kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
The reality of being a Jewish student right now, a moment from my life:
I was walking through campus, as one does, when I came across a flyer for some sort of pro-Palestine (although pro-Hamas is more accurate, I'll elaborate later) teach-in for tomorrow. I take a photo and sent it to a Jewish group chat I'm in, asking if anyone knows what was going on with that.
After a bit of research, I found the promotional material on the Instagram page of a student organization on my campus. In that material they explain that the teach-in is a result of their dissatisfaction with another student organization being suspended by administration. Why was that organization suspended, you may wonder?
Well, they made a post a few months back in which they proudly refused to condemn Hamas and Oct 7th. (Hence why I said pro-Hamas would be more appropriate terminology for them.) In addition, they called for the death of Zionists in that post.
As I continued to look through the promotional material I came across the same call to action.
Taking all of this information into account, I asked the aforementioned group chat which areas of campus to avoid.
The answer?
Basically most of campus.
It's an all-day event.
Jewish students will have to feel unsafe and be on high alert for an entire school day because their peers are throwing a tantrum over not being allowed to celebrate terrorist groups and murder.
This isn't a fictional dystopia or a theoretical situation. This is the reality of being a Jewish college student.
Campus security has been made aware and I hope the event is cancelled, but I have doubts. Plus, if it's cancelled, there will only be further backlash and rage to deal with.
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
It's really interesting the difference between how people act when you talk about racism vs antisemitism.
Like when I've talked about racism that I face as an arab as well as talk to other poc about racism and even non poc about racism, people always are ready to jump in with their thoughts and have a proper conversation.
However when I talk about antisemitism, unless it's with other jews, most people just act uncomfortable and the conversation never goes anywhere. This is both pre and post Oct 7th.
And like, antisemitism inherently isn't anymore of an uncomfortable topic than racism. It just makes me wonder why.
Is it because antisemitism is less socially acceptable to talk about? Is it because there just aren't a lot of jews where I live so often it's people's first conversation about antisemitism? Is it because the people I'm talking to are closet antisemites?
I don't even know which answer would be the "good" answer.
The inability to discuss stuff like this with people i know irl just makes me feel so lonely offline.
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
I am not ashamed to be Jewish.
I am sad that some in our community are. I wish you weren’t. I wish that you could see the value and beauty and joy of being Jewish. I wish that you did not feel survivor’s guilt. I wish that you had not been swayed to internalize the logic of collective punishment that tells you that you must feel shame for things you did not do and have no control over.
We deserve to see ourselves, not with the eyes of our oppressors, but those who love us. I hope you will learn to see yourself and your people that way—not with shame & self-loathing but love & pride in who you are 💙
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
"you shouldn't be antisemetic because you're legitimising Israel when you do" no you shouldn't be antisemetic because it hurts Jews who deserve to not be hurt, like any other human being. you should care about not being antisemetic because it hurts people, and that should be enough for you. why isn't it enough for you?
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
Okay I... am maybe not the best person to talk about this but I have serious problems with Jessie Gender's new video, When Your Favorite Creator Turns Out to Be Zionist.
Let me first say - I like Jessie Gender. I watched many of her videos and I think she has a lot of very interesting, moving, important things to say about topics like queerness, humanity and such.
But this video just... irked me.
I do not like how she talks about Zionists and Zionism. I have seen how the word Zionist is used against Jewish people. I am not the best person to put it into words but I do not like it when it is used as an insult or implied to be inherently a bad thing.
She seems to use it to mean "person who supports Israel's actions" (implied to support what she calls a genocide throughout the video) and that... is not right.
There are other issues I have as well with the video, like comparing the I/P situation to the Holocaust. There are more things but I am honestly not qualified to speak on them.
Before someone accused me of "supporting a genocide" - I do not. I wish for peace and safety for Palestinians AND Israelis. (And since I have been called a Zionist in the past - I do not consider myself to be one.)
