kissedbywater · 4 months
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Gale was running around, simply running and training on his own. He went round and round not paying much attention to what was on the floor because he didn't expect anything on the floor. This was the arena, not some playground where to leave your toys splattered around. However, that's not what happened. He was doing another lap when he stumbled with something on the floor and fell flat on his face. He wasn't happy. In fact, he was pissed of. He turned around and sat up looking at the guy that had approached him apologizing for the accident. He was handsome and he could tell, by the book in his hand, that he wasn't like the others. Was this that programmer everyone talked about?
"It's you leaving your things on the way," he protested getting up but eyed the book he was holding. Physics. Now it made sense why he was talking about them. "I'm Gale and I'd appreciate if you put your weapons out of the track. I was trying to exercise." He stated but didn't cross his arms not looked angry at the other. "You must be Elias?" He hoped he wasn't guessing wrong here. "I've heard you like to play on the computer and are a programmer. Maybe we could play together sometime."
location: arena open to: come at me, i dare u
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curled up almost comfortably on a bench & leaned against a wall, elias was taking a break from training - only that said break should've been over a little longer than an hour ago, but he'd not really wanted to get up just yet. he always brought his backpack, which held books & comics - among other things, in case he ever found himself bored. breaks were only that if one of two things happened; one: coffee was had. in this case, not doable, because he would've had to leave the arena & all. two: relax. books helped him relax. yes, even when they were about physics, although that wasn't his topic per se. he'd stumbled over that book & liked the cover, so he'd grabbed it & then, well - it was interesting.
his weapons (a maul & a great sword) had originally leaned against a stone pillar, but somehow developed a life of their own, creating quite the obstacle course along with his armor & had already called for a sacrifice. they weren't happy. of course. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry. but you see.... it's all physics..." he could go on.
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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Full Name – Glædwine Hargrave Age – 39 years old Gender – cis male Orientation – Homosexual Occupation – Event Planner Deity Connection – Poseidon Pet Name – Gale Weapon – Greatsword & Halfplate Clothing Style – Suits mostly, though he can go casual every now and then.
Face Claim – Luke Evans Hair – Brown / Eyes – Green Height – six foot Build – Fit, sculpted, has a chiseled torso Scars – None Tattoos – Shark swimming around a trident Piercings – Diamond earring on the left ear Special Characteristics – workaholic to the end of the world, will use this free time on his hobbies, and struggle to keep what little friendships he has Sexual Preference – Top
Alignment – Neutral Good Positive Traits – Decisive, Disciplined, Protective, Realistic, Gallant, Organized Negative Traits – Forceful, Stoic, Workaholic, Graceless, Impatient Hobbies – Dance, Electronics, Walking, Writing, Reading, Photography, E-Games
Mental – Anxiety, slight depression Physical – Healthy Phobias – None Eyesight – 20/20 Dominant Hand – Right Hand Drug Use – None Alcohol Use – Social drinker Diet – Balanced diet to keep fit
Birthplace – Miami, Florida, United States Parents – Darlene (Mother) & Ivan Hargrave (Adoptive father) Siblings – Delyla & John Hargrave Pets – None Education – Bachelor in Event Management Notable Skills – Fast reader, disciplined
Gale was conceived on a cruise his “parents” had been on for their one-year anniversary. Poseidon seduced and had a tryst with his mother, Darlene Hargrave, resulting in her pregnancy that she later on adjudicated to his step/adoptive father, Ivan Hargrave. Nine months later, in the hospital of Miami city, he was born and named Glædwine Hargrave, like his stepfather’s father. The waves near that city were high and aggressive despite there not being any storms in the skies. People found this phenomenon strange, and some even saw it as an omen of something bad to come. Nothing bad came, just a healthy baby in the arms of loving parents. A healthy and loud baby with a long and tumultuous future ahead.
