ksaru · 9 months
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What a strange thing to say. Ashitaka regarded him curiously. Did this Arrancar think that Sōsuke saw them all as equals? That was not Ashitaka's impression. He very much saw a leader, rising above to march his troops towards a goal. In principal, there was nothing wrong with that. Ashitaka was simply afraid of the bloodshed that was sure to follow. A revolution, which was what Sōsuke was staging, was almost always painted red.
❝ I respect Aizen-sama's ideals. ❞ Ashitaka stated, calmly. He would not bad-mouth his commanding officer. He would also refer to him politely, even though he would always see him as a very young Shinigami. ❝ But I do not need his opinions, because I have my own. I have lived a long time, and my believes have yet to change. ❞ It was true. From the very beginning, Ashitaka had thought it was wrong to harm others. He had despised the spilling of blood. He had not understood why it was up to HIM to pass judgement on another living creature. He had seen the best in everyone he had met - even Sōsuke. He wished for nothing but peace, because surely, if there was peace, then there would be time for everyone to appreciate the beauty of the world. The beauty of all worlds. ❝ I think a mind is not so easily swayed. ❞ Sometimes, he wished he could just be like the rest. Not have this pacifist approach to everything. It would've been so much easier for him. But he couldn't change. If anything, the longer he had lived, the LESS inclined to violence he had become.
Oh, if only Shinji had any idea what was on Ashitaka's mind, any memories of his time as a Captain...he would spell out all the ways the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo were merely parallels of each other. The only difference is that, since the dawn of the worlds' division, intervention from the Shinigami would not allow Hueco Mundo to become more than what it is: a lawless wasteland.
And that is why so many hopeful eyes are trained upon the throne now; the arrival of Sosuke Aizen seems to promise the rise of civilization in the realm of the Hollows. He has already dismantled the boundaries between Hollow and Shinigami────perhaps it is only a matter of time before he finds a means to slake their bottomless hunger.
Communion. The flesh of god. Salvation from boundless despair.
Others, however, have their doubts...
As for Shinji? It doesn't matter to him whether or not Aizen is deluding the Arrancar into thinking they are anything more valuable to him than cannon fodder and marching them to their deaths, because at least it's something to kill the time.
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❝ ...D'ya really believe that? ❞ a sneer splits Shinji's face nearly in two. ❝ Have ya bought inta Aizen's preachings, too? That's pretty cute, comin' from a Shinigami...maybe ya ain't so different from my kin. ❞
In trying to bridge the gap between them────seeking common ground to stand on────Ashitaka has made himself look as a lamb in the Arrancar's eyes. If he has any sense of self-preservation, he ought to take a page from his fellow Shinigami's book and uphold their differences as an indelible truth; after all, cannibalism is the norm among Hollow.
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ksaru · 9 months
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❝ I agree, a lack of choice can indeed be a prison, but more often than not, the lack of choice is simply an illusion. We all have a free will, but we fear the consequences of our actions. That does not, however, take away our ability to make choices. ❞ This was an interesting discussion, and he thought that Ulquiorra was, perhaps, one of the only Arrancar who he COULD have this kind of talk with. A more philosophical approach. He wondered - did Ulquiorra and the others feel they had a choice when it came to serving in Aizen's army? Were they afraid of being killed, should they not follow orders? Or, were they following him because they believed in the world he would make? He wondered about Ulquiorra's motivation. The Cuatro seemed so, so dedicated to Aizen. How could such a strong devotion be born from someone so stoic? It was interesting. ❝ A certain sense of curiosity is only healthy. ❞ He encouraged. He wanted all of the Arrancar to know they could approach him, and he would not cause them harm.
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What did constitute a prison? Though they had much in Las Noches, since Aizen's arrival ... There was something, in the very back of his skull, that almost yearned for freedom. For his life to continue from the day sharp bramble speared away mask, left him bleeding, smiling.
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❝ ... The lack of choice. ❞
He speaks simply, and means every word. A prison was a concept, a state of being where choice was an ILLUSION, should it be granted at all. Some could argue Las Noches, itself a prison, or Hueco Mundo. Ulquiorra cared little to class either as such ; but he did have a preference. He did ... wonder, what his life would have been, should he have not been found. Would he be devoured, his bones left to pick gnashing teeth? Or would he have found power on his own? So many possibilities.
