burn while she tried to think of something else to say.
A quick comeback that would deflect her feelings and make Elvis eventually give up.
But for the first time in 18 years, the girl was a a lost for words.
Mercedes feels the familiar burn in her eyes as she holds her breath, afraid of what Elvis might say next. She tries her best to keep the hot tears from spilling over, but it was only a matter of time until the dam broke loose.
  "Aw, hell," Elvis says as he watches the tears slide down her freckled cheeks. "Look I-" Mercedes pulls herself out of his grasp
  "Just...take me home," she says with what little aggression was still in her body, hurrying back over to Elvis's car
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l-eternity-l · 1 year
hey guys!! i’m really gonna try and get a new chapter of Loving You out tonight. Also my request are open for anyone who wants to submit something, it’s definitely encouraged. I write for Elvis (obviously), Austin Butler, and basically any avenger along with there actors.
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l-eternity-l · 1 year
-Loving You
summary. - when a young lady has a little bit too much to drink, a certain singer comes to her rescue.
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pairing. - Elvis x Black OC
warnings. - age gap, alcohol, creepy dude
word count. - 3k
author's note. - ahhh okay guys this is my first fic. I'm honestly thinking about turning this into a long series because I already have an idea for a few more chapters. The only thing is I don't know what name to give the character so I literally just named her after me, but I really want to change it. I hope you guys enjoy!!! (also feel free to send request!!)
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MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 1957 The Country Club
    MERCEDES clapped her hands together as her brothers finished rehearsing their new hit song.
  "You guys sound great," she tells her brothers as people walk onto the little stage at the front of the building, fixing the boy's microphones and retuning instruments.
  "We did just as expected" Luther breathed out "everyone was off-key, not to mention Raymond forgot the damn words" he takes a quick sip of his water before handing it to Mercedes.
"Oh, can it Luther!" Raymond speaks up "why don't you focus on whatever the hell you need to do and stay the hell outta my business" Luther sends him a harsh glare.
  "This is my business Raymond, fuck it's all of our business. These people pay us to put on a good show".
"Okay, so what!" Raymond becomes more frustrated by the second "all you ever wanna do is please some white man by dancing and singing like a damn fool, you ever realize I don't put effort into this shit because I don't care!" he throws his water onto the ground before storming off the stage. Mercedes sighs.
  "Why do you guys always have to do this" before her brother can respond she keeps going "always doin' something right before you have to perform. you know he may not be coming back" Luther shrugs.
  As far as everyone was concerned, Luther cared more about the music industry than anyone in the world-- blasting music and putting his all into everything the band did.
  He played the instruments, mixed the records, and wrote most of the lyrics. people may say that he takes some things too seriously but Luther never cared--he was going to be a star and no one would hold him back from that. not even his own family.
  "As if we need him, if push comes to shove we pull you up here and make Jerome a back up".
  "Hey" Jerome yells out "don't punish me for what ray did" Luther just shrugs him off, walking over to his brother Ronnie "Raymond just needs a second to calm down, he’ll come back after he's had a smoke" The boy tries his best to reason with his angry brother.
  Jerome and Mercedes were less than a year apart, their parents not being able to wait another second to try for a girl.
  Even though he's one of the lead singers, people still tend to forget about him, especially his mother.
  Jerome has no interest in being famous--by the time he was born his brother had already started their carer singing outside of their father's barbershop to bring attention to it. Jerome's real dream is to become a pilot --singing is just a small hobby to him.
  "I don't know why you ain't performing now Sadie" Ronnie speaks up causing the young girl to roll her eyes and lean up against the stage with her arms crossed.
  "Because the women specifically asked for a male quartet. those poor girls have a hard enough time keeping their men from cheating under their own roof, much less outside of it" she picks at the skin around her nails in boredom.
  Mercedes has always been the most outspoken of the siblings, the exact opposite of what her mother wants from her. The only one their mother actually likes is Ronnie.
  Ronnie is the quiet sibling, he does whatever his mother says--doesn't matter if it's something small as bringing her the TV remote that's right next to her, or big as donating a kidney, Ronnie would do it in a heartbeat.
  Even though he does all of this for his mother, it doesn't save him from being called ungrateful and useless--but that's just how things went in the Estelle household.
  "If it were up to me you'd replace Raymond right now, he's sloppy and he doesn't care about anything or anyone," Ronnie says fixing his bow tie in the reflection of a mirror.
  In the boys' defense, Raymond has been causing issues lately. if he's not showing up to rehearse late then he's off with some girl, it drives their mom crazy, which only causes her to snap at the rest of them.
  Raymond wasn't always like this. As a child, he was charming and loved to sing and dance when company came over. it wasn't until his mom and dad started fighting, he came a little devil.
  Raymond has gone through more than the other siblings--having to be the one who dealt with their mom and her outburst when dad had got done beating on her. When their dad had just died and their mom left, Raymond was the one to take care of everyone.
  After all these years, Raymond's care for anyone but himself faded, and so did his relationship with his family.
