You are the one who knows your F/O best, no matter what.
Even if you and another self shipper share a character, you know your F/O the best and they know theirs the best.
When it comes specifically to self shipping, canon is irrelevant. You know your F/O the best.
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Your f/o sneaks glances at you btw. You sit side by side to watch a movie or just enjoy eachothers company and your f/o will take glances to you when you're distracted. Maybe they're open about it when you catch their gaze and smirk at you, maybe they get shy and look away immediately, giving a small apology.
Your f/o can't help it though. When your focused in the tv, or your phone, or your book. Just, distracted and relaxed. They can't help but give even a small smile, their heart melts. Maybe they'd never admit that though.
(Also they love you and are obsessed with you duh)
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
Imagine your f/o being dosed with truth serum and all they can talk about is how much they love you, to the frustration of whoever dosed them.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
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"why would you think i'd ever leave you?" your f/o asks, their voice quiet and gentle as they sat with you. they reached out to take your hand in theirs, rubbing the back of your hand with their thumb. "i'm not going anywhere, you don't have to worry."
your f/o would do everything in their power to make sure you feel secure and supported as long as you're with them. it doesn't matter how they act normally — whether they're rough and closed off, or they're very affectionate, or anything in between, they love you and they hope you feel safe and comfortable with them. if you ever feel insecure or scared, they'll be right there to console you.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
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maybe your kidnapper f/o wasn't so bad. they treated you... somewhat well, all things considered — they had kidnapped you, after all. they were just lonely, was all, and they found the company they needed in you.
seeing them day after day, having to interact with them regardless of if you wanted to at first or not, had allowed you to see them in a more intimate manner. you'd had time to get used to their schedule, gotten accustomed to cuddling with them whenever they wanted (or whenever they felt like they needed to comfort you, for whatever reason). they were... sweet, weren't they?
even now, while you sat with them as they went on a rant about how much they loved you, you were seeing them in a brighter light. it wasn't so bad staying with them... right?
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
uhhh imagine your f/o smiling to themselves and maybe even chuckling or giggling because they were thinking of you! they love you so much, that just thinking about you makes them so so so so SOOOO HAPPY <3
Stolen from an anti, proshippers please interact
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
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"you'll learn to like it here," your yandere f/o tells you, shaking their head and tutting at you. no amount of pleading or fighting them would change their mind: you're theirs, why would you ever want to leave? they'll keep you nice and safe, and they'll give you all the affection you could (n)ever want! besides, they'd gone through all of the trouble of getting you here, they couldn't have you running off, so of course they'd tied you up... it's just until they know you wouldn't leave. "it's not safe for you out there."
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
hey hey hey hey! your f/o is thinking about you right now! not only now, theyre always thinking about you! they cant get you off of their mind!
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
If you have an F/O who is shown to be a cruel person who doesn't love anyone, I just want you to know, that it doesn’t apply to you. You’re clearly an exception. You’re their special person who they love so dearly.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
selfshippers you need at least one loser f/o trust me on this
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
your f/o would be understanding of your bpd symptoms. they would understand how hard it is for you, support you, and make you feel safe and secure. they wouldn't mind reassuring you, in fact, they want to reassure you and let you know how much they love and cherish you. that they aren't going to abandon you. even after you split, they talk to you. they respect your boundaries like you respect theirs and you feel safe to talk to them about your feelings and triggers cause you know they care. they know you aren't manipulative, you aren't controlling, you aren't a monster. you're a person who is hurting and they want to ease that pain.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
self shippers you guys should think of desperate kisses btw. ☝🏾 your f/o hesitating for only a moment before pulling you close, maybe pulling you by the collar or by the hip, how they can only wait long enough to suck in a breath before they're on you. how they kiss you like it is urgent, like they will actually cease to be if they don't kiss you. there's no teasing, there's no longer any of their meekness to be found, there's nothing in their mind but the constant pounding of their heart in their chest and you, you, you ringing in their brain. desperate kisses that turn into sloppy, messy things as they trail down your neck when you need to part for air– but even that doesn't last long before they're turning you to kiss you on the lips once more. btw.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
yes, i love villain f/o(s) being soft and sweet but what about villain f/o(s) who just barely puts up with you?
A villain f/o where you're just barely special enough that they choose to deal with you. They may insult you, play mind games, and hurt you like everyone else but they still keep you around bc for some reason they crave your presence even if they don't quite know why.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
Shout out to anyone who ignores some of the more awful things their villain F/O has done.
Shout out to anyone who has their villain F/O adore them even though in canon/fanon they’re awful to everyone.
Shout out to anyone who embraces everything about their villain F/O, even if they’re absolutely heinous.
Shout out to anyone who has their villain F/O also be awful to them.
It’s okay if you’re not comfortable with some things your F/O has done, and it’s okay if you embrace your F/O and support all their rights and wrongs. You’re valid.
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
He would never hate me for my mental illnesses and brain being fucked up and needing reassurance constantly,,
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keepthosepawsuphigh · 15 days
Btw your f/o genuinely loves you and would always pick you. They would never leave you cause they think you're wonderful and amazing. They choose you.
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