it's so funny when people dm you and don't even say hi 馃榾
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what is it with people begging me to hold items?
my rules clearly state 24h but some ask for days and some even weeks... sorry but if you can't pay in 24h don't ask me about the item and don't mention that you don't have the money right when I ask for payment
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woke up to them still not having paid. they would've paid 6h before I woke up so they basically had even more time 馃槓
anyway wont be selling to them
so basically someone dmed me about buying a pc and everything is such a struggle with them istg:
they ask if I ship to their country when the post clearly says ww
they ask where I'm located when it clearly says it in my bio
I tell them how much shipping is and they ask what I want for the item? like the post says that and I just told u how much shipping is. I can't do math but I can add an item price and shipping
then they ask how much it's in their currency. how would I know? I'm not google or paypal and paypal would tell u when u go to pay
sent them my paypal and they go "ok one minute" and I've waited 3h and nothing. not even a reply
then they ask if I can hold off for 5 days when my rules clearly say not more than 24h
they say it was autocorrect and they meant "later today" but how do u go from two words to one?
and then told me the time they get off work and could pay whole living half across the world in a country with several time zones like I would know what time that's in my country
end of the story, if they won't pay in the 24h I'll give it to someone else bc I have another person that is interested and a whole lot nicer!!
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Am I weird for thinking that if someone can text me from work they can also just send me the money?
like texting me constantly takes longer than logging into your paypal and just paying me
it's not like its a huge amount for the one I'm talking about rn
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so basically someone dmed me about buying a pc and everything is such a struggle with them istg:
they ask if I ship to their country when the post clearly says ww
they ask where I'm located when it clearly says it in my bio
I tell them how much shipping is and they ask what I want for the item? like the post says that and I just told u how much shipping is. I can't do math but I can add an item price and shipping
then they ask how much it's in their currency. how would I know? I'm not google or paypal and paypal would tell u when u go to pay
sent them my paypal and they go "ok one minute" and I've waited 3h and nothing. not even a reply
then they ask if I can hold off for 5 days when my rules clearly say not more than 24h
they say it was autocorrect and they meant "later today" but how do u go from two words to one?
and then told me the time they get off work and could pay whole living half across the world in a country with several time zones like I would know what time that's in my country
end of the story, if they won't pay in the 24h I'll give it to someone else bc I have another person that is interested and a whole lot nicer!!
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