kingferoz · 4 years
mateo to anyone
matty: so there's that party going on and i
matty: need motivation to go???
matty: you know huge parties aren't my thing
king: i mean whats not the motivation to go???
king: if you get there early enough there wont be that many people
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kingferoz · 4 years
‘ i’m about to say something very crucial and i’m warning you now … do not judge me. ’ she purses her lips and sighs dramatically , leaving a moment of silence for suspense . ‘ I was on tiktok last night for three hours . I learned f o u r entire new dances so i’m basically a pro now . I might just say screw med school once these dance videos I posted go viral . ’ her head tilts and her shoulders follow , her raven hair barely brushing her rosy cheeks .
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king sat there, waiting for whatever nonsense was about to spew out of her mouth - this time it was about tik tok. “you were that bored? i just hope my future doctor doesnt bust out tik tok dances trying to take my breathing patterns.”
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kingferoz · 4 years
(ZAYN, 23, CIS MALE & HE/HIM) Check it out, it’s the ( FEROZ ) heir, ( KING )! I bet the tabloids are giving the ( SIGMA GAMMA RHO ) house so much attention now that he are the ( MEMBER ). According to the last blast, the ( SENIOR ) year ( BUSINESS & MARKETING ) student are totally ( CONFIDENT ) and ( HARDWORKING ), but come off as ( BLUNT ) & ( IMPULSIVE ) most of the time. Though, I have a friend from ( LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ) and they swear ( BLARING MUSIC, LOUD PERFORMANCE/LUXURY CARS, & DJ EQUIPMENT SCATTERED IN HIS ROOM ) perfectly describes him/her/them. Honestly, I can see where they come from, ‘cuz whenever i see him, I swear, I can hear ( WAKE UP IN THE SKY ) by ( GUCCI MANE ) in the background.(case, 20, pst, he/him) 
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hmu/like this if you wanna plot with my lil shit
- king was born into a wealthy family so he doesn’t really have to work or really do anything but he somehow fell into the world of music and you can’t pull the mans out - his father is an actor while his mother is a lawyer-turned stylist. (idk why i think of george clooney and his wife but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). so ever since he was a kid he had been in the spotlight and has known what its like to be in it. - with a name like king, he must have been treated like one right? absolutely correct. from a young age he was always told he was a young king which really fueled his ego. - with that being said, king says and does whatever he pleases without taking a lot of peoples feelings into consideration unless he really likes you (friend or partner). this definitely results in him being an asshole since he’s blunt/straightforward - though hes kind of your typical trustfund baby fuckboy, hes not huge into the party scene and doing things like that. he is a laid back/calm type of person but this also doesnt stop him from parting and fucking around. sometimes he just has a preference to chill
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kingferoz · 4 years
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𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖: ‘it’s okay’? wow, sure captain asshole 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖: you wish;  fuck you, no one is going to look better in this than me and red is overrated
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king: if you wanted a fake answer you should have known not to send it to me out of all people king: lol  king: yeah youre right, i dont think you could have pulled off red.
𝑠𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑡 ⤿ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠
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kingferoz · 4 years
it wasn’t unusual for king to be wrapped up in his own world, his phone so close to his face almost touching his nose as his airpods were in on blast. it took him a moment to finally realize someone had been trying to talk to him. taking his one of his airpods out, sticking them back in the case before saying, “what?” he paused. “what were you talking about?”
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kingferoz · 4 years
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𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖: is this too much? 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖: i saw it and i fell in love w/ it and i bought it while being drunk 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖: so today it arrived and i was like so confused until i had a vague memory of me ordering shit online
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king: its ok i guess king: it’d look better in a dark red or potentially on someone else
𝑠𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑡 ⤿ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠
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kingferoz · 4 years
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𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓪: they asked me to go, so i’ll be there !! wouldn’t say they’re forcing me though 𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓪: are you going ??
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king: wow you’re such a good daughter for voluntarily going king: unfortunately. king: though im sure i can find my way to the cocktail bar or bring a little something to make it worth my time
to milena
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kingferoz · 4 years
is it just me or the starter tag doesnt really show starters??
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kingferoz · 4 years
to milena
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king: are your parents forcing you to that charity event this thursday too?
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kingferoz · 4 years
@BELLEROSE: i think a vintage leather jacket i just got came with a ghost
@THEKING: i guess they really meant it when they said vintage
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kingferoz · 4 years
text to rocky
rochelle: yes at 3am ??
rochelle: you're aware i'm technically dating someone rn right ???
king: i dont remember that ever stopping you before
king: is this the new and improved rocky ive heard about?
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kingferoz · 4 years
text to rocky
king: wyd
rochelle: i'm in the studio, why ??
king: at 3am?
king: you know exactly why i sent the text
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kingferoz · 4 years
text to rocky
king: wyd
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kingferoz · 4 years
ill be on tomorrow but if anyone wants to do a text/snap/thread, like this or hmu. (if we havent plotted yet and you like this ill hit you up.)
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kingferoz · 4 years
heres my lil shithead king. hmu/like this if you want to plot
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zayn. cismale. he/him.  /  king feroz just pulled up blasting rapapapa by rich brian  — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty five year old career, i’ve heard they’re really blunt, but that they make up for it by being so hardworking. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say luxurious cars, rolexes & late night studio sessions. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( case, 20, pst, he/him )
- king was born into a wealthy family so he doesn’t really have to work or really do anything but he somehow fell into the world of music and you can’t pull the mans out - his father is an actor while his mother is a lawyer-turned stylist. (idk why i think of george clooney and his wife but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). so ever since he was a kid he had been in the spotlight and has known what its like to be in it. - with a name like king, he must have been treated like one right? absolutely correct. from a young age he was always told he was a young king which really fueled his ego. - with that being said, king says and does whatever he pleases without taking a lot of peoples feelings into consideration unless he really likes you (friend or partner). this definitely results in him being an asshole since he’s blunt/straightforward - though hes kind of your typical trustfund baby fuckboy, hes not huge into the party scene and doing things like that. he is a laid back/calm type of person
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kingferoz · 4 years
“no, but…” hazel paused, her eyes narrowing slightly as she realized she didn’t really have a leg to stand on. she wasn’t about to actually acknowledge that he’d won that round, so instead she just sped up her pace toward the car and changed the subject, her face actually lighting up with excitement, “okay, how about we make donut sandwiches? two birds with one stone! and honestly how could that not be the best thing ever?”
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“but? but what? no ones here, so now its time for us to have a little fun.” he nodded. “don’t worry if someone comes there plenty of workers so don’t feel bad okay.” koda reassured as they got into the car. the male shoved the keys into the ignition before starting it, “well have you ever done a donut in a car.” he said with a devilish smile. “huh? who the fuck makes donut sandwiches?”
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kingferoz · 4 years
“mm, no. do you have a minute to talk about my heathen ways?” vic snarked back lightly. “has leo not told you i don’t really do festive? black christmas is about as festive as i get this time of year.” she said, flicking her brows.
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“yes i do, i brought the holy water too.” he chuckled as he barged past her, going to sit on her couch. “eh sometimes i drift off. both of you guys can be boring. c’mon lets go out and have some fun.”
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