kanana34 · 4 months
林顿邀爱泼斯坦进白宫17次 猛料后埋藏多少秘密#爱泼斯坦 #萝莉岛
一张全新曝光的按摩照片尽管克林顿反复强调,自己与这位儿童性侵罪犯保持着距离,但在爱泼斯坦自己的一本个人“小黑皮书”通讯录里,记下了克林顿20个电话号码与地址。而据飞行日志显示,克林顿26次乘坐波音 727 三引擎喷气式飞机(又名“洛丽塔快线”),前往文莱、挪威、俄罗斯、新加坡、香港、日本、亚速尔群岛、非洲、比利时等一系列异国他乡。
这次证据曝光了一张前所未见的照片:克林顿在飞行中途停留期间,接受爱泼斯坦受害者查恩泰·戴维斯 (Chauntae Davies) 的颈部和肩部按摩。当时戴维斯年仅22岁,她称自己被“妈妈桑”麦克斯韦招募到爱泼斯坦的圈子里,之后遭到了强奸和虐待。
克林顿的阵营坚称,从2002年至2003年,克林顿“总共四次乘坐”爱泼斯坦的飞机,这架飞机最后一次飞行是在2016年,目前在佐治亚州不伦瑞克的一个机场里生锈中。克林顿阵营重点强调,工作人员与特勤局特工每次都在场。罗伯茨的文件新证据在这次曝光文件中,有受害人罗伯茨所提及的另一件往事:称克林顿曾介入阻止《名利场》杂志曝光有关爱泼斯坦的事情。麦克斯韦的律师向罗伯茨询问她 2011 年与一位记者朋友的一封电子邮件,在邮件中他们讨论了将她那张众人皆知的照片,就是她与安德鲁王子的合影卖给《名利场》的好处。罗伯茨在回忆这段往事时说:“比尔·克林顿走进《名利场》 并威胁他们不要写关于他的好朋友爱泼斯坦 的性交易文章,我确实担心他们想写什么关于我的文章。”
但自从这个文件发布后,《名利场》前编辑格雷登·卡特立即作出否认,称这起事件“绝对没有发生”。爱泼斯坦多次带女孩访问白宫1993年1月,在克林顿宣誓就职总统后仅仅一个月,爱泼斯坦就造访了白宫西翼,这也是他未来三年17次访问中的第一次。而爱泼斯坦在克林顿执政期间,享有进入白宫的特权,也是最近十年前所未见的。在他访问期间,他先后带着八个不同的女人来到白宫。日志显示她们分别是当时32岁的麦克斯韦和另外三位年轻女孩:21 岁的塞琳娜·米德尔法特、33 岁的伊娃·安德森-杜宾和20 岁出头的弗朗西斯·贾丁。另外四名也出现在日志中的女性分别是詹妮弗·加里森、雪莱·加夫尼、詹妮弗·德赖弗和柳博夫·奥尔洛娃。访客日志证实,他的登录者是一个名叫“鲁宾”的人,这里可能是罗伯特·鲁宾(Robert Rubin),后者在 1995 年克林顿就任财政部长时担任国家经济委员会主任。爱泼斯坦在捐赠1万美元帮助翻修白宫后,于9月29日返回参加白宫历史协会组织的招待会。活动照片显示,爱泼斯坦和克林顿握手,两人都面带微笑。爱泼斯坦的大部分访问都发生在 1994 年,当时前后出入了十几次,会见了包括马克·米德尔顿在内的多位助手。根据飞行日志,马克·米德尔顿是总统的特别助理,也是“洛丽塔快线”上的乘客。
克林顿助手离奇“自杀”堪比《纸牌屋》一样狗血的剧情,同样发生在克林顿的这位“内线”助理身上,他在2022年被发现离奇自杀,吊死在阿肯色州佩里维尔农田的一棵树上。治安官最初表示死因是自杀。“他找到了一棵树,他把一张桌子拉到那边,然后他爬上那张桌子,他拿了一根延长线,把它绕在一根树枝上,绕在他的脖子上,然后他用猎枪朝自己的胸部开了一枪。”米德尔顿的家人也坚称他自杀了,认为他患有抑郁症。然而,一位前商业伙伴告诉Radar Online:“马克不可能自杀”,坚称“他对枪支一无所知!他讨厌枪支;他不可能系上绞索来结束他的生命。”
在搜查米德尔顿的宝马车时,发现了三盒铅弹和一个枪箱,但没有找到武器。尽管如此,这位 59 岁的男子死亡仍被记录为自杀。镜框里的克林顿新闻界有一个说法,一张好的图片胜过一万字的表达。当爱泼斯坦东窗事发后,在他位于曼哈顿价值5000万美元的联排别墅里,发现的一张克林顿身着女装的“蓝色战袍”肖像画。这幅画被称为“解析比尔”,由初出茅庐的澳大利亚裔艺术Petrina Ryan-Kleid 于 2012 年创作。油画中,克林顿在椭圆形办公室摆出挑逗姿势微笑着躺在椅子上,手指指向画外,他所穿的蓝色连衣裙看起来很像莫妮卡·莱温斯基穿过的裙子,而妻子希拉里在肯尼迪中心颁奖典礼上穿的也穿过一件类似的蓝裙子。目前尚不清楚从爱泼斯坦家中发现的这幅画是原作还是印刷品,但这使得克林顿的澄清变得苍白无比,无论怎么试图撇清关系,都无法解释他和爱泼斯坦之间的诡异的秘密。克林顿手下“反水”2020年时,克林顿的前首席顾问道格·班德 (Doug Band) 站了出来,表示前总统确实访问过圣詹姆斯岛(萝莉岛),这也让爱泼斯坦案愈发的离奇。班德说,他曾多次警告他的老板远离爱泼斯坦和他那变态的女伴麦克斯韦,而麦克斯韦同样与克林顿的女儿切尔西·克林顿关系密切,她出席了2010年切尔西的婚礼。班德曾对《名利场》杂志说过:“麦克斯韦拥有游艇和漂亮的豪宅,这对于切尔西都是致命的吸引力。”
