katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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“It’s repetitive and pathetic. An attempt at deception by those who can’t deceive well. It makes their weaknesses stand out even more,” Victor said, recalling the conversations he had earlier that day. The envoys were small fish, trying to stand among the ranks of the powerful and get a deal that would elevate their status, but their words hadn’t fooled the prince. When the woman spoke again, Victor listened, taking note that she was a lady-in-waiting, and by her accent, he assumed she came from England. “Well, keep it up and you’ll start seeing things,” he said in response to her predicament, though to him, it wasn’t much of a problem. He never did like sleep all that much, if only because it was a moment of vulnerability that was necessary for any human in order to recuperate – a weakness embedded in every person’s being, much like mortality. To her question, he raised his goblet slightly, indicating the obvious. “That question is redundant.”
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“i’m sure sooner or later conversation will change. i can see everyone wanting to discuss the war in the beginning, but surely the topic will change to decide how each country can move past it all and rebuild,” she added in. it was clear that the prince wasn’t much for boasting, so she had assumed that he wished to focus more on the pertinent issues at hand. katerina found it incredible that she was even able to witness any of the events taking place in the palace; each was even more magnificent than the last. “you’re probably right,” katerina agreed, chuckling a bit. “maybe tomorrow will be different.” at the palace, she had always tried to be careful with her words. it wasn’t like katerina to be so hesitant to speak her mind, especially back in england where she thought of everyone around her as an equal, but here there seemed to be no equals. the prince, just like others, seemed to pay no mind to words spoken to non-royals, but she found it interesting how quickly it all changed around the presence of another royal. “i apologize, your highness. it seems fairly obvious now.”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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“That would be excellent, thank you. As long as you don’t have anything else you’re supposed to be doing, I would hate to be dragging you away from something important.” She smiled lightly.
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“it would be my pleasure,” she replied. “i have nothing to do at the moment, but thank you for your consideration.” katerina slowly began walking toward one of the corridors, happy to be helping. the palace had earlier been a maze to her, so she wasn't shocked that the queen felt the same. “how are you liking switzerland this far? if i may ask.”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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“They wouldn’t have bored me if they didn’t spend so much time trying to overcompensate.” It was common behaviour for the envoys he had bumped into earlier that day, especially the ones from the countries that didn’t do so well during the war. There was no fooling Victor with flowery words. He would have had more patience with them if they actually had something substantial to say. What they blabbered on about weren’t country affairs but rather tales meant to fool the ignorant. The young lady before him wasn’t royalty, but she seemed to have an idea of where she stood – a quality that was lacking with the men he had spoken with that morning. His expression staying neutral, he reached for the wine pitcher and poured some of the dark red liquid into the woman’s empty goblet. “What do you come here for then?”
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“i suppose that could get rather repetitive if so many countries aim to try and do that,” she agreed, truthfully not knowing what to say. katerina was a bit naive when it came to the affairs of the war. her parents had informed her of the basics of it all, but that knowledge wasn’t very useful at all when compared to royals who were directly involved in all of the matters of it. “i can’t sleep,” katerina admitted, taking a sip of the liquid that her poured for her. “it’s not that attending to a princess and standing all day doesn’t get a bit tiring, but i seem to have all of this energy that has made trying to fall asleep almost impossible these past couple of days.” back in england katerina had spent her days running around and exploring, coming back to her room exhausted every single night, and being held to new standards and responsibilities restricted her from doing such things at the moment. “your day must have been far more complicated than mine, though. what do you come for?”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
         ihsan extended a hand to the fallen figure, her face immediately paired with a name in his mind. “lady katerina ? ” the young man called out, eyes squinting from the sun and lips curled into smiles. he still remembered the day he went to england on business –– had stayed with a noble who had been so kind to host them. ihsan also remembered being taken to visit the house of a the lady in front of him –– - well, her PARENTS’. 
