kinganddemon · 4 years
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Justice - Princess Natalya of Urisar, Our Lady in Shadows, the Innocent Queenslayer, the Smiling Spymaster
It would be prosperous to say she saw and heard all like some omnipotent presence to be prayed to. No, Princess Natalya wasn’t a God, but she was just as deadly.  Unlike her older siblings she wasn’t afraid to look behind the masks that everyone wore. There was no such thing as justice, no fair fight, or equal odds. Only those cunning enough to rebuild the world to their liking. As such Natalya was as cunning as they came, but she did not willingly stray from the path of starlight for selfish reasons. She did it to spare her family the burden of the truths she had uncovered. She alone would make sure nothing befell her King. And so with an empty smile she spun her web until all where under her watchful gaze. ---
Yay another tarot card! I casually decided to retcon the spelling of her name from Natalia to Natalya because of the aesthetics lol. Anyways who doesn't love a good spymaster trope. Also long name titles, my weakness.
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kinganddemon · 4 years
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Shocking even myself I will actually manage to participate in rochu week this year. Thank you @rochuweek for setting this event up! Decided the prompt “A Match Made In Heaven” would be a best fit for what I had on my mind.
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kinganddemon · 4 years
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The Hanged Man - King Alfred
Many rejoiced when Alfred ascended to the throne for they saw this as a guarantee in keeping with the kingdom's traditions and values. And for the most part they were correct. King Alfred made sure the farmers would have a plentiful harvest, he attended all the necessary meetings, and cultivated better relations with other kingdoms.  He was everything a King should be and yet behind closed doors and hushed whispers some where suspicious of all his success.
 Sure the kingdom had always been successful, but Alfred never seemed to be turned away and all voted in favor for his actions, even ambassadors from neighboring powers seemed to praise him. Some braver souls even mentioned how sudden the previous king had died, how odd it was that Alfred’s brother Mathew had quickly turned down the crown and was whisked away to some far part of the kingdom just as quickly. But like all dark thoughts they disappear just as the sun rises over their great land. 
OKay maybe if I stop simping for Rochu for one goddamn day I can introduce other characters. SO ya’ll get one (1) tied up Alfred as a treat. Also if its not painfully obvious I am redesigning my tarot cards because I hate myself.
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kinganddemon · 4 years
The Moment When the Hyperfocus is Gone
I am not sure how best to come back to this blog. I had been struggling with my ADHD causing me to lose interest in my AU. But now with the news of Hetalia coming back next year it has awoken some inspiration again! So I will try my best to stay active. 
With that being said I did actually draw more art for this AU and just never posted it, so be ready for some new stuff! Yay! I also created a twitter where I post other demon related art but not really connected to Hetalia. If anyone is curious.
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kinganddemon · 5 years
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A Dance in Moonlight
heyyyy long time no seeeee, i’ll be posting the story that goes with this doodle later on. 
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kinganddemon · 5 years
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Welp here we are, first outfit for Ivan. I like to call this his “trying to sneak out of the castle walls to venture around the markets. Except not only does Princess Natalia have her spies constantly watching over her reckless brother, everyone in the market already knows it’s him” outfit. Next outfit will be his more regal one lol.
EDIT: I forgot to talk about the fact that I am redesigning how I draw Ivan since I’ve changed Yao lol. I really like this already but I can’t totally see myself tweaking some stuff.
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kinganddemon · 5 years
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Look at me keeping my promise of posting again in a week! Yay! This is the second outfit for Yao and it has a bit more thought behind it?? Idk next is Ivan though and I’m pretty excited to show him off lol. I’ll put more info about the AU under the cut! Okay so I’m writing this off as this being Yao’s fave outfit to use when his out and about doing King Ivan’s bidding.
He hasn’t told his King that the clothes are one of the only things left of his life before Ivan contracted him. Way back when, he used to serve the King of Hell (lol he has a thing for those in power) as an adviser before things went sour. Luckily not many humans recognize the symbol on the belt so he doesn’t need to explain.
He also doesn’t wear gold for the aesthetic, though that’s what he has lead Ivan to believe. In reality gold is a very symbolic color in demon culture. Wearing gold announces to everyone that the demon is in mourning and should be left alone. Traditionally the amount of gold worn signifies how great the grief is, thought it is taboo to wear a lot and for a long period of time. Yao on the other hand has taken it upon himself to wear as much as he can. Going as far as to cover his face with a “Mourning Mask”. This has caused some tension between other demons as they think this display is inappropriate and unprofessional of demon with his status. Later on I will collect these little snippets a bit better, for now I’m just posting like this to keep track of it.
