kuroseiiki · 7 years
and still those losers act as they are the king! ~
You having worked in the industry, do you know how common it is for bands to actually write songs? Whenever vk bands talk about their songwriting I'm like "yeah, sure you did, buddy" bc I can't fathom that in such a highly produced music genre with carefully crafted images record labels take the risk of letting their members be very artsy. VK seems like a commercial music genre first and foremost to me (like many other popular genres!) and not like the typical creative indie/undergroud scene.
First off, I never really worked in the industry, not in any serious sense. I did a little bit here and there and did make some money off of VK/the Japanese music industry, but mostly in a side-gig kind of way. I don’t really want to elaborate, for obvious reasons, but my involvement with the industry was much more personal than professional.
As to how many bands write their own music, it’s difficult to give a serious estimate. I’ve known bands who wrote a little bit of their own music (with the help of their producers) and bands who did write all their own music. There are always rumors about bands who write literally none of their own music, but I can’t really say what percentage that is. I don’t know that I was really friends with any of those types of guys, personally, but I’m sure they exist.
Also, VK has definitely gotten more popular these days, and some bands have joined major labels and been watered down. And yeah, for that kind of band, their labels have a lot to say about their image and musical direction and etc. etc. But VK is, at its heart, an underground genre. Most VK bands are not popular. They don’t have people carefully crafting their images for them. Most of their dipshit ideas are their own dipshit ideas unless they’re on a really strict label or a major label. It’s the opposite of highly produced - unless the VK scene has changed drastically since I left Japan, which I highly doubt. I wish more foreigners would go to Japan and walk into a venue like Ikebukuro Cyber (they have CURTAINS instead of walls!) and Urawa Narciss, to see what kind of weird little losers a lot of VK bands are. Even a lot of bands who play larger venues sometimes play to half empty rooms.
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
~300 Basic words
funwithlanguages​ made a post about how you can write a lot with around just 300 words , there doesn’t seem to be a Japanese version, so I thought I’d have a go at translating it. This list has some things that just aren’t used in Japanese or that commonly used words don’t exist for (the, a etc). Be careful as I’ve kept the original list in tact, which means some things listed in the adjectives section (’enough’ and ‘too’, for example) are verbs and some verbs (’like’ ‘want’) are adjectives in Japanese, also terms about work, family and counting etc need special attention in Japanese as they are very different from English. No, I will not transliterate this into romaji, please don’t ask me to. You can learn kana in a weekend, far faster than memorising this word list. If you can’t read this list, go and learn kana then come back to it when you can. Romaji damages your learning and accent development. If there’s a mistake, please let me know, thanks! First Verbs
be 居る いる
there is ある
have 持つ もつ
do する
go 行く いく
want 欲しい ほしい (this is an adjective in Japanese)
can できる 
need いる
think 思う おもう
know 知る しる
say 言う いう
like 好き すき (this is an adjective in Japanese)
speak 話す はなす
learn 習う ならう
understand 分かる わかる
Conjunctions These are really hard to translate!
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) expressed using 〜と思います とおもいます or maybe the passive tense ‘(The books that are written in English are over there.’ etc.)
and と
or か
but でも・けど
because から
though でも
so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) から
if なら
of の
to に
from から
in なか
at (a place) で
at (a time) に
with と
about くらい
like (meaning “similar to”) みたい
for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) ため (for the purpose of~) ・につき (for/ per e.g. ~yen for one hour)・particles の, に and で are commonly used to cover many other uses of for, but need to be checked on a case by cases basis.
