kayuri · 9 years
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Sometimes being out to just a select few can make all the difference. 
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kayuri · 9 years
“Being beautiful is just self realization that you’re worth something.”
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kayuri · 9 years
*Rant Warning*
Okay, I’m going to go a little off topic with this post. This isn’t specifically about Korean hip-hop, mostly just about entertainment in general. And it’s something that’s just really been irking me for while now.
Do not believe everything you read and see in entertainment media without question. And you are not owed personal, private details about a celebrity’s life just because you are a fan.
I’m going to tell you straight up a lot of entertainment reporters out there are assholes. And a lot of entertainment media are trash. They are not out to tell the whole story or be unbiased and fair. A number will sell out integrity for whatever will get traffic. They don’t care about being ethical, accurate or getting proper sources. They don’t care about the artistry that goes into being a musician, actor/actress, writer, producer and so on. It’s all about getting the scoop, and getting people riled up so they read the articles and spread them to their friends. Which leads to more clicks. Which leads to more money from advertisers.
What you read about on the internet is not always the full story and it certainly isn’t the full story about who that celebrity is as a person. Even reality TV is not complete reality. Most, if not all, shows are scripted to a certain extent nowadays. Some people choose to portray themselves in the media in a certain way, and in other cases producers and writers decide how a person will be portrayed through creative editing. Also, people – including celebrities - are multidimensional and have different sides to them. It’s near impossible for the public to see every side of a celebrity, especially through the media.
You have to take everything with a grain of salt and take a step back and think before jumping to conclusions. And especially before making  uninformed, ridiculous comments on the internet.
Places like TMZ, AllKpop, Dispatch and so on do not give a shit about people, basic human rights or quality, ethical journalism. They only see headlines, scoops and dollar signs. I am a journalist, and even I will say that it’s hard to trust a lot of what you read in any media outlet. But I especially detest media that intentionally over-sensationalize stories, and then intentionally try to get the public in an uproar about it, especially when the story is essentially a non-story.
This idol has had a girlfriend for two years and hid it from the public. Why should the public care? It’s none of their business. Oh, look! That celebrity gained weight! And your point is? Why are articles like this important? Well, they aren’t important, for one, but yet they are everywhere.
And this leads me to my next point: Celebrities don’t owe the public or fans private details about their personal lives, so get over your thirst to know EVERYTHING.
More and more lately I just have become disgusted by society’s insatiable thirst for scandal, controversy, gossip and intimate details about celebrities. This goes for the U.S. as well as Korea. The way that paparazzi or fans will stalk celebrities in public for a picture or just because they want to know what it is they are doing so they can post it on the internet. (It’s called grocery shopping or hanging out with friends. We all do it.) Back the fuck off. It is not your business and it’s not your place to give out details about another person’s private life on the internet without their permission – even if it’s a celebrity. (Unless they are breaking the law or perpetrating problematic behavior – which is a whole other can of worms that I will not get into in this article.)
Everyone has the basic right to privacy – even celebrities. Just because they are on TV or in movies or on the radio does not mean they have signed off on the right to keep things to themselves, their families and their friends. Only they have the right to decide what they want to say to the public, how they want to say it and when they say it. Reporters, fans, stalkers, paparazzi, sometimes even so-called friends and family do not get to make those decisions and shouldn’t.
We are not owed ANYTHING by celebrities. Following a singer, buying their music, going to their concerts and being a fan does not mean that they owe it to you to tell you every personal detail about their life. Or that they have to give up having a life just to project a fantasy. It just doesn’t work that way.
They will tell you what they want to tell you, when they want to tell it. They should be able to live how they want to live. No one should be allowed to make those decisions except the person themselves.
So, be smart, people. Read things critically and search out more information and sources before jumping to conclusions. Don’t believe all the gossip you read or hear. Recognize that just because someone had an asshole moment does not make them an asshole all the time. And understand that just like we have things we like to keep private and we have lives, so do celebrities.
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kayuri · 9 years
Amber is… human.
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kayuri · 9 years
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kayuri · 9 years
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kayuri · 9 years
Dear person reading this,
You made it through another year. You made it through the hard times and pain. You made it through all the times when you all you wanted to do was give up. You made it. You made it another year and I promise you can make it another year. I am SO proud of you.
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kayuri · 9 years
things that arent your business
who an idol dates
an idols sexuality
anything personal that an idol does not want to share to the public
youre not entitled just bc ur a fan
that’s all u are
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kayuri · 9 years
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Congratulations! You’ve unlocked level 2015. Please enjoy~
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kayuri · 9 years
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kayuri · 10 years
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the OMORI SOUND TEAM has a soundcloud now!
PS: the OMORI website revamp is coming very soon. really excited to show everyone!
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kayuri · 10 years
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kayuri · 10 years
There were always in me, two women at least. One woman desperate and bewildered, who felt she was drowning and another who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknesses, helplessness, despair, and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest.
Anaïs Nin (via amandaonwriting)
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kayuri · 10 years
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Kaizuka Inaho explains why even as a soldier he has no reason to hate his enemy.
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kayuri · 10 years
"My mind usually runs faster than my mouth, so there are moments where my words get a little confusing."
- Aquarius (zodiacsociety)
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kayuri · 10 years
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kayuri · 10 years
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