kingess · 1 year
Make decisions, not reactions.
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kingess · 1 year
I agree because it's weird as hell that the word was even created. It was invented by dusties to SHAME women into submission. So that women would give them a chance again. I say again because historically, broke men had no chance with women anywhere. That's how romance was invented, broke men tried their very hardest to court women with flowers and love letters to share a chance.
There is absolutely no reason for girls to even look at men who aren't accomplished and they know it, they hate it. And they absolutely love that today's society is so blurred in confusion with it's standards because it gives them the opportunity to gaslight masses of impressionable girls with words like gold digging.
Nuclear family system is unnatural because humans were never supposed to survive family life so alone and isolated, but women are the ones paying the biggest price of it (also children). If you have the slightest intent of having a family you have to understand that's impossible without suitable conditions aka a healthy provider or a community.
Girl, don't be a dust-digger.
gold digging is the natural result of a patriarchal society
it’s funny how in my country there’s no term to describe gold digging because it’s just the most rational and natural thing to be as a woman in a patriarchal society, 
women are raised to be gold diggers!
in a world  built by men for men, women in my country are taught to look out for themselves by choosing providers, and there’s nothing inherently malicious or bad about it, it’s sad that western society looks down on this and glorifies struggle love
gold digging is encouraged by the fathers too
it brings shame to the family to leave your daughter in the care of a broke man and even worse if that man leaves and your daughter has to return home with her kids
where i’m from, your husband should AT LEAST provide at the same level as your father or surpass him, meaning anything your father paid for: bills, food, rent, shopping money, grooming, ==>your husband now takes care of and it’s non negotiable, 
women in western society need to reframe their way of thinking about hypergamy and gold digging
it’s not some quirky greedy concept for the pretty and fortunate
it’s just about survival
we are the weaker sex, we are paid less, everything is made with men in mind not women
medical research has been built upon years of using male subjects and that’s why women get misdiagnosed
even seat belts are made with a man’s body in mind, that’s why statistically speaking women are more likely to die in car crashes
we have to look out for ourselves because the world was not made with us in mind
nothing is as natural to me as gold digging,
 in my world it’s just called self preservation 😘
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kingess · 1 year
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Happy International Women’s Day 💗
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kingess · 1 year
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kingess · 1 year
You have to wife your life before you start dreaming of someone else wifing you up.
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kingess · 1 year
Inspired by the dozen of anons the spiritually psychotic lady sent,
I'd like to share another chef's kiss manipulation hack with you;
Keep track of the insults the desired target uses when they're triggered.
Towards you, or someone else. Even if he's not directly verbally abusive the things he looks down upon on you or others will slip through. That's his insecurity.
When we're flustered or triggered or even just stressed and the aggression leaks out, our brain's first motive is to attack emotionally, to keep us safe. Most people aren't quick or deranged enough to hurt others with what hurts the opponent specifically custom taylored routinely. The brain asks 'what's hurtful?' and picks what your unique experience has concluded most hurtful; Aka your insecurities.
This in mind you can bring him up, or tear him down effortlessly & innocently when suitable.
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kingess · 1 year
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Someone got big mad again. ENTERTAINERS woMENS ItS A fACaDE. Well darling they're also human beings, with human being emotions. I'm also done with Robert Greene, I've taught my girls a bulk of what he covers. It's time to turn to more female authors and more of us being shameless about sharing it too. I doubt Robby gets rape threats for his books like we do.
Anyway I understand you're triggered for participating in something and suddenly discovering it's actually pretty unhealthy, but I'm here to genuinely help you all see the wider societal issues for all of us to thrive
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kingess · 1 year
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kingess · 1 year
Everyone's absolutely rallying over the opportunity to cancel another celebrity woman every week of the year. Another day rolls around and your social media feeds are swarming with fumingly instigated drama for you to pick a "team". To give you the hall pass for sightless bullying, to participate & watch the possibility of dismantlement of another undeserving woman, dropping off her throne.
I firmly believe that internalized misogyny and the pick-me behavior is so prevalent in today's society because girls understand from very early ages that what's expected of them is unfair, and in most cases, impossible without compromising from several aspects.
