koyuki-chama 5 hours
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Family 馃┓
Little moments before the mission 馃ズ bby sarada馃尭
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koyuki-chama 5 hours
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[Rio] - reposted w/ permission
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koyuki-chama 9 hours
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[niku] - reposted w/ permission
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koyuki-chama 9 hours
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koyuki-chama 1 day
why bother so much others with their annoying westerns boring ass trendies? look hollyweird and mainstream games or series flopping hard as they deserve -- yaoi and yuri fans who wanna shove their fetish on everything are the worst but honestly there exists good yaoi / yuri fans that enjoy they genre and actually support creators instead of force things where don't belong! lmfao and they talk shit about SS at least SS is normal and organic not a forced internet shitty fads westerns needs to stfu
100% agree, anon. i think it's annoying, too. they need to really get off their pedestal and stop acting like anyone cares about them at this point because it's 2024, and it just looks silly now.
it's been 10 years, why haven't you moved on yet? the door is right there, please LEAVE.
SasuNaru fans are especially pathetic. right next to narusaku/sasukarin, they need mental help and to actually grow up already and stop embarrassing themselves on the internet.
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koyuki-chama 1 day
no author "has to" put representation in their series lgbtqia+ people are a very minority no matter how the internet acts its not wrong neither "phobic" to not have them in a story that's just how it is those chronic online folks don't know how relationships works and they do need to touch some grass a hundred per cent. Also don't we love how on this article they admited it's a fad? I think it's funny how they always tell on themselves also theres literally yaoi/yuri genre for they to explore so
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koyuki-chama 1 day
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koyuki-chama 3 days
wall of shame: pride month special
this is probably gonna make some people hate me, but you know what, i don't give a fuck. i hate this ship, so as far as i'm concerned, i can complain about them yearrrrrr round because they don't exist.
sorry not sorry.
anyway, on with the showwww
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now you might be asking why i give a damn about this article at all since i don't particularly care about most of the boruto ships. i'm an og ship war veteran. i won that war, and i'm content with that victory.
but since i must continually defend it from the conspiracy theorists who don't believe in REALITY, here we are again.
because the sasunaru shipper who wrote this, apparently thought they'd be clever and sneak in a little dig at SasuSaku,
and you know what we do when they do that?
we rip them apart :)
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he didn't confess his "love" for him. what he said was that he was his friend and his 'sun'. Mitsuki has a relationship with Boruto, similar to Juugo's relationship with Sasuke. where in Juugo followed Sasuke, because Sasuke was the vessel chosen after Kimimaro's death.
also, i don't think there's any love between them right now or will be anything even remotely friendly for a while, not until the whole omnipotence bullshit gets cleaned up. Mitsuki did just try to kill him like two chapters ago.
try to keep up, renaldo.
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ha...hahahahahahaha BWAHAHAHAHA.
excuse me, let me fix this for you...
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there we go. that's better.
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this little bit here is the entire reason i wrote this post. because CBR can't seem to resist the urge to drag sasusaku down at every given opportunity they possibly can.
disregarding this incorrect, ignorant spew, we know that is infact not true at all.
but since they had to say it, that's why i'm here.
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moving right along...
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you wanna know why Kishimoto hasn't made any LGBT ships in Naruto? the reason is really very simple if you have a working brain and know anything about culture in japan?
it's partly because Kishimoto is a very conservative japanese man, who has gone on record saying even the hetero romances he's made thus far "embarrass" him to draw. (thankfully we have other illustrators for that, like seki-being and Shingo kimura!)
that's why we haven't seen anyone outside of Naruto and Hinata actually kissing (no, narusaku, the CPR "kiss" does not count.). though it's been implied that SasuSaku have kissed many times. :3
*cough* anyway, just had to brag about that.
the second reason is because LGBT is not as big of a deal in japan as it is in the west.
this one is shocking, I know, but the uneducated side of the western fandom can't seem to wrap their heads around this concept.
same sex marriage isn't legal in japan.
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there have been some attempts to legalize it, but every time they do, it gets struck down. Japan is very archaic. i got bad news, but that means they're not really going to change their overall culture any time soon. that's not saying there isn't gay people in japan. i'm sure there are. but they're not widely accepted.
after all, let's not forget japan has a declining birth rate. that's the opposite of what they're going for, right now.
The third reason is that the series has never taken LGBT seriously. no, seriously. never.
any implication of it has either been treated with
disgust (IE the accidental sasunaru kiss), where Sasuke and Naruto have both shown visible disgust in reaction to being reminded of that incident.
a joke - played in the spin off with Orochimaru and Kabuto, and in an omake with Itsumo and Kotetsu during shippuden anime
or fanservice- the one time sasuke-sai sexy jutsu Konohamaru makes in shippuden which got censored in the english release and in the anime.
there are entire other genres with other series that are shonen-ai (Yaoi) or Shojo-ai (Yuri) or mlm (mutli level marketing) wlw content if you want that. Naruto ain't it.
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Also, i got more bad news for you, but it ain't gonna happen in Boruto, either. Studio Pierrot recently released a statement about how they don't want to conform their series to "western standards" because it would make the anime "boring".