班德坚称克林顿曾于 2003 年访问过爱泼斯坦的加勒比海度假胜地,不过自己对于邀请非常谨慎,因此没有参加这次旅行。克林顿的一位发言人驳回了这一指控,并将班德描述为一名“苦涩”的前工作人员,只想试图用言论来中获利。班德当年只有22岁,正在乔治城大学攻读法律学位,当时他在克林顿第一个任期中,得到了一份在白宫的无薪实习机会。不过在2001 年克林顿离任时,他因为与莫妮卡·莱温斯基的性丑闻而名声扫地,但是班德依然不离不弃的,帮助克林顿重新建受损的克林顿品牌。在此过程中,班德逐渐名声大噪,曾一度与超模娜奥米·坎贝尔有过一段短暂的恋情。克林顿从政以来性丑闻无数克林顿从政一路走来,在女性问题上可谓是“劣迹斑斑”,在他当上总统前后,已被公开指控有性侵犯或性行为不端的就出现了四名女性:胡安妮塔·布罗德克里(Juanita Broaddrick)指控克林顿在1978年强奸了她;莱斯利·米尔维(Leslie Millwee)则在1980年指控克林顿对她进行了性侵犯;宝拉·琼斯指控克林顿在1991年对她展示了自己的性器官并且性骚扰;凯瑟琳·威莉(Katheleen Willey)指控克林顿在1993年未经她同意就用手触摸她的身体私密部位。
虽然克林顿坚决否认了四项指控,但是有两位和他发生过不正当性关系的女性是他无法否认的:模特兼演员珍妮弗·弗劳尔斯(Gennifer Flowers),曾在内达华州夜总会当女歌手的珍妮弗与克林顿保持了12年的“身体关系”,而另一位则是世人皆知的白宫实习生莫妮卡·莱温斯基(Monica Lewinsky),这个震惊世界的丑闻,则是在与宝拉·琼斯揭露与克林顿的不伦关系中,间接被爆了出来。
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kanana34 · 4 months
淫魔艾普斯坦案解密爆「一堆大咖」 他被指「偏好幼齿」#爱泼斯坦 #萝莉岛
淫魔艾普斯坦案解密爆「一堆大咖」 他被指「偏好幼齿」
美国「淫魔」富豪艾普斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)生前数百页法律文件自3日起解封,随着大批卷入性丑闻风暴的知名人士一一曝光,预料将掀起轩然大波。
诉讼文件如今终于解封,据了解,其中提及与艾普斯坦往来密切的相关人士超过170人,包括美国前总统柯林顿、川普、英国王室的安德鲁王子,以及传奇魔术师大卫考柏菲(David Copperfield)、已故摇滚巨星麦可杰克森等。
受害女子薛柏瑞(Johanna Sjoberg)在证词中指出,她和安德鲁王子在艾普斯坦的纽约别墅中见面,对方「把手放在我的胸部上」,当时他们正在和其他人合照。
不过除了安德鲁王子外,其他知名人士都未被指控有不当行为。据���告朱弗里(Virginia Giuffre)指称,她在17岁那年就被迫成为艾普斯坦的性奴,并多次与安德鲁王子发生关系。两人已在去年达成民事和解,赔偿金额未对外公布。
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kanana34 · 4 months
自法庭文件公布以来,爱泼斯坦的“全球女孩”纳迪亚·马辛科就再也没有出现过#爱泼斯坦 #萝莉岛
纳迪亚·马尔辛科(Nadia Marcinko),也被称为纳达·马尔辛科娃(Nada Marcinkova),是爱泼斯坦传奇中最难以捉摸的人物之一。本周早些时候,有消息称,这起事件的著名律师斯宾塞·库文( Spencer Kuvin)呼吁将爱泼斯坦家中的闭路电视向公众公开。几名目击者表示,这名臭名昭著的掠夺者在他的住所内安装了摄像头,这可以帮助识别谁真正拜访过他以及他们在那里时做了什么。
据报道,周末,一名在这起事件中扮演极其隐秘角色的受害者和目击者失踪了。以下是我们对模特兼飞行员纳迪亚·马辛科 (Nadia Marcinko)的了解,她似乎既是爱泼斯坦的受害者又是同谋。
侦探约瑟夫·雷卡里在采访一名受害者后谈到纳迪亚时说,“爱泼斯坦是从她在南斯拉夫的家人那里买来的”。据报道,纳迪亚第一次被带到美国时年仅15 岁。
纳迪亚的证词于 1 月 5 日周五公布,其中她 42 次为 5 号辩护——援引自己反对自证其罪的权利。这是上周公布的几份文件之一,该案涉及 2015 年已和解的诽谤案,原告弗吉尼亚·朱弗雷 (Virginia Giuffre) 针对爱泼斯坦及其长期伴侣吉斯莱恩·麦克斯韦尔 (Ghislaine Maxwell) 提出了诽谤案。
据几位目击者称,纳迪亚曾多次被迫与其他女孩和爱泼斯坦发生性行为,然后才更多地担任采购角色。作为爱泼斯坦 2008 年协议的一部分,她获得了豁免权,尽管根据调查结果,她可能不会受到任何指控。
纳迪亚·马辛科 (Nadia Marcinko) 已经好几天没有露面了
据报道,纳迪亚仍然忠于爱泼斯坦,并曾90多次去监狱探望他。1 月 6 日, 《纽约邮报》采访了一位邻居,邻居解释说她已经三天没有见到纳迪亚了。这恰逢爱泼斯坦事件的法庭文件首次发布。
Nadia 不仅是一名飞行员,还是Aviloop 的首席执行官,该公司“提供旨在加速航空业品牌发展的广泛服务”。《连线》杂志将其称为“极其奇怪的航空品牌业务”。Aviloop 的地址与 Nadia 在曼哈顿东 66 街的家庭住址相同。它位于爱泼斯坦的房地产开发商兄弟马克长期拥有的一栋建筑内。
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kanana34 · 4 months
Jeffrey Epstein list: Harvey Weinstein and Sarah Ferguson named as more documents emerge #Epstein #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi #EpsteinClientList EpsteinIsland EpsteinFiles EpsteinDocs
