kurunlulu · 22 days
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by Moonoiiarch
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kurunlulu · 3 months
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You want Cat Creeper? More Dancing Cat Creeper?
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kurunlulu · 3 months
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People & countries mentioned in the thread:
DR Congo - M23, Cobalt
Darfur, Sudan - International Criminal Court, CNN, BBC (Overview); Twitter Explanation on Sudan
Tigray - Human Rights Watch (Ethnic Cleansing Report)
the Sámi people - IWGIA, Euronews
Hawai'i - IWGIA
Syria - Amnesty International
Kashmir- Amnesty Summary (PDF), Wikipedia (Jammu and Kashmir), Human Rights Watch (2022)
Iran - Human Rights Watch, Morality Police (Mahsa/Jina Amini - Al Jazeera, Wikipedia)
Uyghurs - Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) Q&A, Wikipedia, Al Jazeera, UN Report
Tibetans - SaveTibet.org, United Nations
Yazidi people - Wikipedia, United Nations
West Papua - Free West Papua, Genocide Watch
Yemen - Human Rights Watch (Saudi border guards kill migrants), Carrd
Sri Lanka (Tamils) - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
Afghans in Pakistan - Al Jazeera, NPR
Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan (Artsakh) - Global Conflict Tracker ("Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict"), Council on Foreign Relations, Human Rights Watch (Azerbaijan overview), Armenian Food Bank
Baháʼís in Iran - Bahá'í International Community, Amnesty, Wikipedia, Minority Rights Group International
Kafala System in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations, Migrant Rights
Rohingya - Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, Al Jazeera, UNICEF
Montagnards (Vietnam Highlands) - World Without Genocide, Montagnard Human Rights Organization (MHRO), VOA News
Ukraine - Human Rights Watch (April 2022), Support Ukraine Now (SUN), Ukraine Website, Schools & Education (HRW), Dnieper River advancement (Nov. 15, 2023 - Ap News)
Reblogs with Links / From Others
Indigenous Ppl of Canada, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia
Armenia Reblog 1, Armenia Reblog 2
Armenia, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Indigenous Americans, Black ppl (US)
Rohingya (Myanmar)
More Hawai'i Links from @sageisnazty - Ka Lahui Hawaii, Nation of Hawai'i on Soverignty, Rejected Apology Resolution
From @rodeodeparis: Assyrian Policy Institute, Free Yezidi
From @is-this-a-cool-url: North American Manipur Tribal Association (NAMTA)
From @dougielombax & compiled by @azhdakha: Assyrians & Yazidis
West Sahara conflict
Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)
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kurunlulu · 4 months
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マシュマロみたいなふわふわにゃんこ ボールペン サンリオ
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kurunlulu · 5 months
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kurunlulu · 5 months
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kurunlulu · 7 months
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various idogs!! ( 1 / ?? ) source | source
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kurunlulu · 7 months
pretty dividers
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source▪️f2u (please don't claim as your own)
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kurunlulu · 7 months
blue+white rainy (slow) dividers
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source▪️f2u (please don't claim as your own)
requested by anon
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kurunlulu · 7 months
A (shaky) Mikoto Double Color Analysis
Tl;dr 4koto
Throughout Double there are 5 prominently shown colors, not just red and blue (John and Mikoto) despite the mv being primarily John's POV and him only being aware of Mikoto's existence, he was literally just born I don't think we can expect him to know how systems work or that Mikoto isn't the only other alter.
The main 5 colors I noticed were red and blue of course, but also green, pink, orange. I counted orange as its own alter originally, but then realized orange is also often used to represent red/John. I can only make sense of this assuming different variations of the same color (for example, different shades of pink) represent the same alter. There's a few blues that appear, a few pinks, and a few greens, and a mix of orangey-reds.
Some of these are from inverts, of colors turning into pink or green, but some are very much so standalone the color appearing.
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Green and red background with blue and pink and (cut off) red text. So these are blue, pink and red's thoughts? With the background shifting from green to red, to indicate John fronting.
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Red, green
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Pink, red, green
I can't even screenshot it because I keep missing the frames but in this scene it also shows green silhouette which then inverts to a static overlay of a pink color, which then happens again at the door.
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Finally caught the pink on the running scene.