This creates shame & anger because it makes girls feel like they're somehow misadjusted for feeling the burden, when everyone else is seemingly okay and able to somewhat achieve what's excepted from an ideal female lifespan. Because it's not socially acceptable to show disdain or hurt the compromisation creates. Thus, many women settle with opportunistic bouts of bringing shame upon fellow women in higher places.
You're against your own team. Wishing you safe return.
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kingess · 1 year
This is also exactly how men view women. They love not having to work for what they can get, but they will never respect you or see you as something long-term if you're desperate for their recognition. They know they haven't earned the position of being the source of acceptance & endorsement for you, so they will rightfully note that anyone can have the role.
When they haven't shown their worth to you yet but you're still placing all of this authority on them you're signaling that even worthless people are better sources of validation for you than you are to yourself. What does that say about you? It doesn't make you look like a damsel in distress, instead it makes you look like a fool that's been used by others and people will instantly start testing if they can use you too. Why would anyone want that with pure or serious intentions?
It's time to vet where you're placing all that power. They audition for you, you're the Bachelorette.
if anyone can have it, i don’t want it
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kingess · 1 year
"Just because you are soft doesn't mean you are not a force. Honey and wildfire are both the color gold."
- Victoria Erickson
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kingess · 1 year
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kingess · 1 year
Stop putting so much weight on "love languages". Males will always say it's physical touch and women will always say it's quality time & acts of service and so on. Because we're different. And what differentiates us is that males are supposed to win our love. Our love language from now on is Effort.
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kingess · 1 year
Dark mother, what is your view on gifts? Should we give them, or should we always be on the receiving end?
Ok let's unwrap some of these
Yes. You should always be on the receiving end. Once you two are established, after he has asked you to be his girlfriend or fiancé and has provided valid reasons why you'd benefit from taking said offer, then you can do cute gesture gifts to deepen that connection and show appreciation. The thought is what counts, but for the love of fuck I don't ever want to hear of another girl gifting boars xboxes.
Men show their intention through investing in you.
When you allow him to gift you you're letting him use his natural masculine effort to court you. You're allowing him to have small victories that are the pathway to winning your final love. This is what so many women fail to grasp, we are animals and this is how it happens in nature. Gifts are a way for males to engage in competitive displays and courtship rituals in our modern civilized society.
Remember that words are free and language is a new invention to our species. Gifts are way more than you getting something nice. Girls, gifts are messages and so is your reaction to not receiving them.
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kingess · 1 year
Can we talk about the blatant misogyny behind the "Karen"- trend again?
Women are attacking each other with a random female name, designed to indicate there's literal modern female hysteria being portraited by a another woman, sometimes older one who's being "overly dramatic & assertive" about things that supposedly shouldn't matter. What's a more genius way to silence women further than a comedic spectacle shaming them collectively with a term synonymous to 'overreacting crazy woman'?
Males are exhilarated over this, they create masses of accounts dedicated to "Karen fails" where they film women of all ages and backgrounds standing up for themselves often if not always nonconsensually. This is all to feed their hatred of women. They specifically seek it to feed those emotions through those pages.
Everyone using this term for whatever context now, is perpetuating and normalizing this phenomenon as acceptable, normal content to consume AND CREATE. By accepting this usage we're differentiating ourselves from other girls and women saying we're not like the crazy women, we're sane like men.
Girls, think again the next time you're beefing with each other, because this dumpsterfire of a phenomenon is a slur that has MAJOR cultural implications for all of our rights and the ability to be heard. We've all already witnessed the power memes and internet slander has, overpowering even the actual laws. Let's not make this the next 'bitch' & have our granddaughters have to reclaim the language.
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kingess · 1 year
Because you should never be his mentor and a teacher of how to treat a woman right. You should be treated right straight from the get go without having to explain why or how.
The tone you set from the beginning is the one that persists throughout. Don't train men, that's an extra job, you're already working overtime in a society that's not built for you. they don't even pay you while you work in that kind of humanitarian force. If you want to become a certified man trainer I'd at least expect to see minimum wage & an employment contract.
Instead, I suggest we collectively force them to start training themselves by not accepting shit treatment & leave instead of explaining basic concepts of respect.
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kingess · 1 year
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