         “are you alright ? ” he asked, pulling her back to her feet as he checked for injuries the other might sustained. “you parents would not be so pleased to see you running around. althought…i hadn’t expected to see you here in swiss.” his chuckles mixed with her laughter. it was all calculated, part of who giovanni was. but for the england to have brought her as well, perhaps they were bringing a large convoy ?
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katerina took his hand and looked up to meet the face at the exact moment he had recognized her. for a moment she was speechless. so often back in england she had met people traveling that she believed she would never see again, especially the merchant. memories flooded back to when they had first met, and a similar smile appeared on her face as well. “ihsan,” she replied almost as if she had to make sure that she was truly seeing him, her voice seeming shocked and a bit breathless from the fall.
“i’m alright. thank you for your concern, but i’m sure it should be me checking to see if you’re okay. i did run into you after all.” once back on her feet, the brunette dusted off some of the blades of grass that remained on her dress, trying to refrain from looking like a complete mess. “no, you’re right. they would probably be hysterical,” she admitted. “you’re the one who’s surprised? i attend to the english princess,” katerina explained. “are you here on duty for some type of trade?”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
kindness and love floods her spirit.         she is sweet, gentle, and sensitive.    she cares for those who cannot care for themselves,                             and loves those who cannot find love elsewhere.      she is warm hearted in every respect. 
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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his gaze shifting from the drawings toward her scared katerina for just a moment, almost as if she hadn’t been expecting him to notice someone standing right in front of him, but his warm smile managed to cause one to appear on her lips as well. “i apologize if you had wanted some privacy with your work,” she quickly corrected herself, giving a curtsy to the king. “i’m not much good, so i don’t believe i should be the one to give advise. besides, i like them. i believe that every drawing has its beauty.”
open !!
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Noticing a shadow casted upon him, his charcoal-stained fingers stopped on their track and he looked up with a warm smile on his face –– it always was as warm as the Portugese sun. “Can I help you with something or are you perhaps here to offer me some advice? I’m not too good at his, believe me, my siblings are always telling on me about it,” he chuckled through his words before returning his focus back on the his sketches
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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katerina always had the strange habit of never being where she was supposed to. it would have been wise for the young lady to be in her chambers, but she just couldn’t seem to fall asleep, not when there was so much she was able to do and see. the brunette had walked the corridors a few times and found herself in the dinning hall where she noticed the prince already occupying a seat. “i don't come talking politics or country affairs if that is what bored you earlier today. anyways, i haven’t the authority,” katerina clarified. from her time here she had already gathered that a non-royalty’s input wasn’t ever heard in the same way. “if i do bore you, you need only ask me to leave and i will,” she said, reaching for a goblet and taking a seat.
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At some point in any conversation, Victor could always tell whether or not a person was worth talking to. Just this morning, he had been surrounded by useless gnats at court – sometimes amusing if only because they were so laughable, but often a waste of time. Victor had no patience for such things today. Leaning back on his seat with a goblet in hand, his head turned at the sound of footsteps by the entrance of the dining hall. He hadn’t expected anyone to come in at this hour. “Three idiots have tried to make my ears bleed with useless chatter today, so if you have come to join me for a drink, don’t be the fourth.”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
katerina’s brow arched at the prince’s question. “amusing?” she questioned, wondering where he hoped the question would lead to. katerina had always managed to find fun for herself around the palace, probably causing a few heads to turn or noses to go up in distaste, but she couldn’t be sure if the prince would find any of her activities appealing. “i happen to think i find to do something remotely amusing every day,” the brunette smiled. “are you looking for something to do?”
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Vice-like. That was how his guilt from upsetting his favorite person clung to his mind. Oliver felt that he needed a distraction from his screaming thoughts, lest he was going to lose his wits in no time. It is from this internal battle that he turned to his companion and asked, “Pray tell, when was the last time you did something remotely amusing?” As he spoke, his green eyes were pleading, but from the corners of his lips, stemmed his usual roguish smile.
