keyismykitty · 1 year
i don’t know if any of you hooligans still follow me but if you do: i met gray in real life and i married him.
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i’m not kidding
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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When the raider base still has video surveillance so you decide to fuck wit ‘em a lil bit
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Andoy texting davy on his blackberry asking if she wanted to go do some jet out back of the football feilds but then principle washer passes by and andoy quickly shoves his blackberry into his mammaries or chiv starting a food fight in the cafeteria and throws a pizza at principle washer face when he walks in ?
the first one only because i can’t have gray be responsible for murdering a child with his bare hands
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Andoy telling danse that’s he’s as certified as a certified pre owned Mercedes to work on power armor but then danse had enough of him yapping so he gives andoy a swirle or Davy and gray washer going fishing and chiv in the distance was trying to shoot a turkey and accidentally shoots their boat sinking it ???
gray would never forgive chiv for that so the first one lol
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Andoy dead set on Dread giving him a lamborghini lawn mower for his birthday because hes that much of a porn star snob or gray washer giving davy a bb gun for her anniversary gift and she accidentally shoots gray in the leg with it ???
i like to think dread and davy were having a joint birthday party and gray gives davy her gift first and then when she sees that dread got a lamborghini lawn mower she shoots gray in the leg for being a cheap bastard
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Danse giving andoy swirlies in the red rocket bathroom saying i be you make gay porn you nerd or davy gifting gray washer a shirt that says i eat gunners ass on it ???
i mean the first is already canon
and tbqh the second is probably canon too
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Some long-awaited smut for @keyismykitty, involving a longtime favorite character of mine, Gray! 
Fun fact, unless I’ve forgotten a quick drabble or something I did in a fit of writing, this is the first time I’ve ever done m/m smut! It’s certainly the first time I’ve put it out for the world too see and drawn attention to it.
Keep reading
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keyismykitty · 4 years
Gigi seed or Joseph seed or Sargent steel ?!?!
sergeant steel obviously
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keyismykitty · 4 years
how did you get starlight drive in to look so good!!!
an assload of mods mi amigo
been a while but i know the most important ones are the place anywhere mod and scrap everything, and then beyond that i just started with a general idea of what i wanted (read: a fortress made of piled up cars and garbage), then sorted out all the cars and trucks to find the ones that would best work for what i wanted, and then just started stacking them together and figuring out what would look nice
it’s also gray’s settlement and gray’s story, so i built it around that. real settlements and villages aren’t just built by one guy going “a tree would look good there” and planting one there. in real life, towns and villages are built by everyone, so everything i’ve placed has a reason and a story behind it. the drive-inn looks the way it does because it was originally a bar, because it was built by gray who is an alcoholic and first and foremost wants to be sure he can get a drink. later on eva hawkins moved in and convinced gray that the brotherhood patrols that stopped in would be more willing to turn a blind eye to maxson’s bounty on his head if they had a safe place to sleep, shower, and get medical treatment, so he helped her convert it into what it is today and later rigged up the combine to run water. there’s a mutfruit orchard between the guard tower and the playground and the man who lives there is a pleasant old man who does a lot of jet and can’t walk very well, so his house is literally just a heap of blankets and pillows underneath a propped-up truck, and his yard is full of flowers and herbs and has a table that’s always set with tea for kids to come by and chat with him
tl;dr, there’s two halves to good settlement design, the first half is a good story and there being a legitimate reason for every design choice you make, and the other half is that mods are what makes the dream work
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keyismykitty · 4 years
@tinychopshopdonut​ oh for shit’s sake lol
apparently @nux-morbid-art​ and @whatshappeningcowboy​ used my computer while i was at work and lovingly sculpted a couple of dicks in sculptris, but didn’t have the decency to save them as actual usable files, so i can’t even open them
they even apparently saved it to my desktop, which i’m only just now noticing as well:
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(pictured: top left corner, assholes leave folder on my computer)
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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each one of these files represents, at minimum, 4hrs of printing time
most of them are closer to ten hours though aaaaaaaaa
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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*rubs temples aggressively*
finished sculpting the barrel, made a new back end for the mini-nuke since the old one was gonna be too wide to fit in the barrel (and just wasn’t gonna look very good compared to everything else), and will probably redo a couple little things before i really call it done. fortunately while i wait for everything to print i have time to work on my other cosplay, so i should have both done in time for dallas fan expo, and potentially even some time to do a little bit more work on gray so i’ll have three cosplays ready to go. fingers crossed
my printer’s been running non-stop for the last five or six days and fortunately it’s not all that loud because otherwise @nux-morbid-art probably would have kicked me out onto the street
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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got some updates to carmine’s fat man coming soon. well, i say soon, but the track alone is eight pieces and each piece is an 11hr print, so not /soon/, exactly, but. eventually. ideally in time for dallas fan expo.
on a similar note if you’re at dallas fan expo this year come and see us, i thrive on attention
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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I FINISHED SOMETHING IN TIME FOR A HOLIDAY :D Been trying a new drawing software. It’s alright…but I do prefer Clip Studio. It’s just gonna be a while before I can afford to buy it.
I love DQXI and decided to play the Switch port because the extra content sounded good. One thing I didn’t know until getting to it was that you can choose who to marry!!…Though they don’t call it marriage unless you pick Gemma. Even though the Serena and Jade scenes are pretty obviously meant to be romantic. And Veronica is still in her kid form so that’s…awkward. Not to mention what happens picking anyone other than a female. That’s getting off track here, though.
Even though I love all of the characters, Serena and Sylvando are permanently tied for my top spot. In the original game, I was pretty bummed the game only let you marry Gemma. Not that I dislike her; she’s the Hero’s childhood friend, so I get it. But the player spends, like, half an hour around her. Compared to the dozens of hours spent with your party, I think it’s clear who you’d be more attached to. I picked marrying Serena stupid fast once I had the option. The scene you get with her is super adorable, and honestly more than I expected them to include to begin with. So I’m pretty satisfied.
I really like Serena’s saintess outfit so I based her dress on that. It came out alright, I suppose. The program I used has a stabilizer but not a great one, so I knew the lines would be sketchy. But I tried, dammit.
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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ricky receives the holy stigmata
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keyismykitty · 4 years
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got my tablet back time for morally questionable art
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keyismykitty · 4 years
callout post for nux-morbid-art: uses fabric scissors to cut chicken
i regret turning on anon
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