kittyrjohnson · 28 days
It was a rare night out and a part of her felt selfish for even being there so long. The other part of her knew she needed it. She was in the middle of sipping the last bits of her spicy margarita whenever she heard a question directed her way. The woman was right - the sunset makes up for a lot. Kitty hadn’t planned on ending up in Briar Ridge, and there were times she wondered if the move had been the right thing to do, but that sunset was damn welcoming. “I think coming from anything wildly different can get you lost.” Kitty had always lived in small towns and never even seen the lights of Manhattan, but the town was still different. It took a while to get used to it. “Three years now,” she replied and offered a smile. “It got easier with time. Y’know, figuring where everything is and why everyone seems to know each other’s names.” She chuckled. “How long have you been here?”
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Starter: Open Location: Golden Hour Beach Bar
Even after Eve had been in town now for a few months and had visited a few times before to see Genesis, she was still lacking the proper knowledge to get around town. The blonde sat down at the bar, her gaze moving over the sunset that had set in. "I have no idea how I actually survived in New York City, since I keep getting lost in this place. But the sight of this sunset makes up a lot for it," the woman said to no one in particular at the bar with her. "How long have you been in Briar Ridge?"
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kittyrjohnson · 28 days
Everyone in town seemed to have the same idea, though she couldn’t necessarily blame them. Marineland was a perfect place to spend the afternoon, especially when rain and children were in the mix. It didn’t take much convincing to get her son Conrad to tag along considering it seemed to be his favorite spot in town. Between his fascination with sharks and ever growing need to request for more pets, the aquarium was a treasure trove. 
Somehow she got stuck carrying around the entirely too large shark plushie under her arm as he continued gazing at all the animals. “Connie, your face doesn’t have to be on the glass, y’know…” She attempted to sway him away from the fingerprint smudged glass, though it was mostly futile. When something came barreling into her legs, she nearly toppled over but caught herself quickly. A chuckle escaped her at the sight of a young girl just as eager as her own son to see the fish. “No apology needed, trust me. I get it.” She nodded towards her own son, although older, just as fiercely curious.
“We’re past the toddler stage, but I remember it well. Best of luck to ya,” she teased.
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OPEN starter at Marineland, around noon, SATURDAY.
This weekend had brought along some rain, sending most of the residents of Briar Ridge indoors, so that meant Alex and Emmy's planned weekend trip to the aquarium was a little more crowded than originally anticipated. The little girl was growing more and more curious everyday, so rather than letting her sit down in front of the television, as he'd been guilty of a few nights this week, her father thought they'd learn more about some aquatic animals together.
But, after carrying her through the crowded rooms of the aquarium for over an hour, he'd grown tired and his arms were tingling from loss of circulation. Once they'd found a quieter section, full of wall to wall fish tanks, he set the little girl down... only for her to plow right into a stranger, in her excitement and eagerness to, no doubt, press her face against the glass of the tank.
Alex was hot on her heels, as to not lose sight of the little girl, and also to apologize to her unsuspecting victim. "I am so sorry," he immediately uttered as soon as he was close enough, breathless and embarrassed. "Toddlers, am I right?"
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kittyrjohnson · 28 days
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Welcome to Briar Ridge … [ KATHERINE JOHNSON ]! Who is known as [ KITTY ] and was recently seen leaving their home in [ DOWNTOWN ]. She is currently [ 36 ] years old. he/she/they resemble/s [ BRIANNE HOWEY ] and is a/an [ FIRST GRADE TEACHER ] at [ OAKLAND ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL ]. They’re best known for [ having way too many pets ] and also, [ having a killer sweet tooth ]. What is really important to know about them is [ she has a five year old son, Conrad, that means the world to her ]. 
wanted connections
pisces ☀, gemini ☾, taurus ↑ 
bubbly, stubborn, know-it-all, sensitive, warm, open-minded, over-indulgent, creative, altruistic, helpful, loyal, witty, charming, sarcastic, nurturing, confident, idealistic, spitfire 
wildflowers, too many pets, sunny days, puzzles and wine, hosting dinners, southern accent, audio books, coastal breeze, lots of baggage, family above everything, home cooked meals, deep emotions, cowboy boots and sundresses, screaming taylor swift lyrics, still finding herself
(tw: death, substance abuse)
Born and raised in Texas, Kitty’s mother said goodbye to the world the moment Kitty was giving her first hello. The doctors deemed the cause of death was due to childbirth issues and left Kitty’s father broken. He lost the sunlight in his life and felt lost in the dark after losing the love of his life. Though he never particularly blamed his daughter for his wife’s death, she’d always be a constant reminder of it.
Though her father was loving and a kind man at his core, he took to alcohol to help cope with the loss in his life. This made Kitty grow up exceptionally fast. At some point, it seemed like their parent/child roles reversed. Kitty spent most of her youth making sure bills were paid and her father was still standing. 
They lived in a small town off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and her father owned a fishing business. He had a bait and tackle shop, as well as being hired to occasionally take people on fishing trips. The latter wasn’t as successful, given the fact he was often too drunk to operate a boat. Kitty started working at the shop when she was only twelve years old. 
Though her life was complicated and she had far too many school absences because of the amount she had to handle, she still loved her father completely and he loved her just the same. He just hadn’t had the first clue on how to be a proper father. 
Everyone in town knew Kitty and was very fond of her sunny personality and warm demeanor. Some of the locals looked out for her in their small community. 
When she was a teenager, she fell head over heels for a boy named Carter Johnson. Though she made him chase her a bit, it didn’t take much time until she gave in. 
They dated for the remainder of high school and continued dating as she went off to college to pursue education. It felt like in a blink of an eye they were two smitten kids in high school to two newfound married adults. 
Kitty had always dreamed of having a life and family of her own. She wanted to feel truly at home and loved in a way she never had growing up. She thought she finally found that with Carter, especially when her pregnancy test showed up positive. 
Conrad came into their lives and she thought all the puzzle pieces of her dreams were finally coming together. 
Unfortunately, Carter was in a nearly life ending accident that halted his career. Though they tried to find their new normal, it seemed like it never came. He became reliant on substances to get him by. 
Kitty held onto hope that things would change and they could finally be a happy family, but change never came. In fact, things only got worse. Between her husband cheating on her and totaling their car one night after a bender, she knew she needed to leave. She couldn’t take care of another drunk for the rest of her life.
With a broken heart, Kitty filed for divorce. She received custody of Conrad, but didn’t necessarily have to fight for that either. 
After the divorce, Kitty decided to move out to Briar Ridge where her cousin lived. She and Conrad needed a fresh start. 
It’s been three years since she had made the move to South Carolina and has had little to no contact with her ex husband. Her focus is still on making a beautiful home for her and her son, who is now 5. She fills their home with love, too many pets, and a beautiful garden. 
Kitty works as a first grade teacher and loves her job. She also occasionally makes costumes for the local theater department as well as the school’s plays. In her freetime, you would most likely find her doing a puzzle, drinking white wine, while listening to some cheesy audiobook. Though her life has always been rocky, she finally feels afloat… for now.
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kittyrjohnson · 1 month
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kittyrjohnson · 1 month
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