kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
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insert sweating emoji here
done with starters, for now--but if you missed out on the ad and still want one, feel free to either IM me or hit me up on twitter!
that’s all folks
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
⊱ “Kiyomitsu?”
It was entirely by chance he happened on the uchi--as is any encounter he’d potentially have in this city, for sure, and it wasn’t like he didn’t expect there to be other swords wandering around this place.
It was far too expansive for that to be impossible.
But he still wears a brief look of surprise on his features, one that dissolves after a minute into a sort of grin as a hand rests on his hips, giving the other a quick once-over to ensure that everything seemed alright.
“You came first again, huh?” Izumi remarks, though the realization then sets in that if Kashuu had gotten here first, he could’ve been here for any amount of time. Maybe?
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“At least that means you’re loved then, right? That’s not the point, though--” weight shifts from foot to foot as he gnaws briefly on his tongue in thought, “--if you got here first, then you’ve got to know more, don’t you? Are you alone?”
He can’t imagine that aruji and Kashuu were the only two here, though really it was entirely possible. These ‘scientist’ people could apparently pick and choose whatever and whomever they wanted; for all Izumi knew they decided they didn’t want any other swords on their hands.
( whether that was good or bad, he couldn’t decide just yet. )
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
⊱ Wandering around here, as he quickly realizes, is more of a pain than even horsekeeping.
He’s gotten lost--countless times, he lost track after the sixth time or so--and there’s so many foreign things littering the streets that it’s a wonder he hasn’t got hit by something streaking across them.
So perhaps it’s justified that by the time he comes across her, his mood is rather abysmal.
Izumi almost passes her by, too busy focusing on trying to find his way towards the living quarters they’d so graciously assigned him upon arrival. He’s lucky that he happened to look up just in time to see the familiar face peering back at him, really.
The scowl on his face dissolves into something more surprised, more curious, really, and he straightens himself out to full height (he’d admittedly been hunching a bit before) before speaking.
“Aruji?” Izumi questions, shooting a quick glance around before back down at her, “You mean to tell me that they decided you’re an experiment too? Tch!”
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He clicks his tongue, irritated briefly.
“Don’t they have decency? I mean--not like you can’t hold your own, but... you know. Though maybe it’s just as bad that they’re taking us that you summoned away like we’re children’s toys. ...I can’t be the only one, right?”
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
⊱ He’s doing fine, thank you.
No--scratch that. He was doing fine, minding his own business, poised at the ready as he gazed around to get a better grip of his surroundings. He couldn’t count how many times he’d gotten lost going from place to place in the short amount of time he’d been here so far.
But Izumi was at least doing fine, until a cloud of smoke fills his face, and he inevitably breaks into a coughing fit at the sudden scent that fills his lungs the next time he inhales. It’s not exactly pleasant, and as soon as he regains his composure a few seconds later he twists to look at the culprit standing next to him, the inklings of a scowl forming on his face.
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“Oi, oi,” he leans against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as he raises an eyebrow to try and stop from looking so--what would he call it--irritated. “Shouldn’t you be more considerate with that stuff when you’ve got people standing next to you? You’re choking me, you know.”
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
⊱There’s so many unfamiliar elements here that he feels out of place.
Izumi noticed that immediately when he set foot into this place--buildings far taller than anything he’d seen, weird technology that he’d only seen rarely in passing from people on the streets prior, never actually used.
It’s all a blur between new and old, he comes to conclude, and it seems to be one that’s reaffirmed when he comes across a man who seems to define that blur.
There’s the odd things covering his ears, for one, and the eyewear concealing whatever look he’s got on his face (Izumi swears that Kuninaga once brought something like that to the citadel, but he can’t for the life of him remember what they were called), and the man’s outfit vaguely reminds him of someone like Shokudaikiri.
It’s new and old, he thinks, because of the instrument visible that the guy’s carrying around. He can at least recognize that, thankfully, and lets out an intrigued hum as he approaches.
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“So you’re one of those guys who likes to mix the past and the present, huh?” Izumi comments, eyeing the instrument more than anything else. “You dress like a stranger, but you’ve got that shamisen with you. What kind of music do you play, then? Some of that weird--what’s it called--’rock?’“
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
⊱“Damn it...!”
It’s clear, between the scowl on his face, the undertones of a growl in his voice, and perhaps everything else about him at the moment, that Izuminokami Kanesada is displeased.
He could certainly make a list of the reasons why; number one, the fact that he’d been thrown here in the first place, after he’d just been preparing to rest back at the citadel. Number two, the fact that this place was crowded with things, beings he’d never seen before in his life. And number three--number three was the object he was currently holding in his hands, brows furrowed in disdain as he gazes down at it.
They’d taken his blade, him, and replaced it with some wooden mockery, exactly the kind he’d use towards training with his fellow touken danshi back at he citadel.
Izumi huffs, hoisting it to his waist anyways (because it’s better to have something rather than nothing in the end), and carries himself forward. He can’t stay standing here looking like a fool for so long--he needs answers. Why he’s here, why he’s an ‘experiment’ now, and how he’s supposed to get his belongings back.
It takes only a minute before he settles on someone--a man walking in his direction, someone not surrounded by so many people that it’d be a pain to interrupt. He approaches with quick steps, before darting off to the side in front of said man before he can pass by. Maybe it’s a little rude, but this isn’t a typical situation.
“Hey, you,” There’s a boom to his voice, as if he’s carrying himself with some extra confidence to make a good impression on this guy. “You’re a native here, right?”
( he hoped he was correct in that assumption--the man looked like he actually knew where he was going, after all. )
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
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cutting right to the chase here because why not--smash that like for a starter! i’m capping this at 3, except fellow swordfuckers castmates are exepmt!
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
without prior reservation, i'm sending in an app for izuminokami kanesada from touken ranbu! app can be found at /dossier, or under the navigation page. thanks mods!!
You’ll be staying in apartment H-3!
You will retain the ability to activate awakening only once per day, when you’ve accumulated enough damage. 
You will also be given a wooden sword!
Enjoy your stay!
–Mod oo4
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
Touken Ranbu / 刀剣乱舞 Izuminokami no Kanesada / 和泉守兼定
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
Toki Zotomo Nashi Kenbi no Hana yo -Full ver.-
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru ED (Ep.4)
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
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“Hijikata-san was scary, wasn’t he?” “Well, he was practically a demon. A demon!”
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
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Touken Ranbu Hanamaru || Izuminokami Kanesada
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kakkonoii-blog · 7 years
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Izuminokami Kanesada & Horikawa Kunihiro ♦ Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru ED 04
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