before (also as a conjunction) 〜の前に 〜のまえに
after (also as a conjunction) 〜の後で 〜のあとで
during 中 ちゅう
Question Words
who 誰 だれ
what 何 なに
where どこ
when いつ
why なぜ
how どう
how much いくら・いくつ
which どちら
a lot 多い おおい
a little 少しい すこしい
well 上手 じょうず
badly 下手 へた
only だけ
also 又 また
very とても
too (as in “too tall”) 過ぎる すぎる
too much 過ぎる すぎる
so (as in “so tall”) そんなに
so much そんなに
more (know how to say “more … than …”) Grammatical comparative construction AのほうがBより is used when A is the thing that is more
less (know how to say “less … than …”) Grammatical comparative construction AのほうがBより is used when B is the thing that is less
as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) You can use 〜のような grammar to express this, ほど can also be used
most 最も もっとも
least 最低 さいてい
better Grammatical comparative construction AのほうがBより is used
best 一番いい いちばんいい
worse Grammatical comparative construction AのほうがBより is used
worst 一番最悪 いちばんさいあく
now 今 いま
then その時 そのとき
here ここ
there あそこ
maybe 多分 たぶん
always いつも
usually 大抵 たいてい
often よく
sometimes 時々 ときどき
never 全然 ぜんぜん
today 今日 きょう
yesterday 昨日 きのう
tomorrow 明日 あした
soon もう直ぐ もうすぐ
almost ほとんど
already もう
still まだ
even それでも (even if)
enough 足りる たりる
the, a (technically articles) this doesn’t exist in Japanese
this この
that あの
good 良い よい
bad 悪い わるい
all 全部 ぜんぶ
some 幾つか いくつか
no 何にも なんにも (as in 何にもないです ‘There are none there’)
any 何でも なんでも (as in なんでも良いです ‘any one is ok’)
many たくさん
few 少ない すくない
most  一番〜 いちばん〜
other 別 べつ
same 同じ おなじ
different 違う ちがう
enough 足りる たりる
one 一つ ひとつ・一 いち
two 二つ ふたつ・二 に (counting in Japanese is very complex, you need to research this issue if you are a beginner)
a few 少し すこし
first 一番 いちばん
next 次 つぎ
last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”)  先 せん
last (meaning “final”) 最後の さいごの
easy 簡単 かんたん
hard 難しい むずかしい
early 早い はやい
late 遅い おそい
important 大事 だいじ
interesting 面白い おもしろい
fun 楽しい たのしい
boring たくつ
beautiful 美しい うつくしい
big 大きい おおきい
small 小さい ちいさい
happy 嬉しい うれしい
sad 悲しい かなしい
busy 忙しい いそがしい
excited ワクワクする 
tired 疲れる つかれ 
ready 準備 じゅんび
favorite 大好き だいすき
new 新しい あたらしい
right (meaning “correct”) 正しい ただしい
wrong 間違える まちがえる
true 真の〜 しんの〜
Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms.
I 私 わたし
you あなた
she 彼女 かのじょ
he 彼 かれ
it typically それ is used, which means ‘that’, this is hard to translate
we 私達 わたしたち
you (plural) あなたたち
they 彼ら かれら
If your language has grammatical gender, then learn each noun as “the [noun]” with “the” in the correct gender. (e.g. in Spanish, instead of learning language = “idioma”, learn language = “el idioma”.) This will help you remember the gender.
everything 全て すべて
something 何か なにか
nothing 何にも なにも
everyone  みんな
someone 誰か だれか
no one 誰も だれも
(name of the language you’re studying) 日本語 にほんご
English 英語 えいご
thing 物 もの
person 人 ひと
place 所 ところ
time (as in “a long time”) 時間 じかん
time (as in “I did it 3 times”) 回 かい
friend 友達 ともだち
woman 女の人 おんなのひと
man 男の人 おとこのひと
money お金 おかね
country 日本 にほん
(name of your home country) イギリス
city 市 し
language 言葉 ことば
word 単語 たんご
food 食べ物 たべもの
house 家 いえ
store 店 みせ
office 事務所 じむしょ
company 会社 かいしゃ
manager 主事 しゅじ(this is very sensitive to hierarchical language changes this is a complex issue in Japanese)
coworker 同僚 どうりょう
job 仕事 しごと
work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) 仕事 しごと
problem 問題 もんだい
question 質問 しつもん
idea 考え かんがえ
life 人生 じんせい
world 世界 せかい
day 日 ひ
year 年 ねん
week 週 しゅう
month 月 つき
hour 時 じ
mother, father, parent 母 はは (my mum) お母さん おかあさん (your mother)・ 父 ちち (my dad) お父さん おとうさん (your father)・ 両親 りょうしん (parents) (this is very sensitive to hierarchical language changes this is a complex issue in Japanese)