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kinganddemon · 5 years
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Honey: Happy Valentine’s Day Miman! Ily dude <333
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kinganddemon · 5 years
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Okay I come again with the same problem of inactivity but I have a game plan of sorts. I will try to post at least weekly. Hopefully get me into the flow of things. So for this weeks post have these two versions of Yao's outfit and summoning sigil. I have another set for him as well that he uses when he goes out to do his King's bidding. I'll have outfits for Ivan as well I will also be taking this time to answer some very patient questions people have sent me and have probably given up seeing a response. I haven't forgotten you I promise!
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kinganddemon · 5 years
Super late reblog please perdona me, I am so sorry!!! Seasonal depression really got me strong and felt no inspiration to log on. But I am glad to see you are still posting!!!!
And now to the art....omg girl... If only I could write good you know I would write some little snippet for this. You have me deadddddd i canttttt omg those broad shoulders oof
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For @kinganddemon ;DDD full picture including Ivan’s butt below…
Keep reading
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kinganddemon · 6 years
Girl hands down this has been the best birthday to date, you all have made it so special!! I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude 😭😭😭 and your art! Where do I even begin?! Natalia!!!! She can slay me any day omg!!! And you know I'm a sucker for rochu lol I just love your art so much!!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIMAN <3 @kinganddemon I hope you have a very happy day and a happy life, and I hope you get everything you ever wished for and um, and I hope you like my gift for you :DD
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kinganddemon · 6 years
This has left me utterly speechless!!! I cannot believe how perfect this was. You have Yao's pettiness down to the letter!!! Omg I've never read anything so fast. This has been the best birthday ever ☺️🤗🙈 this is exactly how I envision their interactions
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((Sorry for the delay but life’s been busy. I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I think I could have done better, but I also just wanted to get it done. Also omg backgrounds are the worst. I’m still working on the Tarot cards as well as answering asks!!))
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kinganddemon · 6 years
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Art block is slowly going away. In the mean time enjoy these rough drafts. The ever elusive pencil drawing, only happens while I'm at work and bored.
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kinganddemon · 6 years
What kind of magic does Ivan have? Like, what can he do?
Hey! Thanks for the question! It was about time I sat down and figured out exactly what Ivan can do! So right to it then!
Foremost Ivan’s magic typically manifests itself through elemental manipulation. Most commonly in the form of ice and storms. While it can be very beneficial for creating structures of unmelting ice or manipulating the weather to help farmers yield crops, it can also be quite dangerous. His magic is directly tied to his emotions. Something he struggles to keep in check, especially if he is stressed. So one can say his people are used to sudden violent storms appearing out of no where.
That is the bulk of his abilities, but like most people with powers he can put together generic spells and hexes. Even though his kingdom is very accepting of those who wield magic there is a skill Ivan keeps to himself. Since he was young he has had a natural application towards necromancy. As a child he would revive small animals he would find frozen in the snow unaware of the taboo of bringing back the dead, but he has now made sure to discontinue that particular branch of magic.
Hope this makes sense??? I’ll probably revisit this later with more detail! Thank you!
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kinganddemon · 6 years
Does King Alfred also have a demon? :oooooooo
First of all, terribly sorry for such the long wait on an answer! Seasonal depression is doing me dirty lol but I’m working my way back into the swing of things.
Now to answer your question! Yes and No! King Alfred would not willingly stoop as low as to contract a demon. His people are very proud of the fact that they don’t depend on a lot of magic or supernatural help. Good ol’ physical strength and perseverance is what’s important to them and Alfred is no different.
That being said he is severely convinced Yao has ulterior motives to helping his once long time friend Ivan. And will do almost anything to show Ivan the truth and save him. So he has acquired the help of a “Mage”, or at least that’s what his people have been told. In reality the mage is a demon just as interested in what Yao is up to as is King Alfred.
So technically they both have a mutual interest and are working together, but Alfred has not made any deal and does not own the demon.
As for who the mage/demon is I haven’t decided yet. I may just go with Arthur though might fit the narrative better later on. Anyone have any suggestions?
(I hope this made sense lol)
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kinganddemon · 6 years
I know I've already freaked out about it, but OMG they are so cute in this style!!! You really outdid yourself with the cell shading! So thank you!!! (And thank you as well for finally giving me a reason to log back in!)
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Surprise! @kinganddemon
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kinganddemon · 6 years
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((Ok new plan. I only do a couple of Whumptober prompts??? Because I do not have time to do everysingle one lol anyways as always a sneak peak of what I'm working on now for the prompt "stabbing", playing around with colors and clothes.))
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