The running scene is the most interesting to me as it shows the most.
In order, it's green flashes, then pink, then black with a blurry more monotone background, then quickly white with an orange background. Then it is blue and orange, monotone again, green and pink, orange and blue, THEN specifically orange, pink, green AND blue when it shows the silhouette of three of him running. It shows 4 Mikoto's running and shows 4 different colors.
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It does of course flash between other combinations of these colors but like, come on. Showing 4 Mikoto's running away on screen and showing 4 colors... At times the red and the orange look similarly, but this one is most definitely an orange. Especially since the frame after is blue and red, orange in the corner, and then no color Mikoto as the actual? I saw people take this scene as trikoto, but there are 4 Mikoto's shown, as well as a mix of 4 different colors.
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I really find it hard to believe they'd write a system character who became a system as an adult, when the writer has a psychology degree and it's very common knowledge DID stems from childhood.
Blacks and white's also often appear, but generally before drastic color changes. So would black and white indicate a 'switch'?
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This scene then has blue, orange, pink, green, and a much lighter orange. Are both oranges representing the same alter? Idk lol, it looks more yellowy this time.
I wonder if whether a color is on Mikoto or in the background represents something?
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This scene shows the three other alters, pink, blue, and green, but then a ring around them of orange, showing John is controlling the body ultimately at this point maybe?
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Red tint fading in and out during a murder
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Pink tint panning up which leads into....
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Straight up pink background! With a bit of purple? So purple grouped with pink, similarly to how red had been grouped with orange and the two shades of blue are probably supposed to indicate the same alter? I have no idea, it has been 12 hours since this thing even released. What gets me mostly is the blatantly pink backgrounds as well as the pink text, that are very clearly in contrast to the red backgrounds and text.
I keep editing this and adding more on lol, but my general view of this is that Mikoto lived covertly as a system throughout his life, but then when Orekoto/John was formed, it as a lot more overt and different from the previously existing alters who, though incredibly stressed out, were managing to live in 'peace', or at least together enough to hide/not realize that they had DID. It's possible Mikoto is the only alter who was not aware of the DID, as Orekoto is clearly directing comments at someone in their body who is AWARE of what he has done, and terrified of it. Yet Mikoto himself insists he has no idea, and is truly genuinely confused.
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kurunlulu · 7 months
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kurunlulu · 7 months
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kurunlulu · 8 months
what lies beneath the facade? an observation of kazui mukuhara's face
my attempt on trying to analyze kazui's feelings! (not sure if this has been pointed out yet im sorry if someone made a similar post. this post has very, VERY brief/minor discussion of sui btw)
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im sure we all know by now that this is kazui's true feelings about his marriage; he hates it, and shows a self deprecating smile to the audience. i think, that the right side of his face where his bangs are longer is where kazui shows his true feelings to us. im gonna put some scenes where i think it's the most damning (while there are other pics I think applies, they may look like im reaching a little, so I won't share those). this is why in some scenes in half/Cat, you may notice that Kazui's expression can look unnatural where this observation is at play.
hell, even in the Cat album cover here, he covers the side of his face where his bangs are longer. this man is trying his best not to show anyone what he really feels. letting the door itself do the talking, so why should he? signifying that he at least, cannot wait what to show Milgram, to show us, what secrets are behind that door. (but also channeling an air of uncertainty doing so)
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as well as in Undercover, i think it's very interesting that the creators make it a point to show both halves of kazui. when his mugshot gets taken, both of his sides are shown to us. one where he's smiling, and one where he's not. notice how his left side is where he's grinning and his right side is where he's serious?
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we only catch his serious expression with one glimpse before he realizes he's being observed and quickly shows us a smile. (then during that scene where they show us which location correlates to which prisoner, the light is shining on the right side of his body. also, kazui is the only prisoner where they show both of his side profiles. the others show 3/4 of their faces)
before i continue, thank you so much for reading in advance!! >_< anyways keep marching on and keep reading this cool post of mine!
more pictures where they emphasise on his "right" being his true self in Cat, where his eyes are shown on the start and end.
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when I took a closer look at these images... was kazui more unhappy being around the long haired woman Vs him and his wife?
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left is kazui with his wife, right is kazui with the long haired woman
this next one really gets me a lot. the most clear cut observation that tells us the other half of his face is where he expresses his true self.
