Kelanticus Cerpintaxt (Kelan)
He can be considered a “Highvale Elf” Refuses to be called a high elf because there is so much more to being a Highvale elf in his opinion.
Dislikes horde after they ransacked the lodge. Especially trolls due to the constant attacks from the Revantusk and Witherbark tribes.
From Quel’Danil Lodge
Highvale scout
Former Highvale Outrunner
Friend with the Wildhammer in hinterlands
Former love was Jalinde Summerdrake
Uses a dragonhawk mount he raised from a hatchling
Fell into a cave while scouting a witherbark camp. Unable to escape, he was left to try and, unsuccessfully, climb out with a broken leg and arm. (He still walks with a slight limp). He was sustained by the small stream of water that ran through the middle of the cave and he could catch the occasional slug or lizard for sustenance. The cave walls were covered in writing scratched into the walls but the language was one he had never seen. It looked ancient.
While in the cave, he discovered a beautiful bow on the corpse of what appeared to be a very old elvish type of humanoid. He wasn’t sure of the race. It was taller than a normal elf but the bone structure was strange. After obtaining the bow, he began to hear voices. This happened over time and it was barely noticeable to him. He felt like they had always been there and knew everything about him, as a friend would. Being trapped in this cave for what seemed like forever could make an elf lonely. This had to be what was going on. He was just lonely.
The amount of time he was lost and trapped in the cave is unknown. Some guess it was a year or more…
Eventually Kelan was rescued by his friend Guthrum Thunderfist, the gryphon master of Aerie Peak. Guthrum claimed that Kelan was missing for almost a year…
Upon rescue Guthrum noticed something was off.  Kelan’s skin was pale but that was to be expected for someone who was trapped underground for such a long time. The elf’s skin was almost blueish though. Over the next few months Kelan’s friends and former love would occasionally catch him speaking to things that aren’t there and seeming slightly paranoid. He began marking the walls of his room with writing of an unknown origin. His skin was also turning a darker shade of blue. This is when his former love, Jalinde Summerdrake called Guthrum to come take Kelan to Stormwind to be looked at by the healers of the city.
Guthrum agreed and flew him to Stormwind to get help from the healers. Despite their best attempts Kelan could not be cured. This was not something natural that was happening to him.
This is when Kelan was told of Alleria Windrunner and her “void elves”…
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