Jeffrey Epstein list: Harvey Weinstein and Sarah Ferguson named as more documents emerge
Jeffrey Epstein list: Harvey Weinstein and Sarah Ferguson named as more documents emerge https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/epstein-list-names-les-wexner-island-latest-b2476092.html
A newly released batch of documents has named even more people connected to disgraced paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, including Prince Andrew's ex-wife Sarah Ferguson.
It's the fifth batch of documents to be released after a New York judge ruled that court documents could be unsealed relating to a lawsuit brought about by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell - the late financier's former girlfriend. The latest round of documents were released just hours after a third and fourth were also made public on Friday.
In this latest round, almost 100 more files were released, naming convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein, Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and others. More documents are expected to be released in the coming days and weeks, giving a glimpse into the life of Epstein and his long-running campaign of abuse of young girls.
A number of famous names have appeared in documents so far, including Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Cameron Diaz and David Copperfield. However, the naming of individuals in these documents does not necessarily indicate any wrongdoing or implicate them in Epstein's crimes.
The latest round of documents included excerpts of testimony from those who worked for Epstein, along with copies of phone messages he received, including one from Harvey Weinstein, and a number of legal memos from lawyers discussing who could have potentially been called as a witness if the lawsuit went to trial.
The records released relate to a defamation lawsuit Ms Giuffre filed in 2015 against Maxwell, who was accused by multiple women of helping Epstein to recruit underage women and girls who would be taken to his homes in New York, Florida, and on his private island in the US Virgin Islands, where they were sexually abused. Ms Giuffre sued Maxwell after she branded Ms Giuffre a liar over her claims she had been sexually abused as a minor.