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he tears up for one split second, a ball of teardrop forming on his eye. what was something on that stage that made him so emotional?
then he quickly looks away to see something else catching his attention (which was the apple) after he stood up and looked forwards, kazui genuinely looks shocked/surprised.
knowing this observation can also give us a different perspective to some other scenes in half. like this one:
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his wife touching his right side of his face. multiple questions pop up in my head when i see this scene.
was she ready to hear kazui out? was she catching onto him that he was hiding a secret/hiding his feelings? or was she trying to comfort that side of his face, as if she was saying "whatever it is you want to tell me, im sure i can handle it." to him?
hinako tries to understand him. tries to "grasp" his true face, his "true self". but kazui can only give a weak, depressing grin, as he gently puts her palm away, balling his fingers around hers. he doesn't know if she's actually ready for it. even though she's gentle with how she holds his "true side".
as we all know, before they zoomed in to this shot of kazui putting her hand down, their silhouettes were blurry. if you weren't close enough, you almost thought she was choking and suffocating him. not only kazui felt like the marriage made him feel like he was in a rut, he was afraid of hinako "suffocating"/disliking his true feelings (or side), even though she is holding it with care. hence why he was putting her hand down.
of course we know it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to turn out, from the next scene here.
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kazui is clearly depressed towards the outcomes. at the end of half, his right side is not very happy at all, despite his left side making it look like he's grinning.
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everything is all a mess now.
after finding out hinako wanted to "touch and caress", kazui genuinely seems interested in this thought and was sincere about what he was feeling here, so he pursues her in hopes those feelings are fulfilled. interestingly, the lyrics "so, it's wrong?" are on the screen when he shows the camera his right side.
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when he proposes to her, he still remains looking at her in this direction, although we can't see how his expression looks like. unfortunately for hinako though, this is the last time kazui ever looks at her on this side.
during the confession scene, his right side is blocked by the cup, so we actually don't know what he was feeling completely when he asked the question.
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after this scene, we can finally see his right side again, but it's well hidden by kazui blocking that side of his face with a hand and cigarette. giving us a sense of mystery of what transpired after he asked the question.
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kazui is entertaining his wife with magic tricks while showing his left side to the camera. his "fake" side is what he wants to show to her and to all of us.
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but his left eye squints as he realizes about his dream. his left eye squinting is telling us that his fake side is breaking apart. then, kazui drops down to his knees. take note of the rope falling down on his left lap. after getting back up (from what seems like kazui stumbling from drinking 4 cups of alcohol), he rubs the right side of his face. he is really frustrated with himself here.
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with all of the information we have so far, we can interpret this as kazui desiring to remove his fake, other half of himself (this is the only object we don't see when kazui is showing off his magic tricks, and ropes can be associated with suicide). he is given a choice to remove his left side, his false side, which is why that rope fell down that direction.
as he's about to tell hinako the truth, he transitions from
> lighting a cigarette, his eyes hidden from us
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> kazui facepalming himself. as a smoke in a shape of a noose is formed. remember the rope i talked about earlier?
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even though the rope initially landed on his left lap, the noose is angled to his right side. he's grasping his right side of the face as well. this, here, is kazui being ashamed of his "true self". if he could, he would want to remove his true self if it meant having to keep lying to people, or if it meant making people happy. kazui is going through with telling hinako the truth, while this scene tells us he is hesitating to do so and is 100% expecting for it to hurt him and her.
> he lets down his hand.
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showing hinako and us, the audience, a very unique expression where he's snide, mischievous... almost mocking, yet at the same time, really depressed and frustrated with it all. from hinako's pose in half touching kazui's "true side", this is his answer; she is not going to like it one bit.
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a stark difference in feelings. kazui looks like he's going to say or do something harmful, but his other side tells us otherwise. he didn't want things to be like this. also, it contrasts with the final scene in half very well.
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when he bites on the dove, he doesn't look that satisfied doing so.