daughter, son, child 娘 むすめ (my daughter)・息子 むすこ (my son) ・子供 こども (this is very sensitive to hierarchical language changes this is a complex issue in Japanese)
wife, husband 妻 つま (my wife) 奥さん おくさん (your wife)・夫 おっと (my husband) ご主人 ごしゅじん (your husband) (this is very sensitive to hierarchical language changes this is a complex issue in Japanese)
girlfriend, boyfriend 彼女 かのじょ・彼氏 かれし
More Verbs
work (as in a person working) 働く はたらく
work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) 動く うごく
see 見る みる
use 使う つかう
should べき
believe 信じる しんじる
practice 練習する れんしゅうする
seem みたい
come 来る くる
leave 出る でる
return 帰る かえる
give 上げる あげる
take 取る とる
bring 持って来る もってくる
look for 探す さがす
find 見つける みつける
get (meaning “obtain”) もらう
receive もらう・くれる
buy 買う かう
try 〜てみる (this is a grammatical construction)
start 始める はじめる
stop (doing something) 止める やめる
finish 終わる おわる
continue 続く つづく
wake up 起きる おきる
get up 起きる おきる
eat 食べる たべる
eat breakfast (in several languages, this is a verb) 朝ごはんを食べる あさごはんをたべる
eat lunch 昼ごはんを食べる ひるごはんをたべる
eat dinner 晩御飯を食べる ばんごはんをたべる
happen 起こる おこる
feel 感じる かんじる
create (aka “make”) 作る つくる
cause (aka “make”) indicated using the passive, causative or causative-passive tenses 
meet (meeting someone for the first time) 会う あう
meet (meaning “to bump into”) 打つかる ぶつかる
meet (an arranged meeting) 会う あう
ask (a question) 聞く きく
ask for (aka “request”) 頼む たのむ
wonder expressed using だろう or かな at the end of sentences
reply 返事する へんじする
mean 意味 いみ (noun)
read 読む よむ
write 書く かく
listen 聞く きく
hear 聞く きく
remember 覚える おぼえる
forget 忘れる わすれる
choose 選ぶ えらぶ
decide 決める きめる
be born 生まれる うまれる
die 死ぬ しぬ
kill 殺す ころす
live 生きる いきる (to live/exist)・住む すむ(to live/reside in a place)
stay 泊まる とまる
change 変わる かわる
help 助ける たすける
send 送る おくる
study 勉強する べんきょうする
improve 磨く みがく
hope 希望する きぼうする
care 世話する せわする (take care of)
hello こんにちは
goodbye じゃあまたね・さよなら
thank you ありがとう
you’re welcome どういたしまして
excuse me (to get someone’s attention) すみません
sorry ごめんなさい
it’s fine (response to an apology) とんでもないです
please おねがいします・ください
yes はい
no いいえ
okay 大丈夫です
My name is 私の名前は〜です。 わたしのなまえは〜です。
What’s your name? お名前は? おなまえは?
Nice to meet you. 初めまして はじめまして (said before anything else in an introduction)
How are you? お元気ですか? おげんきですか?
I’m doing well, how about you? 私は元気です、あなたは? わたしはげんきです、あなたは?
Sorry? / What? (if you didn’t hear something) すみません?(use a rising intonation to indicate this is a question)
How do you say ______? 〜は日本語で何と言いますか? 〜はにほんごでなんといいますか?
What does ______ mean? 〜はどういう意味ですか? 〜はどういういみですか?
I don’t understand. 分かりません わかりません
Could you repeat that? もう一度お願いします もういちどおねがいします
Could you speak more slowly, please? もっとゆっくり話して下さい もっとゆっくりはなしてください
Well (as in “well, I think…”) まあ
Really? 本当に? ほんとうに?
I guess that 〜かもしれない。
It’s hot. (talking about the weather) 暑いですね! あついですね! 
It’s cold. (talking about the weather) 寒いですね! さむいですね!
Now that you’ve learned the 300 basic words, how do you learn more? I suggest practicing writing.
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
Japanese Resources
Rikaisama - Pop-op Dictionary - based on Rikaichan Yamasa.cc - Learn Handwritten Stroke Order Anki - Spaced Repetition Software Japanese Stack Exchange - Ask Questions, Get Answers Dictionary Codes and Meaning - ex: v4k, vi Chinese and Japanese Characters Mnemonics - Stroke Orders, Lists, Study Sheets A better Japanese font for Windows web browsers Verb Conjugation Chart - gaoshukai Similar Kanji Lookup
Jisho.org Tangorin - English⇆Japanese Online Dictionary Honyaku Star - Simple and Fast Dictionary | No ローマ字 | Specifically for Translators JLect - Japanese Dialect Word Search TMdict - vocabularies from games, books, anime, and other works by Type-Moon.