  "You know mama wouldn't let that happen. He has a great voice, he just doesn't like to perform. Thinks it's silly" Mercedes reminds her brother "besides, he's just angry because it's gettin' late and he ain't had dinner yet".
  "Well, he needs to get over it because people are gonna start showin' up soon. We've only got a few minutes of rehearsal time left" the girl pushes off of the stage.
  "I'll go try and find him, you guys just keep practicing".
  Mercedes wanders around the expensive country club in an attempt to find her oldest brother.
  After what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes, she found him leaning against their car with a freshly lit cigarette between his lips.
  "I ain't goin' back in there" Raymond starts before his sister even gets the chance to speak "I ain't gonna make a fool of myself for all of those people. singin' bout love and rainbows and girls all while swayin' back and forth and dancin'".
   He takes a long drag of smoke before continuing "I'm gonna quit and tell momma to go get somebody else to do it. I ain't doin' this shit no more!".
  "Are you done," Mercedes ask, unamused by his outburst "because you have a show to do and all of your brothers are waiting on you to stop throwing yourself a pity party" he shakes his head.
  "You're just as bad as the rest of them Sadie. if you think doing dumb shit like this is what's gonna help us be famous then you go and do it. I know father wouldn't have wanted this for us, he wanted us to be stars, not clowns" he take another long drag "and I ain't gonna be a clown no more".
  "I don't care what you wanna do or what you don't wanna do, it's about what you gotta do. Fathers gone and Mommas crazy, we gotta make ends meet somehow" the boy tosses his cigarette on the ground and crushes it with his heel.
  "I can't keep on doin' this stuff Sadie. I wanna be able to do what I want with my life, not what momma wants." Much as Mercedes wanted to tell her brother he could do that, she also didn't want to lie to him.
  "Look I don't like the way momma does stuff around here either, but as long as we live under her roof, we have to do what she says." he runs his hand through his thick hair "We need you ray" she places his hand on his arm "Only for a few more years, then we can stop doing shows and just make music" he lets out a long sigh.
  "Let's just head back," he slides his hands in his pockets and starts to walk away from the car, Mercedes next to him "Mamas gonna be here in a few minutes and if I'm not there she'll just take it out on y'all".
"See now you're using your brain" his large hand forcefully shoves her away from him "Oww, what the hell-".
"Go find somethin' to do while we rehearse, you look like you wanna put a pistol in your mouth just sitting there".
If Mercedes was being completely honest, her brother wasn't wrong. they've all performed together since childhood, her and Jerome switching who'd lead, often doing duets. Any time Mercedes didn't get the chance to perform she felt an extreme sense of jealousy. Her mother only ever took her out saying it looked better with the boys singing, the boys are too tall and she doesn't fit in, and that four people on stage looked better than five. All this did was make Mercedes want to perform more.
  Mercedes and her mother didn't have the most loving relationship. After Luther was born, all Her dad ever talked about was having a girl-- after begging for years she agreed but they had another boy. This only fueled his want for a little girl more and they immediately had another child, even though Grace never wanted more than 3 kids. Soon after Mercedes was born, her father passed away from an unknown illness-- leaving her mother alone with 5 kids. Because of this Grace had resented her youngest child for years. Mercedes being unruly and never taking no for answer, only made this situation worse.  
She walked around the country club for a few minutes, trying to find something to cure her growing boredom. She feels an arm brush against her and quickly moves over to give the person more room, only they don't walk away. Mercedes glances up at the culprit. The man was older, maybe 25-35, with jet-black hair that was combed over and slicked down. you could see the gel glistening from the lights. He held a cigarette in his hand and sported a kind yet devious smirk.
"I'm sorry sir" Mercedes voices, quick to apologize in an attempt to avoid conflict. he waves his hand as if to dismiss her apology.
"Don't worry honey, it was my fault. What are you doin' here anyways" his gentle voice surprised Mercedes. Though the girl has never had a bad interaction with a white person before, she had heard many war stories of what her people go through on a daily basis-- this lead her to avoid them as much as humanly possible. "don't seem like the kind of place you'd find a nice young lady such as yourself," thought every cell in Mercedes's body told her to run away from the man, something else was begging her to stay--to figure out what it was this man wanted.
"I'm here with my brothers, they're performing tonight" he slowly nods his head.
"And they left you all alone out here, all by yourself" he sets his hand on her arm, a gesture that would normally make her pull away with fear, but the kind smile on his face seemed to soothe the thoughts that ran through her head.
"What? don't think I can take of myself" she says dripping with fake innocence. his smile grows.
"Oh the exact opposite," he moves his arm around to the small of her back, leading her away from where they stood "Why don't you come sit with me and my friends while you wait for your brothers, they're right over here," thought the situation feels off, Mercedes doesn't really have anything else to do at this party-- Not to mention, she loves the thrill of a little danger.