I am just generally disappointed by a creator I like tbh.
I don't think I got my thoughts across very well. I'll be on the lookout for posts made by Jewish people about this video.
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
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One image is from 1941, telling Jews to go back to Israel, the other is from this year, telling Jews to go to Europe.
Antisemitism is the most diverse and confusing form of hate. Yet it is the most tolerated.
Stop tolerating this stuff, it’s sickening.
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
Since when was goye a slur? Was this also at the "cisgender is a slur" convention I missed?
Also, as an ex Christian, it's really selfish to burn candles for your god then. Do you know how much carbon immission that gives off? Especially with how there's soooo many more Christians than Jews, even if just a fraction use prayer candles. Burning anything for that matter! Cutting down trees or any landscaping to build a place for worship! God's creation is weeping! Making ash for ash Wednesday? Think of the palm trees! (A keen eye would realize that this practice likely doesn't even kill the tree, and would then get I'm copying how ridiculous your claim is that lights affect you personally).
Really. You're grasping at straws because you were called out.
hi! fellow pro-palestine person here! you said some pretty antisemitic shit when you implied judaism encourages being "sneaky and deceitful." supporting a permanent ceasefire is not what makes you antisemitic pal
I NEVER said “Judaism encourages being sneaky and deceitful”. You KNOW this because you appropriately only quoted half that sentence and used the word “implied”.
I was answering someone who had asked why Christians were so triggered by things like the eruv and Shabbat lamp. There are VERY good reasons to be critical of those practices just like there are good reasons to be critical of certain aspects of ANY religion. And yes, those practices ARE sneaky and deceitful, at least in the minds of other believers, which is what I made very clear in my response.
Perhaps you’re one of the millions of people who has bought into the false notion that to criticism any aspect of Judaism in any way is off limits or inherently hateful. I used to be one of those people, but no longer. People/societies/religions become out of control and extremely dangerous when they’re above criticism.
The brutal genocide Israel is getting away with in Gaza while calling everyone antisemitic who rightly criticizes them is a direct result of the same thinking that you’ve internalized.
When you are questioning if something’s antisemitic, ask yourself if you’d be equally as offended and worried if this was something someone said about Christianity or Islam. 99/100 you’ll find that your discomfort stems from society training us to feel more than comfortable, even righteous, in criticizing other religions, but to interpret any criticism of Jews or Judaism as hateful and completely unacceptable.
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kippah-for-lemon · 18 days
On Twitter there are currently a lot of Christians and Muslims getting really angry about ways that Jews work around restrictions on work during Shabbat, and, like, honestly I do not understand why they care? Just a lot of non-Jews telling nice Orthodox Jews that they’re doing their religion wrong for no reason.
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kippah-for-lemon · 1 month
there is an insane amount of antisemitism floating around right now.
i just want to say:
this blog loves and supports jewish people.
this blog does NOT conflate the israeli government, or the atrocities it commits, with jewish people.
this blog is disgusted with those who use or express antisemitism.
this blog knows that if someone needs to invoke antisemitism, they do not actually care about helping palestine or the palestinian people.
this blog will do its best to insure that it remains a safe space for all.
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kippah-for-lemon · 6 months
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kippah-for-lemon · 6 months
Judaism is a religion, but it's much older than most people's understanding of the term.
Judaism is an ethnoreligion, the religion of the Jewish people.
We're not Jews because we practice Judaism. We practice Judaism because we're Jews.
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
So you work at a zionist institution, you have a zionist flag for your header, zionist language for your blog title, and you expect people not to call you a zionist?
i work at a synagogue, my header is a rainbow flag with a star of david that has black/brown/trans stripes, and my blog title says "וֹלָם חֶסֶד יִבָּנֶה" which means "the world is built on love/kindness/compassion."
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
Remember that Harley Quinn is both
Bisexual and Jewish
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
@stvksn on ig
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
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kippah-for-lemon · 7 months
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art by nell brinkley
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