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in this climax, it seems like kazui himself doesn't know what's what anymore, letting the adrenaline of telling his feelings take over him. letting both his "true" feelings and his "lying" self beat him up, because at this point of no return, what difference will his fake and real self make anyway?
i really love how we can't tell if his bloodied lips are frowning because he's shocked, distressed, or if he's grinning ear to ear, happy and glad to have finally told the truth. even in this scene you can tell that the right side of his lips is less happy than his left where his mouth is more elevated and smiling.
what does he feel now after all of this chaos? well, let's look back at his right side of his face again...
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the MV ends with this shot of his right eye, slowly zooming in.
empty, emotionless, forlorn, and distant...
it's almost like he's staring and watching something at the sky after something fell down.
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kurunlulu · 9 months
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kurunlulu · 9 months
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kurunlulu · 9 months
Amane Momose Theory (analysis?) (she didn't kill her mom and i think it's dumb people draw that conclusion)
Okay this is going to be long and I have a lot of Milgram rants like this but I’ve never properly organized them before so this may be a little hard to follow, sorry in advance.
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In the beginning of the music video, we see Amane holding up and waving four flags, each representing what (I’m assuming) is the leaders of the cult.
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Kind of obvious, figured I’d show them all anyways. :P The symbol of the cult also has a dot for each of their colors, and the poster on Amane’s door shows the four.
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Interestingly, the only exception is Gozake, who’s flag is briefly shown crumpled on the ground, instead of her waving it around. Then after, she drops specifically his flag.
It cuts to her being punished by being drowned/covered in water in a bathtub by an unknown figure. Though we know this is Gozake due to it also being her punishment method by him in the first video (in combination to it literally being his flag she made a mistake with).
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She's punished, likely by being soaked in water and being drowned (indicated by literally every visual)
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However in between the two scenes, when he punishes her, it shows a rainbow.
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It shows this rainbow in two other places throughout the music video.
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When this man brings another young girl into an apartment, and when Amane decides herself to administer "punishment." I think the second rainbow, the one above the other girl and the man, can be interpreted two ways. Assuming it's associated with a punishment taking place.
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He takes the girl to this apartment, which is shown to be run down and they make SURE to show how there is mail just utterly shoved into the slot. No one is living there, this apartment has a specific use, likely specifically for the cult, especially given it even shows the symbol for it. The girl holding the balloon is brought in, and you know what symbol is revealed to be on her balloon? Amane's rebrand symbol for the cult. I've noticed that compared to the original symbol, this one reverses the colors and leaves the 4 circles representing the cult leaders as white dots. I strongly believe this other girl was brought to this apartment to be punished.
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While he is there with the other girl, Amane is happily walking home after caring for the cat she loved. She has no reason to suspect she is going to go home and be punished (or abused, really).
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The other way to interpret the second rainbow is that the punishment was distributed by her mother and specifically had to do with her being punished. The man from before told her mother, who then, to Amane's surprise, comes home to her ready to punish her. It's pretty obvious Amane wasn't expecting this and freely entered the house/apartment(?). The house is also very clearly lived in, unliked the first apartment, seeing as it has posters and flyers all over the door. Why would a house being lived in by someone who put up papers and flyers to literally remember things and keep them straight leave all their mail shoved into a mailbox? This is a different place than shown from before, this is her home with her mother.
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A very clearly abused Amane then returns to the cat, to see it had been killed. This moment is what put spirals into her eyes, unlike what was assumed due to the first music video, she was not beat into submission, her faith in her beliefs and in punishment solidifies through her decision that the cult leaders themselves need to face punishment. She decides to become the punisher, and that literally killing a cat is a sin deserving of punishment.
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She then happily marches on with a flag of her new symbol, one that has only been associated with her and with the other young girl shown. Where, again, the rainbow is shown, representing that this is her punishment to someone else.
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Andddd now here is what I have been building up to.
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This scene, of her and her victim, has multiple important aspects to tie this all together.
The envelopes on the floor near the entrance. Indicating this is the same apartment as shown before that the other girl was brought to. I really don't see why they'd go out of their way to show them on the floor and clearly show them stuffed into the door if not to represent this is the same place.
The water all over the floor, leading over to Amane.
This is the apartment, that the previously shown man has access to, and also is shown bringing a young girl into.
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This ugly guy is Amane's victim and he is Gozake.
Edit: I removed the small theory portion at the end of this post, going to make a part 2 after discussing a lot with my friend .... look forward to it o/
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kurunlulu · 9 months
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