khorosvein · 4 years
i would never go back to the p*rsona fandom but my p5 oc is *chef’s kiss*
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khorosvein · 4 years
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Amazigh girls during the festival of roses
Location: El-Kelaâ M’Gouna, Morocco
Photographer: Jacques Bravo
In the dry folds of the High Atlas mountains, approaching the Sahara, there’s an unexpected place called the Vallée des Roses where, in spring, the entire area is awash with pink Persian roses. In the small town of El-Kelaâ M’Gouna, roses nestle among hedgerows so that they’re not immediately visible, but they are the town’s lifeblood, from their cultivation through to the production of rosewater. The flowers are harvested in mid-May, an event celebrated in the colourful and sweet-smelling Rose Festival, which draws around 20,000 people to the small town. The three-day festival is a time of song and dance, feasting, souk-like markets and a chariot procession through a shower of rose petals. There’s also a beauty pageant of sorts, with a Miss Rose crowned each year.
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khorosvein · 4 years
send ‘smile’ for a time your muse made mine smile.
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khorosvein · 4 years
me remembering i said dedue is the person that understands mera the most in the entire cast in that little thing i wrote last night
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khorosvein · 4 years
another thing. STOP APOLOGIZING FOR NOT BEING ACTIVE / IN CHARACTER! this is a message also to myself, mind you. i find myself apologizing for a hobby. no! this is something we do in our free time for fun! a lot of us are adults ( or teens in school but i don't think any follow me but not excluding ) jobs, social lives, other random adult shit... sometimes we don't have time to write! hell, when we have time to write sometimes we aren't in the mood or don't have the energy to! we should not be looked down upon for this. it could be days, weeks or even months before we get out a reply but you can tell it's with love. why? because it wasn't forced and it was something we wanted to do! regardless, write when you want to write, shitpost when your stuck on mobile and roleplaying isn't part of your job until you somehow get paid for it! have fun! this is a hobby and not a job. enjoy it.
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khorosvein · 4 years
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  hc ; random rambles i think about 
Keep reading
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khorosvein · 4 years
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  hc ; random rambles i think about 
  Mera is lonely -- in a lot of ways. There’s a couple layers to this that I’ll try to hit in this post and I’ll talk about other characters that relate to some points.
  For one -- Mera is a new noble ; she’s only about two years into being part of nobility by the time the game even starts. Her social status elevation isn’t something that is voluntary and being forcibly and suddenly pushed into another socioeconomic class was very unsettling and anxiety inducing for Mera. Add the other layer that her family is new nobles who aren’t well established, this can make it very difficult to command a certain level of respect that “old money” nobles with generations ( esp with crests !!! ) under their names can easily get just for, well, existing. It puts her in an unfair situation that she has no control over -- some nobles !!! are jerks !!! -- where she has to work to build up respect and reputation in society / nobility with her own hands and on her own terms. 
  And because of the gap that exists between noble and commoner, there’s a big need for her to rush and learn as much as possible about “performing nobility” in as short amount of time as possible to avoid being outcasted and to assimilate into her new role. Because of these experiences and shifts, Mera has a lot of suspicion towards other people, especially nobles. This isn’t to say she won’t be friendly and kind to another, but that’s really different than actually coming to trust and bond with that person. 
  [ Because the game couldn’t give less of a [ redacted ] about Duscur, I need to reiterate that the people of Duscur were subjected to a massacre / pogrom ( pls be careful when looking up these words as there can be triggering images that can appear ) and the fact that this game doesn’t focus on the actual victims of this during its narrative is horrible. ]
  Mera has also had her entire culture and life uprooted post-tragedy. It’s noted that there are very few people from Duscur that still live after the tragedy. Loss of culture is also traumatic ( aside from the killings, please also remember that the people of Duscur also lost all their land and lost any traditional knowledge / teachings / customs / etc. along with the victims among other things ). It completely changed the way she identifies and exist within the world and it left her with an enormous amount of trauma ( depression and PTSD ). Due to this and the continued treatment of the people of Duscur in Faerghus, it’s generated this feeling of loneliness in terms of culture ( I’m not quite sure what I want to say ; perhaps later I will find a better way to say it ) in that it’s not typically possible for her to coexist in Faerghus society without facing some form of racism / discrimination due to her birthplace. It’s really only comfortable for her to exist within her small community made up of other people of Duscur that lives in Faerghus but doesn’t integrate / assimilate within society. 
