keyproquo · 6 years
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some VLD trash i streamed last month ;_;  Shiro’s long hair is my forever Big Mood.
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keyproquo · 7 years
The Complex Geometry of Islamic Design
In Islamic culture, geometry is everywhere. You can find it in mosques, madrasas, palaces and private homes. This tradition began in the 8th century CE during the early history of Islam, when craftsman took preexisting motifs from Roman and Persian cultures and developed them into new forms of visual expression. 
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This period of history was a golden age of Islamic culture, during which many achievements of previous civilizations were preserved and further developed, resulting in fundamental advancements in scientific study and mathematics. Accompanying this was an increasingly sophisticated use of abstraction and complex geometry in Islamic art, from intricate floral motifs adorning carpets and textiles, to patterns of tile work that seemed to repeat infinitely, inspiring wonder and contemplation of eternal order.
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 Despite the remarkable complexity of these designs, they can be created with just a compass to draw circles and a ruler to make lines within them, and from these simple tools emerges a kaleidoscope multiplicity of patterns. So how does that work? Well, everything starts with a circle. The first major decision is how will you divide it up? Most patterns split the circle into four, five or six equal sections. And each division gives rise to distinctive patterns. 
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There’s an easy way to determine whether any pattern is based on fourfold, fivefold, or sixfold symmetry. Most contain stars surrounded by petal shapes. Counting the number of rays on a starburst, or the number of petals around it, tells us what category the pattern falls into. A star with six rays, or surrounded by six petals, belongs in the sixfold category. One with eight petals is part of the fourfold category, and so on. 
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There’s another secret ingredient in these designs: an underlying grid. Invisible, but essential to every pattern, the grid helps determine the scale of the composition before work begins, keeps the pattern accurate, and facilitates the invention of incredible new patterns. Let’s look at an example of how these elements come together. 
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We’ll start with a circle within a square, and divide it into eight equal parts. We can then draw a pair of criss-crossing lines and overlay them with another two. These lines are called construction lines, and by choosing a set of their segments, we’ll form the basis of our repeating pattern. 
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Many different designs are possible from the same construction lines just by picking different segments. And the full pattern finally emerges when we create a grid with many repetitions of this one tile in a process called tessellation.
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By choosing a different set of construction lines, we might have created this any of the above patterns. The possibilities are virtually endless.  
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We can follow the same steps to create sixfold patterns by drawing construction lines over a circle divided into six parts, and then tessellating it, we can make something like the above.
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Here’s another sixfold pattern that has appeared across the centuries and all over the Islamic world, including Marrakesh, Agra, Konya and the Alhambra. 
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Fourfold patterns fit in a square grid, and sixfold patterns in a hexagonal grid. 
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Fivefold patterns, however, are more challenging to tessellate because pentagons don’t neatly fill a surface, so instead of just creating a pattern in a pentagon, other shapes have to be added to make something that is repeatable, resulting in patterns that may seem confoundingly complex, but are still relatively simple to create. 
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This more than 1,000-year-old tradition has wielded basic geometry to produce works that are intricate, decorative and pleasing to the eye. And these craftsman prove just how much is possible with some artistic intuition, creativity, dedication along with a great compass and ruler.
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keyproquo · 7 years
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Jacob answers your asks! 
Questions via
And as always, if you’re interested in learning more, consulting published materials on the subject is always the way to go! I have found The Dissociative Identity Sourcebook written by Deborah Bray Haddock to be particularly informative. The book is written for the purpose of being understood not only by psychiatrists but by families of and patients with DID who want to learn more about therapy, symptoms, life tips and more. 
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keyproquo · 7 years
Me at school
Me : i have too so many books i have to read
My friend at school : then why don't you read them after school?
Me : too much work
Me *at home* : *Read fanfiction until midnight*
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keyproquo · 7 years
story of my life
Me: People have the right to ship whoever and whatever they want! Antis should not spread hate to things that people enjoy!
Also me, when my notp is on my dash: what the everliving fuck is this shit doing here
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keyproquo · 7 years
I want to prove a point to a friend.
One of my friends said NO ONE like Gravity Falls, and that it’s a dumb show.
Like, or reblog this post if you think Gravity Falls is one of the GREATEST cartoons of all time.
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keyproquo · 7 years
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my 2016.
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keyproquo · 8 years
Alors je fuis
Le problème viens sans doute du fait que je ne me dirige pas vers un but, je fuis parce que j’ai l’impression d’être (pour) suivi. Plus ça va, moins ça va. Vous vous dites que vraiment, mais alors, quel glandeur vous êtes ! Impossible de s’y mettre. Ca vous fait peur de faire bien les choses. On se trouve toutes les raisons du monde d’être nul, et au fond, il y a forcément une partie de nous qui est heureuse à se rouler ainsi dans la merde, sans doute. Je ne dis pas que c’est agréable de rater sa vie, je dis qu’il doit bien y avoir une raison pour que tant de personnes soient si promptes à surtout bien faire comme il ne faut pas, et de manière plutôt spectaculaire, s’il vous plait. Remarque, du coup, quand on fait quelque chose de bien ça a de la valeur. Plus on rate, plus ce qu’on fait bien a valeur supérieure. Je plie, je Ploie, je pluie. Lire des bouquins, se dire qu’on bosse dès qu’on rentre, s’y mettre à 23h. Tous les jours. Alors les nuits s’éclaircissent, ça devient gris très très clair. Ou le ciel s’assombrit et on dort pour oublier (ou alors on danse, mais c’est so 2010 vous comprenez). Le pire dans tout cela, c’est qu’on y croit, et que plus on rate, plus on y croit. Moi j’ai fini par espérer qu’être désabusé et d’en rigoler me sauverait. Je pense qu’on peut dire que ça n’a pas l’air de trop marcher. J’arrive mieux à me lever pour remplir des cornets de frites chez macdo que d’arriver à l’heure en cours ; mais comprenez, les études, “c’est l’éclate” tu étudies juste ce que tu aimes, c’est bien connu. J’vais aller étudier les épisodes de DragonBall, s’tu vois c’que j’veux dire, hein, j’vais leur en ramener un compte rendu détaillé. Au moins, je sais que je suis bien mort, à l’état de larve morvante, c’est bien. C’est la “culture pop” mais ça avance pas mon taff hein. C’est interchangeable -tant que tu bouges pas de là où t’es, et que tu oublies toute ta vie, ça fait l’affaire. Bon c’est un peu macabre mon affaire, mais moi je trouve ça drolatique, mignon. Faut être un peu cynique, mais franchement, ça va, j’me marre pas trop mal là. Pas penser, pas penser à tout ce que tu aurais dû faire mais que tu n’as pas fait… Pas penser.
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keyproquo · 8 years
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                                        “Words are just a toy                                        that people play with.”   
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keyproquo · 8 years
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via my mom
I’m deeply betrayed that she wouldn’t keep reading long enough to send me more quotes.
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keyproquo · 8 years
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keyproquo · 8 years
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keyproquo · 8 years
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“We never would’ve upset you if we knew you had superpowers”. #dustin #strangerthings #Netflix #illustration #comicbook #graphicnovel #dessin #ink #sketch #art
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keyproquo · 8 years
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keyproquo · 8 years
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keyproquo · 8 years
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Some of my favorite anime fansubs
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keyproquo · 8 years
My thoughts are with the people affected by the horrible earthquake in Italy
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