kingteufel · 11 months
I legitimately forgot my login information. I've been debating on coming back on Tumblr and role-playing again. Not sure if anyone would be interested in writing?
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kingteufel · 3 years
I’ve really missed being on here and writing with you lovely people. I’ve made a few friends on here that I miss interacting with. I’m going to be making a new blog today to write on and keeping a few muses for now. I’ll post a URL up when I’m done. I won’t be doing anything with the posts on here but I’ll archive this blog. 
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kingteufel · 3 years
I think I’m going to officially archive this blog. It’s been dead for months. That’s partly my fault for being MIA. I may make a new blog but I’m not sure if anyone would want to write with me there. 
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kingteufel · 3 years
A lot of people have asked how they can help with everything thats happening with my dad
So we finally made a gofundme to help out with the bills and such
Heres The Link
If you can donate, thank you so so so much. If you can share, again, thank you SO much
I don't know how to put to words how Im feeling but its lots of feelings
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kingteufel · 3 years
I may start over on a new blog. I am just not feeling this blog anymore and don’t want to clean out the memories.
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kingteufel · 3 years
I’ve taken a much needed break to focus on math still in the course but so far I’ve been able to keep my grade up. I’m going to start being active here again too and getting to replies or just starting over fresh. I’m also going to be adding quite a bit of characters from Shadow and Bones, and a few other series that I’ve been watching while I’ve been away. I’ll be doing a starter call soon. 
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kingteufel · 3 years
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OOC:  Hi everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA.  Meet Nelson he’s our Pembroke Welsh Puppy. He is about 11/12 weeks old and full of energy. He loves water and loves to blow bubbles in his water. He loves to play with his reflection in the mirror. He doesn’t like sprinklers. He doesn’t care much for walks. He wants to play with cats but they don’t want to play with him. I’ve also been dedicating my time to my math class. Once I’m out of this class or got the hang of the class I’ll be able to do some more replies and get to being active again. 
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kingteufel · 3 years
Slowly getting muse back and wanting to write again.
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kingteufel · 3 years
Reblog this is your muse has straight up actually died
Optional: they’ve returned from the dead
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kingteufel · 3 years
Thinking I’m just going to give up on this blog and call it quits.
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kingteufel · 3 years
Maybe I’m going to revamp or start fresh since nobody seems interested in writing anymore accept three or four people.
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kingteufel · 3 years
I’ll be around today. If you want to send me asks or get something going feel free to let me know. I’m going to be redoing my blog and my google docs. I’ll also be on discord.
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kingteufel · 3 years
Working on google docs. Adding some muses to it and hopefully getting to be more active again.
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kingteufel · 3 years
I know it’s a shocker! I have muse again!
And I want to write.
Send in memes. If you want to do a storyline with me let’s get something going!
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kingteufel · 3 years
Well I no longer have employment but still a full time student.  MEANING! I have more time for all you wonderful people out there to write with. If you would like to continue, start over, or start a new storyline with me just hit the like button! Or leave a comment.  If anyone has discord that likes to write there I’m more than happy to roleplay there or talk! I’ll also be working on my google docs to have them more updated. 
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kingteufel · 3 years
Merlin turned his head to look at Arthur when he stopped him, wondering if he had forgotten something or something- or even more horrible if he had changed his mind. He swallowed and watched him, tears thick in his eyes. “I lied to you once” he said softly, looking down at the hand on his wrist “when you were shown the ghost of your mother…. when you went to kill your father… I said a lie because I didnt want you to regret killing your father for the rest of your life. I didnt want that to be something on your heart. And it ended up with you saying how much you trusted in your fathers words on your hatred for magic…and it tore me apart inside. Knowing I was something you hated so much. I enever felt safe letting you know. Even now, If I could do anything to take the memory of it out of your mind I would because this isnt something i ever wanted you to know about me unless you needed to for the sake of saving your life- even knowing it would end mine… I just…. Arthur- I hate that you know” his voice broke now and he laughed with tears falling down his face :I feel like you are never gonna look at me the same again. 
“I wouldn’t say Never.” Arthur said. Everyone he came in contact with at one point of time or another lied to him about something but not Arthur. Arthur was different. He ran fingers in his hair he got up to pace around the room not saying anything for what felt like an eternity. “Suppose I would be lying if I said I didn’t have suspicion of you using magic.”  Turning to face Merlin he chewed down on his bottom lip there were somethings he lied about. Feelings toward the other but not saying anything was easier then confronting the truth. “I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind Merlin. You are the most important thing to me in my life. I understand the damage my father has done and embedded in my very soul that magic is dangerous.  In ways he’s right magic can be dangerous but you aren’t. I’ve never seen you as a threat and not because you’re my servant or my friend but because you’ve always been there.  So from now on.” Arthur paused for a moment he stopped walking once he reached Merlin “No more lies no more keeping secrets. Nothing but the truth going forward. I need to know I can count on at least one person in the world to not hold anything back from me. No matter how frightening that truth might be.” 
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kingteufel · 3 years
“No, no nothing like that” the wolf said, nodding to the kitchen “mind if I make you both diner?” he asked, before he made his way to the fridge to see what they had there to cook. “His nightmares…they are really getting to him arent they?” he asked, not looking at the young mans father now. He knew the sheriff would find it easier to talk about as long as he didnt have to actually look at Derek wither. “I came by because I could see just how low hes been sinking and I saw that the rest of our pack was to far up their own asses so I came to help the best I could.. I brought him food and made him lay down for a while” he shrugged some, hopping Noah wouldnt find that strange. “Wolves have a special skill. We can take on someone’s pain as our own” he curled his hand into a fist, still feeling the pain of Stiles anxiety and stress that had been making his body sick. “I just wanted to make sure he finally got some real rest and took care of himself a little bit” 
Noah was taken aback when Derek offered to make them dinner “you cook?” the sheriff asked him. He made a gesture with his hand showing him where the kitchen was “anything you need in the kitchen help yourself. We don’t have much.” he told the younger male.  When asked about Stiles and his night terrors his mood changed it was laced in concern “every night. There’s times when he’s sleep walking and we’ll find him running around Beacon Hills. It takes him a while to wake up but there’s other times when I’m not fully convinced he’s awake. I’ve heard stories and seen things while being an officer that you can have full cohesive conversations with the people around you while being in sleep state.” Noah wasn’t one to go into details about his son’s welfare but he’s grown to trust Scott and Derek when it came down to their judgement and knowledge on subjects he had no clue about.  “The other day I thought Stiles was awake but he kept saying little things that started to have me wonder or he’d confuse himself on his locations it took a while for him to wake up and when he did he woke up screaming. Whatever the nemeton did to them it’s been messing with his mind and with him and Scott barely talking he feels that he needs to keep everything to himself. He doesn’t want to concern me with his problems but it’s getting to him and it worries me. I don’t know how to help him when it comes down to supernatural causes. I don’t know if you know how to help him or get his night terrors to stop.” 
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