Kanji Alive_ Web App - Kanji Lookup, Stroke Orders, Examples, Picture Mnemonics Kanji Dictionary - 漢字辞典 Etymologies - A comprehensive, illustrated dictionary with etymologies, pictographs & definitions in English and Japanese More Eymologies - Traditional & Simplified CH/JP Oichan’s Dictionary - CN/JP/EN Dictionary Proverb Dictionary - Dutch, English, and Japanese
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IT用語辞典 e-Words - Internet and Technical Terms 三省堂 Web Dictionary - Sanseido Weblio - 辞書 - Main Dictionary Weblio - シソーラス - Thesaurus Weblio 翻訳 - Translate alc.co.jp - Another Great Dictionary goo.ne.jp - Goo’s Dictionary kotobank.jp - Uses yahoo.co.jp dictionary with a nice Interface Tatoeba - Example Sentences Tsukuba Corpus 複合動詞レキシコン - Compound Verb Lexicon Yamasa.cc - Learn handwritten stroke order kotoba.ne.jp - Extremely useful once you learn its capabilities Excite.co.jp’s Dictionary with Pitch Accent
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Reading Material
Aozora Bunko - Japanese Project Gutenberg Bauddha.net - Similar to Aozora Children’s Reading Material - Fairy Tails Reajer - Bilingual Texts & Frequently-updated Language Blog
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J-LIST - Buys Things From Japan - Handbook for Newcomers, Migrants and Immigrants to Japan - Bilingual - Encyclopedia of Japan - Bilingual
Amazon - The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary: Revised and Expanded - Kodansha’s Furigana Japanese Dictionary (Kodansha Dictionaries) - The Kodansha Kanji Dictionary - The Original Modern Reader’s Japanese-English Character Dictionary - The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
Soo cool!!!!
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Bass of NEIN #9 #Bass #rock #cool
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
to fuck without a condom is stupid anyway..
I wonder... do you think he made Ku pay for the hotel? I really hope she went and got herself tested since he nama's hookers.
This is why I tell you all to were condoms. Have smart sex. If he doesn’t have a condom, don’t have sex. If he pouts and says he doesn’t like it, put your clothes back on and leave.
This is your Public Service Announcement for the week.
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
No, don’t fuck without an CONDOM or any other kind of ways to not get pregnant... easy enough girls..
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yoshiatsu of DADAROMA knocked up his tsunagari, and when she asked for help paying the ¥130,000 for the abortion, he ignored her. 
According to the girl, she was forced to pay the money by herself. She also had to beg one of her male friends to give consent to the doctor to get her abortion.
So, what did we learn from this? 
Don’t fuck Yoshiatsu.
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kuroseiiki · 8 years
Mental health&illness vocabulary?
病気 - びょうき - illness
障害 - しょうがい - disorder
 憂鬱 - ゆううつ - depression
不安 - ふあん - anxiety
あがり症 - あがりしょう - social anxiety
双極性障害 - そうきょくせいしょうがい - bipolar disorder
統合失調症 - とうごうしっちょうしょう - schizophrenia
偏執病 - へんしゅうびょう - paranoia
偏執症患者 -へんしつしょうかんじゃ - paranoid person
境界性人格障害 - きょうかいせいじんかくしょうがい - borderline disorder
不眠症 - ふみんしょう - insomnia
恐怖症 - きょうふしょう - phobia
精神的 - せいしんてき - mental
Sorry anon. I worked on this for a couple hours and just couldn’t think of anything (bad day). I’ll try and add to it soon.
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
昨年11月に4人編成となったbask in the deepが前作より3ヶ月という短いスパンで新作をリリースする事となった。 herbarium(植物標本)と名付けられた今作は入手不可となった過去作、ライブでの定番曲も含めた4曲を再編曲&再レコーディング、そして初音源化となる1曲を含めた5曲入りのミニアルバムである。
bask in the deep 企画  "notes of the herbarium"
open 18:30 / start 19:00
adv. 2,500(+1d) / door 3,000(+1d)
bask in the deep
The florist
歌謡 in the deep(O.A)
Retake Mini Alubum
bitd-0006 ¥1,500(tax out)
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
Can I write an extra note to this? People say: WE WANT ABC. But as so long there aren’t 1000 fans from at least 3 countries kinda GERMANY, FRANCE and... Let’s pick POLAND. There is no way ABC will go to Europe. And I guess ABC need to be have at least 6 shows. 1000 people each time to bring back the costs. To bring ABC costs tons of money. its not only YASU the promoter should bring. nope also a team of other kind of people and of course the Support members too.  which maybe only make the flight tickets.. Well I’m sure they want to fly business class isn’t? so kinda 1500 euro per flight ticket at least?! Then the big venues are also at least 1500~3000 Euro a night. then of course they need to sleep inside a good hotel. Food need to be paid.. everything need to be paid. Acid Black Cherry belongs to AVEX. AVEX isn’t cheap. so yeah... I’ve told people so often; Lets create something big, join this facebook event.. but.. how many people join... 20~100 only.  =_= that doesn’t show promoters that they won’t lose their money.
I may lose friends for this, but god grant me the strength to hold myself back from all those people bitching that ABC isn’t doing an overseas tour rather than another set of free lives
Let’s break it down shall we
The L tour was essentially IMPOSSIBLE to get into even if you were in the fanclub...