❝ Forgive my curiosity. ❞
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ksaru · 9 months
“You’re the odd one out. How are you here”
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' The odd one out ' was a description that had followed him his whole life. Not fitting in was not necessarily a bad thing, but it was, and always would be, a burden. There had, perhaps, never been a place he was less at home than here in Las Noches. He thought it was not so different to when he had served the Gotei 13. An army was an army.
Calmly, he regarded the Sexta.
❝ Aizen-sama graciously invited me to come with him. In Soul Society, I was a prisoner. ❞ He was not ashamed of this, since he truly did not understand what he had done wrong. What justified his imprisonment? He could only assume it was the fear of his powers. He did not blame Soul Society, or anyone in it, for locking him up. His powers were dangerous, and the world would probably be a safer place without them. ❝ What about you, Grimmjow? Why are you here? ❞ Not to challenge him, but to talk. Ashitaka was interested in understanding the Arrancar. They weren't all that different from Shinigami, in the end.
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ksaru · 9 months
me, suddenly: oh right i have a bleach oc
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ksaru · 1 year
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This conversation was going in exactly the direction Ashitaka had expected it to. He found it interesting that Sōsuke, who was seeking to create a NEW society, was structuring his hierarchy in a way that did not encourage respect. He seemed to be of the mind that he could carry it all on his own. Ashitaka didn't think that was possible, but, of course - he might be underestimating how much respect the Arrancar had for him. Certainly, Sōsuke could state that his commanders' orders were to be followed as if they were his own - but whether or not the Arrancar would accept that? That was a different matter. Authority bestowed upon you without you having earned it? It was incredibly fragile. Especially among creatures who, above all, valued strength ( at least most of them did ). Basically, what they were saying to the Arrancar were: You have to respect me because Aizen said so, even though I've given you no reason to believe I'm worthy of respect.
Ashitaka would not DEMAND respect and loyalty like that.
❝ What you ask for, ultimately, is not for your commanders to be respected, but for you to be respected. ❞ Ashitaka told him, calmly as ever. He didn't wish to lecture him, but surely Sōsuke should be aware of the effect his methods were having. Rather than inspiring the Arrancar to respect his commanders... He was undermining that. Perhaps that was the real intention? The Arrancar would, certainly, think that: YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT AIZEN. And, as far as the Arrancar knew, they would be right. Did he, Kaname and Gin truly deserve recognition from the Arrancar and Espada? Had they earned it? ❝ No, I will not report if I am defied. I cannot be a valuable commander in your ranks, if I need your protection in order for others to follow my lead. I must stand on my own. ❞
An easy answer for an easy question; merely requesting truth just with one he kept 'as close' as Ashitaka. It wasn't quite surprising to hear his ideas repeated back rehearsed, knowing enough of the old Captain Commander's troubles, listening often enough to the gruff responses towards what he believed how this and that person had to behave - yet they would not. It's enough for him to have a smile etch up on his lips in mild encouragement towards the response given. The second bout of honesty, however, was enough for a pause to settle in. 
" Is that so? " 
Respect. Earned and kept and fought for, amongst the Espada, amongst the Números, jet Shinigami had the ease in claiming what, debatably, was not theirs to hold. Or so the bustling mass of pitiful souls inside Hueco Mundo would claim [ should that not be stamped out the moment it arose? ]. " Have you been defied, Ashitaka? " Assumption to be made solely for the fact that he could not be everywhere at the same time. Also had no desire to be, no need to be. Most things would sort themselves out without the Master's presence, and if not with him, then Gin and Kaname had permissions extended that would reach further than any soul disobeying would ever hope for. " I have ordered them, made them know, to respect my Commanders as if their directives would be my own. That is why I ask. " For clarification where it was only due, mayhaps it would need those continuations for him to follow suit what Sousuke wanted to convey. Mayhaps not, it wouldn't matter. 
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" If they do, however, then I would ask that you report this to me posthaste. I am not willing to permit anybody to undermine your authority. "
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ksaru · 1 year
Goal: Being so kind that your anger is a fucking nuclear weapon.
Always having something sweet, kind and helpful to say, always having a way to calm, soothe and comfort. To see the humanity in everyone, and reach towards it. That anyone approaching you can expect you to have something to say that will settle their soul.
 That it hits like a freight train when you, out of all people, cannot see goodness or humanity in someone. When the nicest thing you can say is “well, the world will be wonderful once you are gone.”
