knight-butch · 16 days
"I'm not done with you yet" while they pull you back for another kiss. Or fuck you silly.
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knight-butch · 17 days
they can’t stop you from being an insane perverted depressed dyke . come with me
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knight-butch · 17 days
Gotta love pathetic little sluts that crumble at the slightest provocation. Where you flirt and tease them until they’re unable to take it anymore and they have to get themselves off.
“Aww you fell apart so quickly… Don’t be embarrassed now… Don’t stop until you make a mess of yourself…”
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knight-butch · 17 days
Manhandling but soft and intimate... Lightly grabbing your face n lifting it up so I can kiss you, grabbing your hips and pulling you into my lap, groping your thighs n chest cooing at how soft and lovely you feel in my hands... You're mine, to pose and examine and feel up cos I can't get enough of you.
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knight-butch · 17 days
Casual physical dominance
Sitting around with a group of friends and pulling her into my lap. Resting a hand on her hip, wordlessly telling her to stay right where I put her
Putting my hand on the small of my back when we're waiting in line, asking her what she wants so that I can order for her
Helping her put her coat on as we leave a gathering, my hand lingering on the back of her neck as I guide us out the door
Holding the door open for her any chance I get, letting her lead the way while acting as her big butch bodyguard
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knight-butch · 17 days
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No such thing as too Butch
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knight-butch · 17 days
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knight-butch · 17 days
what if i write some butch knight x femme princess content ? 🤨 like short stories, drawnings an etc
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knight-butch · 17 days
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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knight-butch · 17 days
The world needs more wounded butch knights, grimly shouldering duty, wandering from lonely town to lonely town in the name of a saint no-one remembers, drinking in the darkest corners of a tavern, fighting with a shield in one hand and wielding a broken sword they cannot bear to replace in the other. The world has broken them upon it but still they keep going, accompanied only by their nameless horse, their impossible burden, the memory of the soft touch of the queen they love in a way that no knight should feel for their liege.
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knight-butch · 17 days
You’ve heard of knight butches and princess femmes but what about court jester butches and princess femmes???
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knight-butch · 17 days
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Sapphic gauntlet tattoo
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knight-butch · 17 days
butch knight kneeling and kissing the hand of their femme princess <3
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knight-butch · 17 days
My butch n I are knight4knight except they're a very good fighter, very efficient n fast knight, n I'm a clumsy really weak one trying my best n I'm so, so full of rage.
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knight-butch · 17 days
a butch knight who knows that what their bratty little princess needs is a firm hand putting her in her place on her knees. 
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knight-butch · 17 days
knight who's chivarlous and kind and polite in public who gets rough and mean and possessive in the bedroom x knight who's gruff and rude and violent in public who kneels and begs and whimpers and whines while bouncing on it <3
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knight-butch · 17 days
"Do you truly mean anything, Sir Knight?" asked the princess.
"Anything," said the knight. "I'm here for you, Your Highness. Whatever you need, you have only to ask."
Like a draft creeping in a window, she slipped over to him, drifting as close as she could without touching him.
The command was soft, sweet. In no hurry. The knight hesitated, busy fishing his mind out of the gutter.
"Is kneeling not part of anything?" asked the princess, tilting her head. "Go on."
The knight had no words. He did as he was told, dropping to one and then both knees. As he would normally tower over her, in genuflect his eyeline was level with her bust. He didn't know where to look, but she did not leave him to figure it out on his down. With cold fingers, she took his jaw and tipped his chin up to lock their eyes, hers heavy-lidded and creased with a satisfied grin.
"Keep doing just as I tell you. And no more hesitation—have faith in me and show me your devotion. Understood?"
Starstruck, the knight nodded. A shiver possessed him as the princess ran her nails through his beard, a fond scratch.
"Good. Sit on your heels."
The knight lowered himself, face now at her belly. He had never before noticed how sheer her nightdress was, and with a hot flush he saw she wore nothing beneath it. The princess' hands moved from the knight’s face to her skirt, gathering it up from her ankles to her knees, then her thighs, then her hips. The knight dared not look upon her bare exposed flesh without permission, keeping his gaze locked with hers.
"Thinking about you does this to me, Knight," murmured the princess, glancing down at herself. "You've given me many undeniable calls of the flesh that I've had no choice but to answer with my own hands. Tonight, you're going to take care of what you've done yourself. Do you understand me?"
The knight swallowed his welling spit to keep from drooling as he spoke. "Yes, Princess, I do."
The princess smiled down at him. "Very good. Now open your mouth."
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