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and for once, i agree with them on this.
if Kishimoto was too embarrassed to even make romantic content for the hetero ships, he sure as hell would not do it for a same-sex ship. sorry, but that's just reality.
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Yeah except the studio already said no, and we're all aware of what studio pierrot does to the pairings they don't like.
do you have any idea how many people in japan would hate it? alot. and to be honest, they're the *target audience*, not us. and that's the way it's always been. Kishimoto and SP, don't care about the western standard.
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nah, fuck the mainstreams lmao
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ah, that's the REAL reason they wrote this. don't even try to be stealthy when everyone can see your bias from a mile away LMAO.
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you really need a reality check if you're still clinging to that piece of driftwood in 2024, fam. this is just sad and embarrassing.
Sasuke and Naruto were NEVER intended as romantic partners. EVER. literally ever.
and you know how Kishimoto made that clear? he made them LITERAL BLOOD BROTHERS.
so if you still ship this, you condone incest, idunno what else to tell ya.
why do i say that? because unless you skipped the end of shippuden, you can't deny this, especially in the new era.
Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry is based on Kishimoto and his Real Life twin brother. which is gross enough in that context.
Kishimoto added Hagoromo to the end of the war arc, to reveal to Sasuke and Naruto during the period where they were both dead from being attacked by Madara, that they are the reincarnations of his sons, Asura and Indra Otsutsuki. literal directly related blood brothers.
and the naysayers and rabid pre-pubescent fangirls swear to the heavens that this isn't so, because of the reincarnation angle, but Sasuke and Naruto still possess the souls of the original brothers, as noted in the kage summit arc. so sorry, that doesn't erase the blood tie just because they're different people in different bodies.
You can marry your cousin in Japan, but there's nothing on the books about marrying a sibling, so i'd assume it'd be pretty frowned upon.
Tldr: SasuNaru is Literal Meta and Fictional incest and you're nasty and pathetic for shipping it in 2024.
jk. or maybe not lmao.
Bruh, it's been 10 years since the manga ended. please get off the crazy pills and the conspiracy theory websites and just accept that Sasuke and Naruto were never gay for each other and that they *gasp* love their female wives and children.
Kishimoto planned on SasuSaku/NaruHina since 2002. the japanese voice actors confirmed this in 2014, shortly after the release of the LAST.
please stop spreading the fake bullshit that Kishimoto ever planned on making SasuNaru a thing but "wasn't allowed to by SJ" because that's a complete lie due to mistranslation.
Let me remind you what the reality is:
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the rest of the article is nonsense, like this.
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i love how they put this as a header, then this little 'disclaimer' lmao.
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Yeahhhh no.
what ACTUALLY Happened when Boruto saw Sarada and Sumire, he was telling Sarada about what happened to her father. Sarada also got emotional upon seeing Boruto and hugged him.
did it have some similar Naruto and Sakura after the pain invasion vibes? maybe a little. but it was a very strong moment for their relationship. more romantic than Mitsuki showing up two seconds later to try to slit Boruto's throat.
this article is a joke, and so is the author.
Until next time.
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koyuki-chama 3 days
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koyuki-chama 3 days
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A flat of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha in a doodle I found. ^-^)
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koyuki-chama 3 days
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Sasusaku ocean bomb drinks
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koyuki-chama 3 days
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New illustrations from Ninja Voltage.
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koyuki-chama 6 days
so, toonami started showing part 1 of naruto again, where in the pilot, naruto steals the scroll of sealing (which also, we were never told what else was in there? just the shadow clone thing?)
apparently, it was deemed forbidden by Hashirama, which in hindsight of knowing Naruto is one of the reincarnates, and thus Hashirama himself, this makes total sense now?
Because technically he was the one who sealed it in his past life.
I know for a fact that it's highly unlikely Kishimoto had anything planned this far back, but when you connect all the dots across the entire series, things start to become clearer in rewatches.
just a neat little thought.
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koyuki-chama 6 days
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koyuki-chama 8 days
so they finally put out somewhat of an update about the anniversary episodes they were 'delaying indefinitely'.
i kinda think we don't need them anymore? like. this sounds really cynical and jaded, but i've been in this fandom a long ass time. and let me tell you, anything that doesn't adhere to the canon storyline or interrupts the plot is just disregarded as 'filler'. because that's what studio pierrot is so infamously known for at this point.
i can guarantee you that people who aren't well educated about this whole thing are going to watch the extra episodes, which i'm guessing might just be reanimated stuff, (which in theory should be easy to make since it requires less effort unless they're re-recording lines and everything...) and then the uninformed masses who don't pay attention to this stuff, will just write it off as more filler they don't need to care about or watch.
The last 100 or so episodes of shippuden suffer from flashback fatigue, so we really don't need to see more old content, you feel me?
if studio pierrot is getting back into work mode, i'd rather they choose a more worthwhile project. finish adapting the light novels. adapt the minato oneshot. catch up with boruto and start TBV. anything that will actually be beneficial in the long term.
i don't want people to see the new episodes and then be like "hurrr hurrr they're reanimating the show so they must be rebooting it!" because some people are literally that fucking stupid.
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koyuki-chama 9 days
Sasusaku in The Last: Naruto the Movie
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koyuki-chama 9 days
Chibi Sasuke and Chibi Sakura
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