kaishunarche · 9 years
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Name: Claire Birthday: May 3 Height: 5'8 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde A random fact about you: ~ Favorite band/artist: Dir en Grey! Favorite song: Guts by Susumu Hirasawa Favorite food: Green Bean Hotdish >3< Favorite season: Spring!  Favorite animal: ;A; I can never decide.. Favorite movie: Let the Right One In Are you currently in a relationship?: YES!!! Anything you need to work on?: Everything.... OTL Do you prefer someone shorter or taller?: It doesn't really matter, I don't think.. Dark hair or light hair?: Either! Smart or attractive?: Ghghgghgh..... Is creativity attractive?: Yes!  Do you care how much money they have?: yES BECAUSE I HAVE EXPENSIVE TASTES, LIKE GREEK YOGURT AND CONVENTIONS. Your last phone call: To my mom so I could know where my dad was Your last text: To my BFF about rp stuff.... The last thing you ate: Chocolate Muffin with mint chocolate chip frosting *O* The last thing you drank: L.. lipton green tea... The last song you listened to: Hunting for your Dream- Galneryus The last book you read: Carpe Noctem by Cinerari The last movie you watched: The Host (Goemul) What is your heritage?: I'm American, but most of my roots are Norwegian. There's some other bits and pieces too, but I'm pretty nothern... Do you play any instruments?: I can make a wine glass hum What are you pets’ names?: I have a Russian Blue named Ozzy and a Husky Labrador named Yuki! Your favorite board game: errm.. I'm not a big fan of games.. A random childhood memory: I used to swing a tow-rope over the branch of our front tree to make a swing and listen to music, but this was back when I was 12-13.. Memories are kind of a strange thing for me, Places you would like to visit: I want to travel the world! But Japan comes first. Your favorite color to wear: Olive Green? Hrm.. I don't really look good in things Your biggest dream: I've never really thought of it.. I suppose I want to live in comfort with the one I love? Your motto: ~
Meet the blogger.
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kaishunarche · 9 years
Intro Thing
((Hello, My name is Claire/Blue! I really like twd so when my girlfriend Cine (She plays Severo) said that she was gonna join an oc rp group based off of it I thought I would try my hand at groups again, since I gave them up for a while.
I play Saki! He's a glorious little shit. It might take me a while to respond to posts due to an ever changing work schedule, but I'll do my best to get to replies! 
My goal is to give Saki the most depressing death.....
Zombies scare me... ngl...
Please treat me well!))
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kaishunarche · 9 years
I.. I was going to make an intro.. I told myself I would make an intro...  But I'm so tired so I'll do it tomorrow.....
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In the mean time look at this horribly meaty arm. 
Look at that. Saki is so bishonen yet so bara. 
i'm so tired
have more arm meat
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"I'm not posing, I just naturally look this incredible."-- SAKI
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