Two years later, his siblings were born. Twins, a female and a male, named Delyla and John, respectively. He was two years old, and he was no longer an only child; no longer did the attention go to him but to his siblings as he went ignored. Multiple times, during these times of neglect, Gale escaped his house to go to the ocean. It seemed to call him. Every time, an adult would find him and send him home safely. His parents began to be more strict with security around the house and with Gale as well.
He grew up like a normal child at first. His parents loved him very much and encouraged him to get high grades, but they were always focused on the twins most of the time instead, while Gale’s interests were not school-related but elsewhere, and sometimes his grades would decline and reflect his lack of interest in school. He liked planning and organizing, he liked writing and reading, he liked going out for walks near the ocean. As if the waves themselves called to him every afternoon. However, he wasn’t a bad student and had friends at school too. Friends his age that he could play with and socialize with.
When he became a teenager, he was a little bit of a rebel with good grades. The grades were to appease his parents, as it was all they cared about him. However, he would often escape the house to go to the bodies of water, where he would sit to write or read and sometimes simply walk by them. It was also around this time that his powers began to manifest. At first, there were leaks all over the house; then, there was more water in the house than out in the rivers. It was then that his mother sat with him and his family and told them the truth.
She blamed him for all these leaks and incidents with water around the house. No one understood why until she told them. She told them he was Poseidon’s son, that she had an adventure with him during the cruise his parents went on years ago, and that she could no longer handle him as a child. His stepfather was visibly upset at the betrayal of his wife, and shortly after, they divorced. He took the twins, she was stuck with Gale.
Not long after, a man came to find them. He was a scout for Camp Half-Blood, where people like Gale went, where they could teach Gale how to control his powers. He went there every summer, learning how to control his powers and how to keep himself under control. He didn’t make many friends, which was strange for him since he hadn’t had trouble making friends before, but that was before. Before he learned he wasn’t fully human, before he learned his father wasn’t his father, Poseidon was before his family divided, and his parents went on separate ways before his mother blamed him for everything.
Once he learned to control his powers, he stopped attending the summer camps. He focused on his grades and on trying to have a normal life. He wasn’t normal; however, despite being Poseidon’s son, he was also gay. That made things more difficult, cut his friendships in half, and he became bullied for the rest of his school days. He went on to get an Event Management degree and start a career in Event Planning. He was good at it, and he often forgot about his troubles at home by focusing too much on the job, becoming a workaholic. He dated here and there but never did anything concrete; he was married to his job.
However, during one of his events, he was working in the kitchen, and he was working with knives. He was so focused on the task at hand that he didn’t notice when someone approached him and touched his shoulder, scaring him half to death. He reacted by attacking with the knife instinctively. If the person hadn’t dodged, his neck probably would’ve been slashed. However bad Gale felt, didn’t matter after that. His client accused him of attempted murder and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. There, he lost contact with his family. No more mama, no more papa, no more siblings.
Upon getting out of prison, he resumed his job as an Event Planner, and, at first, it wasn’t going all too well. The dreams he had for years were more tempting now, the camp was more tempting now that he was struggling to find his footing in society. Maybe it was time to stop ignoring the dreams and return to the camp, to respond to the call in his dreams. He was 39 years old, he was Poseidon’s kid, and he was gay. What could go wrong?
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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John: She’s not as strong as she’d like you to believe.
Laszlo: John, please. Do not let your affection for miss howard get in the way of logic.
John: My affection? My god. Do you never tire of the sound of your own voice?
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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“One Look is Worth a Thousand Words”
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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For your own self-respect and sanity, your creative freedom, you have to be careful that you don’t rely too much on other people’s opinions of what you do because it can stunt and inhibit you.
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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The Alienist (2018-2020)
created by caleb carr
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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Luke Evans for Harper's BAZAAR Tawain
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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Luke Evans & Isaac Powell OUR SON (2023) dir. Bill Oliver
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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Luke Evans photographed by David Urbanke for Bustle (2022)
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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Luke Evans in Echo 3 1x04
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kissedbywater · 4 months
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