kylerminshullacc · 3 years
Working in groups and overcoming procrastination
Tips for working in groups
1. Talk to others in a respectful way: Share all your thoughts with the group but always do so in ways you’d want others to talk to you, respect is the most important thing when dealing with coworkers.
2. Actively Listen: Do not interrupt others when talking, you can always ask them question when they're done.
3. Communicate with all group members: Include all involved with the planning and execution of the project, answer all questions towards you quickly and precisely and make sure the others in the group do the same.
4. Be clear about roles: It can helpful to elect a group leader if one is selected yet. That person can help keep things on track and then delegate who will be doing the other jobs. It is important that everyone knows what their job is.
5.  Do your job: Make sure you carry your own weight, understand what you need to do and then develop a strategy for the most effective way to do it.
Read more: https://online.assiniboine.net/mod/page/view.php?id=318111
Tips for dealing with your procrastination
1. Make sure to recognize why you procrastinate. Once you understand why you do something you can then develop a strategy to deal with it. Are you indecisive? An Avoider? So filled with dread that your scared to even start?
2. If your indecisive you should set a start date instead of an end one. It will help to break down the work into smaller tasks and schedule work periods for yourself.
3. If your an avoider, first find out what you know and what you don't know. Make a reward system for yourself for when you complete a task or section of the work.
4. If your filled with dread much like with the indecisive it will help to break down the work into smaller tasks. It will also help if work in intervals while allowing breaks for yourself.
Read more: https://assiniboine-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/coxeg_assiniboine_net/EUR3jdv4tXNNh56OPYCPVt0BrAzPUNXp9DIceGY_QLNCNw?e=KsdZmI
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