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
No idea how many but still a lot
Been to a live Been to a concert at Budokan Been to a concert at Tokyo Dome Been to a live at Shibuya O-WEST Been to a live at Takadanobaba AREA Been to a live at Osaka BIG CAT Been to a live at Club ALIVE! Been to a live at Nagoya ELL Been to a live at Imaike Club 3 Star Been to an in-store event Negotiated for spots closer for when your band is playing Stood in the front row Stood in the front row at a one-man Taken a night bus specifically bus to see a band Taken a train specifically to see a band Taken an airplane specifically to see a band Done demachi Done irimachi Posted on Tanuki Bought a CD Bought more than one copy of the exact same CD Bought every version of a CD with multiple versions Been to two different events in the same day Been to two different events in different cities in the same day Run from one live to another in the same day (“hashigo”) Bought more than one ticket to a show just to get a better number Camped out for tickets Called a venue or shop for tickets Used a ticket machine for tickets Gotten a ticket below number 20 Gotten ticket number 1 Given a bandman a present Given a bandman a letter Participated in a stamp rally Gotten the best prize in a stamp rally Won something in a game at an in-store event Been in a fan club Gone on a fan club trip Gone on an official bus tour Followed a band to every show on a tour (of 5 stops or more) Followed a band through a member change Followed a bandman to a new band Gone to a new year’s countdown event Skipped school/work for a live Done/tried all the furi at a live Caught a pick at a live Caught a drumstick at a live Caught a water bottle at a live Caught a bandman crowdsurfing at a live Moshed at a live Taken off your shoes at a live Gotten injured at a live Gotten something autographed in person Cosplayed a bandman Worn something to an event because your favorite bandman likes it Asked a bandman out Met a bandman in private Created a fan site or community for a band Gotten Cinderella peta’d by a bandman on Ameba Gotten poked by a bandman on Facebook Gotten a PM or e-mail from a bandman Gotten a PM or e-mail from a bandman that you didn’t initiate Gone to see a bandman where he works Gone to multiple in-store events for the same release Filled up a cheki album with cheki from only one band Taken a picture with a band or bandman Taken a picture with a band or bandman outside of an official event Seen a band in more than one country Seen a band in more than one territory (state, prefecture, island, etc.) in the same country Done band reservation Done band reservation through twitter, ameba or text message Preordered at the post office Been to a live with 7+ bands and saw two or less Stayed in the bar/hallway/toilet an entire live aside from one band Exchanged contact info with bangya at a live Met members of your favorite band when they were distributing flyers Been to a band’s first live Been to a band’s first oneman Been to a sold out live Been to a tour final Been to a last live Received/bought a live house only distribute (at the live house itself, not online after) Had a live nickname
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
This song is Lost Souls first song. Lyrics & Music,Takmi vocal,Vahi-R [-Dirge-] lyrics↓ It's a cold dark sky My heart is aching It's not again Absolutely Instead of pain Time has no mercy I'm not broken I'm already dead Under the dark night 暗く寒い空 心が痛む 二度とない 断じて 苦痛の代わりに 時は容赦なく経つ 私は壊れない 既に死んでいるから 闇夜の下で...
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
fuck I wanna ask..... but I don't have the guts XD
remember Akane's infamous tweet about how much he hated every muslim in existence? He apologized for it ask. fm/ did_akane/ answer/ 123973355700
Naw, I didn’t remember. But apologizes are good. XD
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
Looking forward too!
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The new album will be exclusively available on the EU Tour. Pre Release on Feb. 20.
ADAMS - SEXPLOSION 1. LOVE ME 2. WHY 3. Baddest Crown 4. HERO -Dear Eves my precious broken piece- 5. blind 6. ゲームセット 7. Darling 8. S.E.X 9. Wolf 10. Fly through the sky HFJP-0006
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kuroseiiki · 9 years
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With Tak-san(Calmando Qual),2Bullet☆
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kuroseiiki · 10 years
Kiwamu badshit to a fan! enough proof!
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kuroseiiki · 10 years
he fucking deleted the drama from his facebook -.-
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Dada vs fans (November 3rd, 2014)
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kuroseiiki · 10 years
well actually it's wee-free  since Wi-fi was created in the Netherlands and everyone here says "wee-free".
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Kimura Takuya Mispells Michael Jackson as “Michel Jakson”
Just as another Johnny’s talent Yamashita Tomohisa mispronounced “Wi-fi” as “wee-fee,” Kimura Takuya made an embarassing mistake with his English. He made the grave error of mispelling the King of Pop Michael Jackson‘s name on national television. What adds…
Read More on aramajapan.com
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