 Kindness is not softness, and I will hit you with my sword.
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ksaru · 1 year
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❝ My time is all yours, Aizen-sama. ❞ He rather liked Sōsuke's familiar way of addressing him. While others would've viewed it as a clear sign of disrespect ( as Ashitaka was much older than him ), he saw it as a sign that he was being included. Seeing as he did not KNOW Sōsuke as well as Gin and Kaname knew him, he would not fool himself into thinking he was not on the sideline. He would not have liked it if Sōsuke made an exception for him, seeing as he called everyone by their given name. In return, he would speak politely to him. Address him as his commander ( which he was ). He might have disagreements with him, but he would never voice them in public. He might - might offer his opinions in private, if prompted to do so.
Ah, this again. It was not his first time hearing it. Yamamoto had also criticised his way of leading, though he had not put it this way. Aizen asked him instead - WHY did he have trouble giving orders? It was not so much that he had trouble doing it. Though gentle, his voice carried authority if he wanted it to. He simply disliked giving orders.
❝ I don't like giving orders. ❞ He answered, calm as ever. ❝ What right do I have to order around those who do not respect me? ❞ And respect? It could not be demanded. It could only be earned. Had he earned it simply because Aizen had given him a rank? No, of course not.
" Ashitaka, a moment of your time. " A conversation between those on the same level speaking with each other in tones of equality - was it not that what those around, his soldiers, his perfect army, would think once they saw their creator usher one of his Commanders closer with the mere wave of his hand? Facades and ideas kept up within that utter perfection that he had not only brought upon himself in the beginning days of his grand Kingdom to be raised from the ground, no, also his Lords would need to uphold his standard. Immaculate. Leaders without any possibility to be questioned.
Thus, with how it had come, he had watched one of them struggle with simple tasks, really. Kaname and Gin had always been outstanding soldiers, the rank of Captain, as wretched as it had been in how discardable it felt, had done them only good so far.
But for Ashitaka?
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It seemed like even though they had been peers for all but spellbound time, there were some things that a man of disposition as mild-mannered and gentle could never quite and truly grasp. So, why not make him face those things? Easy ways to find footing on those steps that would lead to Heaven. " I realised that you seem to have trouble with giving orders. " And how to correct that detriment in one so powerful? Easy enough, he planned to soon offer a means and possibility to take up rule and order for only a margin worth of his army, but good enough. Given that he had been so unwilling before [ was that correct? ]. " Why is that? Tell me. " || @ksaru ♡
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ksaru · 1 year
It took a moment for Grimmjow to sit down. Ashitaka watched him look about the room. Was he looking for the exits? Probably. He didn't trust him. Ashitaka couldn't fault him for that. After all, he had just been severely punished by a Shinigami. Most likely he viewed Ashitaka as the same as Tousen. Ashitaka did not mean to put himself above the other, but certainly - he NEVER would've displayed such violence. He didn't urge Grimmjow to sit down. Instead letting him take his time. Eventually, the other pulled one of the chairs over to the larger table with the flowers. He'd rather sit there, huh? That was fine.
Ashitaka walked over to him.
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❝ With your permission? ❞ He would like to examine the wound. Without consent, he would not proceed. If Grimmjow gave him the go-ahead, he would pull at the torn sleeve to reveal the wound. ❝ I apologise in advance. I have been told that my healing spells are lacking. ❞ And very painful for the subject. It was because Ashitaka was forcing his reiatsu to do something it was His soul was not MEANT to HEAL. Only to decay. He sat himself down on his knees for a better position, and so that Grimmjow would not feel like he was looming over him. Then he lifted his hands, sort of cupping the wound. Then he would begin, his palms glowing a faint orange. It would be painful for Grimmjow. Probably a lot more painful than the other had anticipated. Ashitaka had never used this on himself, so he didn't know just how much it hurt. He had been told by others that they would rather him NOT heal them, due to how painful it was. But - Grimmjow did not have very many options right now.
“Yeah,” he says, “guess it’s agreeable.”
Better than agreeable actually, there aren’t many arrancar in this part of Las Noches, only the weaklings in servitude. Unlucky bastards. Even in his current condition, he’s confident he can handle an assault by any number of them. If they dared to come anywhere near Lord Ashitaka.
