katarinaliasallem · 3 years
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 30 Rank your classmates. Make a ranking of all the people in your class, you decide on the ranking subject (for example:...
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 29 Me as Karinka
Look at the family portraits of artist Gillian Wearing. Create a self-portrait as one of your family members.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 27 
Failure: Create a campaign for your “tic” 
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Destroy My Face
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What is really beneath the surface? 
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 27
Describe yourself as if you were a product that people can purchase.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 26
“Girls, go upstairs and pack clothes for 10 days. We're going on an adventure!”
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
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Day 25
Mix two App or social media programs with each other and create a completely new service out of it.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
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Day 24 Za Slušné Slovensko / For Decent Slovakia
Find an image of a specific protest that speaks to you. In-text provide context to the protest with the year, location, issue, and why it resonates with you.
“On the one side, it is a case of a limitless desire for power and money, a case of cynicism and villainy, and of cowardice over facing responsibility for illegal actions, on the other side, it is a case of a fight for justice. Most of all, however, it is a case of the sacrifice of two innocent young people longing for a life in a fairer country.”
The murder of a Slovak investigative journalist and his fianceé sparked the biggest series of protest since the Velvet Revolution 89’ eventually leading to the resignation of the government.
The Velvet or Gentle Revolution was a non-violent transition of power in what was then Czechoslovakia. The result of popular demonstrations against the one-party government of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia ended the 41 years of one-party rule in Czechoslovakia and the subsequent dismantling of the command economy and conversion to a parliamentary republic. 
Despite this remarkable move, ending years of censorship, Slovakia is far away from being a law state (and in my opinion, a 21st century one). 
Ján Kuciak, the journalist, had been reporting on corruption, tax fraud of several businessmen with connections to high-ranking Slovak politicians (R. Fico, former PM) and the Italian mafia before was gunned down in his home on Feb 21, 2018.
This included M. Kočner, a business tycoon whose influence penetrates the governmental structures and as well our law system and as revealed, having close links with judges, a former prosecutor general and other figures in the judiciary til these days. 
Two years of investigation, aided by Europol, and the verdict still hasn't come.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 23
Design a new product for your favourite brand (prototype).
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 22 
Recreate a performance of Guido van der Werve or Ragnar Kjartansson and record it in the same medium as them. 
Inspired by Ragnar Kjartansson, I decided to recreate one of his latest works. The Visitors (2012) which was labeled as one of the best artworks of the 21st century.
An installation where nine performers gathered in a room of the mansion, two hours north of New York City in the Hudson Valley, to rehearse. “The Visitors” would be shot later that week in a single take, with nine cameras distributed around the house, but that day they simulated being in separate rooms by avoiding eye contact.
His wide appeal, many admirers say, lies in an ability not just to invoke the deep existential concerns of much endurance-based performance art — anxiety, ennui, other discomfort — but also to push beyond them, toward joy.
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Although it is not a complete copy of “The Visitors” by Ragnar, it is based on the very same concept. 
In relation to the current situation, I chose to play around with the idea of being alone while still together which has become a universal struggle. 
The short video shows a series of emotions potrayed by me and both of my sisters, Dominika and Hana (joy, neutrality, unity, desparacy and longing). 
Our relationship is an invaluable one and beyond our significant physical distance between each other, we've always made sure to keep supporting each other, sharing the difficulties as well as joys we face in life. 
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
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Day 21
Watch the film Paris Is Burning by Jennie Livingston and write a review for it.
The documentary Paris Is Burning has left quite a significant effect on me. The personal candid interviews alternated with the flamboyant and vibrant balls brought our most fundamental human needs to the spotlight. 
Between our physiological needs and the need for self-actualization as in achieving one's full potential, including creative activities, there's a whole wide space of undeniably essential necessities that need to be fulfilled in order for anyone to come to a peace of mind with oneself. 
Without a further doubt, it is safety and security, following with belongingness and love needs, e.g. intimate relationships and friends. Only after that comes prestige and feeling of accomplishment and there on the top of the pyramid mounts self-fullfilment. 
Quite frankly, I am stunned by their elaborate ability to convey their personalities and emotions in such a mesmerizing and extravagant yet alluring fashion - using expression as a creative outlet and a coping mechanism, and simultaneously the courage they held the whole time, at times even subconsciously, while dealing, fighting and eventually accepting the position they were given by the ways of the world. 
Regarding my work. I wrote down words that came up to me in relation to their lives and organized them in a chronological order. Thought it was a nice way to depict their journey. If you take a look from distance, certain features will remind you of a human posture. 
Behind all the hectic and rather misleading luminizing glitter, there's always just a simple vulnerable soul making their way through the restless days helplessly trying to find shelter and understanding. 
I pay an incredible amount of respect towards transgender and gay people for their fierceness and determination. But it is our job as a majority to stop overlooking the elephant in the room and create spaces where they can feel safe and understood. It is our duty to spread love and be kind to each other, get beyond our exhausting egos. It only lead us towards more polarization.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 20
Take a wooden chair deep into a forest. Leave it there and photograph it.
The Irony.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 19 A Witness
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Write an ode to one particular part of your body.
Fierce and daring Translate the calling Exalted I gaze Open the gate Deconstruct the feeling  Witnessed forever What an efficient healing
Sometimes it is other people who can help us lead a way towards our true potential. It doesn't have to be words necessarily, a simple but up-close and personal gaze into someone else's eyes can captivate us and make us understand the magnificent universe they managed to create within themselves through constant trying and striving to be more truthful and honest, open and loving. 
The person made me fall in love with my own eyes, my own potential.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
Day 18 Indian Cultural Landscape 
Photoshop yourself in a cultural landscape you aren’t familiar with and give an online class about it in a short movie of max 2 min.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
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Day 17 LAVA
Visit an art exhibition. Document the exhibition and choose one work to expand on. Write why you chose to visit that exhibition and what made you gravitate towards your chosen artwork. Be creative in the way you use documentation and text.
Jean-Charles Rémond, French, 1795 – 1875, Eruption of Stromboli, 30 August 1842, 1842, oil on paper, mounted on canvas
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, open-air painting was a core practice for emerging artists in Europe. Having grown up in a country with staggering nature caused me to create a powerful bond with Mother Nature. She taught me so much about myself.  
In the times of constant change and evolution of our civilization, globalisation as well as digitalization, I find it increasingly important to keep coming back to our roots, to understand our essence as human beings without all the constructs we're often blindly living in.
That is the reason I chose this exhibition called True to Nature.
In my work and life in general, I focus much on bringing peace into my as well others' lives. The truth is though that we have to be aware of the lava too.
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katarinaliasallem · 4 years
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Day 16 HEAL 🌸 Take a sheet of paper and write down the worst way you ever hurt somebody. Go outside and ask a stranger for a light. Burn the sheet of paper. Return the lighter to its owner. Explain Nothing.
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