The suit between Ms Giuffre and Maxwell was settled in 2017, with Maxwell later being prosecuted for her part in the sex trafficking conspiracy and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Maxwell released a statement on Wednesday night after the first batches of documents were unsealed. In it, she continued to protest her innocence with her attorneys Arthur Aidala and Diana Fabi Samson vowing to carry on at full steam with her appeal.
"Ghislaine Maxwell took no position on the Court's recent decision to unseal documents in Giuffre v Maxwell as these disclosures have no bearing on her or her pending appeal," said her lawyers in a statement. "Ghislaine's focus is on the upcoming appellate argument asking for her entire case to [be] dismissed. She is confident that she will obtain justice in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. She has consistently and vehemently maintained her innocence."
One name that has repeatedly cropped up in relation to the documents is the Duke of York, Prince Andrew. Epstein's former housekeeper has claimed the Duke spent "weeks" at Epstein's Palm Beach, Florida, home, court documents have revealed.
Juan Alessi said both Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York, were friends with both Epstein and Maxwell. A videotaped interview of Mr Alessi under oath in 2009 was released on Friday in the latest wave of documents.
During his interview, Mr Alessi was questioned on the relationship between the Duke and Duchess and Maxwell and Epstein. In it, he claimed Sarah Ferguson was "friends" with Epstein, and visited once for a "short time".
"I think Sarah was there only once and for a short time," Mr Alessi said in the video. "I don't think she slept in there. I cannot remember. I think she was visiting Wellington and she came to the house and we met her."
Among the records unsealed on Friday were copies of phone messages received by Epstein, handwritten by staffers, in 2004 - a year before police in Palm Beach, Florida, began investigating allegations the millionaire was paying underage girls for sex. While the phone messages didn't appear to contain any huge bombshells, they did give an insight into Epstein's associations with big names in both politics and Hollywood.
At the time of the calls, Epstein was associating with the rich and powerful, offering free rides on his private jet, later dubbed the 'Lolita Express' to names including former President Bill Clinton and actor Kevin Spacey. One message regarding a missed call said Harvey Weinstein had been on the phone trying to contact Epstein.
Weinstein, at that time a force in Hollywood, was- once part of a media investment group that included Epstein. Weinstein's spokesman, Juda Engelmayer, said: "At the time, Epstein was seen as a wealthy power broker with access to many people of various industries and for many reasons.
"It wasn't uncommon for people of that calibre to talk, as we see from the lists that have been coming out. There was and remains nothing more to that."
Years later, Weinstein was involved in his own sex scandal and ultimately ended up being charged with raping and sexually assaulting women in the entertainment business. He is currently serving lengthy prison terms after being convicted in both New York and Los Angeles.
Epstein also had several messages regarding missed calls from Jean-Luc Brunel, a French modelling agent who was close to Epstein. Brunel was awaiting trial on charges of raping underage girls when he killed himself in a Paris jail in 2022.
Independent presidential hopeful Robert F Kennedy Jr has said in recent months that he had flown on Epstein's plane, but said he was not concerned that information from the unsealed documents would impact his public image. Speaking on NewsNation's Dan Ambrams Live on Wednesday night, he said: "I like what's happening today.
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"I like the fact that all these papers are being released. I've been an advocate for transparency. I think the government keeps too many secrets. I think it's important for the American public to know whether Jeffrey Epstein had some kind of corrupt influence on public officials or any public figure."
During an appearance on Fox News in September, Mr Kennedy revealed he had flown on Epstein's private jet on two occasions. Giving more information on Wednesday, he clarified the first plane ride took place in 1993, when he visited his mother in Palm Beach. He added: "Remember, nobody knew anything about Jeffrey Epstein's nefarious activities 'til 2006.
"My wife knew his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell and they offered us a ride when we were going to see my mother. I was with two children and my wife on the plane at that time, I knew nothing about Jeffrey Epstein."
Mr Kennedy said he accepted a second plane ride a year or two later when he took his children fossil hunting on the pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He said: "I hope everything that is known about Jeffrey Epstein comes out.
"I think it's odd that they have not - that Congress has not been able to subpoena and I've been an advocate for making sure that the government is transparent about everything, including every document, everything that is known about Jeffrey Epstein."
Epstein was jailed in July 2019, killing himself a month later in August before his federal trial began. The people listed in the Epstein files were those named as associates of Epstein and there is no suggestion those listed either knew about his crimes or participated in any criminal behaviour.
Prince Andrew has been named dozens of times in the files. The documents – part of a case against Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell – have thrust Andrew back into the spotlight. They do not reveal any new allegations about Prince Andrew, Epstein or his associates.
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