Grimmjow feels his energy start to flag before they reach the rooms. As much as he wants to stay on hard alert, the initial adrenaline is fading, and the ache is digging in. It means he doesn’t hesitate nearly as long as he should before shuffling past Ashitaka and into the shinigami’s territory.
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The room stinks of dead things. Not animal matter, but the stench is familiar enough, and thick enough that Grimmjow wrinkles his nose. He says nothing though, his own blood will drown it out soon enough.
He doesn’t sit immediately, instead giving the room a thorough once over. Noting the windows, the walls, the single other door which presumably leads to private amenities. Grimmjow thinks he could bust the floor or roof easily enough as well, if he needed a non-conventional exit. The chambers probably looks like what his own looks like, he’d know if he ever spent time there. Just. More decorated.
His gaze finally fixes on the only pop of color in the room other than the shinigami’s hair. Flowers.
Huh. Grimmjow’s never seen them so up close before. He circumspect the room again only to grab one of the requested chairs, and drag it away from the side table towards the living bunch of flowers. This is where he settles, quietly and without bluster for the first time in this interaction.
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ksaru · 1 year
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A DEMON? He had not had the privilege of meeting one before. He had not known them to be actual beings. It was more something you called someone who behaved a certain way. If he was indeed a LORD, then Ashitaka should tread carefully, and make sure to treat him with respect. This should not be a problem, as Ashitaka was always respectful, even towards those who showed him none.
The next question the demon posed was a strange one. He asked WHEN he was. Ashitaka tilted his head slightly to the side in question.
❝ You are in the World of the Living, in Japan. It's June and the year 2023, according to the Gregorian calendar. ❞ He might as well answer this odd question. Could the other travel in time, perhaps? Or had he simply been asleep for a long time? He didn't look like someone who had just napped for a few hundred years. His appearance was immaculate. He didn't appear like what Ashitaka would've imagined a ' demon ' to look like. If he was completely honest, a demon would very much look like Zaraki Kenpachi. No offence.
Sesshomaru listened to the explanation carefully, a SHINIGAMI was not unheard of, but he assumed mostly they were but a myth created by humans. Mortal beings like them seemed to seek out comfort in knowing there were "gods" of death and others but he had seen many in his time also worship demons in hopes of being protected. That never worked out well for them in the end but it never seemed to stop them from thinking it would.
' I've heard of death gods before, though I have never met one until now. '
The demon lord wasn't ENTIRELY CONVINCED this man was telling the truth but his aura held a strange energy that was unidentifiable to him, that much was certain. Sesshomaru inclined his head but only slightly and not fully as a royal may do. This was of course because the demon WAS A ROYAL to some degree, it just happened to be he was one in a lost time... Feudal Era Japan.
' I am a demon, Lord to the Western lands from my home. '
Sesshomaru remained calm, he was never less than until it came to facing his half-brother, InuYasha. The demon lord took a moment to glance around his surroundings more now. He had observed quite the difference in what was here now, what he could hear and feel, versus what InuYasha often described when he visited his mortal mate, Kagome.
' Where am I, and perhaps I should ask when am I? '
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ksaru · 1 year
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to him it was a choice. but maybe that was because he had that luxury since he was by all means and standards, considered powerful. power did corrupt, as the saying went. but he had it and yet he didn’t think he was corrupted by it. if anything, he found it a hinderance. something that kept him solitary. different. and that was never something he had asked for. but most things are that way. things that were never asked for forced upon you and one had to adapt to them in a manner according to their nature. and if that were the case, then perhaps his nature was also different then the others here. starrk wasn’t arrogant. he was self-assured. he was also aloof. and he was aware that made him less approachable. although, it didn’t seem to work all the time. unfortunately. 
the way that question was asked however made him wonder if the man before him was mocking him. he decided not to take it as such. even if he knew most others would be quick to jump on that first impulse. perhaps that was separated him from the others. he didn’t act on his impulses. instead he weighed his options rather careful. and he studied everyone before him like the unread book that they were. ‘ i believe many things separate me from the others. and that choice is one of them. ‘ a simple enough answer that was quite truthful as well. 
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❝ I see. ❞ Or at least he thought he did. He very much enjoyed conversing with Starrk. Though the other’s responses were rather short, and he certainly didn’t offer any elaboration, he was calm and civil. It was no different talking to him than talking to a Shinigami. Truly, when they had been taught that all Hollow were mindless monsters, they had been lied to.