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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it was a miracle that after all this time katerina finally new her way somewhat around the palace. everyday she swore she saw something new, but day by day the halls were becoming more familiar to her. feeling the tap on her shoulder and the voice of the queen, katerina turned around, giving a quick curtsy before replying. “i do, your highness. if you’d like i could show you the way,” the lady-in-waiting said with a smile.
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Phillipa took a deep breath, putting what she hoped was a neutral look on her face. She needed for these negotiations to go well, and wasn’t as prepared as her advisors wanted her to be. But still, here she was. She approached the first person she saw, tapping them lightly on the shoulder. “Excuse me, do you happen to know where the dining areas are?”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
(( my exams are officially over for the week, so i’ll be on a ton this weekend!! over the week i kinda got a bit lazy and i’m sure i owe a good amount of replies to people. if i owe you a reply, feel free to message me or we can start something new. as for everyone new here- welcome and i can’t wait to start plotting w and meeting you all!! ))
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
(( sorry i haven’t been around much this week. i have exams everyday this week except for tomorrow and so much work that it’s kinda overwhelming, but i should definitely be on a lot during the weekend!! i’d love to plot with new members so feel free to message me and i’ll reply to starters as soon as i can!! ))
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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at any other time katerina would have gladly returned the smile, but now she was only utterly confused at his response. she was told this whole meeting was to bring peace and prosperity to the lands, and she couldn’t wrap her head around the idea that the meetings and festivities going on around the palace were for anything but the aforementioned reason. “but- but if profit helps the people? then it may all be for good. peace treaties are for good because then men won’t constantly be putting their lives at risk. every royal seems to be able to attain whatever they desire, and i can’t think that they would be going through all of this to help themselves more than those who are in desperate need of it.” it may have seemed foolish to others, but katerina always believed that all actions were in good faith.
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The prince was beyond pretending interest at this point in the evening. He was tired and ready to retire to his chambers with his own bottle(s) of wine to coax him into slumber. But when she spoke, he found a smile growing on his lips and genuine laughter pouring from his chest in deep burrs of harmony. “My dear, all this is for profit. War, Peace treaties. Marriage. Children. Everything in our world boils down to what you can do for me and what is it I can do for you in return, don’t you see?” A few rounds of chuckling tappered off his cynical yet true view of the way things were, echoing into the cup which he brought to his lips.
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
She was warm, like when you feel the heat of the sun on your skin after being cold for too long. The good kind of warm.
wzedd61 (via wnq-writers)
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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katerina was amazed that even at such an event she was able to listen in on a few conversations around her, a habit that she never quite seemed to be able to break. of the voices, one comment seemed to pique her interest that she couldn’t just let go of. it wasn’t like katerina to just confront someone on something, but she found herself doing so, making her way towards to tray of wine. “i pray you aren’t offended in me asking, and i didn’t mean to eavesdrop earlier,” she started hesitantly, cautious about being too forward, “- but isn’t this all to help the people? i thought events like these were meant to bring countries closer together so that they can mend the wounds of tragedy. i can’t see anyone only wanting to profit from such a thing.”
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Raul was quite convinced if he could down enough wine, partake in the various finger-foods, and attempt to enjoy the music, he would successfully trick himself into pretending he was back home in Portugal at one of his family or friend’s extravaganzas. The wine was certainly working. The food was second best. And the music, well, he was sure they made an effort, to say the least. Smiling impishly, more to himself than the other guests, the royal soldiered on, careful not to linger in one group of people for long enough to discuss politics. “Yes,” he allowed in one comment to respond to some duke or other. “I believe you’re right. Hell would likely freeze over before any thought to the progression of the people outweighed the priviledged’s desire to line their pockets.” Flashing a set of delightfully white teeth, he turned and made his way further into the ballroom, pausing only to sweep another goblet from a traveling tray.