  Surprisingly, she ends up having a good time, talking to the men along with some of their girlfriends. They talk about music and performing while they sip on their expensive drinks. the night was going well and her brothers were putting on a good show, even though Raymond looked like he wanted to die the entire time. She sat beside the man she had met earlier, James. He had his arm resting on the back of her chair as he bragged about his yacht club and how much his soap company makes in a month. Even though Mercedes couldn't give a shit about his boat and his money, she did enjoy the drinks that the man kept handing her, Loving the burn of her stomach as she sipped on the fruity cocktails. One of the boy's songs comes to an end as Mercedes laughs at another one James' corny jokes. normally she wouldn't have, but her intoxication could make her laugh at a blank wall.
  "So," he pulls the drink away from her lips "why don't we get out of here" he runs his course hand up and down her knee, going a bit further each time "we should head someplace a bit more private". though Mercedes was so out of it she could barely form a sentence, she knew when something sounded sketchy. and in that very moment, she realized just how close he was to her. she clears her throat, sliding her chair a bit further away.
  "Yeah," she pushes his hand off of her leg, "I think I'm gonna have to pass on that" She lets out a nervous giggle as she takes another sip of her drink.
  "Don't be like that, I bought you all of these drinks and you're not gonna give me something in return" he leans to place a kiss on her cheek before whispering in her ear "Come on baby, I'll take you to my boat."
  "Sorry Captian, guess I'm not the girl you took me for" the man plasters on a fake smile, sliding his hand back onto her knee.
  "Why don't you have another drink, maybe then you'll change your mind" she pushes him off again, the chair letting out a loud cry as she stands with haste.
  "I've gotta go check on my brothers, I'll be back later" Mercedes says in an attempt to remove herself from the situation. She shoots the others at the table a quick smile before she quickly maneuvers her way through the crowd with unsteady feet, using the wall as a crutch. A sea of various people occupied the dance floor as she tries her best to make it to a less crowded area. The girl spots some public restrooms not too far away and makes her way toward them, stumbling with every step. Once she's there she lies against the side of the building before sinking to the plush grass, resting her head against the smooth concrete wall, a nauseating feeling overcoming her. Mercedes knew that people got drunk, hell she had to carry Raymond back into the house several times, but what she didn't know was how it felt. Her vision was clouded and her head was pounding. it felt as though her world was spinning. For a second, she even wondered if the man had slipped something inside her drink. The distant sounds of toilets flushing could be heard as she tried her best to regain her composure.
  "You okay there?" a southern voice draws her out of her dazed state. Mercedes looks up to yet another white man with slicked-back hair, only this time it was a bit longer and more in his face. though she felt like she really shouldn't be talking to him, the alcohol had clouded her judgment.
  "Umm... no. I don't know" Mercedes drops her head into her hands "I drank," she tells him.
  He lets out a slight chuckle "Well I can see that" he sits down next to her, lighting the cigarette between his lips. "What's a pretty girl like you doin' out here all alone?" he asks. Mercedes knows this trick all too well--in fact, she had experienced this trick less than two hours ago.
"I ain't gonna leave with you" her words slurred together, getting to the point as soon as possible.
"I ain't tryna take you anywhere honey, just wanted to make sure you aren't here alone. My name is Elvis, what's yours?".
"Sadie, and I'm not alone, 'm here with my mom and my brothers. There performing tonight." he hums.
"Your brothers are the Estelle's" the girl nods "I used to play basketball with them. I remember when you were just a baby. Your momma let you drink at this age?" he asked tilting his head. she shakes no.
  "No, she doesn't. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her" he raises his brows, amused at the girl's response.
  "Guess no one can tell you anything huh?" Elvis's voice was laced with sarcasm. Mercedes- not finding his little joke too funny, rolls her eyes.
  "What do you want" you'd swear you could see the annoyance radiating from the girl's body.
  "As I said before, I just wanna make sure you're okay" The girl scoffs as she tries to push herself back to her feet, failing miserably. Luckily Elvis helped her before she slid back down the wall.
  "Well, you can go find some other dame to save because I'm fine" The amusing thing is that Mercedes is definitely not fine, seeing as the only thing holding her up is Elvis.
  "I'll believe that when hell freezes over." he moves her arm around his shoulder for support before he leads begins to lead her away from the restrooms "Don't worry little girl, I'm gonna take you to your momma" she immediately starts to resist against his attempts to move.
  "No!" she says franticly "Are you crazy? If she finds out she'll beat me 'till I'm black and blue" Elvis stops for a moment, trying to think of a better option.
  "Okay, then I'll go get your brothers. How 'bout that?" Elvis offers.
  "No they'll kill me too " she argues "If they find out I was talking to a man they'd...they'd...oh, I don't know what they'd do but I know it wouldn't be pretty."
  "Look I gotta tell somebody, I can't just leave you sitting here drunk outta your mind!" Mercedes lets out a frustrated sigh "I don't care how mad it makes you you've gotta chose somebody. So who will it be? Your brothers or your mom?" Though both options sounded like a death wish, she knew that her brothers wouldn't lay a hand on her-- the most they would do is yell at her for a few hours and act distant for a day or two.
  "My brothers have an intermission in a few minutes, they usually smoke by the car." Mercedes reluctantly tells him, slightly pissed at the fact he's so hell-bent on getting her in trouble today.
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l-eternity-l · 1 year
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