❝ Can I ask - ❞ This was more of a personal question, so he would not hold it against Starrk if he chose not to answer. ❝ Why would you purposely make a choice that would separate you from the others? ❞ Not that he was criticising. He was just curious. From what he had understood, Hollow liked to find their place within the hierarchy, regardless of what that looked like. It was natural for the weak to follow the strong, as it was in any society, and it was normal for the strong to use their powers on the weak. Ashitaka didn’t approve of this kind of society, but he was curious to learn more about the outliers. The anomalies. Such as Starrk. 
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ksaru · 1 year
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Having his position as CAPTAIN returned to him was a grace Ashitaka was certain he did not deserve, not to mention - he felt like he was imposing. Mayuri did not need a co-captain for his division, surely? Then again, with Ashitaka taking care of the responsibilities that rested upon a captain, Mayuri was free to devote his time to his research, and spend even more time in his laboratory. He had not detected any hostility from the younger captain, and that made him feel welcome. It didn't take much to please Ashitaka, who was a modest man.
WELCOME HOME, the other said as Ashitaka entered. There was nervousness about him. His fingers twisting. Ashitaka was calm, as always. A soft smile settled upon his features from seeing Mayuri. He treasured this young Shinigami greatly. Had he gone through all this trouble just for him? How kind. How precious. It warmed his heart.
❝ I'm home. ❞ He stated, as if to underline that yes - this was his home now.
❝ Thank you very much, Mayuri-san. Thank you for thinking about my comfort. ❞ The fact that Mayuri even knew that Ashitaka needed a bit of safety was endearing. In the end, the other knew him quite well. ❝ You seem nervous. Are you alright? ❞ He asked as he took a few steps forward
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Some deep old old memory stayed wrapped around his neck squeezing tight. Safety. Ashitaka screamed safety, and Mayuri as young as he was in comparison needed that. He hadn't felt safe since he had been hopelessly following Kisuke around, unless he was around Ashitaka. Sentimentality and expressions of feelings were not often displayed to the general public, nor to even those close to him. "Ashitaka? Welcome home." Fingers twist nervously in haori sleeves, motioning to a wall. "I set up your room for you. I picked out bedding and set out some yukata, and kimonos in colors that would pair well with your complexion and hair. If you press your hand to it, it will only respond to your fingerprints so you can feel safe."
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ksaru · 1 year
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❝ Your rank does not determine whether or not you are deserving of acknowledgement. ❞ It was such an unhealthy mindset, Ashitaka thought. To think that ONLY THE STRONG - only the ranked had any worth. He knew that was the way Hueco Mundo ( and now Las Noches ) functioned. It was a culture so finely woven into Arrancar nature that it would be a hard thing to change. But he'd plant his innocent ideas in their heads all the same. To let them know that they had value. Each and every individual had their own worth.
❝ I do not look down on you, or any other Arrancar here. ❞ It was probably hard for the other to believe. Hollow had a very negative view of the Shinigami, and he had to say... Ichimaru and Tousen were not exactly helping when it came to improving their reputation.
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❝ Simply find it interestin' that ya'd go outta yer way ta compliment a mere scout fer simply doin' 'is job, ❞ Shinji shrugs at him. It matters little what rank either of them hold; a General or a foot solider, does that really change what either of them fundamentally are? ❝ Ain't like 'm one'a th' illustrious Espada. ❞
There isn't a note of bitterness to be found even at the edge of his voice. Though he is powerful enough to be counted amongst their ranks, there is something that keeps him from having his own chair at the war table────or rather, something that keeps Aizen from giving him one. It must have something to do with why Hueco Mundo's new overlord is within Shinji's very first memories as a Hollow.
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ksaru · 1 year
“Where.” Grimmjow corrects himself belatedly. Someone, somewhere. He was slow to realize he’d tripped over his words. Not great, but Ashitaka had ignored it.
He follows, when the shinigami turns, apparently with a destination in mind. Grimmjow has no destination. A small hole somewhere defensible would be ideal. Not his own territory, the place will be swarmed, and it’s too predictable. Asitaka isn’t leading him in the direction of the Sexta’s palace though. He might have already had all the same thoughts. That, or he had a better idea from the get go.
It takes a few corridors for Grimmjow to realize they aren’t leaving the shinigami’s domain. In fact, they’re headed deeper. To Ashitaka’s personal chambers? Grimmjow’s never seen what the commanders space looks like. Knowing such information used to appeal to him a great deal. Something about the situation has dampened that excitement however.