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
not only was the land and palace foreign to her, but so were the festivities that the royals seemed to have. normally, katerina would have taken a greater part in the dancing and socializing, if the steps didn’t seem so perfected and routine, but tonight she found herself observing all of it for the most part, truly experiencing what it was like. at home, she never would have imagined herself in a place like this; it was truly enchanting. with all of it going on, katerina hadn’t even noticed the king standing next to her until he spoke. “i have to say, i hadn’t even noticed them until just now,” katerina confessed with a smile, looking up at them as well before turning her gaze back to him, “so i would have to say you’re right. there’s so much going on that some aspects have just slipped my mind.”
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Balls were an entirely different affair in Poland. Dariusz was taken aback by the elaborate detail that seemed to go into every single thing. He tried not to let it show, but the curve of his eyebrow, and narrowing of those summer sky blue eyes, told a different story. Dariusz had retired to some corner of the ballroom, goblet of Spanish wine in hand. He had always preferred Spanish to French. Sipping from the cup, he had not noticed his company until they had shared a few moments of uncomfortable silence together. Happy on wine and feeling confident, the King glanced to he person beside him and smiled “I don’t think the Dancers were necessary.” he said in English, words heavily accented. Dariusz nodded at the masked dancers on high platforms and chuckled. “-What a waste of money.”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
she turned to look at the lady as she spoke, offering a grin at her response. “now, lady katerina, ye’ve gotten awful bold in mockin’ me,” the princess scolded playfully, surveying the crowd around them. “i might make ya  prove ye’ve got ground to stand on if ya keep at it.” finishing her goblet of wine, she stopped a server to refill it, before she grew quiet, trying to ignore the things she did not wish to see. lifting a brow, she turned her attention back to the lady by her side. “are ya enjoyin’ yerself, m’lady? have ya found a nice gentleman to escort ya for the evenin’?”
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one thing that katerina truly had a difficult time understanding was the way to treat a royal amongst ‘common people’. she had always treated people equally, and so it was strange coming to the palace and having to treat people differently than what she would originally have. thankfully, isobel didn’t seem to judge. “can i blame it on the wine? i don’t think i’ve ever seen this much,” the lady exclaimed, an excited look in her eyes. “that wouldn’t be so hard to disprove. i’m terribly clumsy,” the brunette confessed. as isobel went to refill her goblet, katerina just observed the way she seemed to carry herself. “i have to say that i am. i can’t say how nice it is to see everyone have a good time and laugh some. no, i haven’t had the pleasure of coming with a gentleman, but i’m sure i’ll be just as fine without.”
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katerinc-blog1 · 7 years
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the room was filled with all sorts of faces that katerina had vaguely remembered seeing around the palace. all different styles of dress and accents fluttered around the room, representing the various amount of countries in attendance. during her arrival here, katerina was convinced that she had laid eyes upon the most extravagant sight in the world, but the current ball showed her just how wrong she had been. the dancing was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen, everyone so coordinated, never missing a single step. if katerina had known such technique and skill, she would have surely joined them, but her dancing seemed to resemble that of a child, lacking any form of structure. as if it was a blessing, she spotted isobel across the room and made her way over. “and how should you expect me to refrain myself from asking to witness that,” katerina chuckled. “you’ve heard that two wrongs make an unexpected right, haven’t you?”
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a ball. while the solidifying of friendships and alliances was the task at hand, the idea of a party didn’t appeal to isobel. it seemed a hollow gesture. still, she was a guest here and it was her duty to oblige. she’d gotten dressed and looked the part she was expected to play. the garment, though, cut into her skin, uncomfortably holding her hostage. after she entered the ballroom, trying to avoid as many eyes as possible, she’d found a nice pillar to prop her up. isobel tried to avoid looking too disinterested by hiding in shadowy corners, but she still hoped to avoid too much socialization. despite her wishes, she sensed someone approaching her side and she put on her most diplomatic face. “ye’d be very wise nae ta ask me ta dance,” she cautioned with a smile. “or else i might end up startin’ a whole ‘nother war with my two left feet.”
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