karmamused-blog · 4 years
color-coded starter call!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
How about a small, experimental starter call? Currently capping it at 5 (might increase later), and make sure to specify muse as well!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
How about a small, experimental starter call? Currently capping it at 5 (might increase later), and make sure to specify muse as well!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
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While most of the pages here just need a bit more tidying up(mainly the verses pages anyway), can I get a quick promo boost here? Like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a FE Multimuse, including characters from games such as Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Three Houses, and more! Mun has over 2 years in Tumblr RP, one of those being in the FE RPC, and is underage. Thank you in advance!
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Celica icons
77 100x100 icons of Celica from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Please like/reblog if using. (Please don’t reblog to resource blogs!)
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More under the cut.
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Sonya’s Timeline: The Archive
A collection of all of the major headcanon posts that delve into Sonya’s backstory: from the circumstances of her birth to joining the ranks of Celica’s group. Additionally, brief summaries of sections and the age estimation(with the Valentia calendar years!) is to help clarify what Sonya was doing at a specific time.
Part 1: Youth With Marla and Hestia(Birth to 9; Valentia Year 375-384): Sonya’s birth leads to the unfortunate splitting of her family, where Jedah sends off his daughters to live alone at a priory. Her older sisters took good care of her and they were happy. That was until Jedah returned with intent to sacrifice all of them to Duma, in which Marla and Hestia decided to spare their younger sibling of the fate, allowing her to escape to safety.
Part 2: Escaping Rigel(9 to 12; Valentia Year 384-387): At first, Sonya met Halycon and accepted his safety at his hamlet, where she lived for years and honed her magical ability. Worried of living so close to her traitorous father, Sonya escapes again south toward Zofia, where she is sure there would be no danger of Jedah and his followers.
Part 3: Zofian Blessing(12-23; Valentia Year 387-398): Having lived a rough life during her year on the run in Rigel, switching to Zofian life was miles better. It was much easier to manipulate people for her profit while staying safe with her exemplary magical skill. Loosely tied to the life of a thief, Sonya began to plan her plot of revenge on Jedah only to find the populated area she resided in to be abandoned after drought. Having nowhere else to travel, she had to take the offer Grieth gave her to become a subordinate.
Parts 4 and 5: Grieth’s Subordinate and Freedom(23-25; Valentia Year 398-401): Being the henchman of a greedy bandit proved to be despair-inducing, both in what she was forced to do as well as what she had to keep in. Only with Deen was she able to finally release the feelings of anger she held in while hiding in Zofia and even during her hamlet years. Luckily for her, Celica and friends arrived to end Grieth’s crimes, with Deen’s own sacrifice as an unfortunate setback.
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Tag Dump #2c-Fodlan & Anna ic Muse Tags (Shamir, Anna)
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Tag Dump #2b-Jugdral and Ylisse ic Muse Tags (Ayra, F!Robin, F!Morgan)
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Tag Dump #2a-Gaiden/Valentia ic Muse Tags (Celica, Sonya, Mathilda)
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
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Sorry for the big Tag Dump spam, everyone. Luckily, most if not all of the information I want to set up is basically complete, so expect a promo and activity from here soon! I’ll also try to pump out some small drabbles to get my muse back, as well as transferring some headcanons from my Sonya blog to here.
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Tag Dump #1b-worldbuilding tags
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
Tag Dump #1a-ooc tags
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karmamused-blog · 4 years
98 icons of Shuichi Saihara from NDRV3
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These were made for @planaire! Free to use, reblog if using, all art came from ndrv3. Be warned that there are ndrv3 spoilers below the readmore, as this is a full set of sprites and assets for Saihara*.
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karmamused-blog · 5 years
Fire Emblem [ Female Corrin/Robin Icons ] *Updated*
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karmamused-blog · 5 years
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