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“Where are we goin’?” He asks, just to clarify.
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❝ My chambers. If that’s agreeable to you. ❞ He answered, without stopping. He had the feeling Grimmjow would rather just get this over with. Not to mention his injury had to be causing him a lot of pain. Healing spells were NOT Ashitaka’s speciality. Given his gentle and pacifistic nature, it would’ve been the most reasonable for him to join the 4th division. However - he’d never been able to heal much. It was a type of Kido that was just beyond him. He knew why, of course. It was because it went against the nature of his soul. His powers were the exact opposite of healing. DECAY. However, he could at least stop the bleeding. Or slow it down. He would do his best, and if nothing else, he could provide the Sexta with a safe place to rest.
He opened the door to his quarters, holding it open for the other to enter. Ashitaka’s chambers were modest. Smaller than those of the Espada. He did not require much space, and since he’d spent the past few years of his life in a prison cell, he found these private rooms to be a luxury. The personal touch was a collection of stones in the window frame. Some crooked dead branches on display on top of a dresser. There were several vases with dead flowers. Only a single bouquet ( the newest one ) still alive. One of the flowers dropped its head when Ashitaka entered the room. ❝ Please, take a seat. ❞ He gestured towards the two chairs in the room, which were placed by a small table. Another vase with dead flowers stood there, next to a closed old book with no title.
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ksaru · 1 year
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What a beautiful day it was. The sky almost clear, with just some cotton-like clouds sliding past. There was birdsong. Humming of bees. There were many parts of the World of the Living he appreciated. Finding joy in the little things was one of his strengths. What he was not so fond of was busy streets and hustling. Loud voices. The sound of cars. It was why he had moved to this more... Quiet spot. He had no aim other than to go for a peaceful walk on this lovely day. Another good thing about his current situation. He had no duties to follow up on. For the first time in his life - he had no purpose other than his own enjoyment. He'd yet to figure out whether or not this was a good thing.
This area was deserted, or so he'd thought. He picked up on a strange reiatsu. It was not human, not Hollow - nor was it Shinigami or a combination. Before long, he stood face-to-face with the source. A man with long, white hair. About Ashitaka's height. His lips parted in surprise at how human the other appeared, despite clearly not being one. His surprise only increased when he was posed such a straight-out question. What are you?
❝ I am a Shinigami. ❞ It was the nature of his soul, even though he didn't serve in the Gotei 13 anymore. He answered calmly, not afraid of the stranger. ❝ I would ask the same in return. I have not come across a soul such as yours before. ❞
Sesshomaru had not been to the human world often, or perhaps not at all that he could currently recall but this seemed like a one-off trip. However, he had not accounted for getting stuck on this side of things instead of being able to go back through the well he'd come through as his half-brother had many times before. A strange occurrence, but one that had happened before so all he had to do was be patient and wait it out until the well decided it was time he go back home.
The Feudal demon lord did not belong here, after all and this did not appear to be the same plane of time that InuYasha had visited time and time again with his human love interest. He sighed, sitting down and meditating for a while before a strange presence caught his attention. It did not feel entirely human, but it was not living nor demon either. What was that? Who was that? Curiosity piqued, the dog demon left his placement near the well and went to investigate.
Upon finding a peculiar looking fellow, he tilted his head just slightly, almost unnoticeable a change to his typical straight posture.
' What are you? '
He asked bluntly, feigning no interest for small talk or introductions as per his usual. The demon was a noble, but one who had been raised to see everyone else beneath him with little regard so a question asked should be answered immediately...
@ksaru / sorta plotted starter
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ksaru · 1 year
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Plants are VERY sensitive to Ashitaka's reiatsu. If he doesn't completely suppress it while (for example) picking flowers, the flowers will wither and die before he can finish a bouquet.
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ksaru · 1 year
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‘ A SHINIGAMI ‘. He was more than that. Ashitaka was a modest person, but even he would not accept being boiled down to nothing more than a title such as this. ESPECIALLY when he no longer served the Gotei 13. He was a part of Aizen's army.
❝ Should the fact that I am a Shinigami somehow prevent me from acknowledging your hard work? ❞ He asked, calmly.  / @gyakusama ,, continued .
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ksaru · 1 year
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[ I could use some more threads on here so - PLOTTING CALL? ]
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