kkyy · 3 years
I’ma be honest, I almost chickened out of speaking up. But I realized I had no reason not to speak up, and by being afraid I let my fears win.
I am an Asian American. I was on Instagram today and this comment section inspired me to finally speak up.
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I find it ridiculous that we have gotten to the point where we decide to point the blame to a certain race. Even if it started in one place, we as people made it worse. It is a virus, it is going to spread, thats how it works. But I am so sick of people looking at me as if I’ve committed a crime when I’m doing something as simple as walking my dog. ALL asians are humans too, we are not just entertainment or whatever, we should be treated with respect because we are people too, not because of entertainment.
I remember when I was younger a kid used to bully me for having “small” eyes. I remember when I was at the grocery store with my mother and someone behind us mumbled “stupid asians”. I remember people saying things like “ching chong” to me, which by the way was never funny. I remember getting stereotyped for being smart or “eating dogs”. Asian hate has always been a thing, racism has always been a thing, covid is NOT an excuse for people to increase that or be racist in general. I’m tired of receiving hate just because of my race, asian’s are people too. Thank you for reading this, and feel free to block me, that’s just one less racist person I have to deal with.
By the way, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese are not the only asian races, there are so many more, please dont forget that.
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