  That’s why I think no matter what route she is on, pre-timeskip Mera will always feel very attached to Dedue in a way that I don’t think any other character in the roster will be able to experience. I really do think that in Mera’s perspective Dedue is “ the person who understands [ her ] the most in this world ”. Because there is no one else besides them at the Academy, who understand each other in that way. The Blue Lions route of my mind focuses more on the actual people of Duscur’s trauma, which would situation Dedue and Mera more to the forefront of the Duscur storyline ( like they deserve tbh ). 
  She’s also mixed and there are specific issues mixed people might face within their lifetime ( for reference, I’m mixed, so I’m speaking from my experience ). From my experience interacting with the world as a mixed person, I think there’s a certain .... expectation people of either race / ethnicity have of a mixed person. There’s quite a bit of “ well you don’t look like .... ” or “ you don’t act like ... ” or the v dreaded “ what are you ? ”. Sometimes it’s difficult to define myself in the world because I’m not one or the other and it’s not even simple as in I can say “I feel half this and half that all the time”. So, I want that to translate a little more into my writing as well, but Mera definitely identifies more with Duscur and its culture than Faerghus. There’s also definitely pressure for her to have a reversal on that and to assimilate into Faerghus culture more but she really won’t budge from it lmao she’s really just be like “die mad about it”. 
  ( thing i’m adding in here bc i’m thinking about it right now ) Mera assimilating into Faerghus / Fodlan society is really just a means to an end. She has Faerghus noble blood, why not put it to good use to help Duscur or even reform society as a whole once she’s powerful and influential ( that’s why when all the stuff happens during the timeskip makes her go like “my city now” ) ? Or just to have access to resources she might not have had before becoming a noble ? She never really gives up any of her Duscur heritage. And also make no mistake -- Mera doesn’t become intelligent and quick-witted from having education as a noble, she already is intelligent and quick-witted, her education is also just another way of displaying that.
  For the final bit because It’s getting later but Mera just doesn’t .... hardly like any big aspect of Faerghus culture presented in the game. She doesn’t care about the Chuch -- will admit to even downright hating it. She doesn’t think the ideals of knighthood and chivalry mean anything -- after all, isn’t it the same honorable, good knights that came into Duscur ? And based on my own hc about Duscur, she doesn’t really ??? get nobility or even the idea of monarchy ??? because Duscur doesn’t really have either of those things ( there are different social classes in Duscur but the gap is just not as extreme between said classes unlike Fodlan ) and local councils run the government in Duscur. She knows she has to respect Edelgard and Dimitri because, well, they’re the crown heirs of their respective monarchies but she’s not someone who believes that these aspects of society have to stay that way or that they even should. And I think within the Blue Lions house which at times gives off that feeling of upholding traditional values, it can be a little difficult to connect with others on those topics. 
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khorosvein · 4 years
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
    do   you   want   a   certain   kind   of   ship   with   my   muse  ?   check   out   the   key   below   &   send   me   a   symbol   to   tell   me   what   kind   of   ship   you   want   !     note  :    my   muse   =   blog   owner’s   muse     /     your   muse   =   sender’s   muses
romantic relationships !
💘  friends to lovers ❣️  enemies to lovers 💜  love at first sight 💙  slow burn 💚  skinny love 💔  exes to lovers again 🖤  on again , off again
familial relationships !
🌼  older sibling 🌺  younger sibling 👭  twins 🌻  friends like siblings 🍃  cousins 🌵  parental
friend relationships !
☀️   best friends 🌦   enemies to friends 🌈   friends since childhood  ⛅️  friends of circumstance  ☁️  school friends  🌩  friends from traumatic experiences
enemy relationships !
🔪   friends to enemies 💣   stole something from my muse 🔦   stole something from your muse 🗡   bullied my muse 🔫   bullied your muse ⚔️   family feud 🛠   fueds between mutual friends ❌   guilty by association
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khorosvein · 4 years
girls are like “i’m cute and worthy of love” and they’re right
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khorosvein · 4 years
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  i did nothing i said i was going to bc i was too busy studying but plot with me !!!! let’s plot threads and relationships !!!!
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khorosvein · 4 years
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endless list of otps → ashe ubert and dedue molinaro (fire emblem: three houses)
↳ “is dedue really gone? there’s so much more i wanted to say to him. he was always so tender with the flowers in the greenhouse. i wonder how they’re doing…”
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khorosvein · 4 years
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khorosvein · 4 years
i-...is duscur supposed to be based on m//orocco
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khorosvein · 4 years
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khorosvein · 4 years
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khorosvein · 4 years
that one post with hilda and claude that’s like --
hilda: your vibes m’lord...
claude: check them for me court jester
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khorosvein · 4 years
Today is international kissing day!
Send 💋 for a kiss from my character!
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